Literary Master 1978

Chapter 394 No one is a bystander!

On Sunday, Tao Yushu took a break, and went back to her parents' home with Lin Chaoyang and the children for dinner, and brought gifts to the family members.

The brothers Tao Xiwen and Tao Xiwu had been waiting eagerly for many days, and finally waited for Lin Chaoyang to return from Hong Kong.

This time, Lin Chaoyang brought them Sony's Walkman. Since Sony released the first portable tape player TPS-L2 in 1979, their Walkman has been greatly welcomed by countries around the world, and sales have exceeded tens of millions in just five years.

In the past two years, there have been very few people in China who pursue fashion and use Walkman, but among these people, except for a small number of people who actually bought them at the Friendship Store with foreign exchange coupons, most of them actually bought smuggled parallel imports.

Such parallel imports, even if the price is only a fraction of the genuine ones, are still a huge expense for Chinese people at this stage.

In addition to the gifts for the brothers Tao Xiwen and Tao Xiwu, the gifts for other people in the Tao family are not cheap either, ranging from three or four hundred Hong Kong dollars to one or two thousand Hong Kong dollars.

Last year, when Lin Chaoyang went to Hong Kong, he brought back many valuable gifts for his family. This time, the things he brought were even more expensive. Except for the two little ones who were very happy, the adults in the Tao family felt bad.

Father Tao said to Lin Chaoyang earnestly: "Chaoyang, don't buy these things for us when you go out in the future. We all understand your intentions.

If you really want to buy, you can bring some cheap local specialties. How can you buy so many such expensive things for your family every year?"

Mother Tao also said: "Yes, it's enough to show your intention. Gifts are not common. Look at the brothers Xiwen and Yumo. Now, as long as they hear that you are going out, they look forward to this. How can this be allowed! We can't let them develop this habit."

Lin Chaoyang must listen to the opinions of the old couple. He nodded seriously to show his understanding.

When it was almost time for dinner, Tao Yucheng came back from the video hall. The video hall has been open for a month, and its popularity has gradually stabilized. Tao Yucheng and his wife took turns to visit the store every day, and they were not as busy as before.

According to Tao Yucheng, at least 300 to 400 people enter the video hall every day, and many people often stay in the video hall for half a day. Therefore, after careful calculation, their video hall has a daily revenue of at least 130 to 140 yuan.

The key is that it is summer vacation now. Opening a video hall next to a university is a low season during winter and summer vacations. If we really wait until school starts, it should be easy to double or triple the number of viewers.

"It should not be a big problem to make back the investment before the winter vacation this year."

The reality makes Tao Yucheng very optimistic. The key is that he does not need to resign. Opening a video hall is a right move. This matter is inseparable from the help of Lin Chaoyang and Du Feng.

In front of Tao's father and mother, Tao Yucheng couldn't say anything. After dinner, he specially sent Lin Chaoyang out and said a few words of thanks.

"We are all family, why are you being so polite."

After saying these things, Tao Yucheng said, "By the way, Chaoyang, the news that you won the Best Screenwriter Award at the Academy Awards in Hong Kong has been reported back to China. I have a friend who is a reporter for Popular Movies and would like to arrange an interview with you."

Compared with the speed of news dissemination in Hong Kong, domestic news is quite lagging. It has been a week since Lin Chaoyang won the award.

Tao Yucheng asked, and Lin Chaoyang naturally could not refuse.

Two days later, someone claiming to be Xiaoli, a reporter from Popular Movies, came to visit.

"Come in!" Lin Chaoyang enthusiastically let Xiaoli into the main room.

After a while of greeting, the two talked about Lin Chaoyang's participation in the Academy Awards ceremony. This was not a formal interview, but just a warm-up before the interview.

When the interview officially began, the two asked and answered questions. Xiaoli was the kind of reporter who was serious and meticulous. She did not ask any unexpected questions, but kept chatting according to the interview outline she had prepared in advance.

Such interviews lacked some sharpness, but they were smooth, and the interviewees felt very comfortable, so Lin Chaoyang spoke a lot unconsciously.

While the two were chatting, Li Tuo, Chen Jiangong, A Cheng and other four or five people came to Lin Chaoyang's house.

Seeing that he was busy with something, everyone hid in the wing room to move around freely.

After the interview, Xiaoli asked Lin Chaoyang: "I heard that you made some news when you went to Hong Kong this time when you were interviewed by the media."

"Is there a report in China now?"

Xiaoli shook her head, "I heard it too."

Lin Chaoyang smiled, "It's not a big deal. The Hong Kong media has always been watching the excitement and not afraid of big things. It's just a few words about some views on Taiwan Island. Some people may think this topic is a bit sensitive."

Xiaoli didn't know the specific details of Lin Chaoyang's news in Hong Kong. He only knew that Lin Chaoyang made the headlines of Hong Kong newspapers because of his few words about Taiwan Island.

Hearing Lin Chaoyang say this, it seems that it is still because of political sensitivity.

He smiled and complimented: "Your influence is really huge. I see that many domestic media are also discussing you recently."

"Are you talking about royalties?"

Xiao Li nodded.

Lin Chaoyang said helplessly: "The mouths are on those faces. Let them say whatever they want."

"From my personal standpoint, I support you.

In the long run, the royalty payment system is definitely a good thing for domestic writers.

Maybe in another ten years, many of those who scold you will thank you."

Xiao Li's words touched Lin Chaoyang, "I hope so."

Finally, Xiaoli asked Lin Chaoyang for his opinion, saying that he wanted to use the words "the first domestic winner of the Hong Kong Film Awards" in the title of the article, but was immediately rejected by Lin Chaoyang.

""Curtain Behind the Curtain" is a work of collective wisdom, and the current results are due to everyone.

Not only did I win the Best Screenplay Award this year, but Song Hongrong from Yan Film Studio also won the Best Art Director Award. To say 'first' is too far-fetched.

Moreover, Xiangjiang is Chinese territory, and the people of Xiangjiang are also Chinese, and they should not be separated from each other. "

Listening to Lin Chaoyang's words, Xiaoli nodded in an educated manner, "Okay, then I'll come up with a more appropriate title later."

After saying that, he left.

After Xiaoli left, Li Tuo and others ran to the main room, set up rice cookers and started making noise, asking Lin Chaoyang to treat him. The reason was of course that he had won an award at the Academy Awards.

"You guys came here today just to have a meal, right?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

Li Tuohao sat down uninhibitedly and winked at Acheng, "Show him!"

Ah Cheng immediately handed over a publication, which turned out to be the "Literary Newspaper" that just came out today.

Lin Chaoyang flipped through it and found an article signed by Acheng on page 7 - "Culture Restricts Humanity".

He took a few glances at the content above, and it could basically be seen as a statement praising root-seeking literature. Although it was a hymn, Acheng's writing style was good.

The topic of the article is clear, the arguments and arguments are reasonable and sufficient, and the logic is clear and rigorous. It is a good article.

"A Cheng's move is extraordinary this time. Since you were not in Yanjing a few days ago, I have checked this article for you. After it is published, it will definitely spark heated discussions and help the development of our root-seeking literature!"

Li Tuo praised Ah Cheng, and then asked Lin Chaoyang proudly, "Isn't this article worth a meal?"

"The article was written by Acheng, what does it have to do with you?"

"Why doesn't it matter? We are here to make suggestions, so just say me. Without my review, his article may not be published in the Literary Journal."

"Just blow it!"

A few people joked for a while, and Li Tuo became serious again, "Actually, we are here today mainly because of the news about royalties."

The news about royalties being paid for the publication of "Crossing Guandong" emerged when Lin Chaoyang was holding a seminar in Guangzhou, and it has only been less than half a month since then.

But news spreads very quickly, mainly because "Crossing Guandong" is so popular nowadays.

Even though it has been almost four months since the first part was published, the enthusiasm for discussion of this novel in the literary world and among readers is still high.

Under such circumstances, any topic about "Crossing Guandong" and the author Lin Chaoyang will inevitably attract the attention of countless people.

In less than half a month, nearly 20 media outlets, starting from Guangdong's "Yangcheng Evening News", to local media in Shanghai, Shaanxi, and Hebei, and then to two mainstream media in Yanjing, the capital, reported on the royalty payment. The matter of remuneration.

The popularity of this news craze is not limited to the literary world, but has now spread to the entire cultural world and publishing industry.

After all, literary works are only a subcategory of the book market, and authors are not the only ones receiving royalties. Therefore, this matter will inevitably affect the entire cultural world as well as the book and publishing market.

"Chaoyang, have you noticed?"

"Notice anything?"

"Those who took the lead in speaking out on the royalty payment system were almost all official mouthpieces. The big discussion about root-seeking literature some time ago was that they were speaking against us.

I suspect this group of people did this on purpose. They wanted to make you a target. "

Lin Chaoyang thought: "It shouldn't happen, right?"

"It's not that we don't make guesses and just discuss the matter, anyway, this is what we see.

Let’s ignore the matter of root-seeking literature. The royalty payment system is a good thing for any literary worker.

Those commentators are also writers after all, and writing this kind of article is really a waste of money.

Who doesn’t know how to pretend to be noble? Don’t get paid for writing articles if they are capable!

Let me see how many of them have such backbone? "

Li Tuoyue became angrier as he spoke, and in the end he slapped the table in displeasure.

After getting angry, he continued: "I have been communicating with friends around me in the past two days. We, the writers group, must speak out on this matter. We cannot let those bastards who are eating and smashing the pot lead to the wrong direction, let alone let them slander you like this!

In this matter, you have made a contribution to our group of writers! "

After Li Tuo finished speaking, Chen Jiangong and others also echoed.

"Li Tuo is right. Now this matter is no longer your business alone. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this matter is beneficial to us literary workers.

But this group of people insists on confusing right and wrong, and it is obvious that they have evil intentions.

To put it bluntly, isn't this just to save money for the publishing house? "

"The key and most irritating thing is that royalties are calculated based on sales volume. If the sales volume is low, the writers will get less royalties. They don't mention this at all! They are just bad people!"

After everyone accused the sanctimonious media and commentators, they were still aggrieved.

Lin Chaoyang was very pleased when he saw everyone's reaction. The royalty payment system was indeed not only related to his own interests, but also to the interests of the writers group.

To put it more broadly, anyone who is engaged in literary work and whose works may be published has something to do with this matter.

No one is a bystander in this situation!

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