Rich people like Chu Xueyan.

How is it possible to buy wild ginseng pretending to be forest ginseng every time?

Probably the only explanation is that the wild ginseng grown in the mountains behind my village is more effective than ordinary wild ginseng!

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but think of the little fairy in the pool.

Since the little fairy in the pool can have such magical abilities! ??

The mountains behind my village are a bit more magical, so I seem to understand.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, Zhang Yuanzheng said:

"Mr. Chu, although I don't have any inventory on hand, I am absolutely confident that I can find one or two more wild ginsengs! The same ones as last time!"

Chu Xueyan's tone was a little excited, "Really? If you can still produce that kind of wild ginseng, I'm willing to pay half the market price for it!"

"Okay! It's settled then!" Zhang Yuan agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yuan's face was full of excitement.

When you find another wild ginseng, you can sell it to Chu Xueyan at half the market price!

Last time, the wild ginseng was sold for 110,000 yuan. Next time, it can be sold for 150,000 yuan, right?

With this much money added together, you can achieve your short-term goals!

Zhang Yuan’s short-term goal is to turn his family’s house into a two-story building!

That's right, the house where their family of three currently lives was renovated into a small building.

Instead of building a small building on the homestead assigned to Zhang Yuan.

If a house is built on the homestead, the two elders will definitely not move there.

Zhang Yuan couldn't live in a new house by himself and let his two elders live in the old house.

Unable to help but secretly look forward to it, Zhang Yuan hummed a small tune and walked home, his footsteps three times lighter than when he came.

After breakfast, my mother Wang Hui wants to go to the fields.

Zhang Yuan thought for a while and asked her to pass the powder to cure chicken plague to Li Qiuju.

When he went to find Li Qiuju in the morning, Li Qiuju's bold words made Zhang Yuan a little confused.


br\u003e In the past, maybe he could have followed Liu Xiahui's example and stayed calm.

But after experiencing the white swan, Zhang Yuan has become a real man.

There is really no resistance to a sexy and beautiful woman like Li Qiuju.

He was worried that something would happen if the two of them were alone again!

After all, Li Qiuju is also a married woman.

Although her gangster husband has been away from home for several years, there is still no news about him.

But this still can't change the fact that Li Qiuju is someone else's wife.

Zhang Yuan still has a moral bottom line.

He doesn't want to be the third party who breaks up other people's families.

Therefore, it is better to avoid Li Qiuju for now.

At the same time, facts proved that Zhang Yuan’s judgment on chicken plague was right!

As expected, this chicken plague affected more than just their family and Li Qiuju's family.

In the entire Xiawan Village, most chickens raised by chickens are infected with chicken plague!

News of the chicken plague spread like the wind in the village.

By evening.

The villagers chatting at the entrance of the village were all discussing the outbreak of chicken plague.

Wang Hui also carried a small stool and went out, chatting with a few women she knew well.

While chatting, they talked about chicken plague.

"Have you heard? This time the chicken plague is not just in our village, but also in several surrounding villages!"

"Yes! I've heard about it too! The chicken plague is so serious! All our chickens have contracted the chicken plague, and they're all wilting!"

"Fortunately, we don't raise many chickens, otherwise we would have cried to death! I heard from Teacher Yang from the village primary school that the chicken plague this time is very serious! Even if we were given medicine to treat chicken plague, less than half of them would die!"

"We don't raise many chickens at home, but they are all laying hens! Our eggs depend entirely on these laying hens! If one of them dies, I will cry to death!"


After hearing the words of several women, Wang Hui suddenly smiled.

Seeing her laughing, the women couldn't help but ask her.

"Sister Wang, why are you laughing? You have the most chickens at home, and they are all wandering chickens. Shouldn't you be the most worried?"

Faced with everyone's questions, Wang Hui said with a smile.

"My son has been cured of chicken plague in our family! The prescription he prescribed himself is not even effective in curing chicken plague!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

"Really? Are you lying to us? When will your son be able to cure chicken plague?"

"That's right, your son has been stupid for so long, how could he be able to cure chicken plague!"

"I think so! This chicken plague is difficult to cure! Teacher Yang is so educated, and he says that chicken plague is difficult to cure! How does your stupid son know how to cure chicken plague?"


When someone said that Zhang Yuan was a fool, the smile on Wang Hui's face disappeared instantly.

She said solemnly, "I'll say it again! Our brother Yuan is no longer stupid! No one is allowed to call him a fool in the future! As for Brother Yuan's cure of chicken plague, believe it if you want to, and forget it if you don't! "

After saying that, Wang Hui got up and carried the small bench back home.

After she left, several women couldn't help but shake their heads.

"Tsk, tsk! It seems to me! His sister Wang has infected her son and made him stupid! Does his son know how to cure chicken plague? You are kidding!"

"That's for sure! How can a fool know how to cure chicken plague? I originally thought Zhang Yuan had regained his sanity, but now it seems that he is still stupid!"

"Just wait! Anyway, the chickens raised by our family are all treated with medicine to cure chicken plague! Lao Wang doesn't need medicine to cure chicken plague, so just wait until all the chickens she raises die!"\u003c



In a few words, these women had sentenced Wang Hui's chicken to death.

But it's a pity that they are not the Lord of Hell and do not have that power!

Two days later, the chickens in the village that had chicken fever began to die one after another.

Even if the medicine to treat chicken plague has been used, it can only ensure that those chickens with strong bodies will not die.

As for those chickens with poor constitution, they still cannot resist chicken plague.

Since the chicken plague was quite serious this time, the village committee also took measures.

Chickens that have died of chicken plague cannot be eaten. Eating them is harmful to the body.

So the village committee decided to collect the chickens that had chicken plague and bury them collectively!

This morning, village cadres went from house to house to collect chickens that had died of illness.

Almost every household that raises chickens can take away one or two dead chickens.

And this is just the beginning.

I'm afraid sick chickens will die every day in the future.

Several women who were acquainted with Wang Hui had chickens that died of illness and were taken away from their homes.

Several people were depressed.

But soon they were no longer so depressed.

Because at most one or two chickens died in each of their families.

In comparison, more of the wandering chickens raised by Wang Hui should have died!

"The village cadre will go to Sister Wang's house later! She hasn't come out to chat with us in the past two days! It's probably because too many chickens died in the house, and she is so distressed that she doesn't want to go out," said a woman.

Others nodded, they thought so too.

"Oh! Let me tell you! Lao Wang is so stubborn! His son is clearly not easy yet, and she has to admit it!"

"You're right! I heard that last time Brother Yuan beat up those people who came to ask for debts. Everyone said that he was very strong. In my opinion, that's because he wasn't good at it yet and had the brute strength of a fool! "

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