Literary Master 1978

Chapter 364 The Roots of Literature

The applause at the symposium was thunderous and continuous. Everyone present gave the warmest applause to Lin Chaoyang's wonderful speech. Many young writers were even more excited and excited. They looked at Lin Chaoyang with admiration in their eyes.

Finally, after two or three minutes, the applause in the banquet hall subsided.

Zhang Guangnian, who had been observing the situation at the meeting, breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but complain about Lin Chaoyang in his heart.

You were asked to speak to talk about your views and creative experience on rural-themed novels. Where did this stick go?

He admitted that Lin Chaoyang's words just now were very good. If they were compiled into a manuscript and published in a magazine, it would probably be a wonderful article.

But some of the views in Lin Chaoyang's speech were obviously incompatible with the official literary creation concept.

This national rural-themed novel creation symposium was organized by the Literary Association in conjunction with the "Literary Gazette" and "People's Literature". It was heavily official. On such an occasion, Lin Chaoyang's speech seemed somewhat inappropriate.

But Zhang Guangnian invited the person to come, and he was the one who asked her to make the speech, so what could he say?

He had to swallow his broken teeth!

Not only did he have to swallow it, he also had to say it was delicious.

"Haha! Comrade Chaoyang just talked about some of his feelings about creation..." After the applause, Zhang Guangnian, the host of the meeting, came out to control the situation. He pressed his hand to suppress the sporadic and continuous applause.

"However, the focus of our meeting is still rural-themed novels. We can put aside the thinking about ethnicity and culture for now and focus on more specific creations. Comrade Chaoyang can talk about this point!"

Zhang Guangnian looked at Lin Chaoyang while speaking, with a certain meaning in his eyes.

I'll give you another chance, you kid, speak well and stick to the topic.

Facing Zhang Guangnian's eyes, Lin Chaoyang didn't have any psychological burden. I said I wouldn't speak, but you forced me to speak.

"Comrade Guangnian said we can talk about specific creations.

Then let me continue with the original question just now. What is the countryside?

I think we should change the word - rural.

This word may more accurately describe the emotions we want to express, because rural represents not only the present, but also the past, and is a museum of our national history.

Even a beam, a building, an eave, and a rafter of a farmhouse may have projections of the Han, Wei, Tang, and Song dynasties.

The traditional culture condensed in the rural area, slang, unofficial history, legends, folk songs, fairy tales, customs, etc. can better show the natural appearance of life.

They may have been recorded, or they may never be included in the norms, but they lurk under the earth's crust and support the earth's crust - our national culture..."

Zhang Guangnian was numb. He wanted Lin Chaoyang to talk back, but he didn't expect that this kid was completely a wild horse that had broken free from the reins, and the more he talked, the more he deviated from the theme of this meeting.

No, it can't be said to be a deviation, but a comprehensive negation.

This is like the host inviting guests to dinner, and the guests come and complain that the food is not delicious, and they also overturn the table and cook a table of dishes for the host.

Zhang Guangnian felt worse than eating a fly. He tried to hold back several times, but finally couldn't help but interrupt Lin Chaoyang's impassioned speech.

He interrupted a pause in Lin Chaoyang's speech and said with a smile: "Comrade Chaoyang's speech is practical and pertinent, combining his own creative experience and feelings. Thank you Comrade Chaoyang for your speech."

Zhang Guangnian also took the lead in applauding, fearing that Lin Chaoyang would continue to speak.

Everyone present also clapped their hands. Everyone's applause was polite, but more of it was a sincere recognition of Lin Chaoyang's speech just now.

Especially those young writers, they felt that Lin Chaoyang's speech was really to their liking, and it completely guided everyone in a new direction of literary creation.

In the past few years, the trend of ideological liberation advocated by the domestic cultural circle has caused many people to lose themselves in the blind pursuit and worship of Western culture.

It is true that many people admire Western culture and literature, but this does not mean that everyone is completely worshipping foreigners and forgetting their ancestors.

On the contrary, it is precisely because many people actively or passively lack a systematic understanding of national culture and are disappointed with the historical development process over the past period of time that they turn to Western culture unwillingly, trying to find a fulcrum that can be used for themselves and the nation.

Lin Chaoyang's speech directly pointed out the core drawbacks of the development of Chinese literature and even culture today, which made the young writers present feel as if they had seen the blue sky through the clouds and mist, and their eyes were suddenly enlightened.

In any era, any country, and any nation, young people are the most passionate group of people. They may be reckless, impulsive, or do bad things with good intentions, but they are the future of the nation and the pillars of the country. They can make the strongest voice of this era.

Inspired and inspired by Lin Chaoyang's speech, the young writers present swept away the lack of interest at the beginning of the meeting, and they were eager to try and talk about their ideas.

Zhang Wei, a young writer from Shandong, was excited. He stared at Zhang Guangnian, hoping to be called to speak.

Lin Chaoyang's speech just now can be said to be a deep insight into his heart, which made him feel like he knew a confidant. He now had a lot to say.

"Let's let Comrade Lu Yao talk!"

Listening to the name Zhang Guangnian mentioned, Zhang Wei couldn't hide his disappointment and sighed.

Beside him, someone also sighed heavily. He turned his head and saw that it was Li Hangyu, a writer from Zhejiang.

The two looked at each other and smiled in tacit understanding.

After finally suppressing Lin Chaoyang, Zhang Guangnian saw that the writer's speech had aroused his emotions, and his heart was a little complicated. He thought about it and chose the candidate who was least likely to make mistakes.

Lu Yao is from Shaanxi. His novel "Life", which is popular all over the country, tells the life choices of rural youth Gao Jialin. It has a strong rural complex. Lu Yao's speech should not go astray.

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak this time. I originally prepared some content for my speech, but after listening to Chaoyang's speech just now, I think what I think is still too superficial..."

As soon as Lu Yao opened his mouth, Zhang Guangnian felt something was wrong. You should just speak your own words. Why do you always mention Lin Chaoyang?

"...As Comrade Chaoyang said, our contemporary Chinese literature should have its own modernist propositions.

Such propositions should not be based on blindly "taking things from" Western modernism, but should be based on our own national culture and rooted in our hometown.

I don't believe that the whole world should raise Australian long-haired sheep..."

In the past two years, Australian long-haired sheep have been widely promoted in China because of their large wool production and good wool quality. Lu Yao used "Australian long-haired sheep" to metaphorically describe the modernist propositions of today's literary world.

We cannot kill all the sheep breeds in the world just because "Australian long-haired sheep" have many advantages.

His speech can be said to echo Lin Chaoyang's argument. Although he did not pay so much attention to national culture, he was consistent in his vigilance against "Western modernism" and his emphasis on local culture.

Lu Yao's words also won the recognition of many writers present.

"The above is my personal feeling. Please criticize and correct me."

After Lu Yao's speech, warm applause rang out again in the banquet hall.

Zhang Guangnian's mood became heavier and heavier, because he found that the theme of this meeting had deviated more and more from the original intention of the Literary Association.

It was fine at the beginning, but after Lin Chaoyang's speech, the atmosphere and theme of the meeting were out of his control.

Seeing that many writers present were excited after Lin Chaoyang and Lu Yao's speeches, it was obvious that they agreed with their views. Zhang Guangnian knew that continuing to let everyone speak at this time would only continue to promote this atmosphere.

He glanced at his watch and saw that there were still twenty minutes before lunch time.

Zhang Guangnian decisively chose to suspend the meeting, "Haha, I see there are still twenty minutes before lunch time. Everyone has been in a meeting for a whole morning, and I think they are tired. Let's take a break now. Our morning meeting ends here. After the lunch break, we will continue at 1:30 in the afternoon."

There were still twenty minutes before lunch. Zhang Guangnian thought that everyone would take advantage of this time to go outside to smoke and move around, but as soon as he announced the lunch break, many people actually gathered around Lin Chaoyang and surrounded him.

This abnormal situation attracted the attention of many people in the venue. Some people rushed over to join in the fun, resulting in 20 to 30 people surrounding Lin Chaoyang.

"Comrade Chaoyang, your speech just now was so good!"

"That's right. Looking at the development of our literary and even cultural circles in recent years, there are indeed problems like what you said, and this situation must be taken seriously."

"'The root of literature', Comrade Chaoyang's concept is very good! It points out the direction of creation for our contemporary literary creators!"

"It should be the 'root of national culture'. We Chinese writers should find our own 'roots' and have a new understanding of the nation and national culture."


Everyone was talking around Lin Chaoyang, and he couldn't get a word in.

His speech just now not only aroused everyone's inner sense of national identity and cultural identity, but more importantly, it pointed out a core problem that everyone must face in their creation.

That is, the more people tend to Western modernism, sometimes they will be more confused, because in the end everyone will find that what they write is completely out of their own life context.

The eager mood made everyone express their opinions and feelings, but completely ignored Lin Chaoyang, the protagonist.

He was surrounded by everyone and could not get a word in. He could only listen to everyone's endless speeches and interpret his speech in various ways, with helplessness on his face.

Li Tuo, who was sitting next to Lin Chaoyang, discovered his embarrassment and stood up and shouted loudly: "Everyone, everyone, calm down first..."

Under his loud call, the enthusiastic colleagues stopped talking and looked at him.

"It seems that everyone agrees with Chaoyang's speech, but it's time to eat now, and it's not a good idea for us to gather like this.

I think it's better to do this. We have to have a meeting in the afternoon. After the meeting in the afternoon, we can borrow the venue and let Comrade Chaoyang explain to us his understanding and perception of the concept of "the root of literature." "

As soon as Li Tuo's voice fell, he immediately won the applause of everyone present, and they all expressed their agreement.

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