Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 2 Peerless Beauty

Facing Ma Laosan's wretched appearance, although Li Qiuju was panicked, she had not lost her mind.


She slapped her backhand, "Bah! Ma Laosan, you are shameless!"

Ma Laosan covered his beaten face, his face instantly turned gloomy.

"Smelly bitch! I'm giving you face, aren't I?"

"It's pretty cruel!"

"I must kill you today..."

With that said, Ma Laosan rushed towards Li Qiuju. .??.

Li Qiuju hurriedly turned around and ran away.

But after running a few steps, Ma Laosan caught up with him.

The two immediately struggled with each other.

Although Ma Lao San is thin, he is very strong. In addition, Li Qiuju is worried about Zhang Yuan's safety, so he is no match for Ma Lao San.

It seems that Ma Laosan is about to succeed...

at the same time.

Deep in the pool.

Zhang Yuanzheng slowly sank to the bottom of the water.

At the deepest point under the water, there stood a stone statue that was as tall as half a man.

The stone statue looked tattered, but it was spotless, with no moss or other debris on it.

Zhang Yuan's body fell and hit the stone statue.


There was a crisp sound.

The stone statue immediately fell into pieces.

Then, the fragments turned into streaks of golden light.

The dark bottom of the water suddenly shone with light.

The fragments of the stone statue turned into streaks of golden light that finally converged into a shadow and appeared in front of Zhang Yuan.

She is a peerless fairy with stunning appearance and fluttering fairy clothes.

"The ray of clone I left in this world is about to be wiped out!"

"I never thought that I would meet the destined person today."

"It's just that this qualification is too poor!"

The fairy looked at Zhang Yuan with some regret and disgust.

Finally, she shook her head helplessly and said, "Well, maybe this is fate."

"Since you are destined to me, I will give this inheritance to you!"

"I hope you can carry forward your medical skills and benefit the world!"

"Don't do anything that is harmful to nature, otherwise, God will not forgive you."

The peerless figure stretched out a jade hand and pointed at Zhang Yuan.

Suddenly, a golden light penetrated Zhang Yuan's forehead.

Not long after, Zhang Yuan opened his eyes and found himself lying deep in the pool.

It was dark all around.

But he could actually clearly see the stones, soil, and some water plants at the bottom of the water that had not seen the light of day all year round.

What's even more amazing is that I can breathe freely in the water.

Could it be...

What just happened was not a dream? it is true!

Moreover, Zhang Yuan also found that his mind was clear and all the past memories came to mind.

He has regained consciousness.

Zhang Yuan searched everywhere, but could not find any trace of the peerless beauty.

He secretly said, "Don't worry, fairy sister, I, Zhang Yuan, will definitely carry forward your inheritance and benefit the world!"

At this time, he vaguely heard a woman calling for help.

"Help, Ma Laosan, you are not human..."

Zhang Yuanshua stood up.

"It's Sister-in-law Qiu Ju!"


Zhang Yuan jumped up from the pool and surfaced.

Looking up, his eyes suddenly burst into tears.

I saw only the edge of the pool.

Ma Laosan was pressing Li Qiuju firmly against a piece of bluestone.

This bastard was about to reach out and pull Li Qiuju's clothes.

Ma Laosan and Zhang Yuan naturally knew each other.

This guy is an absolute bastard.

When Zhang Yuan became stupid, he was often bullied and beaten by Ma Laosan.

"Ma Laosan, you idiot... let go of Sister-in-law Qiu Ju!"

Zhang Yuan shouted loudly.

Ma Laosan was stunned.

"Who, who's talking?"

He suddenly turned around and saw Zhang Yuan swimming towards the shore.

Ma Laosan was stunned, "What a fool, he's not dead..."

You know, Zhang Yuan has fallen into the depths of the pool for more than ten minutes.

If it were an ordinary person, even if it floated, it would still be a corpse.

"Fools are lucky!" Ma Laosan cursed secretly.

Li Qiuju resisted fiercely just now.

He finally lost all his strength.

I was about to succeed, but I didn't expect that the fool would do something bad.

At this time, Zhang Yuan climbed ashore and rushed over.

Ma Laosan took a sip, "You idiot, I'll deal with you first, and then I'll deal with Li Qiuju..."

He turned around and stood up, and said to Zhang Yuandang, "You idiot, get out of here, or I'll beat you to death."

In the past, Zhang Yuan was often bullied by Ma Laosan.

As a result, Zhang Yuan would subconsciously run away when he saw Ma Laosan.

But today, Zhang

Not only did Yuan Fei not run away, but he looked at the other party with a fierce look on his face.

Ma Laosan felt insulted.

He bent down and picked up a stone as big as his fist, and said angrily, "You idiot, do you want to die..."

Zhang Yuan still didn't move.

When Ma Laosan saw this, he became even more angry.

He rushed forward in a few steps, raised the stone and hit Zhang Yuan on the head.

At this time, Zhang Yuan suddenly realized that Ma Laosan's attack seemed to be in slow motion in his eyes.

It seems that these are all the benefits brought by the inheritance of that peerless fairy.

He tilted slightly and easily dodged Ma Laosan's attack.

Then he appeared behind Ma Laosan and kicked Ma Laosan on the back calf.


Ma Laosan immediately fell to his knees.

"You big dare to fight with me?"


In response to Ma Laosan, Zhang Yuan slapped Ma Laosan directly on the back of the head.

Suddenly, Ma Laosan spun around twice, feeling like the world was spinning.

Cao, this fool is so strong.

Cursing secretly in his mouth, Ma Laosan's movements were not slow. He grabbed the stone in his hand, waved his hand, and threw it behind him.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuan grabbed his wrist and pushed it down violently.


The stone hit Ma Laosan right in the head.

Suddenly, a purple bruise appeared on Ma Laosan's forehead, and blood flowed out.

Ma Laosan was horrified. He felt that something was wrong with Zhang Yuan.

Turning his head, he happened to meet Zhang Yuan's cold eyes, full of murderous intent.

Ma Laosan felt bad.

I heard that it is not illegal for a fool to kill someone.

If this guy killed me by mistake, wouldn't my death have been in vain?

Ma Laosan figured this out and quickly shouted, "You idiot, I was wrong, I was wrong, please spare me!"

"Spare my life..."

"You are still young, don't go down the road of crime!"

People like Ma Laosan, despite the appearance of this bastard being very arrogant, are actually very afraid of death.

Zhang Yuan snorted coldly, "Go over here and kowtow to Sister-in-law Qiu Ju to admit your mistake, otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Ma Laosan responded repeatedly without any hesitation.

Compared with a small life, kowtow is nothing.

He ran to Li Qiuju and knelt down.

\u003e Dong Dong Dong.

Ma Laosan began to kowtow.

"Sister, it's all my fault for being so obsessed! Ask Zhang Yuan to let me go!"

While talking, Ma Laosan kowtowed a dozen times in succession.

Li Qiuju looked at Zhang Yuan, worried that it would be a bad thing if Zhang Yuan offended Ma Laosan and was too cruel, so she said, "Brother Yuan, let him go..."

Zhang Yuan kicked Ma Laosan and said, "Since Sister-in-law Qiu Ju has spoken, I will spare your life."

"Hey..." Ma Laosan got up happily and prepared to leave.

"Stop!" Zhang Yuan suddenly shouted.

"Ah? Is there anything else?" Ma Laosan turned around, but did not dare to look at Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuandao: "Sister-in-law Qiu Ju's matter has been settled, and there is still my matter."

"You...what's the matter with you?" Ma Laosan was a little frightened.

Zhang Yuan said coldly, "You bastard Ma Lao San, you have bullied me many times before. Today, you have to pay with blood..."


Ma Laosan's forehead was covered in cold sweat.

Then he turned around and ran forward as if his feet were greased.

But Zhang Yuan is faster.

Zhang Yuan caught up with Ma Laosan and kicked him to the ground.

Don't wait for Ma Laosan to get up.

Zhang Yuan picked up a stone as big as a watermelon next to him and threw it at Ma Laosan's arm.




Ma Laosan screamed, but his right arm was directly broken.

Zhang Yuan's face was expressionless: "Ma Laosan, go away. If you dare to appear in front of me or Qiu Ju's sister-in-law again, I will beat you every time I see you..."

Ma Laosan held back the severe pain, gasped for air, got up and ran away quickly.

He stopped when he ran to a place where Zhang Yuan couldn't see him.

He gritted his teeth and turned around, looking in the direction of Zhang Yuan and Li Qiuju with vicious eyes.

"You idiot, you, just wait for me, this matter is not over yet, I have to kill you..."

By the pool.

Zhang Yuan looked at Li Qiuju with concern, "Sister-in-law Qiuju, that bastard Ma Laosan didn't do anything to you, right?"

"Woo..." Li Qiuju threw herself into Zhang Yuan's arms and began to sob.

"Brother Yuan, woo woo..."

"If you were a step too late, my innocence would be gone."

Holding Li Qiuju in his arms, Zhang Yuanyi lowered his head.

I saw Li Qiuju's clothes were messy.

Half of the white snow in front of the chest was exposed, and it was pressed tightly against Zhang Yuanxiong's mouth...

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