Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1442: Unanswered controversy

Sun Wukong's a somersault is one hundred and eight thousand miles, but he still hasn't turned out the palm of the Tathagata Buddha. How big can the palm of the Tathagata Buddha be?

The fans of the book were all surprised, and Monkey King was equally astonished, thinking that this Tathagata has the magic of the Unexpected Prophet in his heart? I want to turn another somersault to see it again that day.

And just when Monkey King jumped and jumped out again, the Tathagata Buddha suddenly shook his palm, and his five fingers turned into five linked mountains of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, calling the name "Five Elements Mountain", pressing Monkey King down. The lower bound.

In the end, Monkey King was crushed by the Five Elements Mountain, unable to move.

Then, after receiving thanks from the heavenly court, Tathagata Buddha left. After going out of the heavenly gate, he sent a compassionate heart, chanting mantra mantras, summoning the Five Elements Mountain to a land god, and together with the five parties, he lived in prison in this mountain.

He was told that when Monkey King was hungry, he would give him something to eat, and when he was thirsty, he would drink with him, and when he was full of disaster, someone would save him.

When I got here, today's serialization ended.

Sun Wukong was finally crushed by the Tathagata under the Five Elements Mountain. For such an ending, the book fans expected it.

However, this does not seem to be a bad ending.

Originally, according to the meaning of Heavenly Court, Sun Wukong was going to rectify the Fa. Now he is only being pressed down under the mountain. Although in a short period of time in the future, Sun Wukong is afraid it will be quite difficult, but it is countless times better than being rectified by the Fa. It's not.

Besides, when the Tathagata Buddha left, he said that after the sun Wukong's disaster is full, someone will come to rescue him. This result is already quite good.

This result also gave the book fans a sigh of relief. Before, they were a little worried that Sun Wukong would be used by the heavenly court to do everything possible, and he would rectify the Fa.

Then, the book fans were excited to discover that the content serialized today is really exciting and insightful.

First of all, it is suspected that the fighting method between Yang Jian's Erlangshen and Monkey King is extremely exciting, especially the two people chasing and fleeing, with countless changes, and the plot of fighting wits and courage can be called a classic among the classics.

Then, first, Monkey King got a golden eye in the gossip furnace, and then made a big noise in the heavenly palace. The Buddha came to bet with Monkey King, because Monkey King lost and pressed him under the Five Elements Mountain.

The plots of this series are very exciting, and the brains are very big.

More importantly, as a result, everyone's sense of expectation for the following articles has become even stronger.

Tathagata said that after Sun Wukong's disaster is full, someone will come to rescue him.

So, who would be the one who came to rescue Monkey King? Is it a passerby, or will it be an important role?

And what kind of stories will happen after Monkey King is rescued?

Will it continue to return to Huaguoshan to become king, or will there be other destinies?

These are all very much looking forward to, and I can't wait to know the answer.

On the Internet, there has long been a wave of discussions about the content of today's "Journey to the West" serialization.

There are several key contents that are of most interest to book fans.

For example, are Erlang Shen and Yang Jian the same person?

This issue has caused extensive discussion and controversy on the Internet. Some people think that they are the same person, while others think that they are not the same person.

And the evidence on both sides is relatively sufficient, no one can convince anyone?

Fans are arguing, and so are celebrities.

Also, no results were discussed.

They carefully analyzed and compared the description of Yang Jian in "The Romance of the Gods" and the description of the **** Erlang in "Journey to the West".

It was found that the two people were indeed extremely similar, to the extent that they were almost the same person.

But if they are really the same person, they do have some differences.

So, are they the same person? Many celebrities and famous people can not give the answer.

Including Shen Cong and Cen Geng, there is also no answer.

Shen Cong smiled helplessly and said: "Li Fan once again brought everyone a dumb riddle, and the answer to this dumb riddle is probably only known to him."

Cen Geng said: "It is true that only he should know the answer, but I don't think he will release the answer to the outside world."

Shen Cong nodded and said: "I also think so. These two people who are so similar are obviously set up deliberately by him. His purpose is to arouse extensive discussion and controversy from the outside world. But everyone is destined to be unable to dispute the outcome. Because he did not directly point out that the two people are the same person, there must be many assumptions and possibilities, and controversy will always exist. In this way, the two works of "Feng Shen Yanyi" and "Journey to the West" will always remain There are common topics, the two complement each other and increase their influence. I have to say that this technique is really quite clever."

Cen Geng said: "It is indeed extremely clever, and one has to admire, the genius of that guy is really not trivial."

Shen Cong smiled and said, "This is a great blessing for us and our age, isn't it?"

Cen Geng also smiled and said, "Naturally, it is indeed a great blessing."


Three Holy Village.

The statements of Shen Cong and Cen Geng are half right. Regarding the question of whether Erlang Shen and Yang Jian are the same person, Li Fan does not intend to express his views to the outside world.

They were right about this, but the reason was that they said they were wrong, or that they were not all right.

Because Li Fan actually didn't know the answer.

In previous lives, many people would think that Erlang Shen was Yang Jian, but this view may not be accurate. The two cannot simply equate, although they are indeed very similar.

In addition to being a character in "Journey to the West", Erlang also appears in some other legends.

Regarding the surname of the **** Erlang, there are also many sayings in folklore. In addition to the surname "Yang", there are also surnames such as "Li" and "Zhao".

In previous lives, it was generally believed that two people were not the same person, but that was not necessarily the case. You have to say that they are the same person, and it is not impossible.

In fact, it does not matter whether there is an accurate answer to this question. Various myths, legends, and character images are inherently controversial, and disputes are also part of the culture of myths and legends.

The same is true for this world, so Li Fan does not intend to speak to the outside world on this issue.

As Shen Cong and Cen Geng said, it is obviously a good thing to let this issue accompany "Journey to the West" and continue to dispute with "Feng Shen Yanyi".

Li Fan looked at the discussion and controversy on this issue on the Internet, and laughed happily. You guys, just keep arguing.

It might be very interesting too, isn't it?


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