Literary Master 1978

Chapter 334 A Different Ending

Lin Chaoyang was busy as soon as he came back from Hong Kong. He finally finished writing the script of "The Chess Master" during the visit, which had been delayed for a long time.

He spent five yuan to ask Tao Yumo to copy a copy and prepared to send it to Chen Huaikai in two days.

He was busy writing a creative talk for "Huacheng". During his visit to Hong Kong, "Huacheng" sent a letter saying that the response to "The Boat" was extremely enthusiastic and many readers hoped that Lin Chaoyang could write a creative talk.

It took two days to write the creative talk and send it to "Huacheng". He took the script of "The Chess Master" to Yanying Studio at No. 77 North Third Ring Road.

After entering Yanying Studio, he went straight to the third floor of the main building, which was the home of the director department and the literature department.

Unfortunately, the old directors and screenwriters here only came to show up for meetings every week, and the office was full of middle-aged people and rookies.

Ma Bingyu, the director of the director's office, is the eldest disciple of Director Shuihua. Although he is now the director, he is actually a general manager who takes care of two families. He has to come to the office every day to be on duty.

When he heard that Lin Chaoyang was coming to deliver the script to Chen Huaikai, he immediately became energetic, ran to the literature department to call someone to be on duty in the director's department, and took Lin Chaoyang to Chen Huaikai's house.

When Ma Bingyu brought Lin Chaoyang to Chen Huaikai's house, he was listening to the radio leisurely on the recliner. When he saw Lin Chaoyang, he got up from the recliner with a "ouch".

"Have you finished writing the script?"

He stared at the booklet in Lin Chaoyang's hand with some excitement, his eyes full of expectation.

Lin Chaoyang slapped the script on the table, "It's a bit slow, are you anxious waiting?"

Chen Huaikai was indeed a little anxious waiting, but Lin Chaoyang's efficiency was really not slow. It was normal for the editors of their Yanying Studio to write a book for one or two years.

Lin Chaoyang finished writing it in just a few months, which was already fast.

Chen Huaikai was reluctant to let go of the script, "Not slow, let me take a look first."

He has a high level of attainment in film creation, and is even called the underground director in Yanying Studio.

Because almost all directors like to ask him to watch the sample film and give guidance after filming, and many screenwriters will show him the script after writing it.

He often hits the key points of the film and the script in a few words.

Besides, in order to shoot "The Chess Master", he has read the novel many times, and he has discussed the direction of the script adaptation with Lin Chaoyang more than once, so he reads the script quickly.

It took him more than an hour to read the 30,000-word script, which is of course just a rough reading. The subsequent interpretation of the script is the most important work of him as a director.

"Well, it's better than the scripts of many people in our studio, and I, as a director, can't find any fault with it."

Chen Huaikai smiled after reading the script and praised it generously.

"Then tell the finance department to pay me the royalties."

"How can our Yanying Studio be short of your royalties?"

Chen Huaikai did not mention the royalties, but pulled Lin Chaoyang to discuss the handling of the storyboards. Lin Chaoyang wanted to say: This is a different price.

But think about it, after all, he got 10,000 yuan in royalties, so he can't be too fussy. Not all writers are as stingy as Lao Cha.

When the two were about to discuss, Chen Huaikai realized that there was someone next to him.

"Bingyu, how about staying here for lunch?"

The old man said this very implicitly. Ma Bingyu stared at Lin Chaoyang's script and said reluctantly: "No, no, I have to go back to work."

"Then I won't see you off."

Ma Bingyu was chased away, and Lin Chaoyang complained: "It's really rude, at least stay for me to have a meal!"

"The food in our house is not as good as the cafeteria." Chen Huaikai argued, and then said: "Come on, come on, read the script."

After waiting for the script for a long time, Chen Huaikai's energy during this period came in handy, and he wanted to drain all of Lin Chaoyang's ideas and thoughts.

It was not until the afternoon when Chen Kaige came back from outside that the two stopped discussing.

"Uncle Lin!" Chen Kaige greeted Lin Chaoyang.

"Kaige is back!"

Lin Chaoyang said to Chen Huaikai again: "Come on, you talk to your son about the script. I have to go home. If you have any ideas, let's arrange a time to talk about it together."

After he finished speaking, he did not forget to remind him, "Think about settling the royalties."

"I will never forget."

After he left, Chen Kaige was extremely excited.

"Dad, have you finished writing the script?"

Seeing his son's eager face, Chen Huaikai handed him the script, "You read it first, and talk to me if you have any ideas."


A few days later, Lin Chaoyang received a royalties bill from Yanying Studio - 10,000 yuan in total.

This is the largest single royalties Lin Chaoyang has received this year, followed by the royalties for the publication of "The Ferry", 20 yuan per thousand words, a total of 5,040 yuan in royalties.

Another relatively large income is the settlement of royalties for the number of copies of the three works "The Death of Van Gogh", "The Chess Master" and "Shutter Island" after publication. These three works were published later, so the royalties for the number of copies are very considerable.

After the beginning of the year, I received a payment for each print run, totaling 16,000 yuan.

As for the payment for the print run of other works after publication, because the publication time is long and the sales volume is getting lower and lower, the payment is also getting less and less.

The only exception is "The Wreath Under the Mountain". This novel has been published for more than three years, and the total sales volume has exceeded 7 million copies. Even if the original contract only paid 1% of the print run, the payment is still considerable.

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the year, Lin Chaoyang did not renew his contract with Warrior Publishing House. They insisted on paying only 1% of the royalties for each print run of 10,000 copies, so Lin Chaoyang had no choice but to terminate the cooperation.

For most writers in China, the basic royalties are the final royalties they can get, but Lin Chaoyang is different. His works have always been best-selling, and the royalties for the number of print runs are often even several times the basic royalties.

Therefore, he planned to save the publishing rights of a few books and find a publisher willing to bid for them.

There are also sporadic incomes from the reprinting of some works, which add up to 1,800 yuan.

After careful calculation, my income in the first half of the year was about 33,000 yuan.

That night, Tao Yushu came to Lin Chaoyang with a manuscript and said it was from Zhong Acheng.

"He is very efficient!" Lin Chaoyang said with a smile.

Before going to Xiangjiang, Zhong Acheng told a story at a party, and everyone encouraged him to write it. It only took more than half a month for the novel to be published, which was very efficient.

"Yes, the key point is also very good. He really has creative talent."

Tao Yushu praised it and asked Lin Chaoyang to read the novel and make comments.

Lin Chaoyang flipped through the novel, and it turned out to be Zhong Acheng's famous work "The King of Chess", but the novel was slightly different from what he had in mind.

"This ending..."

His tone was deep, and Tao Yushu asked: "What happened at the end?"

"Wang Yisheng went to the chess academy to become a professional chess player. His face was shiny, he had enough to eat every day, and he no longer had any desire to play chess. Isn't this ending too cruel?"

Lin Chaoyang clearly remembered that in his impression, the ending of "The King of Chess" was that Wang Yisheng played against nine masters at the same time, defeated eight of them, and finally exhausted his energy and ended up in a draw with the national champion.

The novel ends with the emotion of "I", the bystander and friend.

He didn't know why Chung Acheng changed the ending. The current ending was certainly not bad. On the contrary, it was very good, but too cruel and gloomy.

Listening to Lin Chaoyang's statement, Tao Yushu thought for a moment and said: "Grey is gray, but it is also very thought-provoking, isn't it? And I think Acheng may have written it this way on purpose."

"What do you mean?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

""Chess King" and "Chess Saint" do have similarities in some places, especially the final battle of one against nine.

In your novel, Jiang Nansheng finally fell on the way to defeat his opponent. If "The King of Chess" ended abruptly at the peak moment when Wang Yisheng defeated nine chess players, it would be too similar to Jiang Nansheng's ending.

Now this ending not only distinguishes "The Master of Chess", but also has its own style and charm, which can be regarded as a good ending. "

Lin Chaoyang didn't know that the earliest version of "The King of Chess" did have two endings.

The first thing Zhong Acheng wrote was the ending of eating meat. However, after the manuscript was sent to "Shanghai Literature", the editor thought that this ending was too gloomy, so he changed it to the ending that Lin Chaoyang saw.

The Zhong Acheng of this world was influenced by "The Master of Chess", but wanted to be different from "The Master of Chess", so he still wrote such an ending.

After hearing what Tao Yushu said, Lin Chaoyang didn't insist anymore. Anyway, both endings were good, so let him go.

He asked with a smile: "Congratulations to Comrade Yushu, for getting another wonderful piece of work."

Hearing this, Tao Yushu smiled proudly. Probably the greatest sense of accomplishment as an editor is to be able to discover influential writers and works.

"A Cheng's novel should have some influence, right? Will some people say it is too similar to "The Chess"?" she asked.

"The two novels have only a few similarities, so it would be too far-fetched to say they are similar. The novels are well written and will definitely receive a good response after being published."

Lin Chaoyang's vow made Tao Yushu very happy.

Time passed by half a month, during which Chen Huaikai came to Lin Chaoyang's house twice to discuss many issues such as the script, filming, and actors.

Most of the rest of the time, Lin Chaoyang was concentrating on sorting out information and preparing for the novel he promised to write "Flower City".

On May 25, Teng Hongsheng from the co-production company suddenly arrived and said that he was inviting Lin Chaoyang to attend the press conferences of "Burning the Old Summer Palace" and "Behind the Curtain".

"Is the movie about to be released?" Lin Chaoyang asked in surprise.

The filming of the movie only started in August last year, and it has been nine months now. It shouldn't be so fast, right?

"No. It's a final press conference, it's promotional in nature..."

After Teng Hongsheng explained a few words, Lin Chaoyang understood that it turned out that the mid-term shooting of the two movies had ended, and the next step was post-production. It would take three or four months to be released.

He agreed to Teng Hongsheng's invitation and came to Yanjing Hotel two days later on the morning of the 27th.

When he saw Li Hanxiang, he said in a joking manner: "It's really not easy for you to get the royalties. You have to work for me after you have finished the work."

The movie that took several years of hard work has finally reached its final moment. Li Hanxiang was in a good mood and said with a smile:

"There will be hundreds of reporters from home and abroad coming to the press conference. I am giving you a chance to become famous."

"I'm a screenwriter, who would pay attention to me?"

While the two were chatting and laughing, Lin Chaoyang said hello to several other actors.

At the beginning of the preparations for "Burning the Old Summer Palace" and "Listening Behind the Curtain", Li Hanxiang always adopted a confidentiality strategy for fear of impacting public opinion in Hong Kong and Bay Island.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long. Less than two months after the filming started, Hong Kong's "Oriental Daily News" broke the news that Li Hanxiang was filming in the Mainland last year.

It stirred up a thousand waves, not only in Hong Kong and Macao, but also in Taiwan.

These days, there are great differences in economic development level and ideology between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and Hong Kong. Although Lin Chaoyang and his team met friendly smiles when they visited Hong Kong, it was because everyone was from the Z faction.

In fact, in Hong Kong today, the British colonists are the rulers, followed by the Y faction, and the Z faction does not have that much room to survive.

Therefore, when Li Hanxiang went to the mainland to make a film, the response he caused was mostly negative comments, such as "taking shortcuts" and "losing integrity in old age" dominated.

What's more, it is rumored that Li Hanxiang is now on the blacklist of Taiwan, and his works will no longer be able to be released in Taiwan in the future.

At that time, Li Hanxiang was still making movies in the mainland. For "The Burning of the Old Summer Palace" and "Behind the Curtain", he invested a lot of energy and effort, and there was no turning back.

Even if the Hong Kong media contacted him many times and tried to report more content, Li Hanxiang ignored it.

Now that the film has finally been finished, it can be said that the general trend has been determined. Li Hanxiang has nothing to worry about, so he just held a press conference openly.

This is also in line with the external propaganda effect that the government wants. After all, in order to help Li Hanxiang shoot the film, the country not only mobilized more than 60 units and thousands of staff, but also opened the Forbidden City.

At the first Spring Festival Gala this year, CCTV even played the clips of "The Burning of the Old Summer Palace" and "The Behind-the-Curtain".

It is unimaginable for the Spring Festival Gala to promote two movies for free.

"You, Li, will have something to brag about when you return to Hong Kong. You are the first director who can shoot in the Forbidden City!"

Lin Chaoyang's ridicule made Li Hanxiang smile.

"It's all for the movie, for the movie."

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