Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1427: Treatment methods, worrying

Liu Changhe knew that there were many women around Zhang Yuan, and he still wanted to bring Zhang Yuan and Liu Xueer together, which made it really difficult for Zhang Yuan.

If he accepts Liu Changhe's proposal and breaks through the window paper with Liu Xue'er, Zhang Yuan is worried that Liu Xue'er will mistakenly think that he is lustful.

So he just pretended that nothing happened.

The doctor who was leading the way was very excited when he learned that Liu Xueer was going to watch Zhang Yuan treat patients. There were not many opportunities to stay with the goddess of the temple!

He hurried forward and pushed open the ward door.

The old man was the only one in the ward lying on the hospital bed, with his son sitting next to him.

All other hospital beds are empty. It's not that there are no patients, but the patients don't want to be in the same ward as the old man.

He complained of pain day and night, making the noise so much that even the neighbors couldn't sleep, let alone the patients in the same room.

Seeing Zhang Yuan and others coming, the old man was still lying there crying out in pain, and his son quickly got up.

"Doctor, how is my dad's illness? Can you cure him? If you can't cure my dad, then I will have to transfer him to another hospital!"

Zhang Yuan glanced at the old man's son, but he didn't expect that he was a filial son.

The doctor who led the way had told Zhang Yuan before that the old man's family's financial conditions were not very good, and he could enjoy medical discounts at Qinghewan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would be happy to stay here for treatment.

But the old man's son was thinking about transferring to another hospital, apparently sincerely considering his father's health.

At this time, the leading doctor said with a smile, "Don't worry! This time I have invited Director Zhang, who has the best medical skills in our hospital! Director Zhang's medical skills are at the national medical level! Having him treat your father, there is a lot of hope There’s a good chance I can cure your dad’s disease!”

Knowing that the young Zhang Yuan's medical skills were at the level of a Chinese doctor, the old man's son looked at him in shock.

"Dean Zhang, please cure my dad!"


br\u003e Zhang Yuan nodded, "Don't worry! I will definitely try my best!"

Then he walked to the hospital bed and checked the old man's pulse. He quickly frowned and put down the old man's wrist.

"Dean Zhang, how are you?" the old man's son asked eagerly.

After Zhang Yuan was silent for a few seconds, he suddenly turned to the doctor who was leading the way.

"Go to the pharmacy and see if you can get a live snake!"

The doctor leading the way suddenly changed his expression, "A live five-step snake? Director Zhang, I'm afraid there isn't one at the pharmacy!"

"No? Then let them find it! Tell the pharmacy manager that this is my order, and he must find the five-step snake within half a day! It must be alive!" Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice.

Although the doctor who led the way was puzzled, he still followed Zhang Yuan's instructions.

As soon as he left, Liu Xueer couldn't help but ask questions.

"Dean Zhang, are you letting Dr. Lu go find the live snake? Is it for medical treatment?"

Zhang Yuan nodded, "Yes! It's just for treating the old man's illness!"

"What?" the old man's son exclaimed, "use a five-step snake to treat my dad's illness? Is this possible?"

As we all know, the reason why the five-step snake is called the five-step snake is because the venom develops quickly after being bitten by this snake, and the poison may occur in just five steps!

Zhang Yuan wants to use a live five-step snake to treat the old man. It is hard to imagine how he plans to treat the old man.

"Dean Zhang, do you plan to decoct the five-step snake with other medicinal materials?" the old man's son asked tentatively.

Zhang Yuan glanced at him, "No! I plan to use the five-step snake to kill the old man."

A bite on the knee! A bite on each knee! "

"Hiss!" The old man's son suddenly took a breath of cold air.

The old man on the bed stopped complaining about pain and looked at Zhang Yuan in stunned silence.

"Dean Zhang, won't my dad be dead if this happens?" the old man's son shouted in despair.

Zhang Yuan looked calm

"Don't worry, I'm a doctor, so I won't play with the patient's life! This is the only way to cure your dad's disease!"

"Otherwise, if you continue to let his knee swell like this, and wait for another half a year, your dad will have no choice but to have his leg amputated!"

Hearing Zhang Yuan say that he wanted to amputate the old man's leg, both father and son were frightened, so they had no choice but to nod and agree to Zhang Yuan's treatment plan.

After a while, Zhang Yuan and Liu Xueer walked out of the ward.

Liu Xueer's beautiful eyes were full of curiosity, "Can the five-step snake really cure that old man?"

Zhang Yuan smiled lightly and said, "You will know when the time comes whether I can cure the old man! Even if I say I can, you may not believe it now!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhang Yuan finished speaking, Liu Xueer shook her head.

"No, I believe it! You can even cure my disease, so it's no problem to cure the old man's disease!"

Seeing that Liu Xueer mentioned treating her again, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Well, Doctor Liu, I have something to do and I'll leave first. I'll wait until the pharmacy finds a live snake, then I'll come back to treat the old man!"

After speaking, Zhang Yuan left in a hurry without waiting for Liu Xueer's answer.

Looking at Zhang Yuan's leaving figure, Liu Xueer's beautiful eyes flashed with a trace of disappointment, but then disappeared.

In the afternoon, the pharmacy manager reported to Zhang Yuan that he had found a live snake.

Zhang Yuan came to the doctor again

Hospital, this time a lot of doctors came over to watch him treat the old man, but Liu Xueer was not among them.

Seeing that Liu Xueer did not come, Zhang Yuan was still a little confused, but soon he turned his attention to treating the old man.

In full view of everyone, Zhang Yuan pinched the snake's head and let it bite each of the old man's knees, and then put the snake back into the cage.

The old man grimaced in pain at first, but his expression soon became much more relaxed.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt that much anymore!" the old man shouted happily.

Everyone looked at his knees with strange expressions.

Originally, the old man's knee was just swollen, but now it has a purple-black color, which is obviously due to poisoning!

The venom of the five-step snake attacks quickly. Will the old man die from the poison later?

For a moment, everyone was on tenterhooks.

Zhang Yuan looked indifferent, just counting the time with his watch.

About a minute later, he picked up the scalpel handed over by the doctor next to him and made a cut in the middle of each of the old man's knees.

The moment the wound was opened, the purple-black liquid flowed out like crazy, soaking the sheets.

At the same time, the old man's originally swollen knees were rapidly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, until they finally returned to normal, and even the color returned to normal, no longer the purple-black color before!

Everyone present was shocked to see the old man's knee return to normal.

A miracle, simply a miracle!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have imagined that the old man's disease could be treated like this!

The old man’s knee was swollen and painful before, but it could not be cured by surgery. That was because muscle fibers had formed in the swollen area, in other words, it had grown flesh!

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