Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 65 Zhang Yuan was ignored

"With the same recipe, domestic pigs have an 80% chance of survival. When pigs in pig farms are used, the chance of survival is not even 50%! And there is a possibility of recurrence!" Zheng Fengnian added.

However, when Li Dongsheng on the side heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Fifty percent? A 50% survival rate would be impressive! Stationmaster Zheng, if you can really make 50% of the sick pigs survive, I will give you 10,000!"

Zheng Bin's eyes lit up when he heard the reward offered by Li Dongsheng.

Ten thousand yuan is more than his three months’ salary!

"Uncle, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and come up with the prescription to treat the pig's disease!" Zheng Bin urged impatiently.

Zheng Fengnian hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed helplessly.

"Okay! Let's give it a try! But I can't guarantee that these pigs can survive even 50%! I can only say that I'll just leave it to fate!"

Li Dongsheng chuckled and said, "Stationmaster Zheng, let's go and do what you want! As long as it works, I will definitely not treat you badly, Stationmaster Zheng!"

Seeing that his boss and Zheng's uncle and nephew had already negotiated everything, the little secretary couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yuan.

When the boss was talking to the uncle and nephew of the Zheng family, he ignored Zhang Yuan at all, obviously not taking him seriously.

But Zhang Yuan seemed to be fine, the old god was sitting there.

Isn't he anxious?

If Zheng Fengnian's prescription is effective, Zhang Yuan will have nothing to do with him, and he will have to make a wasted trip!

"Xiao Qi, prepare pen and paper for Station Master Zheng!" Li Dongsheng ordered the secretary.

The little secretary hurriedly handed the notebook and charcoal pen to Zheng Fengnian, but Zheng Bin grabbed them.

Zheng Bin also took the opportunity to touch the little secretary's hand.

The secretary's expression remained unchanged, but there was a flash of deep disgust in her eyes.

Zheng Fengnian didn't notice this scene.

He picked up the pen and wrote a prescription in his notebook.

"Get the medicine according to this prescription, have the pharmacy grind it into fine powder, and then put it in the water and feed it to the sick pig. This is the amount for a pig.

You decide how much you want to buy! "Zheng Fengnian said.

Li Dongsheng took the notebook and read it carefully.

But he didn't understand it either, because it was all filled with Chinese medicine.

Zhang Yuan also wanted to take a look, but Zheng Bin didn't give him a chance.

Because Zheng Bin stood up directly and came to Li Dongsheng's side, blocking Zhang Yuan's sight.

"You little bumpkin! Don't even think about peeking at my uncle's precious recipe!" Zheng Bin snorted coldly.

Zhang Yuan shrugged and said he was not interested.

Then Li Dongsheng ordered the secretary to get the medicine according to the prescription.

After the little secretary left, he seemed to have just thought of Zhang Yuan.

"Zhang Yuan, right? Stationmaster Zheng just gave me a prescription for treating cholera of pigs. How about you prescribe one too?" Li Dongsheng asked Zhang Yuan.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Bin sneered.

"Boss Li, I don't think so! If my uncle takes action, there will be no chance for anyone else to take action! And even if this kid is given a chance, he won't be able to do anything!"

"Really?" Zhang Yuan said with a smile, "But since Station Master Zheng has already prescribed the prescription, let's try the effect of his prescription first!"

"Haha! Boss Li, did you hear that? This guy doesn't dare to prescribe in front of my uncle! He's afraid that my uncle will expose him on the spot!" Zheng Bin looked proud.

Li Dongsheng didn't say anything else, he just nodded, and then discussed pig raising with Zheng Fengnian.

About half an hour later, the secretary drove back and brought the powdered medicine that had been prescribed.

When he learned that the medicinal powder had been brought, Li Dongsheng looked hopeful and stood up holding on to the armrest of the sofa.

It's just that when he stood up, it looked like he was struggling.

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but think to himself, when boss Li was making love with his little secretary,

The little secretary must be up there.

Boss Li can't do any other positions with his fat body!

Afterwards, everyone walked out of the room and came to the guarded warehouse together.

As soon as we approached the warehouse, a strong smell penetrated our nostrils.

Li Dongsheng and Zheng Fengnian are both veterans in this industry, so they can naturally handle it. ??

Zheng Bin couldn't help but take out a mask and put it on, and asked the secretary if he wanted a mask.

The little secretary ignored him, but took a few steps back and stood watching from a distance.

At this time, Zheng Fengnian noticed that Zhang Yuan was not wearing a mask, but his expression was as usual, and he couldn't help but look at him.

Diarrhea is an important symptom of choleraesuis.

Many pigs lose water due to diarrhea and eventually die.

This warehouse is full of sick pigs, so there is naturally a lot of excrement inside, and the smell is worse than an ordinary pig pen.

Zhang Yuan can bear this smell, which proves that he must often go in and out of the pig pen.

Although Zhang Yuan is very young, Zheng Fengnian also regards him as a backward young man with certain abilities.

But he didn't know that Zhang Yuan was able to do this by blocking his sense of smell!

As the warehouse door opened, a group of sick pigs appeared in front of everyone.

These pigs vary in size, but they all lie on the ground listlessly.

Even though there was pig excrement everywhere on the ground, they seemed to turn a blind eye.

Of course, it's also possible that these pigs really don't have the strength to stand up.

After glancing at the sick pig, Zheng Fengnian said in a deep voice

"Pour the medicinal powder into the water, stir it evenly, and then feed it to these pigs!"

Li Dongsheng immediately ordered his employees to do as Zheng Fengnian said.

After a while, the sick pig was fed medicinal powder.

Zhang Yuan saw that there were still some residues in the plastic bag

He picked up a handful of medicinal powder, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, and then couldn't help but frown.

Zheng Bin has been observing Zhang Yuan.

Seeing Zhang Yuan frowning while smelling the powder, he immediately pointed at Zhang Yuan and started shouting.

"Boy, you frown at the powder my uncle prescribed. What do you mean?"

For a moment, everyone looked at Zhang Yuan.

Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes at the same time, Zhang Yuan might have been a little nervous before.

But since Zhang Yuan cured the chicken plague in the village, he is no longer afraid of this kind of scene!

When he was treating chicken plague, a large group of people stared at him. He had long been used to being stared at!

Zhang Yuan said calmly, "I don't mean anything, but I think this recipe lacks three medicinal ingredients!"

"You fart!" Zheng Bin immediately yelled angrily.

Zheng Fengnian also became serious, "Young man, you said that my prescription lacks three medicinal ingredients. Did you just peek at my prescription?"

"That's right! How dare you peek at my uncle's recipe! You are so shameless!" Zheng Bin looked indignant.

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but smile, "Peeping at Fang Zi? You were so strict at that time, where could I peek at Fang Zi?"

"Well, I can prove this! Mr. Zhang did not peek at the prescription at that time!" The secretary also supported Zhang Yuan.

Compared with a pervert like Zheng Bin, Zhang Yuan is undoubtedly easier for people to like.

Although it was the first time we met.

But Zhang Yuan left a very good impression on the little secretary.

Seeing the little secretary speaking for Zhang Yuan, Zheng Bin was jealous and angry, but he couldn't say any more.

At this time, Li Dongsheng also laughed and said, "I can also prove that when I was looking at the prescription, Zhang Yuan did not peek."

Hearing this, Zheng Fengnian's expression became more serious, "If that's the case, can you tell me how you know my recipe?"

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