Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 17 Chicken plague is prevalent

After strolling around the backyard, Zhang Yuan picked up a rooster and gently opened its eyes to take a look.

Then he opened the cock's beak and examined its tongue.

Wang Hui on the side couldn't help but look surprised.

Usually these wandering chickens are not so obedient!

Even she, the owner who feeds the rooster every day, cannot make the rooster obedient like Zhang Yuan.

Now Wang Hui believes it.

Zhang Yuan must have learned how to treat livestock.

Otherwise, the cock wouldn't be so honest in his arms!

After the inspection, Zhang Yuan put the cock down with a dignified look on his face.

"These wandering chickens have chicken plague! It's the most serious type of chicken plague!"

"What?" Wang Hui couldn't help but exclaimed.

Chicken plague is the disease that chicken raisers fear most!

Chickens infected with chicken plague will have a high mortality rate even if they are treated with medicine in time.

In other words, I am afraid that several of the wandering chickens I raised will die!

Looking at these wandering chickens that had been raised for more than two months, Wang Hui's eyes were full of distress.

Not to mention several dead ones, even if only one died, Wang Hui felt extremely distressed!

These are all her hard work!

"Brother Yuan, take good care of your dad at home. I'll go to town to buy medicine to treat chicken plague!" Wang Hui said quickly.

Zhang Yuan stretched out his hand to stop her, "Mom, it's useless to buy medicine to cure chicken plague! This chicken plague is so severe, even if I use medicine to cure chicken plague, I'm afraid less than half of them will die!"

"Hiss!" Wang Hui took a breath of cold air.

This chicken plague was much more terrifying than she had imagined!

Wang Hui looked at the wandering chickens on the ground with some despair, "You can't just watch these chickens die!"

"Hehe." Zhang Yuan smiled confidently.

"Who said they will die? Ordinary medicine to treat chicken plague cannot guarantee the lives of these wandering chickens! But it doesn't mean that I can't save them.

Their lives! "

He has already thought of a cure for chicken plague!

After a while, Zhang Yuan sat at the dining table in the main room, holding a pen and paper and scribbling down a recipe.

"Three liangs of local huanglian, two liangs of mung beans, three liangs of mountain bean root, one and a half liang of baking soda, half a liang of realgar, plus two packs of isatis root!" Zhang Yuan said while writing.

"Grind all these medicinal materials into powder, mix them with boiling water, and then put them into the feed for the Liuda chickens. Eat three meals a day, and within two days, these Liuda chickens will be all ready!"

Wang Hui was surprised when he heard what Zhang Yuan said.

"With this recipe, chicken plague can be cured?"

Zhang Yuan nodded, "Of course! Mung bean realgar can detoxify, Rhizoctonia chinensis can stop diarrhea, and mountain toxins can be removed from heat toxins. These are all good medicinal materials for treating chicken plague!"

"Mom, the realgar, isatis root and baking soda in this recipe are not available in Houshan. You'd better go to town and buy them back! Just buy them in six servings!"

"When I go to the back mountain to collect herbs, I will pick some mugwort and come back. The chicken plague virus must be everywhere in the backyard. I have to fumigate it with mugwort every morning and evening for disinfection!"

Seeing that what Zhang Yuan said was clear and logical, Wang Hui couldn't help but nodded.

"Okay, after dinner, I'll go to the town to buy some!"

During breakfast, Zhang Dashan was surprised to learn that Zhang Yuan actually knew how to treat livestock.

However, the old couple actually still didn't quite believe it.

It's not that they don't trust Zhang Yuan, but they don't trust the person who taught Zhang Yuan how to treat livestock.

After dinner, Zhang Yuan and his mother Wang Hui went separate ways.

Zhang Yuan went up the back mountain with a basket on his back and collected the necessary herbs such as mugwort and coptis.

There are a lot of wormwood on the mountain.

Zhang Yuan simply picked a basket full of it.

Take it back and dry it for later use.

Mugwort is of great use in life. It can not only be used for air disinfection, but also to repel mosquitoes.

Soaking your feet with mugwort can also help open up the meridians of your legs and expel cold air.

Especially patients with paralyzed legs like his father Zhang Dashan can use mugwort to soak their feet to help recover from leg injuries.

At noon, Zhang Yuan returned home with a full basket on his back.

Wang Hui also came back this time.

She bought all the medicinal materials Zhang Yuan mentioned, and even bought three times the amount.

But there was something Zhang Yuan didn't know. In fact, Wang Hui secretly bought medicine to treat chicken plague from the town.

She was worried that Zhang Yuan had been deceived and the prescription he prescribed didn't work.

That’s why I thought of preparing medicine to treat chicken plague in advance in case of emergency.

After preparing all the medicinal materials.

Zhang Yuan used the small stone grinder used to grind beans at home to grind all these medicinal materials into powder.

His current strength is far beyond that of ordinary people. With the help of a rough stone roller, he can crush the medicinal materials into a fine powder that is not inferior to that produced by a grinder in a traditional Chinese medicine store.

Later, Zhang Yuan mixed a portion of the medicinal powder into the food for the chickens and personally carried it to the backyard to feed the chickens.

That afternoon, Wang Hui ran to the backyard several times.

If the disease of the wandering chickens in the backyard gets worse, she is ready to feed the chickens the medicine she bought from the town to treat chicken plague.

Until evening, Wang Hui cooked a meal and asked Zhang Yuan and Zhang Dashan to come out to eat.

Taking advantage of this time, she went to the backyard to take a look again.

Zhang Yuan helped Zhang Dashan sit down at the dining table, and when he was about to serve the meal, Wang Hui's exclamation rang out from the backyard.

The two men looked at each other, and Zhang Dashan quickly asked Zhang Yuan to go to the backyard to see what happened.

Zhang Yuan hurried to the backyard, but he was very puzzled.

According to the records in the fairy inheritance, the prescription he prescribed is absolutely

This is the best way to treat this chicken plague!

If you ate the wandering chicken in the backyard, nothing will happen to you, right?

When Zhang Yuan came to the backyard, the scene in front of him also stunned him.

I saw the wandering chickens in the yard strolling around with their heads held high.

The wilting appearance before is completely gone!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhang Yuan would have thought that someone had replaced his chicken!

In just one afternoon, the chickens in the backyard have become so energetic!

You know, when feeding them at noon.

Each of these wandering chickens looked like defeated roosters, lying on the ground with their heads drooped.

One afternoon passed, and they came back to life with full health?

Wang Hui's face was full of surprise: "Brother Yuan, the prescription you prescribed is really effective! These chickens are all ready! They are all ready!"

"Haha! Of course! It doesn't matter whose son I am! I am your son!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

In fact, he was a little unsure before.

But the scene before him made him completely relieved.

The inheritance of the little fairy is so awesome!

With such ability at hand, Zhang Yuan is confident that he will definitely achieve great things in the future!

When the mother and son returned to the main room, they immediately told their father Zhang Dashan the good news.

Zhang Dashan was also very happy after hearing this.

The walking chicken in the backyard is Wang Hui’s brainchild.

If a few chickens really died due to chicken plague, Wang Hui would definitely be very sad.

Zhang Dashan praised Zhang Yuan heavily.

He also said that when the Liuda chickens are grown, Wang Hui will make fried chicken for Zhang Yuan.

Although the condition of Laoda Chicken has improved a lot.

But Zhang Yuan still didn't relax and asked his mother Wang Hui to feed the chickens medicine on time.

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