Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1090: Overnight at Baiyun Mountain

Three Holy Village.

The hot summer days have passed, and now it is the season of freshness in autumn. There are obviously more tourists who come to Sansheng Village than in summer.

The leaves on many trees are already a little yellow, and one autumn breeze blows through, and one, two, many leaves fall.

Some leaves were blown away by the wind, and some tourists' children on the ground were chasing the fallen leaves, and they were so happy.

Sansheng Village and Baiyun Mountain in autumn have the unique beauty of autumn, and Su Qing likes the beauty of autumn very much.

Under a sycamore tree, Su Qing reached out and grabbed a piece of sycamore leaves, slowly falling down, and said: "Why do you think these trees will fall at this time?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Because they are all deciduous trees, deciduous trees will naturally lose their leaves."

Su Qing gave a blank look, and was about to speak, but heard a milky voice coming from, "Uncle is so stupid, I don't even know why the tree leaves?"

"Uh!" Li Fan and Su Qing turned their heads at the same time, only to see a seven or eight-year-old girl looking at Li Fan with big eyes, with a smug look on her face.

Apparently, this little girl knows why the tree has fallen leaves?

Su Qing laughed out loud, and looked at Li Fan triumphantly, seeming to say, "How about? I was despised by a little girl."

Next to the little girl, a man in his 30s said embarrassingly: "I'm really sorry, the child is not sensible, please don't mind brother."

Being despised by a little girl, Li Fan didn't have any embarrassment on his face. He waved his hand to the man first, indicating that he didn't mind.

Then he smiled and said to the little girl: "Did Uncle make a mistake just now? Would the kid tell Uncle the answer?"

The little girl looked at the man next to her, and then said: "Okay, the trees are falling leaves so that they can survive the cold winter safely."

After the little girl finished speaking, she looked at Li Fan quite proudly.

Li Fan laughed and said, "It turns out that this is the case, the kid is so smart, thank you."

The little girl was a little embarrassed suddenly, she shrank in the direction of the man beside her, and then said: "Don't thank me, I also know that my father told me."

The man next to him touched the little girl's head a little spoiltly, and then said apologetically to Li Fan, "I'm sorry, I made my brother laugh."

Li Fan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Where, the kids are really smart."

The little girl is not wrong. In autumn, the air becomes dry, and the water in the leaves evaporates through the surface of the leaves. In addition, due to the colder weather, the role of tree roots is weakened, and the water absorbed from the ground is reduced, making the water supply in short supply. If this continues, the trees will soon die.

Therefore, in order to survive, trees will form a kind of separation layer where the leaf stems and branches are connected. As soon as the wind blows, the separation layer will break and the leaves will fall.

Without leaves, which consume a lot of water, the trunk can survive, and even in winter, it can survive safely.

When the flowers bloom in spring in the coming year, they will be able to flourish again.

The little girl's answer was concise and concise, but it was correct.

Of course, if you are asking a poet, he will probably tell you that the sky is not holding back, or the leaves are about to pounce on the embrace of the earth, and so on.

The man apologized again, took the little girl's hand and walked away.

Li Fan and Su Qing also walked forward slowly, watching the tourists coming and going around, feeling the occasional autumn breeze, and it was very uncomfortable.


At noon, after lunch, Li Fan said to Su Qing: "I'll go and see if Mr. Zheng and Mr. Liang are ready. Leave early later."

After finishing speaking, he left the yard and moved towards Zheng Jie's fate.

This afternoon, Li Fan, Su Qing, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng are going to climb to the top of Baiyun Mountain, then stay on the top of the mountain for one night, and watch the sunrise tomorrow morning.

You know, Baiyun Mountain is more than 1,000 meters above sea level. I don't know how high it is. According to Li Fan's estimate, it should be about 1,400 meters.

It is not much shorter than the top of Mount Tai.

Of course, it's just that the height is not much shorter.

Last time Li Fan and Su Qing, after watching the sunrise on the top of Mount Tai, Li Fan said that he would take Su Qing to see the sunrise on the top of Baiyun Mountain. Su Qing was quite moved.

Although the sunrise on the top of Baiyun Mountain cannot be compared with the sunrise on Mount Tai, it is also very worth seeing.

In fact, there are many tourists who spend the night on the top of Baiyun Mountain, waiting to see the sunrise the next day.

Because, staying overnight at the top of Baiyun Mountain does not need to worry about safety. Everyone knows that there are big dragons, chasing clouds and other guardian beasts guarding them. They don't need to worry about snakes and beasts.

Without the venomous snakes and beasts, there will naturally be no safety problems. All you need is a tent, some dry food and water, and you can spend the night comfortably on the top of the mountain.

That being the case, spending a night on the top of the mountain and watching a spectacular sunrise has become the choice of many tourists.

Some tourists even spend the night at Baiyun Mountain every weekend.

Today happens to be Saturday, and Li Fan estimates that there will be many tourists staying overnight at the top of Baiyun Mountain tonight.

Originally, he planned to go with Su Qing, but after Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng knew about it, they were very interested and wanted to go together.

Li Fan naturally had no opinion. The two old people are now in good health, so naturally there is no problem in climbing Baiyun Mountain.

Not long afterwards, it came to the front of Yuanlai.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng are packing up their burdens, and they seem to be almost ready.

Li Fan said, "The second elder is already ready? Don't leave anything behind."

Zheng Jie said: "It's almost there, are you kid ready?"

Li Fan said, "Okay, I'll come over and see if you are ready?"

Liang Sheng said: "You said you don't need to bring dry food, so what shall we eat tonight?"

Li Fan said, "What can you eat with dry food? Let's roast some game meat to eat at night. Isn't that more delicious than dry food?

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng's eyes lit up at the same time, and Zheng Jie said, "Yes, good idea, don't tell me, I haven't eaten roasted game in a long time."

Liang Sheng said, "I haven't eaten it for a long time."

Li Fan laughed and said, "It's okay, I'll have it tonight, let's go now."

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng nodded at the same time, each carrying their own burdens, and they didn't need Li Fan's help.

If it were before, they would definitely not be able to climb Baiyun Mountain with such a heavy burden on their backs, but now, they don't need much effort.

"Aunt Zhang, Aunt Wu, we are leaving." Li Fan said goodbye to Zhang Xia and Wu Bingrong.

"Hey! Thank you for your hard work, Fanzi." Zhang Xia and Wu Bingrong said at the same time.

Li Fan laughed and said, "Where can I be fortunate", and walked towards his home with Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng.


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