Literary Master 1978

Chapter 367 Chinese literature must find its own way

"Zhuoxian Declaration? Hehe!"

The three-day lively National Symposium on Novel Creation on Rural Themes has come to an end. This national conference is an important part of the Literary and Art Association this year. The conference was successfully held and ended, and Zhang Guangnian and other people also felt relaxed.

On the train back to Yanjing, a group of people from the Literary and Art Association sat together. Tang Yin muttered something and laughed interestingly.

"Today's young people are really amazing!" He looked at Zhang Guangnian again and joked: "Lao Zhang, I interviewed you, how do you feel when you were robbed of all the limelight in the meeting?"

Zhang Guangnian's expression remained as usual, calm and composed, "Is this meeting just for the limelight? Your ideological consciousness still needs to be improved."

"Just pretend!"

Zhang Guangnian ignored Tang Yin's teasing, and his eyes unconsciously turned to Lin Chaoyang, who was sitting not far away in the same carriage.

The other party was chatting with several fellow writers, his expression was relaxed and calm.

Zhang Guangnian couldn't help but think of the fanatical scene in the Taoyuan Hotel banquet hall last night. Although he had realized the advantages of "root-seeking literature" in promoting and spreading national culture, Lin Chaoyang's "Roots of Literature" attracted a lot of attention. He had never expected that many participating writers paid homage to him.

Thinking back to last night's scene, Zhang Guangnian couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Unknowingly, so many young and middle-aged writers had united around Lin Chaoyang.

Looking back, Zhang Guangnian noticed that Gao Hongbo, who was sitting on the other side of the aisle, was writing furiously. He must have been writing a newsletter for this meeting.

Catch up on work on the train is certainly worthy of recognition, but the use of this time is a bit wrong. It should be written out that night after the daily meeting.

After all, not all young people are as evil as that kid!

"Lao Zhang, what did you think about that article?" Tang Yin suddenly asked Zhang Guangnian.

"What are you thinking about? After all, this article was written during the meeting. It has profound themes and unique insights. Wouldn't it be great to publish it in your newspaper?"

"Of course the article is a good one, but it deviates a bit from the theme of this meeting. And now many people admire the 'modernists'. Chaoyang's concept may cause a big controversy." Tang Yin said worriedly.

"If you dare to express your views, you won't be afraid of controversy. As for the theme, rural areas are also the foundation of our culture. There is nothing wrong with expanding the boundaries of this genre."

Tang Yin listened to Zhang Guangnian's statement and joked again: "Aren't you afraid of people saying that this meeting of our literary association is held for Lin Chaoyang?"

“Meetings are for unifying ideas, solving problems, and achieving goals. It doesn’t matter who takes the limelight or has the right to speak.

Let me ask you, if Chaoyang’s views really spread widely in the literary world and are widely recognized, where do you think the writers’ focus will be? "

Tang Yin replied: "Naturally, it is many fields related to national culture."

“Then does this include our vast rural areas?”

Tang Yin understood what Zhang Guangnian meant, "Of course it is included. National culture is a big concept, and the vast rural areas are also the most important soil for the survival and development of national culture."

"That's it. So this matter is actually of no harm to us, so we naturally have to support it."

"Lao Zhang, you are indeed an old... mature person."

Under Zhang Guangnian's gaze, Tang Yin temporarily changed his words.

A week later, the latest issue of "Literary News" was released.

The content of the National Symposium on Novel Creation on Rural Themes occupies the front page of this issue. The Literary and Art Association holds meetings of this level once or twice a year, so readers are not surprised to see them.

But an article on the second page attracted everyone's attention - "The Roots of Literature", signed by Lin Chaoyang.

Seeing this signature, many readers were stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was an article written by Xu Lingjun, but they didn't know why he used his real name this time.

If you look closely at the content of the article, many readers with deep ethnic sentiments will be easily moved by the views and emotions expressed by Lin Chaoyang in the article.

The Chinese nation has been in decline for too long in the past hundred years. We are used to being inferior to foreigners when we see them, and we are used to our culture being looked down upon, ignored, and ignored.

Now, someone suddenly raised their arms and said that the root of Chinese literature is our national culture, and that our national culture is valued as never before. It is difficult for these people not to be excited.

There are also some people who have mixed feelings about this article. They think the article is a good article, but their views are somewhat wishful thinking.

If national culture is so good, how can it be easily extinct? How can we fall behind others?

This idea cannot be said to be unreasonable, but it obviously reverses the order of cause and effect.

In addition, there are some people whose biggest reaction to reading "The Roots of Literature" is to sneer. These people are all staunch supporters of Western modernism. They regard modernism as a panacea to save Chinese literature and culture, and are disdainful of local culture. Gu.

There are a thousand "Hamlets" for a thousand readers, and every reader has a different feeling when reading a novel. What's more, "The Roots of Literature" is a serious work discussing literary concepts.

As the most authoritative mainstream publication in China’s literary and art circles, Literary Newspaper’s influence goes without saying.

This issue of the publication attracted the attention of the domestic cultural, literary and ideological circles within a few days of its release. Writers, editors, critics, scholars, literature lovers...

Among the millions of readers who saw this article, some agreed with it, while others opposed it. With such attention, a wave of discussion soon formed.

When everyone was discussing the literary concepts and viewpoints proposed in "The Roots of Literature", another newsletter article in the current issue of "Wenyi Bao" was also quietly circulating.

When it was first published, it did not attract the attention of many professionals, but it was widely praised by the vast number of young literature lovers.

The author of "The Shocking Voice of Chinese Literature - Recording the Birth of the "Zhuo County Declaration"" is Gao Hongbo. As an editor and reporter of "Wenyi Bao", he witnessed Lin Chaoyang's speech at the National Rural Theme Novel Creation Symposium and witnessed the fanatical pursuit of this literary concept by those young writers.

On the last night after leaving, Li Tuo's impassioned reading in the banquet hall of Taoyuan Hotel deeply moved Gao Hongbo.

When he heard Li Tuo shout "This is the 'Zhuo County Declaration' of Chinese literature", Gao Hongbo felt a shudder from his soul. At that moment, the blood not only filled his body, but also enriched his soul.

He followed the roar of the crowd and shouted meaninglessly. At that moment, he didn't know what he was going to shout, he just wanted to vent.

Our Chinese literature must find its own way!

This is the line Gao Hongbo summarized for himself after thinking about it.

In addition to being excited and shouting at the venue, he also did some serious work, such as capturing a photo of Li Tuo standing on a chair and shouting vigorously.

In that photo, in addition to the passionate Li Tuo, there is also Lin Chaoyang with a smile on his face.

Although Li Tuo is in the center of the picture, his expression and body movements are also full of passion, but he can't hide the glory of Lin Chaoyang as the leader and soul of the "Zhuo County Declaration".

The whole photo is a combination of movement and stillness, with passionate passion on one side and self-confidence on the other. After it was developed, Gao Hongbo was very satisfied.

After the party that night, Gao Hongbo's passion was still there. When he returned to the room, his hands were shaking. He thought he had to do something.

He thought of his experiences in the past few days and felt that he had to record them all and spread these ideas with his pen so that more people would know about them.

He made up his mind and wrote all night. He was still writing when he got on the train the next day and when he got home.

In two days, except for eating, sleeping and traveling, he devoted all his time to this matter. The article was soon published and he took it to the editorial department for review by the leader.

The content of the article was approved and praised by the leader, but the leader firmly rejected his idea of ​​putting the photo of Li Tuo and Lin Chaoyang in the publication.

Although he felt a little regretful, the article could still be published after all, so Gao Hongbo kept the photo as a treasure.

He thought to himself that after several years, this photo would definitely become an important witness to the development of contemporary Chinese literature.

Gao Hongbo wrote "The Shocking Voice of Chinese Literature - Recording the Birth of the "Zhuo County Declaration"", injecting all his enthusiasm into it. The article is full of warm and full emotions and full of appeal.

If "The Roots of Culture" captured readers with its unique views and insights, then "The Shocking Voice of Chinese Literature - Recording the Birth of the "Zhuo County Declaration"" won the readers' love with its passionate emotions. Reading this article, the biggest feeling of readers is a sense of accomplishment of participating in and witnessing the historical process, which is hard to resist.

These two articles were published in the same issue of the journal, one used views to subvert the rationality of the readers, and the other used emotions to conquer the emotions of the readers.

The two complement each other and achieved a wonderful chemical reaction, which helped to push the craze of "root-seeking literature" to a more fiery situation and became the hottest cultural phenomenon after the beginning of 1984.

Changping in Yanjiao, China University of Political Science and Law.

After graduation last year, Tao Yumo and Cha Haisheng were assigned to the Changping campus of the University of Political Science and Law, responsible for the work of the school's Patriotic Health Committee and the school magazine.

Cha Haisheng loves to write poetry and has great enthusiasm for the school magazine. He not only assisted the Youth League Committee in launching the first poetry magazine of the University of Political Science and Law, but also established contacts with student organizations, publications and poets of many domestic universities.

Seeing his enthusiasm, Tao Yumo did not fight or compete, and put most of her energy on the affairs of the school's Patriotic Health Committee.

More than half a month after the start of school, Tao Yumo dealt with a wave of school inspections and a wave of inspections by the Ministry of Education. Today she finally had time to slack off.

She sat in the office and flipped through the magazines on Cha Haisheng's desk.

Cha Haisheng was responsible for the school magazine. These magazines were purchased with public funds by taking advantage of his position.

"Foreign Literature Trends", "Foreign Literature", "Poetry Magazine", "Foreign Social Sciences", "World Literature"...

"This little Cha is really something, he only publishes such obscure stuff, who wants to read it?"

Tao Yumo said with disdain, but she kept flipping through magazines.

She was mumbling to herself when Cha Haisheng walked into the office, followed by a young man wearing a Hong Kong shirt and straight pants, with a side part.

The young man wore a pair of glasses. He looked elegant, but he was a bit pretentious in both his appearance and his speech.

He and Cha Haisheng had been chatting since they entered the room. Through their chat, Tao Yumo roughly knew the identity of the young man with glasses.

Hu Dong was from Sichuan. He was a student in the Chinese Department of Nanchong Normal University. He and Cha Haisheng were pen pals. This time he came to Yenching to take Cha Haisheng's poem "Asian Copper" to publish in their student magazine.

In the past six months, because he was in charge of the school magazine and poetry magazine, Cha Haisheng came into contact with many people in the poetry circle, and more people came and went in the office.

Tao Yumo was not interested in most of them. She didn't know if she was influenced by her sister and brother-in-law. She had long lost the filter for writers and poets in her mind, and her perspective on them became very pragmatic.

In Tao Yumo's opinion, a considerable number of these people had extreme, sensitive and arrogant personality traits, which made it difficult for people to like them.

The man who came today tried to make himself look heroic, but it was really inconsistent with his appearance and temperament, which made people feel very awkward.

Hu Dong and Cha Haisheng chatted happily for a long time, and their voices were loud, so loud that Tao Yumo couldn't concentrate on reading.

She listened to Hu Dong and Cha Haisheng chatting, and her brows were getting tighter and tighter.

In Hu Dong's mouth, in addition to talking about poetry, the most common topics were wine and women, and from time to time he would also come up with some dirty jokes.

After all, Hu Dong was Cha Haisheng's guest. Even if Tao Yumo hated him in her heart, she didn't want to have a bad relationship with her classmate and colleague, so she chose to hide away. Seeing that it was almost lunch time, she got up and went to the cafeteria.

What she didn't expect was that just a few minutes after she sat down, Cha Haisheng and Hu Dong also appeared in the cafeteria, and sat at a table away from her.

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