Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 89 What should sister-in-law do?

In fact, it made Shen Xiuyun feel even more shy.

Just when Yu Laojiu was about to succeed, a thought flashed through her mind.

If I had known this would happen, I might as well tell Zhang Yuan the truth and let him carry me to bed!

Looking back now, Shen Xiuyun was too embarrassed to look directly at Zhang Yuan.

She was thankful that she just thought about it in her mind and didn't say it directly.

Otherwise, if Zhang Yuan hears her voice.

She couldn't help but feel ashamed!

Seeing Shen Xiuyun's appearance, Zhang Yuan asked with concern

"Sister Xiuyun, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so red? Could it be that you were frightened and had a fever?"

It is indeed possible for people to develop a fever after being frightened, especially frail children and women.

Shen Xiuyun, who was pretty and blushing, shook her head quickly, "No... no, I'm just... just so angry! This Yu Laojiu is so bad!"

"That's right!" Zhang Yuan snorted, "Yu Laojiu has completely disgraced the eighteen generations of the Yu family's ancestors!"

There are indeed many gentlemen in Xiawan Village who have had an interest in the pretty widow Shen Xiuyun.

However, the most these people can do is say a few joking words, or simply use money to seduce Shen Xiuyun.

If they were to use force to force the little widow, they really couldn't do such a thing!

It is no longer easy for people to be orphaned and widowed.

If you really have the ability to seduce the little widow, then that's your ability!

But if you use force, it would be too unconscionable!

If word spreads, this will bring shame to eighteen generations of ancestors, and people will point at their ancestral graves and scold them!

Even Lin Zhongfei, the richest man in the village, would not dare to use force to force the little widow, risking someone poking her spine.

"Brother Yuan...oh no, Zhang Yuan, what should we do next?" Shen Xiuyun subconsciously called out the three words Brother Yuan.

Zhang Yuan's expression was a little strange: "Sister Xiuyun, actually you can just call me Brother Yuan, don't worry too much about the title."

. "

"Besides, your brother is my Brother Long. We have played together since childhood. Now that he has passed away, I, as a brother, should help you two when I have the opportunity!"

Hearing this, Shen Xiuyun was filled with emotion.

In fact, she also knew that the relationship between Zhang Yuan and her deceased husband was actually very ordinary.

The so-called playing together since childhood, most rural children played together when they were young. It is common for a large group of people in Wuyang to take a bath in the river.

Even after Zhang Yuan became stupid, Shen Xiuyun listened to her husband gloating about his misfortune for several days.

Thinking about it now, Shen Xiuyun felt ashamed for her dead husband!

Her husband treated Zhang Yuan like this, and Zhang Yuan still wanted to help the two of them.

The gratitude and guilt in her heart made Shen Xiuyun feel closer to Zhang Yuan inexplicably.

That's how people are, the more guilty they feel about someone, the more they can't help but want to get close to that person.

"Brother Yuan, that's what I'll call you from now on." Shen Xiuyun's voice became much softer.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Just call me that! As for Yu Laojiu, Sister Xiuyun, what are you going to do with him?"

After talking about it, Zhang Yuan's expression became a little serious.

Yu Laojiu did such an unscrupulous thing, and he should have been dealt with directly by the police.

But if this matter spreads, God knows what will happen to those old ladies who like to gossip?

Those old ladies who chew on their wives all day long like this kind of gossip the most.

And the most important thing is that they not only spread nonsense, but also made it up!

Shen Xiuyun was clearly not bullied by Yu Laojiu.

But if word of this gets out, some old lady might make it up to be Shen Xiuyun and let Yu Laojiu bully her!


At that time, Shen Xiuyun's reputation was over!

Even though she was the victim, others didn't think so.

They would only feel that Shen Xiuyun was insulted and dirty by Yu Laojiu!

The image of Shen Xiuyun as a chaste and martyr woman in the past may also be completely shattered.

Even, I am afraid that some perverts will use this matter to run against Shen Xiuyun and intimidate Shen Xiuyun!

Shen Xiuyun is not stupid.

As a widow, she was already very sensitive to these things.

Coupled with Zhang Yuan's reminder, she figured it out immediately.

"Brother Yuan, what do you think my sister-in-law should do?" Shen Xiuyun's pretty face was a little pale.

Zhang Yuan pondered for a moment and said, "Sister-in-law, if you don't want to call the police, then don't call the police! As for Lao Jiu, I have my own way to deal with him!"

Shen Xiuyun nodded.

"Okay, Brother Yuan, I listen to you."

She is a little woman, and she has long lost her backbone in this kind of thing.

There is a trustworthy man like Zhang Yuan here.

She instinctively became dependent and asked Zhang Yuan to help her make the decision.

"Well, Sister Xiuyun, you go over there and wait for me first. I'll take care of Yu Laojiu and then go find you!" Zhang Yuan warned Shen Xiuyun.

Shen Xiuyun stood up and walked over obediently.

After she left, Zhang Yuan turned Yu Laojiu over with his feet.

Looking at Yu Laojiu's thin and ugly face, Zhang Yuan's face was full of disgust.

"Yu Laojiu, you are really indifferent! You even dare to bully orphans and widowed mothers! Let me see if I don't destroy you!"

While talking, Zhang Yuan took out the silver needle box from his pocket and took out the longest silver needle.

Later, Zhang Yuan kicked Yu Laojiu's undershirt away with his feet, and stabbed the Shimen point on Yu Laojiu's abdomen with a silver needle.

Shimen acupoint is a contraceptive acupoint. The ancients often used this acupoint to avoid pregnancy.


But modern people don’t have to do this.

Traditional Chinese medicine doctors usually avoid Shimen point when giving people acupuncture.

Usually acupuncture at Shimen point only has a contraceptive effect.

But Zhang Yuan had a trace of true energy attached to the silver needle!

Under the influence of zhenqi, the effect of acupuncture at Shimen point has reached its maximum!

From now on, Yu Laojiu will no longer need to use contraception!

To be exact, his stuff will be useless from now on!

Zhang Yuan used his true energy to destroy the meridians around Yu Laojiu's Shimen point. From then on, Yu Laojiu became a living eunuch!

Just now Shen Xiuyun decided not to call the police.

Zhang Yuan suddenly came up with this method to punish Yu Laojiu.

Aren't you, Yu Laojiu, so cowardly that you want to bully the little widow?

Then I will destroy your crime tool and see how you continue to bully widows in the future!

Zhang Yuan did a flawless job in abolishing Yu Laojiu.

Presumably, Yu Laojiu would never know what Zhang Yuan did to him after he woke up.

And Zhang Yuan was sure that even Yu Laojiu knew about it.

He became a living eunuch because of himself, and Yu Laojiu did not dare to take revenge on him.

This guy wanted to bully Shen Xiuyun, but he was caught red-handed.

He might not be able to hide from himself in the future, so how could he dare to retaliate against himself?

After dealing with Yu Laojiu, Zhang Yuan hurriedly caught up with Shen Xiuyun.

"Sister-in-law Xiuyun, it's done! Let's go!" Zhang Yuan smiled with a smile on his face.

Look at his handsome face and warm smile.

Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but her heart beat a little faster, and she quickly turned her eyes aside.

"Um...Brother Yuan, did you deal with Yu Laojiu?" Shen Xiuyun asked in a low voice.

She really wanted to know how miserable Zhang Yuan dealt with Yu Laojiu.

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