Literary Master 1978

Chapter 98 Does the master love money so much? (20,000 monthly tickets plus more)

Seeing that it is National Day in less than a week, "Wreaths Under the Mountains", which has been published for a month, is becoming more and more popular and influential. The influence visible to the naked eye is Lin Chaoyang, who is sitting at the front desk of the library. Time will always be the focus of students' attention.

In addition, public opinion in the media is also fermenting.

Different from the previous "Wrangler" and "Little Shoes" which were popular among readers, but the literary circles were the first to speak out in terms of public opinion. After "Wreaths Under the Mountain" became popular, readers enthusiastically contributed to various local newspapers and magazines.

In just one month, dozens of local newspapers and magazines such as Yanjing Daily, Shanxi Daily, Shenyang Daily, Lotus Pond, Shuofang, etc. have published their impressions and reader comments about "Garland Under the Mountain" .

Most of these articles are contributed by people not related to literature, but they are the true feelings of readers.

Catching Fire has further boosted the nationwide popularity of "Wreaths Under the Mountains".

Compared with the emotion-driven reading feedback from ordinary readers, the literary world has been slower to evaluate "Wreaths Under the Mountain".

Professional literary criticism articles are usually published in more influential literary magazines and literary criticism magazines. These magazines are usually monthly, bimonthly, or even quarterly. Therefore, compared with the feedback speed of readers, the literary world’s Comments are always slower.

Especially the sudden outburst of "Wreaths Under the Mountains" caught the literary world off guard.

So much so that the various criticisms caused by the article "The Inevitable Rise and Decline of Scar Literature" some time ago were completely suppressed by this trend, leaving no room for fighting back.

Because of this, Tao Yushu's main focus recently has shifted from writing comments to refute articles criticizing Lin Chaoyang, to collecting various positive comments about "Wreaths Under the Mountain" and Lin Chaoyang, the author.

On this weekend, she went to the Yanda Library to browse newspapers and periodicals. In less than an hour, she found four articles about "Wreaths Under the Mountains".

She searched again for articles that had previously criticized Lin Chaoyang, but found none.

This discovery made her feel frustrated.

When her husband was subjected to numerous criticisms, she was full of energy and high-spirited, hoping to single-handedly change the direction of the situation and save her husband from those criticisms.

Unfortunately, three articles have been published in the past two months, but their influence is basically negligible, and criticism from the literary world is still endless.

Originally, Tao Yushu planned to continue fighting, but since "Garland Under the Mountain" became popular, those critics who originally hated the mention of "Xu Lingjun who was eating and smashing the pot" seemed to have tacitly agreed to stop fighting. The article seemed to have disappeared overnight.

I have been busy for a long time, but the situation has not changed at all. The husband is carefree all day long, but he relies on the strength of his works to block the criticism from public opinion.

Tao Yushu really didn't know whether he should feel happy or disappointed.

When she was going to bed that night, she stared at her husband's profile.

Feeling her gaze, Lin Chaoyang, who was reading, turned his head.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Tao Yushu stared at him closely with suspicious eyes, "Did you expect this?"

"What did you expect?"

"Pretend to be stupid!"

The more Lin Chaoyang behaved like this, the more doubtful Tao Yushu became, with a hint of stubbornness in her tone.

"Those articles that criticized you have been silent recently. Did you expect that "Wreaths Under the Mountain" would be a hit, and that the influence of the new work would completely suppress those criticisms?"

Lin Chaoyang couldn't laugh or cry, "Do you think I am Zhuge Liang? The readers have the final say whether the novel is popular or not. They have been scolding it for so long, maybe they are tired of scolding it?"

"I don't believe it!"

Since the two fell in love, Tao Yushu had always fought for him against the cold looks and rumors from the outside world, so he gradually developed the habit of blocking him in front of him and facing and solving difficulties alone.

Now, unknowingly, Lin Chaoyang has grown to the point where she needs to look up to him, and the waves he has to face have also evolved to a level that is difficult for her to resolve with her own ability.

Lin Chaoyang lovingly held Tao Yushu in his arms, knowing clearly that her little awkwardness came entirely from the feeling of loss in her heart.

"I've worked hard for you during this period. There are fewer people criticizing me now. Stop writing all day long and take a good rest."

"That won't work!" Tao Yushu broke free from his arms, "I still have to earn royalties!"

"Okay you!" Lin Chaoyang pounced on the food like a hungry tiger, "Turns out he doesn't feel sorry for me, but he just wants to use me to earn royalties!"

"Ah, help..."

At work the next day, Master Xie in the reception room suddenly found Lin Chaoyang.

"Chaoyang, someone is calling you."

These days, it is very rare for people to communicate by phone if they are not meeting each other or writing letters. It is necessary for both parties to work for each other and have access to the company's phone number.

Lin Chaoyang was not surprised that someone called him. When he went to the humanities club to talk about "Little Shoes", Li Shuguang specifically asked him to leave a phone number and said he would call later.

Lin Chaoyang answered the phone and it turned out to be Li Shuguang.

He told Lin Chaoyang that the content of the single volume of "Little Shoes" had been edited and he would start collecting subscriptions immediately. He asked Lin Chaoyang to find someone to write a preface. If he didn't have any connections, he could help contact him.

"Okay, I'll send it to you then."

Accustomed to same-day and next-day delivery in later generations, Lin Chaoyang was not used to the postal efficiency of this era, so most of the time he would rather deliver it himself.

Li Shuguang asked Lin Chaoyang to find someone to write a preface to the single volume of "Little Shoes". Although he was not involved in the literary world, it was not difficult to find someone to write a preface.

The first thing Lin Chaoyang thought of was Zhang Dening. She was the editor-in-chief of "Little Shoes", but unfortunately she was not well-known.

When it came to writing a preface, it was best to find someone well-known and someone related to literature. Lin Chaoyang thought about it and thought about the neighbor who lived upstairs.

"Professor Wu, smoke!"

That night, Lin Chaoyang happened to bump into Wu Zuxiang who was smoking downstairs. He handed the old comrade a cigarette and chatted for a few words. He said, "Professor Wu, I have a small favor to ask you for."

Wu Zuxiang said: "Is there anything I can do for you, old man?"

"The book "Little Shoes" I wrote is going to be published as a single volume, and the publishing house asked me to find someone to write a preface. I am just starting out, so how do I know those senior writers? Isn't this what I asked for from you?"

"Oh." Wu Zuxiang nodded and said with a smile: "A book is going to be published so soon? Lao Tao has found a good son-in-law!"

"It's just a single volume, a pamphlet. How can it be considered a book?" Lin Chaoyang said modestly, and then he asked: "Look..."

"Okay." Wu Zuxiang said happily.

Lin Chaoyang immediately said happily: "Thank you, Professor Wu, thank you, thank you..."

At this time, Wu Zuxiang stopped him and said, "Don't be too busy thanking me. Let's talk about business."

Um? What's the business?

Lin Chaoyang looked confused.

Wu Zuxiang rubbed his fingers underneath, "Look at this retouching fee..."

He also raised his eyebrows at Lin Chaoyang, do you understand what I mean?

Lin Chaoyang understood what the old comrade meant and was immediately heartbroken.

The world is declining and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be. Does the master also love money so much?

If I had known earlier, I would have gone to Mr. Zhu. Although he is a bit venomous, at least he doesn’t need to bleed out of his coffers!

"Hey! Please help me, how can I let your work go in vain!" He gritted his teeth and was ready to bleed a lot of money in the small treasury, "Please tell me the number!"

Wu Zuxiang didn't say anything, but stretched out his hand to grab Lin Chaoyang's cigarette case, "This cigarette is pretty good."

"Sent to you."

Wu Zuxiang laughed and scolded: "You are so embarrassed, how dare you give away half a box of cigarettes?"

"Then... I'll give you one. You don't know that I have enough pocket money for a month." Lin Chaoyang began to cry about poverty.

"Okay." Wu Zuxiang reluctantly agreed, and then warned: "Keep the cigarettes with you first, and send me a pack every two days."

Lin Chaoyang immediately understood that he was being pinched and measured at home, and he came here to make up for it.

"You too, you're so old, don't smoke so much."

Wu Zuxiang glared, "That's not what you said when you handed me the cigarettes just now. Do you feel distressed after asking for a few cigarettes? Forget it, I won't write it anymore, I won't write it anymore!"

"Don't bother me, don't bother me, am I doing this for your health?"

"I don't know what my body looks like, why should I worry about you?"

"Okay, it's my fault. You won't miss any cigarettes."

"That's pretty much it."

Wu Zuxiang had a clear idea, smoked two more cigarettes, and returned home.

Early the next morning, Lin Chaoyang was about to go to work. As soon as he came down to the door of the building, he saw Wu Zuxiang squatting there.


The old man took out a few pages of letter paper from his arms and looked around, acting like an underground party meeting.

Lin Chaoyang didn't care to pay attention to Wu Zuxiang's demeanor. He made the request just yesterday evening. The old man took out the things early in the morning, but he didn't answer the connection.

"How about the 36,000 yuan you produce per acre? Is it possible to use some snacks anyway?"

Wu Zuxiang stuffed the letter into his arms, "It's just a cigarette, you still want a masterpiece?"

Who is Party A?

"That's not kind of you."

Lin Chaoyang said he was disgusted, but he did not argue with Wu Zuxiang. He turned over the letter paper.

I found that the content was not too confusing, and it was quite conscientious to praise him as the author and "Little Shoes".

"Where are the cigarettes? Did you buy them?"

"We just decided last night, where can I get you cigarettes?"

"Tomorrow night, I'll pay you a pack first."

Wu Zuxiang nodded, "Yes, I still want the ardian."


Lin Chaoyang walked towards the library, feeling very sorry.

When will my brother-in-law fall in love next time?

He also has to earn some polishing fees.

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