Wu Meiniang knew how to read people's expressions. She could see that Li Zhi had a strong interest in this novel style of music.

But why are you, a small music master, barking here? Do you understand music?

The music masters in the Tang Dynasty were different from those in the Song Dynasty. They were basically laymen and were only responsible for personnel transfers.

Lu Leyi felt embarrassed, so he asked for help. He looked at his wife sitting next to him.

"Tianxian, do you think this kind of performance is not elegant like me?"

The wife named Tianxian blinked her big eyes, looked around at everyone's expressions, and then replied innocently: "Ah? I, I think it's pretty good."


Suddenly, a huge sound of slapping the table was startled.

Wu Meiniang scolded with anger on her face: "What do you mean by not elegant? Tell me, what kind of music can be called elegant?"

At this moment, she showed the majesty of a mistress.

"I, I..." Lu Leyi hesitated and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Seeing her angry, Li Zhi gently pulled her sleeve: "Okay, okay, Mei Niang, don't be angry."

He turned to the musicians of Huichunfang below and said: "Continue."

Lu Leyi sat down dissatisfied and sulked aside.

Li Zhi glanced at him impatiently and said lightly: "Lu Leyi, if you don't like it, you can go out. I won't embarrass you."

Calling her by her name means that the emperor is angry.

Lu Leyi quickly put away his expression and didn't dare to act rashly.

Song Zhen's five programs, "Spring Festival Overture" used many instruments, and the musicians frequently played the wrong notes, so Li Zhi couldn't appreciate it.

However, the second program "Mantangchun" was quite interesting, and it was actually similar to the court music.

The third program "Lirenxing" not only had a cheerful tune and made people feel very comfortable, but the key was the dance, which was really fascinating and had a very open dance style of the Hu people.

However, the essence of this dance lies in the eyes. Since the musicians could not let go and dared not look directly at Li Zhi, their performance was not satisfactory.

However, the dance moves are worth referring to. Wu Meiniang secretly memorized them in her heart.

Until the fourth program "Pulling Silk Opera", it caused exclamations from the whole room.

"This..." Li Zhi stood up and widened his eyes. He couldn't believe it.

So dancing can be done like this?

Who would have thought that a person could play a puppet, and the expression was so realistic and the performance was so vivid.

If it hadn't been confirmed in advance that Huichunfang did not carry human-shaped puppets, Li Zhi almost thought that this was a real puppet.

The musicians at the Chang'an headquarters did not know the opera tunes, but even so, they could still deeply feel the love, hatred and hatred expressed in the song.

Songs related to love will never go out of style.

"This program is good." Li Zhi whispered to Wu Meiniang's ear.

Wu Meiniang smiled slightly: "I think so too."

She is good at singing and dancing, and she is more observing and learning dance moves, which gave her a lot of inspiration.

The fairy girl on the other side had beautiful eyes, and her hands under the table were dancing quietly to the rhythm.

Li Zhi did not appreciate the last program "Pure Land of Bliss" and did not comment on it.

Among the five programs, the one that surprised him the most was "Pulling Silk Opera", followed by "Beautiful Woman".

After the end, Li Zhi found a musician and asked: "Who taught you all these dances?"

"Sage, it was Song Lang."

"Song Lang? Is it Song Zhen?"

The musician blushed and replied: "Yes, Song Lang taught it himself."

"What does the Song Lang you are talking about look like?"

The musician recalled and hurriedly replied: "Song Lang is very young, he should have just reached the age of twenty, and he is very handsome."

Only twenty years old? Li Zhi was shocked. He thought the other party was an old man. Otherwise, how could he write such a touching love story between a man and a ghost?

If you haven't had several wives, you can't write such a song.

After sending away the musicians of Huichunfang and returning to the palace, Wu Meiniang put on a light gauze dress and climbed on Li Zhi.

"Your Majesty, please let me dance for you."

She clapped her hands. There were two musicians outside the closed door, one playing the flute and the other playing the pipa.

Li Zhi was surprised. He didn't expect that the queen had learned the dance of "The Beautiful Woman".

Wu Meiniang's dancing posture was thousands of times better than that of the musicians of Huichunfang. She exuded a damn temptation all over her body, which made Li Zhi's head big.

"Zitong, let's dance on the bed." As he said, he picked up the woman horizontally.

The woman in his arms looked shy and said in a soft voice, "Does your Majesty like it?"

"I like it."


For some reason, there was a chaotic sound outside the door, and in a trance, there were figures crossing each other.


"Song Lang,The Lantern Festival is here, let's go have some fun. "The pipa girl called out with a happy face.

Every year, the most anticipated festival is the Lantern Festival.

In the early Tang Dynasty, it was influenced by Taoism and was also called Shangyuan. It was only occasionally called Yuanxiao in the late Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, because Buddhism spread eastward, officials and civilians usually "lit lanterns to worship Buddha" on this day.

The main program of the Lantern Festival in the Tang Dynasty was to enjoy the lanterns and guess lantern riddles.

The lanterns were purchased and arranged by the government and were free for the people to enjoy.

Since the curfew was lifted tonight, most women who usually stayed at home went out to enjoy the lanterns, so many love stories of young men and women began to be written from today.

The Lantern Festival provides a great opportunity for a date, and it is also the "Valentine's Day" in ancient times.

Song Zhen and his party walked in the streets and alleys, feeling the rich joy and excitement.

Road There were many street performers on the side of the river, often causing screams from the crowd.

There were also vendors selling snacks. If you are tired of playing, wouldn’t it be nice to buy a string of candied haws?

More, there were a group of sultry scholars who were talking and showing off their poetry in an attempt to attract the attention of the girls.

After hearing this, Song Zhen shook his head slightly.

Having seen the famous saying "Looking back suddenly, the man is in the dim light", he was completely uninterested in the poor performances of the group of scholars.

Unconsciously, they got on the boat separately.

As a passerby, Song Zhen witnessed the couples on both sides of the river being affectionate.

Suddenly, he felt emotional. With such a beautiful scene, how could he not compose a poem? No, an impromptu song.

"Tian Qi, throw the flute over here! "

The two were on a boat, one in front and one behind.

In order to catch the flute, Song Zhen jumped up and staggered, almost falling into the water.

Fortunately, Di Renjie pulled him back, and their eyes met.

"Be careful."

"Thank you. "

Song Zhen calmed down, stood at the bow and closed his eyes.

This song is called "Golden Wind and Jade Dew", which is the Qixi theme music composed by Teacher Chen for Tiandao.

Teacher Chen has many works. In addition to "Tiandao", the most famous ones are the related works of "Genshin Impact" and "Armor Hero".

The crisp and melodious sound of the bamboo flute came from my ears.

The cheerful and ethereal flute sound came from the water, and passers-by stopped one after another.

This melody is like a gentle woman, telling you in your ears.

It is as quiet and beautiful as first love.

A man couldn't help but look down at the woman next to him. Coincidentally, the other party was also looking at him.

The two of them linked their fingers and made a promise: "When the mountains are gone, the rivers are dry, the winter thunders roar, the summer rains and snows, and the heaven and earth merge, I dare to break up with you. "The vow of love.

As for the ending? It doesn't matter, at least I have loved before.


At this time, under the green bricks and red tiles in Luoyang, there was a pale woman.

She looked like a delicate willow, which could be blown down by the wind at any time.

[When the golden wind and jade dew meet, it is better than countless things in the world.]

She picked up the pen and wrote this poem on the paper. She looked a little depressed. When she looked at this line of words, her eyes were touched.

Someone was calling her outside the door.

"Sister, it's time, let's go out and play."

The woman folded the paper in a panic and put it on her chest. Before going out, she looked at the homemade blood bags on the table and pursed her lips.

Finally, she took it.

She opened the door, and the wind blowing in her face made her feel refreshed.

She habitually coughed twice, and the whole person looked extremely weak.


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