Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1200: Meet at the Broken Bridge

There were too many readers urging updates on the Internet, and Li Fan was not hypocritical. He changed four chapters in a row, and all the five chapters planned for today were updated.

When the readers saw that Li Fan had changed four chapters in a row, they all cheered, and then they couldn't wait to open the second chapter "Theft of Bank Bank".

At the beginning of the second chapter, the pen was turned around. It was said that the library silver in Qiantang County of Tangzhou was stolen one after another.

Seeing the words "Qiantang County of Tangzhou", all readers showed such an expression as expected. The West Lake mentioned by Guanyin Master in the first chapter is indeed the West Lake of Tangzhou.

Qiantang County is the name of an ancient county in Tangzhou. Although it has not been used anymore, many people know that Qiantang County has always been the first county of Tangzhou in history, and its geographical location is located in a certain area of ​​downtown Tangzhou. , Adjacent to West Lake.

Kuyin was mysteriously stolen. Qiantang County's order ordered Li Gongfu, the head of the county government, to investigate the case of Kuyin theft. It is necessary to catch the thief and recover Kuyin.

Li Gongfu's wife, Xu Jiaorong, has a younger brother who lives with them. His younger brother's surname is Xu Ming in Chinese with immortal characters.

Xu Xian was full of poetry and books, and determined to be a doctor who saves people from the world, so he worked as an apprentice under the staff of Qiantang County Doctor Wang Yuan.

"Xu Xian!" The readers were thinking about this Xu Xian and Xu Hanwen, maybe he is the leading actor, is he who fell in love with Bai Suzhen?

After reading the second chapter, the readers continue to read the third chapter "Being Sisters".

In order to investigate the case of the theft of the treasury bank, Li Gongfu took the servants and stayed outside the treasury all night.

Finally found traces of the thieves in the night. After a fight between the two sides, the thieves fled, and Li Gongfu led the servants to pursue them all the way.

After chasing to an abandoned manor in Qingbomen, the thief disappeared, and then a blue python sprang out to scare Li Gongfu and others. This time the pursuit naturally returned without success.

It turned out that the thief was a cyan demon, and her five ghosts.

Turning the pen again, Bai Suzhen was enchanted by Guanyin Master and came to Qiantang County, planning to go to the West Lake to find her savior on the Qingming Day on March 3rd.

She needs to find a place to live in Qiantang County. She chose an abandoned manor in Qingbomen, and this abandoned manor is where the green snake demon lives.

When Bai Suzhen met the green snake demon, the two demon fought, Bai Suzhen's Taoism was higher than that of the green snake demon, and the green snake demon was not an opponent.

Bai Suzhen wanted to kill the green snake demon to prevent the green snake demon from continuing to harm her, but seeing the green snake demon sincerely regretted it, she bypassed her life.

The Green Snake Demon was grateful for his kindness and willing to serve as a servant, and the two returned to the abandoned manor in Qingbomen as sisters.

Bai Suzhen's magical powers gave the abandoned manor a new look and turned it into a luxurious manor.

After reading Chapter 3, the readers became more and more excited, and the story became more and more exciting and interesting.

The Qingbo Gate mentioned in the story is one of the top ten ancient city gates in Tangzhou, but the Qingbo Gate has long since been demolished and has completely disappeared in the dust of history.

This makes a lot of readers have some faint regrets.

After reading Chapter 3, readers are even more looking forward to Chapter 4, because the Ching Ming period is approaching on March 3.

Chapter 4, "Broken Bridge Meets".

As readers expected, on March 3rd, the Ching Ming period came. Xu Xian, her sister and brother-in-law went out to sweep the tomb together. On the way back, he passed by West Lake. Xu Xian wanted to go to the West Lake to play, so he asked her sister and brother-in-law to go back first. People are traveling West Lake with an umbrella.

It is March day, and it is the most beautiful season in West Lake, with flowers in full bloom and weeping willows.

Accompanied by Xiaoqing, Bai Suzhen also came to the West Lake to find her savior.

Avalokitesvara said that he needs to go to the heights of West Lake. Where is this "high place"? But never said it.

Bai Suzhen was puzzled, so she had to look around in the West Lake.

They found a lot of "seniors" in the West Lake, some who worked in the trees, some who sold cakes, and some who had a surname. Unfortunately, under the exploration of magic power, those people were not her saviors back then.

Until the two came under the West Lake Broken Bridge, they saw a young man on the broken bridge, carrying an umbrella, enjoying the beauty of West Lake.

This young son is naturally Xu Xian.

When Bai Suzhen first saw Xu Xian, she was already faintly admiring.

Xiaoqing felt her sister's affection, so he deliberately dropped a golden hairpin on Bai Suzhen's head by Xu Xian's side to test his character.

Xu Xian picked up the golden hairpin and asked the surrounding people about the owner, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, deliberately pretending to be looking for something, and walked to Xu Xian's side.

When Xu Xian saw the two of them, he asked if he was looking for a golden hairpin?

Because of this, Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian met at Broken Bridge, and both of them expressed love for each other.

After that, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing separated from Xu Xian. Xiaoqing tested Xu Xian several times and found that Xu Xian was indeed a man of integrity.

At this time, Bai Suzhen passed the mana test and found that Xu Xian had gone through more than a dozen reincarnations. The kind-hearted shepherd boy who saved her life back then had a deeper love for her.

At this time, I also understood that the "high place" referred to by the Avalokitesvara Guanyin refers to above the broken bridge.

After reading Chapter 4, all readers were excited, Bai Suzhen found her savior.

Moreover, the two people have the meaning of admiration for each other, a love legend between the monsters, I am afraid that it will start from now on.

"When Bai Suzhen first saw Xu Xian on the Broken Bridge, she didn't know that Xu Xian was her savior back then, and she already faintly gave birth to love. This is the so-called destiny. Marriage is destined."

"I guess Bai Suzhen just wanted to find a savior before seeing Xu Xian, and then left after repaying her favor, and then continued to practice, asking Guanyin Da Shi to cross her out of the world. But now, Bai Suzhen is afraid that she will not leave."

"I definitely won't leave, I will naturally fall in love with Xu Xian. However, the ladyboys end up in different ways, and their previous love is afraid it will be extremely difficult."

"Because of hardship, it is called a love legend."

"Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian met on the broken bridge in West Lake. Is there a broken bridge in West Lake?"

"Yes, yes, indeed, I just checked it out. It is at the east end of Baidi, one end is connected to Baidi, and the other is connected to Beishan Road."

"I am from Tangzhou and I am very familiar with West Lake. There is indeed a broken bridge in West Lake, as the friend upstairs said. However, the broken bridge is not well-known among the many scenic spots in West Lake. It is just an ordinary bridge. However, that It’s before, but it’s hard to say in the future."

"Broken Bridge, now that Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian have met at Broken Bridge, Broken Bridge will become more and more famous in the future."

"Speaking of Broken Bridge, there is actually a scenic spot on Broken Bridge, but most people don't know it. It's called'Broken Bridge Remnant Snow.' I also learned about it by accident."

"Broken Bridge Canxue? This name sounds very good, beautiful! How can it be unfamiliar? Does anyone know? Tell us about it."

"The broken bridge is not well-known, and the snow on the broken bridge is hard to be known. Moreover, the scene of the snow on the broken bridge is hard to see. After all, there are not many opportunities for snow in Tangzhou, and even fewer opportunities for heavy snow. It is rare to see it in a year. It’s strange to be famous for a scenic spot. Of course, if Broken Bridge becomes famous, then the situation is completely different."

"Speaking of Remnant Snow on the Broken Bridge, I know a little bit, come, let me tell you..."



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