Literary Master 1978

Chapter 326: The price is secretly marked

In early April, Yanjing was already in full bloom, but not much green could be seen in the Northeast. Only the newly sprouted buds on the branches of the trees showed a bit of spring.

In a month, Lin Chaoyang traveled to three or four counties and cities around his hometown and collected a lot of information. The purpose of this trip was basically achieved.

The amount of desk work required to create a large-scale work with a heavy historical background was a little beyond his imagination.

Originally, he thought that he could take the time to finish the script of "The Chess Master" during the time he returned to his hometown to check the information, but the progress of the script was still the same as when he came.

In this month, he only collected general information, but it would probably take a lot of time to really organize these materials and extract the content for his own use.

Anyway, there is no rush. It has been a month since he left home, and Lin Chaoyang also misses his wife and children.

After saying hello to the government, Lin Chaoyang planned to return to Beijing.

Unexpectedly, on the day of his departure, several leaders of the county party committee and the county government appeared at the train station to see him off. Such courtesy made Lin Chaoyang flattered.

"Comrade Chaoyang, you must come back to your hometown more often when you have time in the future. The people of your hometown are all concerned about you!"

Before leaving, the county official shook Lin Chaoyang's hand and said earnestly.

The secretary's words were flattering and sincere.

There are many writers, but there are very few writers who can achieve such achievements and fame as Lin Chaoyang.

Moreover, he is still so young. Even if he cannot reach the height of Lu Guomao in the future, even if he reaches the height of Zhao Shuli, Sun Li and others, he is also a valuable resource for the people of his hometown!

In a sense, Lin Chaoyang has now become a business card of his hometown.

The leaders of the county are not living in a vacuum. Recently, the response to "The Story of the Boat" was enthusiastic after its publication.

An excellent novel can often deeply touch people's hearts and inspire widespread social repercussions.

Although the novel "The Boat Crossing" was published not long ago, it has caused such an impact at all levels of society, which fully demonstrates the excellence of this novel.

Comrade Chaoyang has a promising future!

"Xiao Song, think about preparing a local specialty during the New Year and other festivals, so that Comrade Chaoyang can remember that the people of his hometown always think of him."

The secretary told the secretary after watching Lin Chaoyang get on the train.


The journey back to Yanjing was uneventful. The biggest change after returning home was undoubtedly Xiao Dongdong. He has become more expressive after more than three months. As long as he is awake, his hands and feet are always busy, waving in the air desperately.

When he cries, he is full of energy and his voice is loud.

"Oh! My dear son, you are fat again!"

Lin Chaoyang hugged the little guy with a loving face.

Unfortunately, he has been away from home for a month, and Xiao Dongdong has forgotten him. As soon as he was held in his arms, he cried loudly.

Tao Yumo took the little guy from his hands, patted him skillfully, and the crying disappeared immediately. The little guy looked at him curiously with a pair of ignorant big eyes, which made Lin Chaoyang couldn't help laughing.

"Little guy, you have a lot of ideas!"

Tao Yushu smiled and said, "This little thing is very smart!"

Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu briefly talked about their experiences in their hometown this month. In fact, there was nothing to talk about. He spent most of his time looking for information in archives and libraries in various counties, and he brought a box of books back.

After he talked about the courtesy he received after returning home, Tao Yushu couldn't help asking a few more questions.

When Lin Chaoyang and his son returned to their hometown, Lin Erchun did not stay with him all the time. Instead, he returned to Yanjing after enjoying the honor of returning home in glory. After returning, he talked about the warm welcome from the government.

Tao Yushu was itching to listen to it. This time Lin Chaoyang came back, of course she had to ask in detail, which was in line with her personality.

Lin Chaoyang talked to her for a long time, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

"You just came back today, go to bed early."

Tao Yushu said, and then said to Tao Yumo who was holding the child: "Yumo, you go to the north room to sleep tonight!"

Tao Yumo couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard it. When her brother-in-law was away, he dragged her to live with him every day. Now that her brother-in-law is back, he immediately threw her out.

He really turned his face faster than turning a book!

After resting at home for a day, Lin Chaoyang returned to the library to cancel his leave and officially resumed work.

"Maternity leave" lasted for almost four months. I was a little uncomfortable when I just returned to my job. I couldn't improve my efficiency in writing scripts.

"Alas! I only know the benefits of taking a vacation when I go to work!"

After working for two days, Lin Chaoyang missed the state of having a lot of time during the vacation and couldn't help wanting to quit his job.

However, he had just taken such a long vacation, and it seemed a bit unkind to resign as soon as he came back.

Be patient and wait for a while.

Two days later, Chen Huaikai came to his house and asked about the progress of Lin Chaoyang's "Chess Saint" script.

Originally, Lin Chaoyang planned to finish it after the New Year, but now it has been almost two months since the New Year and he has not finished it yet.

"Next week, next week."

Facing Chen Huaikai's urging, Lin Chaoyang gave him an accurate time.

On the weekend, Lin Chaoyang and his wife took their children back to Tao's house for dinner. Tao Yushu took the initiative to tell her father that she wanted Lin Chaoyang to resign.

Tao's father was not too surprised to hear her words. After all, his son-in-law's reputation was getting more and more grand, and he had already completely gotten rid of his dependence on work. It should even be said that work has affected his creation to a certain extent.

He pondered for a moment and said, "You can decide on this matter yourself. I have no objection."

"Dad, I just had a long vacation for a few months. It is definitely not appropriate to resign from the library now. I think it is better to wait until the summer vacation when I am not busy before telling the library about this matter."

Tao's father nodded and said, "That's good."

"It's just that your hard work and Uncle Xie's care were wasted..." Lin Chaoyang said apologetically.

Tao's father waved his hand calmly, "You can achieve such results now, which your Uncle Xie and I did not expect, but we are happy for you. A job does not mean anything. You have found a career that you can stick to for a lifetime, which is the most important thing."

When Lin Chaoyang talked to Tao's father, Tao's mother said nothing.

In the past, when her cousin Du Ruolin wanted to transfer Lin Chaoyang to the army, she would be angry at Lin Chaoyang's refusal.

Now that time has passed, Lin Chaoyang is no longer the same as before. Whether it is a library or an army, it is not a rare job for him.

Two days later, Li Tuo suddenly approached Lin Chaoyang and said he wanted to compile a collection of short stories.

"Why do you come up with one idea after another? Are you not going to make a movie?" Lin Chaoyang asked him.

"I'll do it, no delay. This time I accepted the invitation of Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House. They want to show the flourishing of the literary world since the new era. It would be best if they could compile a large collection of representative short stories that have appeared in the literary world in recent years.

I am not capable of doing it alone, so I thought of you, didn't I?"

Li Tuo had an expression of "I will think of my brothers first when there is good news", but Lin Chaoyang said mercilessly: "Do you think I am as idle as you?"

Hearing this, Li Tuo's face immediately lengthened. Don't hit people in the face, don't scold people without exposing their shortcomings. Lin Chaoyang's words were tantamount to killing people.

Lin Chaoyang looked at his expression and felt much better. According to Tao Yushu, it was this kid who suggested that everyone take a group photo holding his photo after the salon some time ago.

After joking around for a while, seeing that Li Tuo was disappointed about not being able to attract an editor of importance, Lin Chaoyang said, "Why didn't you contact Jian Gong and Cheng Zhi?"

"They are all busy."

Lin Chaoyang resisted the urge to slap Li Tuo, so you came to me to try your luck?

"You should contact Da Feng, he is free and has gone to the ZX for meetings."

This was of course a joke, as Feng Jicai had just become a member of the National ZX this year.

Li Tuo thought about it and felt that he seemed to be the only one, "Then I will contact Da Feng."

After saying that, he left Lin Chaoyang's house without any regrets.

As soon as he left, another guest came.

"Rare guest, how come you have time to come to my place today?" Lin Chaoyang poured a cup of tea for Zhang Guangnian and asked.

Zhang Guangnian looked at him in surprise, "You didn't forget it, did you?"

"What did you forget?"


Lin Chaoyang was distracted and remembered the conversation with Zhang Guangnian a few months ago, which seemed to be the case.

"I won't go for the visit. I'm too busy lately."

Lin Chaoyang didn't want to go in the first place. In addition, he hadn't finished writing the novel and script at hand, and he had just returned from outside for a few days, so he politely declined Zhang Guangnian.

The old comrade glared at him, "Why didn't you say you didn't want to go? I fought hard to get you a place!"

"Change someone, aren't there still people vying for this?"

"You change it? Then you can talk to the people in the WJ department yourself!"

Lin Chaoyang didn't expect that the procedure would be so complicated for just going out for a visit. The members of the visiting group were determined two months in advance. The most important thing was that going out for a visit was indeed popular, and Zhang Guangnian also spent a favor. If Lin Chaoyang didn't go, his favor would go down the drain.

"Then go, just treat it as seeing the world."

After understanding the situation, Lin Chaoyang followed suit.

"That's about right." Zhang Guangnian nodded with satisfaction.

He came today to inform Lin Chaoyang to apply for a passport. This time, the mainland writers' delegation to Hong Kong has a total of 15 people, and the old writer Xiao Jun is the head of the delegation.

The members include writers from three generations, old, middle-aged and young. Most of the writers are visiting abroad for the first time, and their passports must be processed together.

Lin Chaoyang listened to Zhang Guangnian's instructions and said, "Okay, I'll go and do it in the next two days."

Zhang Guangnian took out two forms and said, "Fill in these information. The Literary Association is going to recruit new members."

Joining the Literary Association was something they had agreed to before. Lin Chaoyang filled in the information happily and returned the form to Zhang Guangnian.

The old comrade couldn't help complaining, "I've never seen anyone more arrogant than you. I have to send the form to join the association."

"You are so respectful to the wise!"

After receiving a compliment, the old comrade's expression relaxed. This is pretty good.

In the evening, Tao Yushu returned home from get off work and also talked to Lin Chaoyang about joining the Literary Association. She wanted to join not the National Literary Association, but the Yanjing Literary Association.

Tao Yushu has published articles since college, so of course there is no problem with his own hardware conditions.

"Yanjing Literature" itself is a publication led by the Yanjing Literary Association, and even the appointment of the editor-in-chief is agreed upon by the Literary Association. As a member of the Literary Association, Tao Yushu directly skipped the process of joining the District Literary Association and started as a member of the Yanjing Literary Association.

Joining the Literary Association is of no use to Lin Chaoyang, but Tao Yushu is a workaholic, and joining the Literary Association is still very beneficial to her development in the unit.

"If you become the editor-in-chief, Zhang Dening and others will suffer in the future!"

Listening to his wife's vision for her future work, Lin Chaoyang couldn't help but tease her.

Tao Yushu rolled her eyes in return.

Lin Chaoyang told her about his visit to Hong Kong. He had just come back from abroad and had to go out again after less than a month at home. Tao Yushu did not show any reluctance, but was very happy.

"This time, the foreign exchange can come in handy."

The year before last, Hong Kong Chinese University Press published "The Death of Van Gogh". Lin Chaoyang received a fee of 60,000 Hong Kong dollars. According to regulations, he could keep 10%, which is 6,000 Hong Kong dollars. He had no place to spend this 6,000 Hong Kong dollars.

"What do you want to buy?"

The couple was discussing what to buy in Hong Kong. Tao Yumo happened to come back from school. When she heard that Lin Chaoyang was going to Hong Kong, she was more excited than Lin Chaoyang.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, please go to Hong Kong and buy me a Citizen watch."

Citizen's electronic watches are also sold in China, and they have been advertised on CCTV News Network, which is very popular.

Unfortunately, the price is too expensive, and you need a ticket. It is much easier to buy in Hong Kong.

"Your brother sells this stuff, you want me to bring it to you from Hong Kong?"

"He sells all ZS junk, I don't like it." Tao Yumo said with a proud face.

Lin Chaoyang heard that his sister-in-law wanted to buy a good watch, "Do you have foreign exchange?"

Tao Yumo immediately showed a flattering smile, "Brother-in-law, you help me to pay first, I will pay you back when I come back."

Her abacus was clacking. She bought the watch with foreign exchange, but paid back with RMB.

Lin Chaoyang looked at her with a smile, "You don't have to pay back the money, just take good care of your nephew."

Hearing his words, Tao Yumo was overjoyed, she didn't expect there would be such a good thing.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, Xiao Dongzi will be left to me."

Lin Chaoyang nodded with relief.

After all, they are young people, and they will work hard for a little sweetness.

Little did they know that all the gifts from their brother-in-law had already been secretly marked with prices.

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