Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1023: There are words on the rocks

The top of Mount Tai.

Su Qing curled her lips and said, "It's a very ordinary poem, why is it so proud?"

Li Fan said: "It's okay, barely, it has a little meaning."

"No," the person next to him also said: "I also think that poem is reluctant. Compared with Master Li Fan's poem, it is simply the difference between heaven and earth. I don't know why they are so proud?"

"Oh! What can I do?" Another person said, "Even if the poem is average, it is indeed better than ours. Even if we are not convinced, we can only hold it in our hearts."

"Forget it, if they chant their poems, we will treat them as if we haven't heard them. Anyway, their level is not very good, so let them go to their own hands." Another person said.

Su Qing said: "Poetry is not well written, so you shouldn't be so frustrated."

Li Fan smiled and said, "That's a matter of other people, so we can enjoy the scenery."

"Yes, this brother is right. You guys, just enjoy the scenery. Is the poem we made good or not? I guess you won't appreciate it." Another untimely voice came.

Everyone turned their heads, but saw that the "Brother Yan" who had just chanted the poem, was already standing not far from everyone, looking at everyone with a smile.

"Cut! Just the broken poem you just took, you really take yourself seriously."

"I said boy, there is nothing wrong with you here, you should go back and chant your poems. Remember, keep your voice down and don't let us hear it, lest your bad poems affect our mood to appreciate the scenery."

"Yes, kid, go back quickly, don't know what's the trouble with you there?"


Everyone sneered and said, but Yan Yunqiu didn't care about it, even a little proud.

In his opinion, those people deliberately said this because their poetry was not better than him. It was envy and jealousy.

He came here this time, not for the sake of seduction, but for the beauty.

Before, when he first arrived, he noticed Su Qing in the crowd from a distance. Although Su Qing's face was mostly covered by the long brim, Yan Yunqiu was absolutely certain that it was a beautiful picture. s face.

Where has he seen such a beautiful woman in his life?

He laughed at the poem of the man before, in addition to the reason for not holding back, but also the purpose of attracting Su Qing's attention.

And Su Qing really noticed him for the first time, which really made him excited.

After that, he was the first to stand up and chant poems, which naturally meant to further attract Su Qing's attention.

When he was chanting poems, he found that Su Qing seemed to listen more seriously, and his heart was even more excited. He thought that he had successfully attracted Su Qing's attention, and also allowed Su Qing to see his talents, and perhaps have a chance to get to know him.

It was only after reciting the poem, that he ran over very sullenly, wanting to get to know Su Qing.

However, Su Qing curled her lips very contemptuously, took Li Fan's arm, and said lightly: "Sorry, I already have a boyfriend."

Li Fan looked at Yan Yunqiu and shrugged, looking helpless.

Yan Yunqiu snorted, hesitated for a moment, and decided to return to the camp first, and then slowly figure it out.

Seeing Yan Yunqiu returning in embarrassment, everyone on Li Fan laughed.

"The kid is really whimsical. He thought he would write two bad poems that would make the beauties impress me? I want to get to know them? Isn't this funny?"

"People don't think it's funny, they are very arrogant."

"But, having said that, brother, your girlfriend is so beautiful. It's really enviable and jealous. It's no wonder that some people are just about to move."

"It is indeed enviable and jealous!"


Everyone around looked at Li Fan enviously, and Li Fan laughed and said, "I'm not hiding it from you, in fact, I am quite envious and jealous of myself."

Everyone around was stunned for a moment, and when they reacted, they all laughed and said with their thumbs up: "Brother said so well, no wonder you can embrace such a beautiful woman."

Su Qing's face was slightly blushing, and she squeezed Li Fan's arm.

Hearing the laughter of everyone over there, Yan Yunqiu was extremely annoyed. Those people who don't understand poetry dare to laugh at him like that? What a shame!

"Brother Yan, it turns out you have another purpose, but that beauty is really the best, and we noticed it as soon as we came."

"Brother Yan, come, let's continue chanting poems. Our scale is so big today, maybe after a while, the beauty will look at us with admiration."

"That's right, reciting poems, I have already become poetic."

Everyone in Yayun Poetry Society, seeing Yan Yunqiu's very annoyed appearance, they all spoke.

Yan Yunqiu was right when he thought about it. He is not the only one here. With so many of them here, it is simply a poem event. Are you afraid that you won't be able to attract beautiful women?

Then he laughed and said loudly: "Brothers, I believe that everyone should have good sentences in their hearts at this time, so let's recite them all. They have a couplet festival at the foot of Mount Tai. We are here on the top of Mount Tai. It will be a poem event, and it will be spread out at that time. It must be a good story."

"Okay! Brother Yan is right. It's a coincidence that we chose to come to Mount Tai today. I just got a poem by chance, so I'll read it out. Brothers, please be correct."

"Okay, Brother Ye, please!"


After that, the person called "Brother Ye" had a good mood and began to recite his masterpiece.

But many people on Li Fan's side seemed very disapproving.

"Those people really take themselves seriously for a while, and they still spread it as a good story. The couplet event at the foot of Mount Tai can be passed on because of Li Fan, okay? Those people are simply whimsical."

"Who would say that it is not? If there are more people and a few painless poems can be passed on as a good story, then there are too many good stories."

"By the way, I saw news on the Internet that after Li Fan left a piece of paper in the morning, he left in the direction of going up the mountain. I don't know if he went up the mountain?"

"It was still the morning at that time, I should have gone up the mountain, but I don't know when I left?"

"Hey, do you think it's possible for Li Fan to stay on the top of Mount Tai for one night?"

"Who knows this? If it's true, it's fine. In that case, maybe Li Fan will keep a poem, so that the group of people can know what a real poem is."

"That is, I can write a few ordinary poems, and I really regard myself as a person. If they are not allowed to look at the really good poems, they really don't know why the scenery of Mount Tai is so good?"

"Huh? Where are the enviable brothers and beauties just now? They were there just now, why are they gone now?"

"Yes, how about them? When did they leave?"

"Maybe go elsewhere, lest you be harassed by some whimsical people."

"Yeah, too. The girlfriend is so beautiful, it probably caused a lot of trouble for that brother. Haha!"

"Huh? Everyone, look at this rock. There are words on it. I remember there were no words before. Did I remember it wrong?"

"I don't remember any words. Why do they suddenly appear? It's really strange."

"Hey! Just leave it, take a look at what's written first?"


Everyone took a closer look at the rock, and was suddenly shocked, not because of the content, but because the words were three-pointed into the stone, as if they were engraved.

Moreover, its fonts are vigorous, sharp and free and easy, which faintly coincides with the momentum of this top of Mount Tai.

"This..." For a while, everyone was stunned.


In the past two days because of poor health, the first three days were two changes. The countryside apologized to everyone here. Today, I feel much better in my body. I am striving for more and more. Thank you for your support!


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