Literary Master 1978

Chapter 35: China has a Xu Lingjun

The creative talk is not something profound, just like the media interviewing the godfather of entrepreneurship in later generations. He has succeeded, so whatever he says is right.

It took three days to write 4,000 words. When Zhang Dening came, he discussed it with her again, and the creative talk was done. Of course, the signature was still the pen name - Xu Lingjun.

For this, Lin Chaoyang received another 28 yuan in royalties.

That night, Tao Yumo came to her sister to borrow a magazine again. This time, she borrowed "Yenjing Literature and Art". She also asked Tao Yushu about her opinion on "The Shepherd".

According to her, "The Shepherd" has been very popular in Yanda High School recently. Students rushed to circulate it and received good reviews. Many female students even regarded Xu Lingjun in the novel as their ideal other half.

Tao Yushu sneered at the crazy thoughts of these little girls, but when Tao Yumo asked her about her opinion on "The Shepherd", she spoke freely. Recently, she is writing a review article about "The Shepherd".

"When watching "The Shepherd", you need to understand several themes in it. Exposing the harm that Buzz Buzz Buzz has done to the people is only the most superficial intention.

Take father and son for example. Xu Lingjun's father has a strong symbolic meaning. He abandoned Xu Lingjun and his mother for freedom and love. Now that he is old, he wants to find his son. How much of this is family affection, how much is guilt, and how much is the selfish desire to find an heir?

For example, the question of whether to go or stay, Xu Lingjun suffered a lot in the country, and it stands to reason that the appearance of his father at this time would be good. Like a beacon, the wealthy life on the other side of the ocean is waving to him, and his future life is full of hope.

The author did not write directly about the contrast between the two environments, but readers can still see it through the description of his father and Miss Song.

Such a strong contrast makes Xu Lingjun's stay more precious.

At the same time, it also highlights the personality charm of this protagonist..."

Tao Yushu satisfied her inner desire to be a teacher in front of her sister, and Tao Yumo had something to talk about with her classmates tomorrow. The two sisters talked happily.

Even Tao Yushu and her sister discussed it in their spare time, which shows how popular "The Shepherd" is.

On December 10, the latest issue of "Yanjing Literature and Art" was published. Lin Chaoyang talked about the creation of "The Shepherd" - "Talking about the character creation from "The Shepherd". The magazine was warmly sought after by readers as soon as it was released.

In the past month, "The Shepherd" has caused a great response among the broad readership. Once the readers' pursuit forms a momentum, it will be a powerful trend.

This can be seen from the sales of the last issue of "Yenjing Literature and Art". Even though a month has passed, the eleventh issue of "Yenjing Literature and Art" is still selling well and the sales have not decreased.

An article "The Horse Herder" has boosted the sales of "Yenjing Literature and Art" and directly increased the influence of the publication.

This issue published a discussion on the creation of "The Horse Herder", which just hit the readers' itch.

A few days later, "Wenyi Bao" was published.

A review article entitled "The Horse Herder and Xu Lingjun" was published in it, which highly praised the novel "The Horse Herder" and the author Xu Lingjun:

Xu Lingjun has emerged in the Chinese literary world!

He inherited and carried forward the "scar literature" with an article "The Horse Herder", and at the same time broke the shackles of the subject matter, contributing a full and vivid image of the protagonist "Xu Lingjun" to the Chinese literary world. Although I have no chance to meet the author, I seem to have seen his burning heart.

His heart is towards the fathers and elders who are as humble and kind as himself, and towards the land that has nurtured him, just like the protagonist in the novel.

It has been more than a month since the publication of "The Horse Herder", and there are many fans and followers. During this period, various newspapers and magazines have also published some comments on the novel, but this time the comments are unusual.

First of all, the author of the article, Yan Gang, is not only a writer, but also has served as an editor of "Wenyi Bao" and "People's Literature". At the same time, he is also quite famous in the domestic literary criticism circle.

Before, Tao Yushu also published a commentary article for "Scars" in "Wenyi Bao", but the same article, published by different people, has completely different influence.

Yan Gang's status in the industry is not comparable to Tao Yushu, who is still in school.

Secondly, the publication "Wenyi Bao" where the article was published is the most well-known and influential publication in my country's literary and artistic field. The status of "Wenyi Bao" is unquestionable.

The fact that the article "The Horse Herder and Xu Lingjun" can be published shows that the novel has been recognized and affirmed by the mainstream literary world, especially official organizations.

When Scars was first published in the middle of the year, there was a controversy in public opinion because of this novel. Now, after the publication of The Horse Herder, both the literary world and the public have gradually accepted the rise of "scar literature", and even the conservatives who do not like it have to accept this situation.

This situation has also made The Horse Herder more popular with readers and occupied the commanding heights of public opinion more quickly than Scars.

Everything seems to be a natural outcome!

Yan Gang's "The Horse Herder and Xu Lingjun" undoubtedly added a new fire to the heat of The Horse Herder in this winter, making the fire of this literary feast even more fierce and hot.

Just as The Horse Herder ignited the first fire of this winter in the domestic literary world, another commotion in the Yanjing cultural circle was also brewing.

One day in late December, a team of poets and college students appeared in front of the gate of Yenching University.

They carried publications, brushes and paste. Before that, they went to Xidan Democracy Wall, then went to a large wooden board east of Tiananmen Square, the entrance of Wangfujing Store, People's Literature Publishing House, the entrance of the editorial department of "Poetry Magazine"...

Everywhere they went, they left a publication called "Today".

When they arrived at Yenching University, the security staff who had already received the news did not dare to confront them head-on. They could only wait for the group of people to post the publication and leave before they dared to remove the things.

But even if the publication was removed on the spot by the security staff, the trend promoted by this group of young people and their publications among college students could not be concealed.

In just a few days, the first issue of "Today" achieved a sales volume of 2,500 copies. This folk publication organized by folk poets and college students swept across the university campus of Yenching at lightning speed. Some people in later generations regarded this as the beginning of the new poetry trend.

Neither the craze caused by "The Shepherd" in the literary world nor the storm caused by "Today" in the Yanjing University community had any impact on Lin Chaoyang.

He went to work and went home every day, occasionally worrying about his identity being exposed.

At this time, the manuscript he submitted to "Shanghai Literature and Art" finally received a reply.

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