Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 180 You are a cruel person

It is conceivable that when Lili knew that the person she was going to break up with tonight was not Zhu Wuwu, but a sinister-looking bald man called Brother Bao.

By then, Lili will definitely be desperate!

"I have no choice. I have to sacrifice you for my great cause! Anyway, you, a little prodigal, want to sleep with a man. You are not sleeping with anyone!" Zhu Wuwu comforted himself.

A troubled night passed.

In the early morning, when Zhu Wuwu came to Brother Bao's compound, Brother Bao happened to walk out to use the toilet in high spirits.

Seeing Zhu Wuwu, Brother Bao showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Zhu Wuwu, you finally did something that satisfied me! Not bad, your girlfriend tastes very good!"

"Although it's a bit uncooperative, in front of me, no woman dares not to cooperate! Hahaha..."

As he said that, Brother Bao couldn't help laughing proudly.

Zhu Wuwu forced a smile on his face, but in his heart he was yelling at Brother Bao.

You don’t need to think about it to know that Lili must have been violently tortured by Brother Bao last night!

"You did a good job! I'm not one who doesn't keep his word! You go back and pick ten brothers. Just tell them exactly what to do! Just say it was my order!" Brother Bao patted Zhu Wuwu's shoulder.

Then, I watched Brother Bao walk away until he disappeared at the door of the toilet.

Zhu Wuwu came to his senses and hurried to Brother Bao's room.

When he came to Brother Bao's room, Zhu Wuwu was stunned for a moment by the scene in front of him.

He never expected that Brother Bao would be so perverted and bully Lili so hard!

Zhu Wuwu gritted his teeth, "Zhang Yuan, you bastard, do you know how much I paid to deal with you? See how I deal with you! How I deal with you!"

At this time, Zhang Yuan, who had just finished breakfast and ran to the backyard to feed chickens, did not know yet that Zhu Wuwu had launched a "suicide attack" on him.


If he knew that Zhu Wuwu could actually do such a thing, Zhang Yuan would probably treat him differently and give him a thumbs up.

Zhu Wuwu, you are a cruel person!

Zhang Yuan, who was in the backyard, looked at the maturing Phoenix chicken in front of him, mowing down the short stubble on his chin and thinking.

In a few days, he would take two phoenix chickens to find Chu Xueyan.

But before that, I have to taste Phoenix Chicken for myself!

Although Fengming Qishan’s recipe is well described, it must be experienced personally to be convincing.

Otherwise, Zhang Yuan would not have the confidence to offer a high price to Chu Xueyan!

At this time, Zhang Yuan noticed that Xiao Hei had wandered over at some point, his big amber eyes staring curiously at these phoenix chickens.

When Zhang Yuangang met Xiao Hei, the blue film in Xiao Hei's eyes had not faded yet.

In fact, its original eyes should be amber.

"Xiao Hei, why are you here?" Zhang Yuan held Xiao Hei in his arms.

Xiao Hei was very obedient and stayed in Zhang Yuan's arms without struggling. However, his eyes were still staring at the phoenix chicken on the ground, and he even couldn't help but lick his tongue.

Realizing that it seemed to be interested in these phoenix chickens, Zhang Yuan quickly gave it up and said while holding its head.

"Xiao Hei, don't think about this! This is not for you to eat!"

Xiao Hei seemed to understand what Zhang Yuan meant, or maybe he didn't like Zhang Yuan's head, so he raised his head with a dissatisfied look on his face.

After feeding the chickens, Zhang Yuan carried Xiao Hei back to the front yard.

Her mother, Wang Hui, was packing her things and preparing to move all the things needed at home to the apiary.

For other things you don’t need, look back and see if your neighbors need anything.

If no one wants it, just leave it here and transport it away as scrap when the house is demolished.

Just last night, Wang Dalei came excitedly and told Zhang Yuan that he had prepared the best building materials and could start building the small building at any time.

Zhang Yuan planned to pack up the things at home today and let the old couple move to the apiary.

Wait until tomorrow to officially demolish the old house and build a small building!

After being busy for half a morning, Zhang Yuan was about to deliver another load of things to the apiary.

Suddenly, he received a call from Liu Ruolan.

After the call was connected, Liu Ruolan's crying voice immediately sounded on the phone.

"Zhang Yuan, come to the clinic and save us! Zhu Wuwu brought a group of people here and said they wanted to arrest us all! And he also said that after arresting us, we will arrest your family members!"

Hearing Liu Ruolan's words, Zhang Yuan was suddenly shocked and angry.

"This bastard! I warned him yesterday, but I didn't expect that he turned a deaf ear to my words! I must destroy him!"

He told Liu Ruolan to pay attention to safety and never let those people rush into the clinic.

Then Zhang Yuan threw all the things on the tricycle, rode the tricycle, and rushed to the clinic as fast as possible.

Within two minutes, Zhang Yuan arrived near the clinic and saw a group of gangsters with tattoos on their arms smashing the glass door of the clinic frantically.

Some of them used wooden sticks and some used stones to bang on the door.

Fortunately, the glass door of the clinic is made of high-strength glass. If it had been replaced by an ordinary glass door, they would have broken it long ago.

Not far behind this group of people, Zhu Wuwu stood there with his arms folded and a cold face, looking like a boss.

Zhang Yuan was furious when he saw this guy.

He really remembers to eat and not to fight!

I just punished Zhu Wuwu yesterday evening, but this guy still dared to come and make trouble!

The most important thing is that he actually ignored his words and attacked the two women in the clinic.

This time, Zhang Yuan decided not to spare Zhu Wuwu lightly!

Zhu Wuwu sent people to smash up the clinic, causing quite a stir and attracting many villagers to watch.

But when the villagers wanted to stand up for the two women, they were all threatened by the gang of tattooed gangsters.

The villagers are just ordinary people, how can they dare to provoke these gangsters?

It wouldn't matter if the two girls had the most prominent surnames in the village. If this happened to them, my family might stand up for them.

But Liu Ruolan was married from another village, and Zhao Yan's family didn't have many relatives in the village, so naturally no one helped them.

The villagers could only work outside and watch anxiously.

Until Zhang Yuan appeared!

Zhang Yuan rode a tricycle all the way and stopped near the clinic. He jumped off the tricycle and looked at Zhu Wuwu and the gangsters coldly.

The gangsters were banging on the clinic door hard, hoping to snatch Liu Ruolan and Zhao Yan back and enjoy themselves.

Zhao Yan is quite handsome, and Liu Ruolan is the best among the best. Just her curvy figure is enough to make these gangsters laugh.

But before they could smash open the glass door of the clinic, Zhu Wuwu stopped them.

"Stop smashing it! Let me take care of this kid first!"

The gangsters turned and stared at Zhu Wuwu dissatisfiedly.

For them, smashing the glass door and robbing two women was business.

Zhu Wuwu actually stopped them from robbing women. How could he tolerate this?

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