Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1081 Beating and scolding my wife is so sad

After the landlady left, Liu Ruolan stood up and walked to the window, looking at the lively market outside, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"It's been a long time since I went out to the market! Why don't we go to the market after dinner later!"

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "Okay! Since you want to, Lan Lan, let's go for a walk."

"It just so happens that I also want to buy something. I'll buy some later." Lin Dingxiang also smiled.

Only Zhao Yan always thinks about eating. "There are many snack vendors at the market. I will buy more snacks to take back to eat."

Zhang Yuan could no longer complain to her, "If you continue to eat, you will really get a double chin! You'd better eat less!"

"It's up to you to take care of it! I'm happy when I eat more!" Zhao Yan was not afraid at all.

She knew that Zhang Yuan was good at conditioning people's bodies.

Even if she gets fat in the future, she can still ask Zhang Yuan to give her a prescription to regulate her body and lose weight, and she will be able to lose weight again in a short time.

Zhang Yuan doesn't know Zhao Yan's plan yet. If he knew about Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, he would definitely make it clear that he would not give her a prescription.

I have to say that the money-making ability really worked, and it didn’t take long for their dishes to be served one after another.

Today is a market day, and there are many customers. The reason why they put food on the table so fast is obviously because of their ability to pay.

The fragrant roasted lamb chops were served, and everyone devoured them.

I have to say that the roasted lamb chops recommended by Zhao Yan were really good. Zhang Yuan and the others each ate two or three pieces.

The other dishes are also very good, and it can be seen that the chef has really put a lot of effort into it.

Such a good dish must be drunk, and Zhang Yuan showed off several bottles of beer alone.

The three women also drank some beer, but the three of them drank less than one-third of Zhang Yuan's.

When he was almost done eating and ready to leave, the sound of a woman crying suddenly came from the private room next door, accompanied by the sounds of men beating and scolding. \u003c


After hearing this, Liu Ruolan couldn't help frowning, "Is the man next door beating and scolding his wife? Why are there still men beating their wives now?"

Zhao Yan and Lin Dingxiang were also very angry.

"When something like this happens, you must take care of it! Brother Yuan, let's go over and stop that man from committing murder!" Zhao Yan said in a deep voice.

Lin Dingxiang also nodded. Although she didn't say anything, her meaning was very clear.

Zhang Yuan looked at the three of them with a strange expression, always feeling that the three women had gotten drunk.

Beating up a woman in the private room next door is a family matter. If Zhang Yuan gets involved in it, a small matter might turn into a big deal.

Just when he was thinking about how to persuade the three women above him to stop meddling in their own business.

Suddenly, a woman's horrified cry came from next door, "Killing! Killing!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan's expression suddenly changed and he rushed out in one stride.

The three women followed closely behind.

When we arrived in the corridor.

I saw a woman with disheveled hair rushing out of the private room next door, her face full of horror, and she kept shouting.

"Killing! Killing!"

Immediately, a man holding a kitchen knife rushed out and slashed at the woman viciously.

How could Zhang Yuan allow someone to commit murder in front of him?

He ducked to the woman's side, grabbed the man's wrist, and squeezed hard. The painful man could no longer hold the kitchen knife, and the kitchen knife fell to the ground.

Zhang Yuan immediately controlled the man and then turned to look into the private room.

What he saw surprised him.

I saw a handsome man lying in a pool of blood, with a knife stabbing his chest!

At this time, people in other private rooms also rushed over and were startled when they saw the men on the ground in the private room. Some women even screamed loudly.

Soon the landlady came with the waiter. When she saw the man Zhang Yuan had restrained, she couldn't help shouting.

"Dali, if you're not staying in the kitchen, why are you here?"

Only then did Zhang Yuan realize that the man holding a kitchen knife was actually the chef in the back kitchen of the restaurant.

Then, when the lady boss saw what was happening in the private room, she screamed in fright.

"Oh my God! Ding Dali, what on earth did you do? Did you kill someone?"

Hearing this, Ding Dali, who was restrained by Zhang Yuan, said fiercely, "What a pair of bastards! I kill one to earn enough money, and I can earn one by killing two! I was working hard in the kitchen cooking, and they actually ran away behind my back." You come here to have an affair, and you spend my money to eat my food! Damn you!"

After hearing this, everyone naturally understood the whole story.

It turns out that the woman with disheveled hair just now is the wife of chef Ding Dali, but she hooked up with the pretty boy in the private room.

This is not the end.

In order to pursue excitement, Ding Dali's wife even brought the pretty boy to the restaurant where he worked and spent Ding Dali's money to eat Ding Dali's cooking!

Everyone couldn't help but shake their heads, and many people yelled at him as an adulterer and a slut.

At this moment, Zhang Yuan also lost his mind to save the pretty boy in the room.

This pretty boy is so arrogant. He plays with Ding Dali's women, spends Ding Dali's money, and even eats his cooking.

Any hot-blooded man would choose to kill the pretty boy.

Soon the police came to the scene and took control.

Due to the situation, Zhang Yuan also handed Ding Dali over to the police.

The pretty boy in the room was indeed hopeless. He had lost too much blood and had been stabbed to his vitals.

When Ding Dali was taken away, the diners who were watching were all sad, and many people even expressed their sympathy for him.

As for Ding Dali’s wife, she was also taken away by the police.

It has to be said that in this battle between three people, the final winner is Ding Dali's wife.

The pretty boy is dead, Ding Dali is going to jail, and only this slut is left outside.

With her character, she would not be left a widow for Ding Dali, and she might end up hooking up with a few pretty boys again soon.

Zhang Yuan thought that Ding Dali would definitely hate him because he stopped Ding Dali from killing that slut.

Unexpectedly, before leaving, Ding Dali turned around and said thank you to Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan was stunned, "You thank me?"

Ding Dali nodded, "Thank you for saving my mother-in-law!"

He just said this, turned around and left with the police.

Everyone couldn't help but be filled with emotion when they heard his words.

Ding Dali was really infatuated. Even though he knew that his wife was cuckolding her, he was still glad that he didn't kill his wife.

After this happened, Zhang Yuan and the three women had no intention of staying any longer and hurriedly left the hotel.

When passing the counter, the proprietress sat there with a sad look on her face, not wanting to greet the customers.

A murder occurred in her restaurant, and the murderer was the chef in the back kitchen. This must have been a big blow to the old Quan Sheep Restaurant.

Zhang Yuan didn't have the time to ask about the origins of the old Quan Sheep House, so he got into the car with the three girls and left.

Originally they wanted to go to the market, but after what happened just now, the three women no longer wanted to go to the market.

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