Literary Master 1978

Chapter 307: It’s not in vain that I’m recognized as your uncle!

Chen Kaige has always treated Zhao Zhenkai as his spiritual idol. He admires Zhao Zhenkai's talent in poetry creation, his profound literary accomplishment, and his unique leadership qualities.

Zhao Zhenkai talks about magical realism and Marx in a clear and logical manner, just like he used to talk about the British Lakeside poets and the Japanese New Thought writers.

But Chen Kaige no longer regarded his words with blind worship in his eyes as before, because Zhao Zhenkai's explanation of the magical realism genre was really different from what Lin Chaoyang told him.

When Chen Kaige was confused and entangled, the crowd burst into warm applause, with faces full of enthusiasm. Zhao Zhenkai nodded reservedly to the crowd.

After he finished his speech, and seeing that everyone was impressed by his eloquence, Zhao Zhenkai said again: "I think that's enough for today. Everyone can communicate with each other, which will help absorb and understand what we just said." content."

Zhao Zhenkai asked everyone to communicate with each other, and everyone was happy. With such a free exchange, everyone's doubts could be quickly answered by asking questions.

After Zhao Zhenkai said this, someone immediately stood up and asked questions. He answered calmly and calmly. Everyone felt that they had learned a lot between questions and answers, and bursts of applause broke out.

"Kege, what can't you figure out?" Tian Zhuangzhuang asked with concern when he saw his little brother's brows furrowed.

Chen Kaige glanced at Tian Zhuangzhuang and didn't know how to tell him. As he listened to Zhao Zhenkai's answers, he felt more and more something was wrong, and in the end he couldn't help but stand up.

"Comrade Zhenkai, I would like to discuss some points with you regarding the formation and status of the magical realism genre in Latin America."

Zhao Zhenkai looked calm and did not speak. Instead, he stretched out his hand to Chen Kaige, gesturing for him to tell his problem.

“I have some superficial understanding of the magical realism genre in Latin America. As far as I know, it is only one of several major artistic genres of Latin American new fiction, and its local importance is not necessarily greater than other genres.

In fact, no writer in Latin America is a typical magical realist writer, even Juan Rulfo, García Márquez and others who are recognized as well-deserved masters of magical realism, people regard them as There is also something off-putting about being ascribed to this trend, as their work is rich and varied in style.

Carpentier has repeatedly emphasized that he is not a magical realist, but a writer of magical reality.

For the history of Latin American literature, magical realism is not an insurmountable concept, it is just a way of naming a literary genre.

You just described magical realism as the most important literary genre in the history of Latin American and even twentieth-century world literature. This is too arbitrary. "

Chen Kaige is 1.85 meters tall and has a burly build. He speaks with great energy, and his speeches are very powerful.

While he was speaking, the people sitting next to him kept making buzzing discussions. They looked at him with some incomprehension, thinking that he was trying to impress others.

After he finished speaking, before Zhao Zhenkai could speak, someone else stood up and asked: "It is well known that Marquez won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Zhenkai's words are well-founded. You said magical realism is not important. What’s the basis?”

Facing the man's aggressive questions, Chen Kaige didn't panic at all.

"Comrade, please don't change the concept secretly. What I said is that 'the most important literary school is an arbitrary way of speaking.'

You ask me what basis I have. I would like to ask you, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature means that it is the most important. So, can I say that the works written by the writers who won the Nobel Prize in the past dozens of times are the most important? of? "

Chen Kaige caught the flaw in the man's words. He thought for a while but didn't know how to argue. Seeing that he was silent, Zhao Zhenkai was about to speak when Chen Kaige added something.

“I think Comrade Zhenkai confused the two concepts of ‘literary explosion’ and ‘magical realism’ and mistakenly equated the literary explosion in Latin America in the 1960s with the rise of magical realism literature.

The rise of Latin American magical realist literature naturally depends on the literary explosion of the 1960s, but it would be wrong to equate the literary explosion with magical realist literature.

In fact, the scope and impact of the literary explosion on Latin American literature is far greater than that of magical realism.

Can you say that Julio Cortázar’s “Hopscotch” is a work of magical realism? Structural realism, psychological realism, and fantasy novels are all important components of the literary explosion.

Confusing the literary explosion with magical realism literature is tantamount to obliterating the contribution of these literary genres in the literary explosion, as well as their historical status and influence. "

Chen Kaige spoke eloquently, with uncommon terms popping out of his mouth one after another, giving everyone present a sense of unknown severity.

Even Zhao Zhenkai, who was originally calm and composed, began to sweat a little while listening. He is a poet himself. Although he also writes novels, his knowledge reserve in this area is not as good as his understanding of poetry.

It was only because he had read some introductions to magical realism literature since 1980, and he had prepared for several days before today's meeting, that he showed that he knew magical realism very well.

Now Chen Kaige stood up to refute his views and statements. He didn't understand some of the terms he mentioned, so he could only say to Chen Kaige from another angle:

"What you said is correct. But what we want to see is that magical realism literature, as an important part of Latin American literature, is indeed ahead of other genres and has been recognized by the Nobel Prize for Literature.

I’m not saying that winning the award means it will be great, but it is indeed because of the pioneers of magical realism literature that more people in the world can see Latin American literature.

From this point of view, magical realism literature is indeed the most indispensable genre of Latin American literature. "

Listening to Zhao Zhenkai's sophistry, Chen Kaige felt that it was a bit far-fetched, but he could not say that it was completely unreasonable.

He nodded, indicating that he recognized Zhao Zhenkai's words, and then said:

“In addition, I think the definition of ‘magic realism literature’ and the representative writers and works you just explained are not accurate enough.

For a long time, even in Latin America, they have been arguing about the definition, scope, characteristics and other issues of magical realism. There are different opinions and it is difficult to unify. How can we, as Chinese, accurately define this literary genre?

The Latin word realismo mágico for magical realism is an ‘empty signifier’ whose true meaning cannot be determined in Latin. It is illogical to define it.

An elder told me that magical realism literature is based on inheriting Indian classical literature, incorporating certain creative methods from Eastern and Western classical mythology, as well as Western modernist alienation, absurdity, nightmare and other techniques to reflect or insinuate The reality of Latin America achieves the purpose of teasing, condemning, exposing, satirizing or criticizing social events.

Its essence is closer to "critical realism", which is a deepened realism and a realism with strong national characteristics.

You just said that Ernesto Salvatore is a magical realist writer. This classification is inaccurate. His "On Heroes and Graves" uses a large number of monologues, introspections, thoughts and stream-of-consciousness techniques, which is an obvious psychological realization. ism…”

Chen Kaige has an excellent memory. At this time, he was in a high mood. He blurted out various knowledge points about Latin American literature that he had heard from Lin Chaoyang almost without thinking. Most of the contents were Lin Chaoyang's original words. He couldn't even think about it. Neither is needed.

When he noticed the panic in Zhao Zhenkai's eyes, he suddenly felt like his idol had collapsed and his illusions were shattered.

It turns out that my idol doesn't know everything. I just parroted a few paragraphs of Uncle Lin's usual discussions on Latin American literature, and actually made him speechless.

Chen Kaige thought this in his heart, and stopped a little uninterested.

Seeing that Chen Kaige finally stopped, Zhao Zhenkai finally breathed a sigh of relief. He suppressed the panic in his heart and forced a smile.

"Kego has a very thorough understanding of Latin American literature. Thank you for pointing out the fallacy in my statement just now, otherwise I almost misled everyone.

If I had known you had such deep reserves in this area, I wouldn't have tried to do whatever you want.

Today is a rare opportunity. I think it is better to let Kego systematically talk to all of us about the development of Latin American literature and the explosion of literature. What do you think? "

When the Latin word "realismo mágico" came out of Chen Kaige's mouth, Zhao Zhenkai realized that he had met an expert today. Who can be a good person?

After feeling panicked in his heart, he didn't argue so hard, but chose to admit his problem wisely.

There are things that people don’t understand. Although this is somewhat different from the eloquent image he had just now, it is better than leaving a negative impression on everyone who pretends to understand.

In the end, he did not forget to use retreat to advance, pushing Chen Kaige to the front. On the one hand, it showed his humility and magnanimity, and on the other hand, it also improved Chen Kaige's image and made everyone ignore his embarrassment just now.

After Zhao Zhenkai said his proposal, everyone immediately burst into applause.

When Chen Kaige first stood up to question Zhao Zhenkai, many people present did not trust him, and some stood up to refute him.

In everyone's opinion, the omniscient Zhao Zhenkai is obviously more credible.

But as Chen Kaige continued to speak, many unpopular words that no one had heard of came out of his mouth, and they couldn't even understand them. Everyone who wanted to argue with him didn't know how to argue.

And everyone noticed that Zhao Zhenkai seemed to be very convinced of Chen Kaige's speech, which proved that he did have something.

The enthusiastic applause from the crowd made Chen Kaige a little flattered. He has been in the small circle of "Today" since 1978 and has never had any status among these people. Even his leading brother Tian Zhuangzhuang is not a core member of "Today", let alone Said him.

Now that he is being treated so warmly by everyone, it is inevitable that he will feel a bit proud and complacent in his heart.

Immediately, for some reason, the image of Lin Chaoyang appeared in his mind. Compared with the graceful, elegant and elegant Zhao Zhenkai, Lin Chaoyang's image was not outstanding, but when Chen Kaige recalled the way he looked when he spoke, he always felt that There is an extraordinary bearing.

That kind of demeanor is different from Zhao Zhenkai's temperament, which can be distinguished by the naked eye, and it is difficult to describe it in words.

When he didn't speak, he stood there quietly, like a silent mountain.

When he spoke, it was like a gentle breeze and drizzle caressing the mountains. It seemed ordinary, but it nourished the grass, birds and beasts in the mountains and forests, and all things flourished.

This is a real cultured person. In comparison, Zhao Zhenkai, who was originally regarded as an idol by him, is just like an elementary school student.

I am not recognized as your uncle in vain!

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