Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1003: That is a mirror of youth

After reading the second day's serialization, a lot of book fans did not continue to struggle after saying "I wipe".

Anyway, I'll watch it tomorrow, and I don't need to wait long.

In today's update, Ke Jingteng's "bad" combat policy has made book fans quite talk about it.

While continuing to express his feelings, there are also many voices about that "bad" policy.

"Ke Jingteng, this kid is okay, he has many eyes, and he can hold his breath. I am optimistic about this young man. In the end, he should be able to wrap up the beauty."

"Ke Jingteng is really good and bad. He deliberately leaked the'information' about Shen Jiayi to his rivals, encouraging them to pursue Shen Jiayi boldly. And his rivals will certainly be grateful to him, but they don't know. They have fallen into Ke Jingteng's trap. It's really bad! But I like it, haha!"

"In this way, for at least three years in high school, this group of boys has been out of play. After going to college, let's see who has the blessing."

"It must be Ke Jingteng. Didn't you see Ke Jingteng's battle plan? Maybe his rivals were killed one by one before going to university. Only Ke Jingteng is left, and the blessing will naturally belong to him."

"Didn’t everyone say that the hero and heroine of this work will not be together in the end? Then everyone is now"

"Oh! That was before. Now that I see Ke Jingteng's so painstaking appearance, I hope he can successfully embrace the beauty."

"I also hope that Ke Jingteng can embrace the beauty. However, I hope to return to hope. From an objective point of view, I still think that they will not be together. Because this work feels very real, and the various events in it It’s like an event that happened on campus. The more real it is, the less likely it is that they will be able to be together eventually."

"Well, I also think this work is very real. They may play with friends, but it will be difficult to achieve Zhengguo in the end. Therefore, it is better for us to prepare early. Of course, I still hope that they can cultivate Zhengguo."



Three Holy Village.

Su Qing used her mobile phone to refresh the comments on the Internet, and said while watching: "It seems to be getting more and more popular on the Internet. I saw a lot of people asking, "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" is a movie. What kind of work? These shouldn't be your fans? Otherwise, I won't ask like that."

Li Fan also browses everyone's discussion on the Internet. As an author, it is very necessary to know more about readers' evaluation of his work.

Wen Yan replied: "Well, I have seen it too. They really should not be my book fans. However, they should have been exposed to my work, but they don't care who the author is."

Su Qing said with an "um". This is indeed the case. Many people like a work, but in fact, they may never know, who is the author of that work?

And it’s more to get in touch with and understand a certain work without knowing who the author is.

On the Internet, "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" has indeed become more and more popular.

Some people who did not know this book before accidentally saw the discussion of some of the contents of the book and some of the things in the book by fans of pure love novels, which suddenly made them feel very familiar, like The same has happened to them.

A certain kind of memory hidden in the depths of their minds was instantly opened, and their thoughts returned in an instant, that era that was already a little far away.

At that time they were very young, very young...

When their thoughts returned from a distant age to the present, there was an inexplicable throbbing in their hearts.

So, they began to inquire about the content that everyone was discussing, what was the content, movies, TV, or books?

Then I learned that it turned out to be a novel called "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years".

In this way, "Those Years" became the first novel read by many people.

And the work "Those Years" has also been continuously fermented on the Internet, and more and more people have clicked on Gu Yong's Weibo...

Why do readers have a real feeling of deja vu?

That's because in the past life, "The Girl We Chased Together" was originally an autobiographical novel by the author of Nine Knives.

All the characters in the book have prototypes, and Ke Jingteng's prototype is naturally Nine Knives himself.

The real name of the nine knives is called Ke Jingteng. Similarly, Shen Jiayi and Ke Jingteng's love rivals also exist in reality.

The stories told in the book are also properly processed and polished based on real stories.

It’s no surprise that readers will feel real and see their own shadow in it.


In the next few days, every day at nine o'clock in the morning, Li Fan will update the new chapter of "The Girl We Chased Together" on Weibo on time.

There are more and more readers every day. They look at the stories of Shen Jiayi, Ke Jingteng, and Ke Jingteng’s rivals and classmates, as if they are watching their own youth.

In one sentence in the book, it is, "Youth is like a heavy rain. Even if you catch a cold, you still want to get caught again."

Everyone wants to return to youth again, even in their current view, their youth is not perfect, and will always leave one kind of regret.

But if everything is perfect, will it still be youth?

Youth will have regrets of this and that kind, and it is precisely because of these regrets that we now always remember youth and always remember it.

Therefore, it should be said that imperfect youth is truly perfect youth, and it is called youth.

However, how many people are thinking of returning to their youth again, it is impossible to go back again, their youth has been ruthlessly driven away by the footsteps of the years.

But they can still recall their youth, no matter how cruel and ruthless the years are, they can't stop their recalling thoughts.

And "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" is the train carrying their memories and thoughts, sometimes fast, sometimes slowly, and gently flowing.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that "Those Years" has become the first novel that many people have read in this life.

Well, maybe they didn't regard "Those Years" as a novel, they just regarded it as a mirror of youth, they looked at their own images, their own stories.

Who knows.

Time just passed day by day, and on August 29, "The Girl We Chased Together" ushered in the finale.


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