Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 902 Qiu Ju is so rich when he picks up the car

Thinking about it, anyone who knows that there is such a white bat that flies very fast and eats human brains will be frightened.

"Don't think that this white bat will eat human brains when it grows up, but it is a rare medicinal material! Ding Xiang, you should know the medicinal effects of white bats, right?" Zhang Yuan turned to Lin Dingxiang.

Lin Dingxiang's pretty face was still pale, but she still said its greatest medicinal effect.

"White bats are particularly effective in treating cataracts. It is said that no matter how serious the cataract is, as long as you take the powder made from the wings of white bats, it can be cured!" Lin Dingxiang swallowed and said.

Zhao Yan took a breath of cold air, "If I knew that this thing eats human brains, no matter how effective it is, I would not dare to eat it! I would rather get cataracts than eat this thing!"

"Don't worry, this one is not mature yet, and it hasn't eaten human brains yet! But it's quite lucky, if I hadn't happened to know about it this time. In another year and a half, I'm afraid This white bat is really going to start killing people and eating human brains!" Zhang Yuan laughed.

After chatting with the girls for a while, Zhang Yuan took the white bat to the backyard to dry.

Considering that Liu Ruolan would be scared to live here alone at night, Zhang Yuan decided to come over and sleep with her at night.

Of course he was not coveting Liu Ruolan's body, but came here to protect Liu Ruolan!

The next morning, the people from Hengtong Automobile Dealers delivered two cars.

In a poor village like Xiawan Village, buying a car in the village is a new thing.

This time two cars appeared at once, and everyone was curious as to who bought the car.

Therefore, when the trailer of the consignment vehicle was driving through the village carrying the two vehicles, many villagers stood on the roadside and watched, discussing and guessing who the owner of the vehicle was.

"Could it be that Zhang Yuan bought it? He is the most capable young man in our village. There should be no pressure to buy these two cars!"

"It's definitely not Brother Yuan! He already has a car, how can he buy two more?"


"Is that the village chief? The village chief also has savings and can buy a car!"

"It shouldn't be the village chief. If the village chief bought a car, I would have known about it a long time ago. But I didn't receive any news!"

"I know! They must be from the Lin family. They took over the property of Lin Zhongfei, the richest man in the village. It's normal for them to have money to buy a car!"

"You don't know, right? Lin Zhongfei lost the lumber factory before he died, and even the two-story building at home! The Lin family didn't get much inheritance at all, how could they have the money to buy a car!"


The villagers had different opinions, but no one could tell the reason.

So they followed the trailer until it stopped in front of a house, and the villagers looked shocked.

The trailer actually stopped in front of Li Qiuju's house!

In other words, Li Qiuju bought these two cars!

The villagers were immediately shocked because Li Qiuju could actually afford a car!

Since Li Qiuju's husband disappeared, her life has been very poor, and her conditions are worse than those of ordinary villagers.

It wasn't until some time ago that Li Qiuju worked as a supervisor at Zhang Yuan's chicken farm that she began to have a stable income.

But no one expected that Li Qiuju would have money to buy a car so quickly!

In full view of everyone, Li Qiuju walked out of the house.

Seeing the car he chose, a satisfied smile appeared on his pretty face.

"Unload this car for me!" Li Qiuju said with a smile.

Then the tow truck driver and workers unloaded Li Qiuju's car. A brand new red Mazda looked very beautiful!

Seeing Li Qiuju buying a car, the villagers were shocked, not to mention how envious they were of her.

In Hawan Village, owning a car means being one step ahead of others.

If a family has a car, when others have something to do, they will come to ask for help and ask them to give them a lift.

When entrusting someone to do something, it's natural to say a few nice words, and some even give some gifts to show your appreciation.

This is often the time when car owners have the most dignity.

There are countless young men in the village who all aspire to own a car and become the most popular boy in the village.

They didn't expect that Li Qiuju, a woman from a family, would buy a car before them!

Looking at Li Qiuju sitting in the car with a beaming look on her face, you can tell how happy she is now. .??.

Several young women who often chatted with Li Qiuju in the village also came up to congratulate her and took the opportunity to sit in the car for a while.

Her relationship with Li Qiuju was similar, so she could only look on with envy.

At this time, someone shouted, "There is an electric car in the car! Whose is this?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone present again.


There is also a car!

This car can't still belong to Li Qiuju, right?

Just as everyone was speculating, Zhang Yuan's family of three walked out of the house.

"Master, unload the car on the roadside in front of our house!" Zhang Yuan said to the driver.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

It turns out that the other electric car was bought by Zhang Yuan!

But doesn’t Zhang Yuan already have a car?

Why buy another one?

It’s not just the villagers present who have this kind of doubt;

The old couple also looked confused.

They don't know why Zhang Yuan bought another car. Isn't this a waste?

"Brother Yuan, did you buy this car? You already have a car, why do you still buy a car?" Zhang Dashan couldn't help but say.

Wang Hui also looked at Zhang Yuan.

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan smiled, "Dad, Mom, I didn't buy this car for myself, but I bought it for you and your wife! Dad, hurry up and get your driver's license, and then you can drive this car." Got it!"

As soon as these words came out, it once again caused an uproar.

Co-author Zhang Yuan bought this car not for himself, but for Zhang Dashan!

This is too rich!

If most people have a car in their home, they are already in high demand.

Zhang Yuan is good, this is a rhythm that requires one person per car!

It's a shame that Wang Hui doesn't know how to take a driver's license test, otherwise Zhang Yuan would have to buy a third car!

The smart people in the crowd of onlookers have already guessed that Zhang Yuan has actually bought a third car, which is Li Qiuju's car!

Li Qiuju comes from a womanly family. Even if she becomes the supervisor of a chicken farm, she will definitely not have that much money to buy a car.

Zhang Yuan must have bought it for her!

However, they did not publicize it, but just followed the crowd and congratulated Zhang Yuan for adding another car to his family.

Zhang Dashan has not yet recovered from the shock.

Zhang Yuan actually bought this car for him!

But his driver’s license hasn’t been tested yet!

Is it too early to buy a car now?

At this time, Zhang Dashan heard someone talking not far away.

"Lao Zhangtou is still living a prosperous life! He has such a good son, but I bought him a car even before he got his driver's license! Alas! Even if I get my driver's license, my son won't have the money to buy me an electric car!"

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