Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1409: For the country and the people, the great man

Surrounded by newsstands and bookstores, waiting for the newsstands and bookstores to open for business, many martial arts fans can't calm down.

Just as they waited more and more excitedly, the bosses finally came.

Seeing that there are far more martial arts fans waiting around today than in previous issues, the bosses are not surprised. They are also concerned about various situations on the Internet, and they naturally know the reasons.

Therefore, they arrived earlier than usual.

It's cold, and you can't let a crowd of enthusiastic customers wait too long.

The next thing is simple, open the door, simply organize it, and then officially go on sale.

The bosses are very skilled at collecting money, and at the same time handing the "Laughing Jianghu" that has just arrived late to the customers who can't wait for a long time.

Since the door opened in the morning, people who came to buy "Laughing Jianghu" almost never stopped.

This is not to say that the sales volume of this issue will be much higher than the previous issues, but that many people are buying it earlier than they used to.

They are all very impatient and want to see this series of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Countless martial arts fans, numerous martial arts authors, Yang Qiming, Li Bo and other celebrities, all opened the magazine they just bought.

It is still a series of four chapters, from the "Old Woman Underground" in Chapter 19 to the "Baby Girl in a Dangerous City" in Chapter 22.

The plot of this issue naturally starts from Chapter 19.

For a series of reasons, Yang Guo and Gongsun Lue, the daughter of Gongsun Zhi, the master of Unfeeling Valley Valley, fell into a deep hole measuring tens of meters.

An old woman was found in the bottom of the deep cave, with all her hand tendons and hamstrings cut off, but with very strong martial arts.

This old woman is no one else, she is the wife of Gongsunzhi, and the mother of Gongsun Lue.

This old woman was called Qiu Qianchi, and she also had another identity, she turned out to be Qiu Qianren's sister who floated on the water with iron palms.

That Qiu Qianren's martial arts is only slightly worse than the Five Greatest World. Everyone only knows that he has an older brother, but never thought that he also has a younger sister, and many martial arts fans are amazed.

The reason why Qiu Qianchi was in this deep hole was because of a series of contradictions between her and Gongsunzhi, Gongsunzhi used a trick to break the tendons and hamstrings and push them down.

This stay is more than ten years.

After that, Yang Guo and Gongsun Lüe rescued Qiu Qianchi.

After that, after several turns of the plot, Qiu Qianchi injured and drove away Gongsunzhi, becoming the new master of Jue Qinggu.

At this time, Yang Guo was still suffering from the poison of "love flower" and had only 36 days of life.

And the only unfeeling pill that can detoxify, there is one left in the world, in the hands of Qiu Qianchi.

Qiu Qianchi gave Yang more than half of the Unfeeling Pill, and asked Yang to kill Guo Jing and Huang Rong before returning to get the other half.

It turned out that Qiu Qianchi’s second brother, Qiu Qianren, once wrote a letter to her. The letter said that their eldest brother Qiu Qianzhang had already been on Tiezhang Peak. Because of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, they had fallen into a deep valley. He died, and he himself was enlightened by a master of a lantern on the top of Huashan Mountain, and he has put down his butcher knife and converted to Buddhism, so that Qiu Qianchi should not worry about it and live well.

Qiu Qianchi asked Yang to kill Guo Jing and Huang Rong in the past, naturally in order to avenge her elder brother Qiu Qianzhang.

In fact, the reason why his elder brother Qiu Qianzhang fell off the cliff and died was because he took the blame and had nothing to do with Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

But Qiu Qianchi obviously didn't care about that much, he wanted to avenge Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

After Yang heard this, he was very pleased. He originally planned to kill Guo Jing and Huang Rong to avenge his father. Qiu Qianchi's request did not make him embarrassed.

After he killed Guo Jing and Huang Rong, he returned in exchange for the other half of the unfeeling pill, and after he solved the poison of the "love flower", he could fly with the little dragon girl.

This is what Yang Guo thought at this time.

During this time, Kublai, the grandson of Genghis Khan, led the Mongolian army to attack Xiangyang City.

The reason why the Mongolian army could not attack Xiangyang for a long time was because there was one person in Xiangyang, Guo Jing.

Guo Jing led the group of heroes to help the officers and soldiers of Xiangyang City defend the city.

At this time, Guo Jing's martial arts has faintly surpassed Huang Yaoshi, Master Yideng and others. He is already the number one in the Central Plains, and he is good at warfare, becoming the mainstay of Xiangyang City.

The officers and soldiers of Xiangyang City, led by Guo Jing, united as one and blocked the attack of the Mongolian army.

This caused Kublai Khan to sigh countless times that the city of Xiangyang would not be breached if Guo Jing was not removed for one day.


When Yang Qiming, Li Bo, Wang Yang and others saw this place, they all nodded secretly. Guo Jing was guarding the city of Xiangyang, and his character image was becoming more and more full, even very complete.

But in their hearts, they always feel as if there is something short, and what is the specific one? They can't say it again, it's just a feeling anyway.

Or it's not bad anymore. Guo Jing's image has been completed. The feeling that they are a little bit close in their hearts is just an illusion that does not exist.

A group of martial arts fans can also feel that Guo Jing's character image has been very complete.

At the same time, they were thinking that since Yang Guo wanted to kill Guo Jing and Huang Rong for revenge, he should also go to Xiangyang City.

This is indeed the case. For various reasons, Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv, along with Kublai, Jinlun Guoshi, Xiaoxiangzi and others, went to the front of Xiangyang City together, and saw the bravery of Guo Jing, the head of Xiangyang City.

However, at this time, Yang Guo was thinking of killing Guo Jing for revenge, and he didn't feel much about Guo Jing's brave defense.

Kublai Khan invited Jinlun Guoshi, Xiaoxiangzi, Nimoxing and others to formally let these martial arts masters mix into the city of Xiangyang to assassinate Guo Jing. Whoever can successfully assassinate Guo Jing will have a great reward.

Yang Guo said to Kublai that he was willing to assassinate Guo Jing, and Guo Jing would not guard him, the success would be very high, and he would not give a reward.

Kublai Khan was naturally overjoyed, saying that if Yang Guo could make such a marvelous achievement, he would never break his promise.

In this way, Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv entered the city of Xiangyang.

Guo Jing was very pleased with the arrival of the two men, saying that the Mongols were in a hurry to attack the city. When the two arrived, he added his arms to help, which is really a blessing to the people in the city.

At this time, Huang Rong was about to give birth, and she did not come out to see Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv.

This made Yang Guo extremely happy. He was afraid that Huang Rong, who was extremely smart, would see the clues. It was really good that Huang Rong had not come out to see him.

That night, Guo Jing talked to Yang Guo and asked about Yang Guo's experience during this period. Yang Guo was afraid that his words would have been missed, so he only briefly talked about his experience during this period.

After inquiring, Guo Jing said: "Pass, the frontier is overwhelming, and the world of the Song Dynasty is really dangerous. Xiangyang is a barrier for half of the Song Dynasty. If this city is lost, I am afraid that the people of the Song Dynasty will do everything. The Mongols are slaves. I have seen the tragic situation of the Mongols killing foreign races with my own eyes. It is really bloody."

When Yang Guo heard this, he remembered the terrible and hateful scenes of Mongolian soldiers being torturous and brutal on the way to Xiangyang. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and was full of anger.

After that, Guo Jing said again: "What do I do when I practice martial arts and martial arts? It is my duty to be a chivalrous man and help others in distress, but this is just the little chivalry. So I am called "Guo Daxia" in the world because of respect. I am dedicated to defending Xiangyang for the country and the people. However, my talents are limited and I can’t help the people. I am really ashamed of the word “hero”. You are ten times more intelligent than me, and your future achievements will definitely be far better than me. This Needless to say. I just hope that you will keep in your heart the words'for the country and the people, the hero is the greatest', and you will become famous all over the world in the future and become a true hero respected by all people."

These words were sincere and sincere, Yang Guo was only stunned when he heard Guo Jing's solemn expression. Although he knew that he was the enemy of killing his father, he couldn't help but stand in awe.

"For the country and the people, the hero is the greatest."

Seeing these eight words, Yang Qiming and Li Bo from the Jury Office of the Times Literature Award suddenly bounced off their mounts, their hands trembling slightly, their expressions excited, and they murmured in their mouths: "Come, here, this is it. That's it, this is the difference..."


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