Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1001: Have you liked any female classmate?

Gu Yong's new book "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" officially began serialization, and it felt like it was back. The fans of that distant and lush time read it with gusto.

The story in the book continues.

Ke Jingteng is actually a very clever student, but his cleverness has never been used in learning.

However, under the supervision and help of Shen Jiayi's "dominant", Ke Jingteng slowly put his mind on his studies, and his grades improved gradually.

During this process, Ke Jingteng slowly fell in love with Shen Jiayi.

And Shen Jiayi also likes to tell Ke Jingteng about her own worries. When she has no worries, she talks about the trivial things in life, and she said it very happily.

I don’t know, does this mean that Shen Jiayi also likes Ke Jingteng? Or maybe it hasn't reached the level of liking, but it feels very good.

Ke Jingteng doesn't know the answer. Fans of don't know the answer either. They can only say that they probably, maybe, should also like it a little bit.

However, Ke Jingteng is not the only person who likes Shen Jiayi. Shen Jia is pleasant, beautiful and good at studying. Many boys in the class like her.

And those boys are still Ke Jingteng's good friends. Everyone wants to pursue Shen Jiayi, and each has its own tricks. Who can win Shen Jiayi's heart is still unknown.


It didn't take long for the fans to read the first day's update. Naturally, the Internet was full of voices about Shen Jiayi and Ke Jingteng.

It's just that this time and the previous two times, the contents of the discussion book are all different. This time everyone is more reminiscing about their own junior high school time.

"Ke Jingteng is really lucky to be able to sit in front of the girl she likes. It's like me. When I was in junior high school, I liked a girl in my class, but the seats were far away. She always changed in the first three rows. I always switch back and forth in the last two rows. Alas! For three whole years, the most advanced distance from her is separated by three rows."

"Ke Jingteng sits in front of Shen Jiayi. I feel lucky. It is best to sit behind Shen Jiayi. Not only can I observe Shen Jiayi's movements throughout the day, he can also harass him when he is okay. It is simply happy. There is boundless joy."

"I suddenly remembered that when I was in junior high school, for a while, the back table was a female classmate, and the girl often poke my back with a pen, wouldn't she like me? As for me at that time, how did I react? So slow, if it is now, I will definitely tell her immediately,'Hey! Girl, do you want to play with friends?'"

"The single dog upstairs has been working for a long time. I think the girl is crazy. The appraisal is complete."

"I remember when I was in junior high school, there seemed to be a male classmate who liked me and wrote a lot of small notes to me. Unfortunately, at that time, I didn't feel it at all. If he writes a note to me now, even I don’t like him, and I will be very happy in my heart.”

"I'm going, how come everyone is so precocious? Someone likes it in junior high school, or someone who likes it. Why did I only know how to play and play games when I was in junior high school?"

"Cut! What is junior high school? I started to like a girl when I was in elementary school. Of course, what I liked at that time was just a simple liking. I would be very excited to be able to sit next to her, but I never thought about looking for her. Fuck friends. Tsk tsk, it was so innocent at that time."


Everyone is reminiscing, as if they had opened up their memory channel after watching today's serial.

When I think about it, this is also normal. In everyone's mind, there will be many memories that belong to that time.

It's just that they are usually sealed up, and there is no chance to tell them, or listeners who haven't listened to them.

But now, the opportunity has come, and there are also listeners. Moreover, a very strong atmosphere has also been rendered, and everyone naturally has to seize the opportunity to tell everyone about the memories that have been sealed for many years.

Many words, many thoughts, they have never told others, and now they have said them on the Internet.

I used to like who I didn’t dare to confess, and now I boldly say the name of the other person, often with a very literary sentence, "Who and so, I used to like the girl for three full years, where are you now? Are you doing well? Are you happy? Have you put on your wedding gown? Do you still remember my name?"

If it is so literate, it makes people feel very painful, in normal times, it is almost impossible to appear in the content of netizens chatting.

Even if someone feels it suddenly, it won't attract the attention of many people.

But now, many people are deeply moved, and there are some resonances.

As a result, more and more people began to express the same emotion, the format and content were similar, but the beginning, the heroine's name, was replaced by the girl they liked.

Some girls saw it, and they were also very impressed. They also learned a little bit of literary youth, "So and so, the boy I used to like, when I cried before, you always came to comfort me, telling me something funny or not funny. Tell me the joke. But you don’t know that I like you, and I don’t know whether you like me or not? I don’t know when you have no news of you anymore. Now you, have you already covered her On the wedding gown?"

More and more female protagonists or male protagonists appear in literary sentences, and they are seen by more and more people.

Many people found their names in it, and there was a ripple in their hearts.

The name is simpler, and the ripples are relatively slight, because it is very likely that it is just the same name and surname.

The more complex names have a higher degree of ripples, and the more complex the names, the higher the degree of ripples.

Because, the more complicated the name, the smaller the chance of having the same name and surname.

Suddenly knowing that someone likes himself, that feeling is still very pleasant and pleasant.

However, that's all, after all, those are memories that have been sealed for many years.

The owner of the memory may have only remembered his own name, even his appearance, he could not still like himself.


Three Holy Village.

Su Qing lay on the sofa, looking at Li Fan with wide eyes, and asked, "When you were in junior high school, did you like any female classmate?"

"Yes," Li Fan replied directly without hesitation, "She was my tablemate. At that time, we were all mixed men and women."

"Really?" Su Qing was not angry at all. Instead, her eyes lit up and looked very interested, and she continued to ask, "What's her name? Is she pretty? Are you still in touch?"

"This" Li Fan groaned: "It's called Ye Qing. If it's beautiful, it must be beautiful. But I don't know if it's still beautiful. I haven't seen it in ten years. You should be married now."


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