Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 920 It’s all up to you, prescribe the right medicine.

"Convenient! Of course it's convenient! Brother Yuan, just say what you want!" Chen Xuancheng said hurriedly.

Afterwards, Zhang Yuan told the story about the plague in Pingshui Village, and specifically noted that it was a variant of cholera.

After hearing the news, Chen Xuancheng couldn't help but take a breath.

"Cholera plague? Zhang Xiaoyou, are you kidding me? Cholera was eliminated in the last century!"

Zhang Yuan sighed, "But this is my diagnosis! I suspect that there is something wrong with the mountain spring water that the villagers in Pingshui Village often drink! It is most likely the source of infection!"

"Brother Yuan, if you are sure, I will activate the relationship now and seal off the area where Pingshui Village is located! I will also go there in person!" Chen Xuancheng's tone was serious.

As a leader in the traditional Chinese medicine industry in Qinghe County, Chen Xuancheng has always taken the lead when encountering this kind of thing.

"Okay! When Mr. Chen comes, we will go up the mountain to find the source of infection together!" Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice.

Chen Xuancheng is very efficient.

An hour later, he arrived at Xiawan Village.

He didn’t come alone, he also brought staff from the county health department.

As early as after receiving Zhang Yuan's call, Chen Xuancheng notified the health department.

The health department also contacted the village committee of Pingshui Village and asked them to seal off the entire village and not allow people to enter or exit.

Seeing Chen Xuancheng coming, Zhang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

If the sky falls, there will be someone tall to hold it up, and Chen Xuancheng is undoubtedly the tall one.

The entrance to Zhang Yuan's clinic.

Chen Xuancheng came to Zhang Yuan with a serious expression.

"Zhang Xiaoyou, how is the situation?"

"The truck driver you mentioned, he didn't leave, right?"

Zhang Yuan shook his head, "No, I locked him in an unoccupied yard in our village!"

"That's good, your news is so timely!" Chen Xuancheng also breathed a sigh of relief.

He was also worried that the truck driver, Ma Haitao, would leave, which would be difficult to control.


Yuan glanced at the medical staff outside, "What's the situation over there in Pingshui Village?"

Chen Xuancheng smiled lightly and said

"It went better than I expected!"

"Most people in the village didn't go out. Only some people came to your village to buy antidiarrheal medicine."

"The few villagers who went out have been brought back one after another."

"Cholera was very scary in ancient times, but in modern times when sanitary conditions are better, it is a terrible disease."

"It's actually not particularly scary!"

"As long as the villagers in Pingshui Village are controlled and the source of infection is eliminated, there will be no problem."

Seeing that Chen Xuancheng was so confident, Zhang Yuan felt relieved.

"In that case, everything depends on you, Mr. Chen. I'm waiting for your good news!" Zhang Yuandao.

Chen Xuancheng smiled

"Zhang Xiaoyou, I can't do it alone!"

"I need your help!"

"Besides, didn't you say that this cholera is a mutant?"

"The old prescriptions I prescribe may not be effective!"

"It's up to you to give me the right medicine!"

Zhang Yuan had no choice but to agree.

In fact, he knew in his heart that with Chen Xuancheng's medical skills, he could prescribe the right prescription.

Even though this cholera is a variant, it is still cholera after all.

With the existing mature prescriptions, it can be easily cured with slight modifications.

The main reason why cholera in ancient times became a plague was that poor sanitary conditions led to the growth of bacteria.

Coupled with the inability to control the refugees, the plague spread everywhere.

The reason why Chen Xuancheng insisted on recruiting Zhang Yuan was purely to make Zhang Yuan famous!

two people

After a brief reminiscing, we went to Pingshui Village together.

The medical staff brought by Chen Xuancheng naturally followed him.

Originally Liu Ruolan and her three daughters also wanted to go with them, but Zhang Yuan did not agree.

Once word spreads about the plague in Pingshui Village, if the three women follow, it will definitely cause some unnecessary trouble afterwards.

Furthermore, considering that the three women are weak, it is undoubtedly the best choice to keep them in the clinic.

After a while, Zhang Yuan and his party arrived at Pingshui Village.

At this time, the entrances and exits of Pingshui Village were guarded by village cadres.

Seeing Zhang Yuan and the others coming, and bringing a group of white coats with them, these village cadres were immediately excited, as if they had found their team.

The village chief of Pingshui Village is an honest-looking old man named Li Qiushi.

Li Qiushi stepped forward to greet everyone with excitement on his face

"Comrade doctors, you are here!"

"Now that you are here, we have a backbone!"

Earlier, Li Qiushi received a call from the county health department and learned that a cholera epidemic had appeared in the village. He was so frightened that he almost fainted on the spot.

After hanging up the phone, Li Qiushi followed the health department's requirements.

All cadres in the village were summoned to guard the entrances and exits of the village.

At the same time, he also arranged for people to conduct door-to-door surveys to see who was not in the village and who had been out of the village today.

"Village Chief Li, let me introduce you to Mr. Chen Xuancheng!"

"Mr. Chen is the Taishan Beidou of our medical industry in Qinghe County!"

"With Mr. Chen here, the plague in your village is nothing but a trivial matter!"

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself!"

"My name is Cheng Zhichao, I was sent here by the medical department to take charge of this operation!"

"Of course, Mr. Chen is the real person in charge of the operation. I will help him."

A man with a big belly came out from the medical staff and said to Li Qiushi with a smile.

Li Qiushi said quickly

"Mr. Chen, hello, Leader Cheng!"

"Everyone in our village depends entirely on you two!"

Chen Xuancheng smiled

"I am too old to be the person in charge!"

"Xiao Cheng is still responsible for this operation."

"As for medical guidance, it all depends on Zhang Xiaoyou!"

"Village Chief Li, you should know Zhang Xiaoyou, right?"

Li Qiushi glanced at Zhang Yuan and suddenly realized.

"Isn't this Dr. Zhang from Xiawan Village? I've seen him before!"

Zhang Yuan knew in his heart that Chen Xuancheng specially called him here to build his reputation.

As long as he successfully controls this plague, his reputation in Shiliba Village and even the entire Willow Town will be even higher in the future!

Cheng Zhichao looked at Zhang Yuan with envy. He also saw that Chen Xuancheng wanted to help Zhang Yuan gain fame.

This opportunity is so enviable!

If only he could have such an industry leader to support him when he was young.

His achievements today will definitely be greater!

But Cheng Zhichao didn't know that Chen Xuancheng was not trying to support Zhang Yuan.

He simply felt that Zhang Yuan's current fame did not match his strength, and his superb medical skills were wasted!

As Zhang Yuan becomes more famous in the future, more and more patients will come to see him.

His medical skills really come into play!

Cheng Zhichao also smiled and said to Zhang Yuan

"Doctor Zhang, Mr. Chen trusts you so much and entrusts you with such an important job."

"The two of us must cooperate well in the future!"

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