Literary Master 1978

Chapter 287 It is rare

What Liu Xiaoqing gave Tang Guoqiang was not a clever solution, but a different approach.

Now that "Wreaths Under the Mountain" is about to be made into a movie, the film industry is in a commotion. The actors who come to Xie Jin for acting opportunities are like crucian carp crossing the river. Those who are more famous than Tang Guo, have stronger connections than Tang Guo, and have lower profile than Tang Guoqiang. Not a few.

Liu Xiaoqing thought of Lin Chaoyang, who had just recommended her to play the role of Cixi two days ago. He happened to be the original author and screenwriter of "High Mountain" and should have a lot of influence in the film's casting.

Instead of trying your luck with Xie Jinna, it is better to pay homage to Lin Chaoyang, the true Buddha.

Tang Guoqiang actually didn't have much confidence in Liu Xiaoqing's method, but he also understood that if he were asked to come to Xie Jinmaosui to recommend himself, the success rate would probably be even lower.

The picture flashed through his mind. Tang Guoqiang was still looking at Lin Chaoyang anxiously, waiting for his attitude.

"...The director has the final say on casting. The influence of "Mountain" is so great that many people have come to Director Xie to ask for help recently.

The "Youth Daily" in Shanghai fortunately opened a column called "Please recommend actors for the film crew of "Garland"", which made Director Xie very anxious. "

Listening to Lin Chaoyang's words, Tang Guoqiang couldn't help but look regretful. It seemed that there was no hope for today.

Seeing Tang Guoqiang's face full of disappointment, Lin Chaoyang added: "I am not saying this to refuse, but to tell you how difficult it is to be in Director Xie's film. I will tell Director Xie about your matter."

Hearing this, Tang Guoqiang felt a surge of hope in his heart, but at the same time his reason told him that Lin Chaoyang's words were mostly polite.

Others might help take him there, but the character's affairs can only be left to fate.

Although he had given up hope, Tang Guoqiang politely expressed his gratitude to Lin Chaoyang, and the three of them chatted for a while.

Liu Xiaoqing saw that this was the end of the matter, thanked Lin Chaoyang, and prepared to say goodbye.

At this time, Tang Guoqiang took out another letter from his pocket and said to Lin Chaoyang: "This is a self-recommendation letter written by me. If it is convenient for you, please help me bring it to Director Xie. I am confident that I can play Zhao Mengsheng well." I hope you and Director Xie can give me this opportunity.”

After saying these words sincerely, Tang Guoqiang said goodbye and left, quite a bit like sinking the boat and fighting against the odds.

"Comrade Chaoyang, I really caused trouble for you today." Liu Xiaoqing said before leaving.

Lin Chaoyang smiled, "It's nothing."

The two nodded to each other, and Liu Xiaoqing left the classroom.

After leaving the Literature and History Building, she chased Tang Guoqiang and complained: "What did you do with that letter? How could you beg for help like this? Here you beg someone to recommend you, and then ask someone to take the letter and hand it to the director. This is obvious. It’s because you don’t trust people!”

Tang Guoqiang's face was full of annoyance and anguish, "I know, I was just sick and rushed to the doctor. I...what can I do?"

He walked in front dejectedly, and Liu Xiaoqing complained again: "Look at your potential! Isn't it just a role? Besides, they didn't say they wouldn't help."

"You have become Li Hanxiang's heroine. You can stand and talk without pain in your back. I think my hope is slim this time."

Liu Xiaoqing looked at Tang Guoqiang's decadent state and felt a little helpless. The actor's profession seemed to be prosperous, but he always waited passively and had no right to speak.

"If you think about it on the bright side, Comrade Chaoyang's words still have weight in front of Director Xie."

"I hope so!" Tang Guoqiang looked up to the sky and sighed. Why didn't he expect Lin Chaoyang to have such strength?

"It would have been better if you didn't take out that letter in the end!" Liu Xiaoqing stabbed Tang Guoqiang in the heart again.

As soon as Lin Chaoyang returned to the library, he was stared at by several colleagues at the library desk.

"Why did Liu Xiaoqing and Tang Guoqiang come to you?"

Even though Liu Xiaoqing and Tang Guoqiang still have headaches fighting for roles, that's because they are facing the top directors in this country.

In terms of popularity and strength alone, the two of them are almost qualified to be the leading actors and actresses in most domestic movies today.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are movie stars that people look up to.

Today, the two of them suddenly came to Yanda to find Lin Chaoyang, and their colleagues were naturally very curious.

"Tell me something about movies." Lin Chaoyang said lightly.

Colleagues couldn't help but ask Lin Chaoyang a few more questions. Everyone knew that in addition to writing novels, Lin Chaoyang also wrote scripts.

Novels deserve everyone's admiration and praise, but everyone is still more concerned about movies and movie stars.

Lin Chaoyang was dealing with problems from his colleagues when Tao Yumo suddenly appeared in the library.

"Brother-in-law, I heard that Tang Guoqiang and Liu Xiaoqing are here?" Tao Yumo asked excitedly.


Tao Yumo looked disappointed when he heard this, and then asked the reason why the two came to Yanda. Lin Chaoyang could only repeat what he had just said to his colleagues.

"Brother-in-law, next time you have a chance, please give me a signed poster of Tang Guoqiang."

"Don't you like Zhu Shimao?" Lin Chaoyang asked him.

A fraternal smile appeared on Tao Yumo's face, "No conflict, no conflict!"

After get off work hours, the clear ringing of car bells rang in the Yanjing Municipal Cultural Bureau compound. Those who can work in this compound are considered decent people in Yanjing city.

The job was easy, respected, and the income was not low. Everyone laughed and laughed as they rode their bicycles out of the hospital and onto the spacious Chang'an Street, joining the endless stream of bicycles.

The red motorcycle that usually parked in front of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles building disappeared. Tao Yushu has been walking out of the hospital recently. At this time, Lin Chaoyang would ride a bicycle and wait at the gate of the hospital.

Today, Tao Yushu walked out of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles building with a few colleagues, chatting and laughing, and then walked all the way to the gate of the hospital.

When they arrived at the gate of the hospital, colleagues all got on their bicycles, and Zhang Dening glanced at both sides of the gate.

"Chaoyang is late today."

Tao Yushu said: "No, I don't need him to pick me up in the future."

"Then you take the bus back?"

"No, just walk back. I moved, so it's close."

Tao Yushu said and was about to walk to the intersection and cross to Daliubukou Street across the road.

Zhang Dening and others were curious when they heard it, and rode their bicycles without pedaling, and followed Tao Yushu all the way to the intersection of Daliubukou Street.

"Are you not going home?" Tao Yushu asked them.

Zhang Dening did not answer her question, but asked: "Do you live here now? When did you move?"

Tao Yushu originally planned to invite colleagues to her home to meet her at the weekend. Seeing that everyone was so curious, she said: "How about coming to my home to sit down?"

Everyone nodded hurriedly.

Just like that, everyone came to Xiaoliubukou Hutong as if they were escorting Tao Yushu to the execution ground, and entered the courtyard from the gate at the southeast corner of the quadrangle.

The quadrangle has three entrances and crosses the east and west courtyards, covering a large area. Everyone couldn't help but marvel at it just by walking around the courtyard.

"Yushu, how big is this courtyard?"

"About 2,000 square meters."

Everyone couldn't help but be amazed. The colleagues in the editorial department all lived in the family housing allocated by the unit, and the average per capita housing area at home did not exceed 10 square meters. Tao Yushu's family actually lived in a 2,000 square meter courtyard. Everyone suddenly felt the disparity of the world.

Zhang Dening asked, "When did you buy this courtyard house? Why haven't I heard you talk about it before?"

"Just a while ago. Chaoyang said that I was pregnant and it was inconvenient to go to get off work, so she said she would buy a house close to our unit."

Tao Yushu's tone of narration was very calm, but everyone felt that she was showing off.

Just because you are pregnant, you buy a house near your unit, and it is such a large courtyard house?

The capitalists in the old society were not as willful as your family!

After visiting the courtyard, Tao Yushu invited everyone to have dinner at home, and the group of people agreed without hesitation.

Everyone was not just for this meal, but they were really curious about the courtyard house bought by Tao Yushu and his wife, and couldn't help but want to walk around and take a look.

There are so many large-scale courtyard houses in Yanjing City, including various princes' mansions and Beile's mansions. Everyone has seen them in Yanjing for many years, but those courtyards are out of reach and have nothing to do with everyone.

The courtyard house of Tao Yushu is the best among the living conditions of the acquaintances that everyone has come into contact with.

While waiting for dinner, several colleagues from the editorial department stood under the two French plane trees in the second courtyard. These two trees are the most eye-catching in the courtyard. Almost everyone who comes will come to touch and take a look.

French plane trees are rare in Yanjing. These two trees were planted more than 50 years ago. Half a century later, they are still lush and leafy. This is a rare thing in itself.

Combined with the Western architectural style of the second courtyard, the people who are used to the traditional Yanjing courtyards are surprised.

"Liu Heng, you also write novels. When can you earn such a big courtyard!"

Liu Heng is a young man in the editorial department. He not only has to do hard and tiring work, but also has to endure the ridicule of several old comrades.

Liu Heng smiled and said, "This is a bit difficult for you. I can't write two novels a year, and they are all short stories. It will take a long time to buy such a yard."

"Young man, you have to have some ambition. Chaoyang is about the same age as you, look at him." Fu Yonglin said again.

Hearing this, Liu Heng's face was full of bitterness. Before he could refute, Zhang Dening stood up for Liu Heng.

"Old Fu, don't talk about Liu Heng, you are 20 years older than Chaoyang. According to your theory, you must live in a Beile Mansion?"

Fu Yonglin looked embarrassed, and everyone laughed when they heard this.

While eating, Zhang Dening and Lin Chaoyang talked about the film adaptation of "The Wreath under the Mountain".

"Why do you still care about this?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

"The Mountain is so popular, isn't it normal for everyone to care about it?" Zhang Dening said with a smile.

Chen Shichong said, "Actually, Wang Meng came to the editorial office the day before yesterday and sat for a while, and we just happened to chat. He went to the Ministry of Culture for a meeting, and Xie Jin happened to go to the meeting.

At the meeting, everyone knew that Xie Jin was going to shoot "High Mountain", and they all gave their opinions and looked forward to it.

He said that Xie Jin was so overwhelmed by this group of people that he even signed a military order."

Wang Meng is the deputy editor-in-chief of "Yenching Literature", but he is just a figurehead and basically does not participate in the daily work of the editorial department. Occasionally, there are activities to support the scene, such as the Yenching Literature Institute.

Lin Chaoyang asked in surprise: "Military order? Why did you sign a military order?"

"I guess he was forced by everyone and had no choice. I heard that the leaders of the Central Y asked a few questions during the meeting. Xie Jin said that if he couldn't shoot "High Mountain" well, he would say goodbye to the film industry forever."

Hearing this, Lin Chaoyang was surprised.

Comrade Xie is determined enough!

He thought about the phone call he received that day. He estimated that if Xie Jin had not been under too much pressure, he would not have called him specifically.

Lin Chaoyang could not have imagined that the adaptation of "High Mountain" could force a famous director like Xie Jin into this state. He had to re-examine the influence of the novel "High Mountain".

He has written so many novels, but if we really want to say that the one that has the most influence among the whole nation, it may really be "High Mountain".

After all, this novel has been certified by the top leaders, and millions of soldiers across the country must read it. It has received national attention in the context of the prolonged war.

A novel adapted into a movie has received enthusiastic attention from the central government to the cultural community, which is rare in the Chinese film industry.

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