Yuan Xue's evaluation of Zhang Yuan was right.

Zhang Yuan is indeed a straight man.

Zhang Yuanke couldn't do something as complex as guessing a little girl's mind.

What he wants to do most right now is to go to the back mountain and dig up a wild ginseng that is more than ten years old!

No, not long after finishing the meal, Zhang Yuan went up the mountain carrying a basket and a shovel.

However, he did not dare to tell his mother Wang Hui that he went to the mountain to dig ginseng. .??.??

Instead, he lied about going to the mountains to pick the Chinese herbs needed to feed the chickens.

In a whole day, Zhang Yuan walked around half of the mountain.

In the end, nothing was found!

When it was getting dark, Zhang Yuan returned home dejectedly.

It seems that wild ginseng, a precious medicinal material, is indeed hard to come by.

Arriving at the door of the house, Zhang Yuanzheng wanted to walk into the yard.

Suddenly, a timid voice sounded not far away.

"Brother Yuan, you...can you do me a favor?"

Zhang Yuan turned his head.

What caught his eye was a young woman with a pretty face but an impressive bust!

The young woman wears a red flowered white shirt on her upper body, a pair of light white trousers, and a pair of cloth shoes on her feet.

Although the young woman was thin, her astonishing wealth made her originally loose red flower shirt bulge.

The buttons are almost bursting!

At the same time, Zhang Yuan also recognized the other party.

This young woman's name is Shen Xiuyun, she is a famous and beautiful widow in the village!

Shen Xiuyun's life was very difficult. Just two years after getting married, her husband died due to a work-related injury.

Unfortunately, Shen Xiuyun had just given birth to a child, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law were gone again.

A woman's family, with a child who is waiting to be fed, has a very hard life.

If it were any other woman, she would have remarried long ago with her children.

But Shen Xiuyun didn't do that.

In order to prevent her daughter Tingting from being wronged, she chose to remain a widow!

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