Literary Master 1978

Chapter 284: They are young people after all

The unprecedented success of "Wrangler" is not only reflected in the overwhelming praise from the audience, but also the film has almost zero negative reviews from critics who have always been picky.

Director Xie Jin was intoxicated by such a huge success, but he also knew that the basis for this strong preference among audiences and critics came from the excellent quality of the film itself.

The next work he will shoot must reach or even surpass the level of "Wrangler" in order to meet the expectations of the public and the industry for him.

The novel "Garland Beneath the Mountain" poignantly writes about death, blood, poverty, suffering, and debt, and even writes about complaints, bureaucracy, and unhealthy trends, which was something that was not dared in the creation of Chinese military literature in the past. imaginary.

Because it broke through the previous stereotypes, the novel "High Mountain" has been loved by countless readers since its publication and has sold millions of copies. It can be said to be a landmark work of contemporary Chinese military literature.

The outside world heard that he was going to make "The Mountain" into a movie, and there was a lot of joy.

Recently, he has received enthusiastic concerns and reactions from several old friends about the film.

Comrade Huangmei suggested that he should strengthen the character of Liang Sanxi when filming "High Mountain"; Comrade Bai Yu said: The character of Aunt Liang is the mother of the Chinese nation and should be strengthened; Comrade Feng Mu loved Xiao Yanjing very much and told him to do it It is necessary to strengthen the weight of Xiao Yanjing.

Faced with the enthusiastic concern for "High Mountain" from these three seniors and friends in the literary and art circles, Xie Jin was filled with emotions and at the same time felt a huge pressure.

The point is, now that the script has been written, these people take turns giving opinions, and it is troublesome to make changes.

For this reason, Xie Jin called Lin Chaoyang specifically to tell him about it.

"It's okay if one person gives an opinion, but how can we change it when three people give opinions? Whichever character they like should be added to the drama, or should they all be changed to the protagonist?"

Xie Jin said: "Don't rush to complain. Several comrades also want our movie to be good. Everyone is looking forward to it when they heard that "High Mountain" will be made into a movie."

"I understand their good intentions. But as a director, you cannot let them interfere with your creative ideas. Everyone wants to please, but in the end it will only be counterproductive."

Listening to Lin Chaoyang's words, Xie Jin quibbled: "Aren't these all old relationships? They all helped to speak out about the "Legend of Tianyun Mountain" incident before."

"Help is help. If you want to adopt their opinions, that's your business. I won't change the script.

Lao Xie, I think your current mentality is wrong.

Everyone has expectations for "High Mountain" because they want to see a good work, and it is also based on their trust in you and the work. You are so unsteady now, and if you ask people to change the script just a few words, you can produce a good work. ? "

Being scolded by Lin Chaoyang, who was more than thirty years younger than him, Xie Jin looked embarrassed and felt hot.

He was actually aware of this problem, but the overwhelming praise from the outside world during this period, coupled with the human relationship, really affected his judgment.

"Okay, okay, I understand." Feeling a little embarrassed, Xie Jin hung up the phone anxiously.

After hanging up the phone, he helplessly said to the old man who was sitting beside him: "Look, I already said no. This guy is so powerful that he looks more like a director than me."

Feng Mu laughed and said: "Young people with this attitude are responsible for art!"

Listening to his words, Xie Jin curled his lips inwardly. This was not the attitude you had when you forced me to add drama to Xiao Yanjing just now.

Xie Jin has been in Yanjing recently. In addition to preparing for "High Mountain", he also took the time to attend several meetings.

What he just said to Lin Chaoyang on the phone was not a lie. Recently, he has attended various meetings and met many colleagues in the literary and art circles.

It is generally believed that with these six words "Garland Under the Mountain", his movie is already half successful. As long as the actors are well selected and all departments work together, it will definitely be another exciting movie that is not inferior to "The Wrangler" work.

Xie Jin listened to everyone's opinions and felt both pleased and awkward. What was gratifying was that many senior figures in the literary and art circles recognized the quality and influence of "High Mountain". What was awkward was that by adapting this film, his presence as a director seemed to be increasing. The weaker.

In fact, he has had this feeling since the release of "The Wrangler". The novel itself has a huge mass base. Even if he is a famous director, after the adaptation was successful, everyone seemed to naturally give most of the credit to the original work.

The influence of "Mountain" is greater than that of "The Wrangler", so much so that even now that the film is still in the preparation stage, his limelight as a director has already been robbed by his work.

Fortunately, Xie Jin always puts himself at the back of the movie and doesn't think this is unacceptable.

Among the many voices concerned about the film "High Mountain", the opinions of Comrade Huang Mei, Comrade Bai Yu and Comrade Feng Mu are the ones he values ​​the most.

In addition to the fact that the three of them have huge influence in the literary and art circles, it is also because Xie Jin is familiar with the three of them and has received more or less support from them before.

In the past few days, the three of them have put forward some opinions on the script of "High Mountain", and Xie Jin had to pay attention to it. He also understood that too many people gesticulating would only do harm to the script, not good.

But he couldn't deal with the issue of face. When he was with Feng Mu today and the topic came up again, he simply called Lin Chaoyang.

Now that the phone call was over, even though Lin Chaoyang, a young man, had scolded him, Feng Mu had been silenced.

If Huang Mei and Bai Yu ask about it later, they will have something to say.

You see, it's not that I don't want to change it, it's just that Lin Chaoyang is against Tian Gang and doesn't even listen to me as a director.

Feng Mu saw that he looked angry, so he changed the subject and said, "I heard that he recently changed the heroine because of a feud with Yanying Studio."

"Why do you believe these rumors? It's all nonsense!"

"I don't know about your film industry." Feng Mu said.

You didn't say you didn't know when you were pointing fingers. Xie Jin complained in his heart and explained, "The rumors are not credible. Zhang Jinling quit because she was pregnant. He did have a feud with Yanying Studio, but it was also because of the script's position. It's not about the person."

"After all, he is a young man! He is full of vigor and vitality!" Feng Mu sighed, and his tone could not hide his admiration for Lin Chaoyang.

When "High Mountain" was published in "People's Literature", the literary world had always been conservative about military literature, and no one spoke out. Only Feng Mu stood up and highly praised "High Mountain" with a powerful article.

Therefore, Feng Mu has always admired Lin Chaoyang very much, but Lin Chaoyang never got close to official organizations, and the two sides had few opportunities to contact each other.

"Speaking of which, his works have such a great influence, and you, as a director, are almost robbed of all the limelight."

"Who let him write well? If he didn't write well, I can't change it!

You didn't see it during the meeting. When those studios talked about the adaptation rights of "High Mountain", they looked at me with a wrong look, especially the people from the Bayi Studio. These sarcastic remarks came from them."

"Alas, it's a pity that "High Mountain" has fewer words, otherwise Lin Chaoyang would definitely win this Mao Dun Literature Award." Feng Mu said with regret.

Feng Mu is one of the judges of this Mao Dun Literature Award.

Since March this year, the Mao Dun Literature Prize has received 145 novels submitted by literary associations, literary magazines, publishing houses and other units across the country.

The age of the jury members is generally over 60 years old, and there are also many old comrades in their 70s and 80s. If Feng Mu and other judges were asked to review 145 novels, not to mention whether they could keep up with the energy, the time would not allow it.

The Creative Research Office of the Literary Association invited 19 critics, editors and university teachers to hold a reading class in Xiangshan for this purpose. The members of the reading class read the works and screened them, and this screening was only a preliminary selection.

After the screening results come out, they are not directly submitted to the jury, because even if a small number of them are screened out, it is a huge workload for many members of the jury.

Therefore, the Literary Association set up a preliminary selection group, the person in charge is Feng Mu, and the others include Wei Junyi, Chen Qixia, Kong Luosun, Xie Yongwang and others.

In a few days, Feng Mu will go to the guesthouse with these people to live for a month and further review the selected works wholeheartedly.

After their review results are released, they will become an important basis for the Mao Dun Literature Prize jury to make judgments.

Because the members of the pre-selection group and the jury are highly overlapped, the review results they provide have a significant impact on the final award.

"I heard that Chaoyang's works have been submitted for several works, right?" Xie Jin asked.


This news does not need to be kept secret, Feng Mu answered directly.

"Two works have been selected, so the chance of winning is greater than that of other writers who have only one shortlisted, right? Besides, his novels are all good."

The reason why Feng Mu regrets "High Mountain" is because he personally likes this work, and he is also very optimistic about Lin Chaoyang's shortlisted works.

But in front of Xie Jin, he can't say it too bluntly.

"Awards are not competitions. It's not that you will definitely win if you have many shortlisted works. It still depends on the work itself."

"I understand, I understand!" Xie Jin showed an intriguing smile.

May came quickly, spring was in full swing, the summer heat had not yet arrived, and the sandstorms from the west and north gradually disappeared.

That evening, Lin Chaoyang took Tao Yushu through West Chang'an Street and walked into Daliubukou Street.

The setting sun shone, the blue sky was dyed with a layer of pink glow, and the Sophora japonica trees on both sides of the street were lush and green.

In the past half month, there were two spring rains in Yanjing City, trees grew, flowers bloomed, and the whole city seemed to be embellished with gorgeous colors.

"Yanjing's spring is so comfortable!" Tao Yushu glanced at the sunset in the sky and said comfortably.

"It would be better if there was no sandstorm, so it seems that autumn is better."

The couple chatted all the way and came to Xiaoliubukou Hutong, and walked into the three-entry courtyard that had been bought for a month.

This courtyard is divided into east and west courtyards. The west courtyard is well preserved, and the east courtyard was destroyed because it was occupied by someone a few years ago.

After buying it, Lin Chaoyang asked Du Feng to find Geng Chuanfeng and his group to help with the renovation.

During this month, Geng Chuanfeng and others focused their main efforts on the West Courtyard, which had good basic conditions and could be moved in after a simple renovation.

It would be a big project to renovate the East Courtyard, so there was no rush.

The couple came to stroll around every now and then, which was equivalent to supervising the work and accompanying Tao Yushu for a walk.

Tao Yushu is now two months pregnant, and her belly is not yet visible, and she has not had morning sickness. She just loves to eat and sleep, and she has become visibly plumper, with fairer skin than before, exuding a graceful and elegant temperament.

In March, the couple invited the award-winning writers to dinner. Tao Yushu also received some manuscripts from the award-winning writers one after another afterwards. They were all new works by writers who had just won national awards. These manuscripts made Tao Yushu show up in the editorial department.

Everyone in the editorial department couldn't help but sigh when they saw this situation. For ordinary editors, Tao Yushu was asked to invite manuscripts as an editor. It was really a dimensionality reduction blow. She was praised by the editor-in-chief Yang Mo and the deputy editor-in-chief Su Xinqun.

Tao Yushu's manuscripts were many and of high quality, and her status in the editorial department was rapidly improved. Yang Mo gave Liu Heng the task of registering manuscripts on the grounds that she was responsible for too much work.

Seeing that Tao Yushu, a young girl who had just graduated, was doing well in the editorial department, he felt very uncomfortable.

More importantly, the hot potato flew back to his hands after being thrown out. Liu Heng wanted to cry but had no tears.

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