Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1363: Massive resistance

Provincial capital, Xiaojianghu Magazine.

Since the first ringing of the phone, the ringing of the entire customer service department has never been interrupted.

The voice on the phone was either a sharp questioning, an angry rant, or the threat of unsubscribing from the magazine...

There is no gentle voice.

The poor girls in the customer service department are about to cry, they all look pitiful when I see them, which makes people very distressed.

In the alley outside the magazine, Wang Xin, the head of the security department, looked worried and hurried.

Although the two ends of the alley are still the same as usual, but who knows if the next moment will be surging?

In order to cope with the crisis that may arise today, the Security Department has made sufficient preparations and "borrowed" more than 20 security personnel elsewhere. Together with the security personnel of the magazine, they were divided into two groups and guarded at both ends of the alley. At the entrance, in order to prevent the martial arts fans who came to "make trouble" from entering the alley.

The alley was trending north-south, and Wang Xin personally guarded the south entrance because it was a small square outside the south entrance. If martial arts fans really wanted to come, they might gather in the square.

Wang Xin opened his eyes wide and carefully looked at the pedestrians in the square.

Suddenly, his brow jumped, and he saw that in the middle of the square, two young men pulled apart a banner.

The banner read: "Gu Yong! Return my little dragon girl innocence! Boycott "The Legend of Condor Heroes"! Boycott Gu Yong!"

"It's finally here."

Wang Xin breathed a sigh of relief after his brow jumped, and finally no longer had to wait in fear.

"Everyone cheered up. They have already gathered. Our task is to guard this place and prevent them from entering the alley." Wang Xin said.

"Okay!" A dozen security guards agreed, and then lined up at the alleyway, blocking the not-wide alleyway tightly.

In the small square outside, a group of angry martial arts are indeed beginning to gather. At the beginning, there were only four or five people.

This made Wang Xin and the security guards feel quite relaxed, thinking that just such a small number of people can do?

But soon, they couldn't get up easily.

Because they were shocked to find that the people around the noodles were increasing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

More than a dozen people, more than 20 people, a hundred people, hundreds of people, thousands of people...

Wang Xin and the other security guards' hearts were more and more beating, and they watched more and more people on the opposite side. This Nima is really going to make things happen!

Wang Xin quickly took out his mobile phone and got in touch with Liang Yuan and Gu Wei. They needed support...

In the small square, the temporary organizer is a tall, tall man, and a thin, thin man.

Before, the two of them rallied on the Internet and asked the martial arts fans in the provincial capital to quickly gather on the small square outside the south entrance of Wuyi Lane, where Xiaojianghu Magazine is located.

The banner was prepared by them. It was a national uniform. The text on it was discussed with martial arts fans from all over the country on the Internet.

The same banners are used throughout the country, and they want Gu Yong to see their unity and determination.

Now, thousands of people have gathered in a short period of time, and more and more people are coming. Both the tall and thin are very satisfied.

Just look at the speed of this person's gathering, and you can know how angry Gu Yong's servant is this time.

In this way, I'm afraid that he won't modify the plot?

The tall and thin two people looked at the entrance of the opposite alley, the security guards who were facing the enemy, not feeling a little funny, but also a little proud.

This shows that their aura this time is very full, what they want is this kind of effect.

Of course, they are not really going to make trouble, not really going to tear down Xiaojianghu Magazine.

Not to mention that it is illegal to do so, and they are not willing to dismantle Xiaojianghu Magazine.

It's not that they really don't like "The Legend of Condor Heroes" or Gu Yong.

On the contrary, they liked "The Legend of Condor Heroes" too much, and they liked Gu Yong too much. They didn't allow Gu Yong to mess around like this, and they did not allow Gu Yong to destroy their "The Legend of Condor Heroes" by themselves. .

They gathered here just to show their attitude and let Gu Yong Nao see their anger, they want to put pressure on Gu Yong Nao and let Gu Yong Nao change the plot.

Now there are more than 1,000 people, and they have enough momentum to start their actions.

In the course of the action, just continue to expand the team.

"Are all the loudspeakers ready?" the tall man asked.

"I'm ready early. There are ten of them. They are all high-power. The sound is definitely loud enough." Someone in the crowd replied.

"Hao Le! Good job. Later, a few people will be in a group and shout in turn. With so many people, we will directly call him upside down, and still don't believe that Gu Yong will not modify the plot." The tall man said loudly.

Afterwards, the operation officially began. More than 1,000 people, holding a large banner and ten high-power loudspeakers, shouted "Gu Yong! Return my little dragon girl innocence" and "Zhen Zhibing, the stinky Taoist priest to die." , "Resist Gu Yong, and never look at any of Gu Yong's works again" and other voices, headed toward the alleys mightily.

Wang Xin and the security guards jumped in their hearts.

A security guard shivered and said, "Minister, they are here, what should I do?"

Wang Xin scolded: "What should I do? Stay here, don't let them enter the alley, don't be afraid, they don't dare to mess around, at best, it's just a posture."

"Okay!" the security guards replied in unison, but the momentum was not very strong.

You know, more than 1,000 people come in mighty, and the pressure on them is very great. Who knows if those guys who have been dazzled by anger will come in disorder?

If it is really messy, their number two and thirty will undoubtedly be killed in seconds.

Wang Xin looked at a group of security guards who felt guilty, and could only shook his head helplessly. They were just security guards, not soldiers, and could not ask them too much.

I hope those guys won't mess around, otherwise, they really can't resist it.

When a group of people approached, Wang Xin had to step forward and said, "Dear book fans, your anger is understandable to us. In fact, we also like "The Legend of Condor Heroes" very much, and we like Little Dragon Girl very much. We are equally unhappy about that plot. But since Mr. Gu Yong wrote that way, there must be his reasoning. Why do you bother?"

The tall man said: "Comrade security, I fully believe what you said. Don’t worry, we didn’t intend to make trouble. We just hope that Gu Yong can modify the plot. No matter how powerful Gu Yong’s reasons are, we I would never accept such a plot. I think Comrade Security actually hopes that Gu Yong can change that plot, right?"

The other party seemed to be relatively sane. Wang Xin and the security guards were obviously relieved, and Wang Xin said again: "Of course I do hope that Mr. Gu Yong can modify the plot. However, you should also know that, With Mr. Gu Yong’s status, it’s useless for you to put pressure on our magazine. If our magazine can let Mr. Gu Yong modify the plot, then let Mr. Gu Yong modify it before the publication. Where will it be? What's the situation now?"

The tall man nodded and said: "Comrade Security, we understand this, so we are not trying to pressure your magazine, we are trying to pressure Gu Yong. We will stay here until Gu Yong promises on Weibo. , I am willing to modify the plot so far."

Wang Xin said: "That is your freedom, I have no right to interfere, but I hope you don't enter the alley."

The tall man hesitated for a moment and said: "Yes, we are not really going to tear down your magazine, we just want to put on an attitude, there is no difference between inside the alley and outside the alley."

Wang Xin and the security guards breathed a sigh of relief again. As long as a group of people don't forcefully enter the alley and toss about it outside, it doesn't matter to them.

Wang Xin nodded and said, "Thank you very much for your understanding. As long as you don't enter the alley, we won't bother."

The tall man nodded, turned around and said to a group of people: "Brothers, let's shout again, for "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and for our little dragon girl."

"Okay!" A group of people agreed, angering Changhong!


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