Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 6 The child has grown up

At the same time, all kinds of dissolute words continued to be heard.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yuan sighed secretly.

"City people are really good at playing."

This kind of scene only appeared in some small movies in the past.

I didn’t expect that I would actually see something real this time when I went up the mountain.

After taking a few secret glances, Zhang Yuan planned to leave quietly, but couldn't help but overhear the conversation between several people.

"Master Wang, what's wrong? Are you not in a good mood? Are you thinking about the girl named Chu?"

"The girl named Chu is still a little chick, and that's what Mr. Wang likes."


The three men were discussing.

But the woman took the time to say, "Young Master Wang, don't worry. I'm going to ask her out this time. I'm already prepared. After dark, I'll get her drunk. When the time comes, you know..."


Mr. Wang slapped the woman's butt and said with a smile, "Okay, once the matter is done, you will benefit from it."

The woman was immediately elated and started performing hard.

The superb acting skills made the people watching next to him even more excited.

Zhang Yuan looked into the distance and vaguely saw the figure of a girl near the tent.

It seems that this is the girl named Chu.

The girl named Chu has a nice figure.

But it's going to be cheaper for these guys.

Zhang Yuan doesn't like to meddle in other people's business, and he has no idea of ​​a hero saving a beautiful woman.

He picked up the hoe and walked forward in the original direction.

As he walked, he smelled a faint fragrance.

Ordinary people definitely can't smell it.

But Zhang Yuan's six senses are now very sensitive, especially to some specific tastes.

Based on this scent, he could conclude that there must be an extremely precious medicinal material nearby.

He started searching along the scent.

The mountain roads are difficult to walk, especially the places where herbs grow, which are even more remote and steep.

Zhang Yuan searched all the way, passing through many dangerous places, and finally came to the place where the scent of herbal medicine wafted!

If his physical fitness hadn't improved a lot, he might not have been able to get here!

Looking at an inconspicuous position on the steep mountain wall ahead, Zhang Yuan stared at the reed head that emerged, his face full of ecstasy.


It’s actually wild ginseng!

These days, wild ginseng is worth your money!

Any wild ginseng that is more than ten years old can be sold for tens of thousands!

If it were older, it could be sold for 100,000 yuan or 80,000 yuan

Not a problem!

Zhang Yuan stared at the wild ginseng with bright eyes. As long as he took the wild ginseng to the county pharmacy and sold it, he would definitely make a lot of money.

Their family is short of money now, and his father Zhang Dashan even plans to sell the land next to the road.

With this wild ginseng, they don’t have to sell their land!

Zhang Yuan took a deep breath and suppressed his inner excitement.

Although wild ginseng has been discovered, now is not the best time to harvest ginseng.

If you want to retain the medicinal properties of ginseng as much as possible, it is best to pick it in the evening!

What Zhang Yuan inherited from the fairy was not only medical skills, but also knowledge of various Chinese herbal medicines!

He decided to pick the herbs to treat his father's illness first, and then wait until evening to get wild ginseng!

In order to prevent the wild ginseng from being poached, Zhang Yuan specially disguised himself before leaving.

Near noon, Zhang Yuan finally found all the herbs needed to treat his father's illness.

I picked some extra commonly used herbs and kept them for later use.

After running around in the mountains all morning, Zhang Yuan was also disgraced.

But when he looked back at the basket full of herbs, he felt it was worth it.

With these herbs, my father Zhang Dashan's leg will be healed in no time.

My father can also walk like a normal person!

Although Zhang Dashan never complained, Zhang Yuan could feel the pain in his heart!

Being the mainstay of the family, but having to lie in bed every day and be a useless person, this feeling is extremely painful!

Zhang Yuan hummed a tune and walked down the mountain briskly.

When I walked near the tent I passed before, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of me!

Seeing the other party's face, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but froze.

Everyone said that Zhang Lin, the village beauty, was good-looking, but the girl in front of her was even more beautiful than Zhang Lin!

She has skin as white as snow, an almost perfect and delicate face, and a seemingly innate nobility.

It’s like a little princess walking out of a painting!

Pair white short-sleeves with dark jeans and a pair of pink sneakers to look pretty and youthful.

The only fly in the ointment is that the ridiculously beautiful girl in front of her has a hint of arrogance between her eyebrows.

Like a proud white swan!

Soon, Zhang Yuan felt very unhappy.

Because in front of me

This "white swan" was looking at him with eyes full of disgust.

It's like looking at a toad!

"Why did I meet a poor and dirty rural person!"

At this moment, Zhang Yuan seemed to understand the meaning in the other person's eyes.

This was not the first time Zhang Yuan had seen that look full of disgust.

Ever since Zhang Yuan became a fool, many people in the village looked at him like this!

Zhang Yuan's face turned cold instantly. No matter how beautiful and elegant he is, what can he do?

Do you look down on rural people and treat me like a toad?

Be careful, I will eat you back!

Zhang Yuan suddenly remembered that this girl seemed to be the girl named Chu among the three men and one woman before!

His expression couldn't help but become strange.

If this chick knew, she would be set up by some of her peers tonight.

I wonder if she will remain as proud as she is now!

Zhang Yuan shook his head, too lazy to pay attention to the girl, and walked past her faster.

Originally, with Zhang Yuan's character, he learned that those guys from the city were trying to harm people.

He will definitely help!

But the disgusted look in this girl's eyes made Zhang Yuan give up the idea.

He's not a virgin bitch!

Being treated like a toad and then licking the face to save the other person is such a weird thing that only a virgin bitch can do.

Just let this chick fend for herself?

I don’t know if the man named Mr. Wang is willing to take out this white swan and share it with the other two people.

If three people go together, this little girl named Chu will probably be spoiled!

Zhang Yuaneng could see that this white swan was still a young bird that had not been humped by a pig.

But this has nothing to do with Zhang Yuan.

After gathering his thoughts and returning home, Zhang Yuan cooked some medicine for his father, Zhang Dashan.

Zhang Dashan took the medicine and within a short time, he felt his legs starting to feel hot.

Zhang Yuan knew that this was a sign that the blood in his legs began to flow smoothly.

With acupuncture and decoction, my father will be able to get out of bed and walk in about ten days!

Zhang Dashan burst into tears again after hearing the news.

He has been looking forward to this day for a long time!

At dinner, my mother, Wang Hui, specially cooked two meat dishes to celebrate.

Looking at the "meat dishes" with only a few pieces of meat on the plate, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but feel sour.

Not that he dislikes it

Less meat.

But since Zhang Yuan became a fool, the old couple didn't even want to eat meat once in order to treat his illness!

Zhang Yuan rubbed his eyes and pretended that there was sand in his eyes.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going to the county town tomorrow! I picked some herbs in the mountains today, and I'm going to sell them to get some money!" Zhang Yuan said.

The old couple looked at each other and couldn't help but nodded.

The child has really grown up!

But they didn't have too many expectations. How much could the herbs picked from the mountains be sold for?

If it can be sold for a lot of money, I'm afraid everyone in the village will go to the mountains to dig herbs.

Zhang Yuan did not explain much about this.

After a hurried meal, he carried the basket up the mountain again.

The sun had already set now, and he had to pick the wild ginseng before it got dark.

Hurrying to the place where the wild ginseng was, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the disguise he had made had not been touched.

He climbed up the rock and came to the wild ginseng, and carefully dug out the wild ginseng.

After digging out the whole wild ginseng, Zhang Yuan looked happy.

The age of this wild ginseng was longer than he expected, almost fifteen or sixteen years!

It is not a problem to sell wild ginseng that is fifteen or sixteen years old for tens of thousands of dollars!

Zhang Yuan carefully put the wild ginseng into his backpack, covered it with the prepared cotton mat, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking that if he sells wild ginseng tomorrow, he will earn tens of thousands of dollars, he feels happy.

The financial crisis at home can finally be alleviated!

I hummed a little tune and walked back. When I reached the halfway point of the mountain, it was already completely dark.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuan often came to the mountains to play when he was a child and was very familiar with the mountain roads.

If you change it to someone you are not familiar with, you might get lost in the mountains!

Following the route in his memory, Zhang Yuan went all the way down the mountain.

When they were approaching the foot of the mountain, suddenly, a figure rushed out of the grass and rushed towards Zhang Yuan!

Zhang Yuan was startled and instinctively wanted to kick him over.

But the next second, he retracted his foot.

Because this person turned out to be the "white swan" I saw during the day!

At this time, her eyes no longer had the arrogance of the day, but only a deep sense of madness!

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Yuan asked with a frown.

After hearing Zhang Yuan's question, the girl's eyes showed a bit of confusion, and then turned into madness.

She actually threw herself on Zhang Yuan and hugged him tightly...

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