Literary Master 1978

Chapter 319: Enjoying the People

Why is the white moonlight so unforgettable? Isn't it because it has never been obtained!

The same principle applies to "The Death of Van Gogh" and the Mao Dun Literature Prize.

If "The Death of Van Gogh" was listed in the original list of winners, perhaps the literary world and the reader group would not be so obsessed with it.

There may even be many people who criticize it. After all, after the publication of "The Death of Van Gogh", some people criticized this novel for advocating liberalization.

However, there is no if, "The Death of Van Gogh" was indeed not selected amidst the expectations of the public.

It is like the white moonlight that died when a man was young, and it has forever become an indelible cinnabar mole in the hearts of some people.

Therefore, waving flags, shouting, complaining, running around and shouting... The trend it set off has become a fashionable thing in the domestic literary world and among literary lovers.

When you meet friends, if you don't complain about "The Death of Van Gogh", you are out of date.

But in the final analysis, these voices from the outside world are all afterthoughts. Apart from causing some pressure on the Mao Dun Literature Prize Jury in terms of public opinion, there is no substantial impact.

It has actually helped boost the sales of "The Death of Van Gogh" and also added a bit of legendary color to Lin Chaoyang's award-winning experience.

As a literary award fully organized by the Literary Association in accordance with Mr. Mao Dun's last wishes, the Mao Dun Literature Prize is inherently authoritative.

In such an award process, Lin Chaoyang's most recognized work did not win the award, but another controversial work won the award.

Such a paradoxical situation has to make many literary colleagues and readers who support Lin Chaoyang imagine that if there were no messy rules and regulations, it would not be impossible for Lin Chaoyang to win two awards.

This has happened in the National Excellent Short Story Award and the National Excellent Novella Award in previous years. If it happens again now, there is nothing to be surprised about.

"What a pity!" Liu Xinwu felt sorry for "The Death of Van Gogh", just as he expressed at the symposium after the Mao Dun Literature Award Ceremony.

"There is nothing to regret, Chaoyang has won the award he deserves. Now "The Death of Van Gogh" is selling so well, and it should be thanked for this failure." Li Tuo said jokingly.

Chen Jiangong looked at Liang Zuo and laughed: "I think Chaoyang should thank Liang Zuo and Li Tong more. Without the articles they tinkered with, "The Death of Van Gogh" would not have made such a big scene."

The article "The Regret of the First Mao Dun Literature Award" in "Reading" was written by Liang Zuo and Li Tong, Chen Jiangong's college classmates. The two of them liked to get together to tinker with articles when they were in college.

"Without their articles, The Death of Van Gogh would still be popular! Chaoyang's novels, whether published or published, have never lacked attention.

It has been three months since the publication of Shutter Island, and hasn't the sales volume reached 800,000 copies easily?"

Shutter Island was published in October in March this year, helping October's sales volume break 1.5 million copies in one fell swoop, which shows its influence.

In addition to the huge impact it has caused in the literary world and among readers, this novel has a particularly great influence in the circle of literary theory research.

Many contemporary literary scholars have published many papers based on the research and analysis of this novel, which can be regarded as a rich mine for literary theory research.

In May, Lin Chaoyang negotiated with Renwen Press on the publication of Shutter Island, but unfortunately the two sides did not reach an agreement, and Lin Chaoyang finally chose Yanjing Press.

Shutter Island was later published in October, and now it has been three months, and the sales volume has easily broken the 800,000-copy mark, just as Lin Chaoyang's appeal to readers in the past.

Lu Yao's "Life" is one of the hottest novels in China this year, and it can be said to be a must-read for young literary people.

The novel was published in May and published by China Youth Publishing House in mid-November.

The first print run was 130,000 copies, and it was sold out in the first month after it was released. Now, in less than two months, 250,000 copies have been sold.

In contrast, you can see how strong the momentum of "Shutter Island" is, which sold 800,000 copies in three months after its release.

When Lin Chaoyang's friends get together, in addition to envy and hate Lin Chaoyang, they can't help but discuss why his works are always so popular?

Liang Zuo pondered and said, "I think it has a lot to do with the style. I have been reading my master's novels since my freshman year, and I have discovered a pattern."

"What pattern?"

"The protagonists written by my master are always positive, and the plots of the novels are mostly good.

If you look at "The Shepherd", the protagonist will give up the opportunity to inherit a huge fortune and return to his wife and children.

In "Little Shoes", Xiaogouzi still strives to move forward in such a difficult situation.

Even in a realistic satirical novel like "Qiu Ju Goes to Court", its protagonist is indomitable.

Compared to those works with decadent tendencies, my master's works can always bring strength to people."

If Lin Chaoyang was not here at the moment, everyone would really suspect that Liang Zuo was flattering, but what he said was not completely unreasonable. Most of Lin Chaoyang's novels do have this commonality.

"This is not absolute. "Shutter Island" can't be counted." Li Tuo said seriously.

"Why can't it be counted? Isn't the origin of this story because Yan Shouzhong can't let go of the death of his wife and children?" Liang Zuo argued.

Chen Jiangong interjected: "I don't agree with this. It's unclear whether Yan Shouzhong is mentally ill."

His argument immediately aroused the hostility of Li Tuo and Liang Zuo.

"If Yan Shouzhong had not been mentally ill, wouldn't the whole work become a tacky suspense novel? What my master wrote is not as simple as you think!"

Li Tuo also said sarcastically: "Jian Gong, you are too weak in theory. If you have time, go through the college textbooks and write some comments to practice your skills."

Seeing what he said was unpleasant, Chen Jiangong retorted: "I won't write any more comments. I'll leave it to you to write with all your talent."

These words can be called murderous. Li Tuo has not produced many novels in the past year or two. On the contrary, he has written more and more literary reviews and film review articles.

A few people were noisy and didn't stop until Lin Chaoyang and his wife came to propose a toast.

After finishing the full moon drink, everyone dispersed.

After the full moon wine day, Tao Yushu made arrangements to move back to Xiaoliubukou Alley.

In the past month, Zhang Guiqin has been working the hardest at home. Now that Tao Yumo is a college student, Tao Yushu plans to let her mother-in-law rest for a few more days.

Tao Yushu was responsible for cooking and hygiene, and asked his sister to take care of Xiaodongdong.

Tao Yumo was not happy about this. Originally, she was earning one yuan as a support player, and her life was relatively comfortable. Unexpectedly, she suddenly became the main force, and her key salary had not yet increased.

But if you ask her to give it up, she won't be able to part with the salary.

Sometimes she couldn't help but sigh when she looked at Xiao Dongdong, "Xiao Dongzi, you have to be sensible soon so that I can save some energy."

Often at this time, Xiao Dongdong would always have a smile on his face, looking at her with confused eyes, and occasionally there would be a surge of heat under his body.

It's time to change the diaper again!

After the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month, the city of Yanjing gradually began to feel like the New Year, and every household began to prepare to purchase New Year goods.

Lin Chaoyang didn't have to go to work and occasionally took some time to go shopping. At this time, Tao Yumo would always follow him.

There is no other reason. Going out with your brother-in-law can always bring you some benefits.

Lin Chaoyang was also happy to give some benefits to his sister-in-law, after all, he still expected her to work!

Time passed by on the 29th day of the new year. Tao Yushu gave Tao Yumo a holiday and gave her another five yuan. Tao Yumo was happy and hugged her arm and called her "good sister" for a while.

The little money fan made a careful calculation. Recently, he took care of Xiao Dongzi at his sister's house. He received 29 yuan in cash, 6 books and magazines, 1 set of winter clothes, 2 pairs of socks, and the rest was nothing to eat.

In less than a month, he had already received so much money and goods. Tao Yumo even suspected that he might not be able to earn so much after graduation.

For a moment, the thought of "How about taking care of Xiao Dongzi from now on" even came to her mind, and then she immediately gave up this useless idea.

Tao Yumo, you are a dignified college student at Yan University, a future pillar of the country, and a rising star in the legal profession. How could you be so worthless and be bribed by such a small favor?

I came with empty hands and left with my hands on my shoulders.

Before leaving, Tao Yumo didn't forget to give her nephew a couple of kisses on his jelly-like cheeks. This was her fortune-bringing beast and cornucopia, so she really couldn't bear to part with him!

"Sister, I'll be back in the second grade of junior high school." Tao Yumo said enthusiastically.

"Brother-in-law and I will go home on the second day of junior high school. Why are you coming back?"

Of course I came back for the new year's money. In a moment of greed, I forgot about common sense and convention. Tao Yumo smiled sheepishly.

"When I think about being separated from Xiaodongzi, I can't bear it. I just want to come back quickly so I can see the little guy!"

After his sister left, Tao Yushu said with disdain: "This girl looks like she's obsessed with wealth. I really don't know who she's following."

Lin Chaoyang took a deep look at her. He didn't know who he was following, but there was no doubt about his sister Xiao Qijie.

On New Year's Eve this year, Lin Chaoyang's family is a little more lively and happy because they just had a new baby.

Lin Erchun kept teasing Xiao Dongdong, causing his grandson to scratch his beard with his fleshy hands, and then Lin Erchun laughed again.

"Grandson, stop plucking. If you prick grandpa's beard again, you will prick it away!"

Tao Yushu rolled out his dough and looked at the scene of teasing his grandson with a smile on his face.

"Dad doesn't talk about returning to his hometown anymore!"

Zhang Guiqin scooped up the filling with one hand, put it on a spoon, and pinched it a few times with both hands, and a dumpling was formed.

"With a grandson, what else can he think of?"

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were chatting about their family's shortcomings. At this time, Lin Chaoyang came out of the study and planned to help make dumplings.

Tao Yushu said: "No, just rest and wait for dinner."

Recently, Lin Chaoyang is writing the script of "The Chess Master", and the progress has not been fast enough to catch up with the Chinese New Year.

In the evening, the dumplings were made, a table of delicious food was served, and the family sat at the table.

"Don't tell me that this year's CCTV Spring Festival Gala is quite big?" Tao Yushu said as he turned on the TV.

A few days before the Spring Festival, CCTV was previewing the 30th night party, but this time it was different from before. It was not called the "Spring Festival Gala" or the "New Year's Gala", but the "Spring Festival Gala".

Before the clock reached eight o'clock, Zhao Zhongxiang's face of national peace and prosperity appeared on the TV screen.

“Dear viewers, on this joyful New Year’s Eve, all the staff of CCTV wish you happiness in your family, all the best, and a happy Spring Festival!

Tonight, our station will broadcast the cultural program of the Spring Festival Gala for you via live broadcast.

To enable you to enjoy your favorite programmes, we have installed four telephones on site for on-demand use by TV viewers in the capital..."

Nowadays, domestic TV stations do not have the position of host at all. They are either announcers or announcers. Zhao Zhongxiang, who appeared at the beginning of the Spring Festival Gala, is the announcer.

But this year's Spring Festival Gala is different. There are four hosts at the opening, namely Ma Ji, Jiang Kun, Wang Jingyu and Liu Xiaoqing.

Lin Erchun held his grandson in his eyes with some freshness in his eyes, "It's indeed different from before! It's just that this phone is super redundant. How can ordinary people make calls at home? Isn't it prepared for those officials?"

Lin Chaoyang glanced at his father.

The old comrades are talking nonsense and telling the truth. This is called having fun with the people!

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