Literary Master 1978

Chapter 293 Black-hearted things

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter with this book?" Du Feng asked.

Lin Chaoyang explained the "second channel" to him, "This kind of book is probably reprinted by local booksellers in Guangzhou because my book is selling well."

"Is it illegal for them to do this?"

Du Feng understood what Lin Chaoyang meant and asked with some doubt.

Nowadays, Chinese people have no concept of intellectual property rights and copyright awareness is weak. Du Feng only thinks that this kind of thing is definitely wrong, but he can't tell whether it is an illegal act.

"It is definitely illegal."

Lin Chaoyang looked at the book in his hand and couldn't help wondering.

The trend of piracy should have started in the mid-1980s and became rampant in the 1990s. How come pirated books of my own works were published in 1982?

It's really unfair. Can't people enjoy the dividends of the times?

After understanding the origin of the book, Du Feng said clearly: "Businessmen don't get up early without profit. It seems that your book is too popular."

Listening to Du Feng's words, Lin Chaoyang didn't know whether he should be happy or depressed.

Du Feng asked again: "Shouldn't the publisher take care of this?"

"Forget it." Lin Chaoyang waved his hand, "This kind of book is sold cheaply, which is also a benefit to readers."

Listening to Lin Chaoyang's words, Du Feng couldn't help but admire him.

Brother-in-law is really a great writer, and his vision is really big!

However, he seems to have misunderstood the situation.

"Brother-in-law, take a look at the back." Du Feng reminded.

Lin Chaoyang turned the novel over and revealed the price, "3.95 yuan."

He couldn't help but widen his eyes, extremely angry, "These black-hearted people! How dare they?"

How much money would I make if I took the royalties? It's all my money!

Du Feng echoed: "These booksellers are really excessive. The books published by Yanjing Publishing House are only sold for 1 yuan, but they dare to sell them so expensively, just to cheat these readers!"

Lin Chaoyang also understood that at this time, the prices of pirated martial arts novels in China were generally expensive, and a book could easily cost three or four yuan, and some even dared to price it at ten yuan.

The title of his novel itself has a certain legendary color. The cover should be deliberately made like this by the booksellers. These booksellers pirated his books, and the target of their sales was not his readers, but those martial arts novel fans.

After figuring out the connection, Lin Chaoyang was furious.

My genuine copy only sold for 1 yuan, and you dared to sell it for 3.95 yuan with a changed cover. Is there still law? Is there still justice?

The next day, Lin Chaoyang took the book to Yanjing Publishing House. At this time, Wang Shimin had retired. Lin Chaoyang found Tian Geng, the vice president and deputy editor-in-chief, who was also a writer, through Liu Xinwu.

Tian Geng also attached great importance to "The Chess Master" packaged as a "martial arts novel" and decided to send people from the distribution team to Guangzhou to investigate the situation.

Nowadays, there are two types of book piracy in China. One is to steal foreign masterpieces and works from Hong Kong and Taiwan. This kind of piracy is not only done by booksellers, but also by many publishing houses.

Many publishers’ pirated books are even openly displayed on the bookshelves of Xinhua Bookstore.

Another situation is to steal domestic works, which is not common at this point in time.

Because pirated books of contemporary writers are far less popular than pirated world classics and popular literature works from Hong Kong and Taiwan, the gains do not outweigh the losses, and pirated booksellers are not as rampant as in later generations.

Occasionally, publishers or booksellers do this, and it is easier to deal with it through the relationship between publishers.

After all, domestic publishers at this time are all state-owned, and even booksellers basically do it through the channels of state-owned publishers and printing factories, which is easy to investigate and deal with.

After Tian Geng arranged the work, he comforted Lin Chaoyang and said, "Don't worry, it's not difficult to deal with a situation like this. Just find the publishing house and the printing factory and say hello, there shouldn't be any problems."

"You misunderstood. I'm not worried. If they do this, the sales will definitely not be too high, and it won't have a big impact on "The Chess Master."

Hearing Lin Chaoyang say this, Tian Geng's face was calm, thinking that he was just saying some polite words, but Lin Chaoyang's next words made Tian Geng look at him differently.

"According to my opinion, it doesn't matter if I do this kind of piracy. After all, there are still so many people in China who don't have enough food to eat. Before the economic problem is solved, this kind of piracy is inevitable.

There are so many people who want to read literary works and cultivate their sentiments. If there are cheaper books, it can also be a good deed.

But the nature of these book vendors is different. They are selling dog meat under the guise of sheep meat and harming readers. This is what makes me angry."

Tian Geng looked at Lin Chaoyang with admiration and said, "Comrade Chaoyang, your mind and pattern are admirable. Don't worry, our publishing house will definitely handle this matter well."

After talking about the issue of piracy, Tian Geng talked to Lin Chaoyang about the sales of "The Chess Saint" after its publication.

It has been more than a year since the publication of this novel, and there was a lot of controversy in the first few months.

It was not until Nie Weiping, a leading figure in the domestic Go community, was interviewed by "New Sports" after winning the National Go League that the controversy over the novel was calmed down.

Now, the novel has been published for half a month, and the first print of 200,000 copies has just been sold out. Yenching Publishing House has printed another 200,000 copies, which is in line with the consistent best-selling effect of Lin Chaoyang's works.

Tian Geng mentioned "The Chess Master" to Lin Chaoyang mainly because of "Shutter Island".

This latest work of Lin Chaoyang has been warmly welcomed by readers since it was published in March, and has received rave reviews. It has also pushed the sales of "October" to more than 1.5 million copies per issue.

Among the works published and published by Yenching Publishing House and "October" in recent years, such performance can be said to be far ahead.

At the same time, this novel has also been unanimously praised by the literary community, especially theoretical researchers.

Last month, Lei Ta, a young critic who became famous for a series of critical articles on scar literature, wrote an article in "Wenyi Bao" titled "Reading "Shutter Island": Truth Exploration and Self-Redemption in the Maze of the Soul".

The article reads: "Shutter Island" constructs an intricate narrative maze through the tracking and investigation of the protagonist Yan Shouzhong, allowing us to gradually reveal deeper psychological and moral dilemmas under the appearance of searching for missing patients.

It prompts readers to constantly reflect on the boundaries between reality and fiction, reason and madness, and how individuals seek identity confirmation within the framework of society and self-cognition, adding infinite space for interpretation to the work.

In short, "Shutter Island" is a work full of wisdom and depth. Through a journey of exploration into the subtleties of human nature, it not only explores the complexity of the human mind and the dark side of society, but also digs out the literary value behind the depth of human nature.

After the article was published, it attracted a lot of attention in the literary world. Lei Ta's praise for this novel also represents the voice of the vast majority of people in the literary world.

In the past few months, there have been many reviews published in major literary magazines and literary review magazines that have a positive attitude towards "Shutter Island".

The pursuit of readers, coupled with the affirmation of industry insiders, has made "Shutter Island" a good reputation, and also made Yanjing Publishing House full of expectations for the future publication of this novel.

As early as when the manuscript of "Shutter Island" was delivered to "October", Wang Shimin had discussed the issue of the novel's publishing rights with Lin Chaoyang, but at that time Lin Chaoyang thought he could talk to Renwen Press and did not agree immediately.

Now Renwen Press's attitude is clear, and the conditions on the side of Yanjing Press are still more generous, with a basic remuneration of 15 yuan per thousand words and a remuneration of 5% for 10,000 copies.

Since Tian Geng mentioned this matter today, Lin Chaoyang also agreed and signed the publishing contract on the spot.

In the evening, when he returned home, Tao Yushu said that Lu Yao had sent a letter.

Lin Chaoyang opened the letter: "... Life was published smoothly and in such a satisfying way, thanks to your sincere help. In recent days, I have been receiving opinions from colleagues and readers.

I am thinking about the creation of the second part of Life recently. This is a very important issue, which requires repeated thinking and a certain amount of time to distinguish the voices from all sides.

I feel that I am still confident in developing the other characters in the next book and can give a certain summary to each of them.

The only difference is my protagonist Gao Jialin, his development trend and the degree of some twists and turns in the middle.

I haven't thought it through yet. It's not the plot, nor the details, nor the overall theme of the work, but the ideological development of Gao Jialin that needs to be considered. Any clichés may ruin this work..."

On the 25th of last month, Lu Yao's Life was successfully published in Harvest. After the publication of the novel, it attracted a lot of attention in the literary world and gained a good reputation among readers.

This novel has become another masterpiece of Lu Yao after Thrilling Scene, and Lu Yao's reputation has become more and more famous with the spread of this novel.

He wrote to Lin Chaoyang mainly to report the response after the publication of "Life", and mentioned his thoughts on the second part of "Life".

In Lu Yao's plan, "Life" has a second part.

But unfortunately, the response after the publication of "Life" was very enthusiastic, and countless letters came from all over the country. Many readers came to ask for advice after reading the novel, and regarded Lu Yao as a life mentor, which made him laugh and cry.

At that time, several production studios took a fancy to "Life" and wanted to make it into a movie. Lu Yao's order in life and creation was completely disrupted, and the idea of ​​creating the second part of "Life" had to be shelved.

When he finally had the energy to think about this matter more than a year later, he had lost the original enthusiasm.

After reading the letter, Lin Chaoyang wrote back to Lu Yao, first congratulating him, and then responding to his thoughts on the second part of "Life".

"...The wave of "Life" is just the beginning. You must be prepared to deal with the huge wave. If you can't devote yourself to the creation of the second part of "Life", it will be a perfect ending. After all, the story and characters of "Life" are already very complete.

If you really want to write, it's best to be able to retreat for a period of time, not be disturbed by the outside world, and calm down. Follow the thread of "Life", continue to dig deep into life, and strive to come up with a new style in artistic description and artistic treatment..."

Tao Yushu watched Lin Chaoyang finish writing the letter and sighed: "I didn't expect that Lu Yao's "Life" would be so popular."

"What? Regret that I pushed it to "Harvest"? " Lin Chaoyang joked.

Tao Yushu chuckled, "That's not the case. "Black Stallion" is no worse than life. People can't be too greedy."

Zhang Chengzhi's "Black Stallion" was published in March and had a very good reputation. It was a pity that Lin Chaoyang's "Shutter Island" was published that month, and its style was completely suppressed by "Shutter Island". Compared with "Life", it was a bit unlucky.

The couple was talking and laughing, and then Zhang Guiqin called them to eat.

The two were about to go to eat, and when they walked to the middle of the yard, they heard a knock on the door.

Lin Chaoyang asked Tao Yushu to go to eat first, and he walked to the gate of the yard.

Lin Chaoyang thought it was a friend who came to eat, and didn't want to open the gate, but it was a familiar yet unfamiliar face.

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