Literary Master 1978

Chapter 271 Spoiler Death

Shutter Island is one of the representative works of American writer Dennis Lehane. Dennis Lehane made his debut with hard-core detective novels in 1994 and has won many awards including the American Shams Award, Anthony Best Writing Award, Berry Award, and Dalis Award.

His writing style is varied. He is a rare all-round novelist in the American literary world. He is also recognized by the European and American literary world as a story master who "does not follow the routine".

At the same time, his works are widely welcomed by readers and favored by many film and television companies, and have been adapted into movies many times.

The most well-known Chinese work is the 2010 movie of the same name "Shutter Island" directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leo. The movie perfectly restores the plot of the novel. After its release, it received rave reviews and gained countless loyal fans in China.

"Shutter Island" written by Lin Chaoyang is based on this, telling the story of 66 mentally ill criminals being imprisoned on a mysterious island isolated from the world.

Under heavy precautions, Zhang Peilan, a female mentally ill prisoner who killed her three children, disappeared mysteriously. The wife of Yan Shouzhong, the public security officer in charge of investigating the case, died in a bizarre fire, and the arsonist was also imprisoned here.

Yan Shouzhong was ordered to investigate Zhang Peilan's disappearance, and at the same time took the opportunity to investigate the truth of his wife's death.

But Yan Shouzhong searched the entire island and accidentally found an extra mysterious file No. 67 on the island. All the secrets on the island pointed to this extra person...

Lin Chaoyang made a detailed localization of "Shutter Island". On the premise of pursuing narrative diversity and text structure reversal, he also injected realistic elements and tragic core into the novel.

In his novel, Yan Shouzhong's wife Zhang Peilan suffered a major blow and killed their three children with her own hands and then committed suicide.

And this blow came from Yan Shouzhong himself. They were originally a loving couple, but in the torrent of humanity, his wife was criticized for her background.

Yan Shouzhong could not bear the threats from the outside world and drew a clear line with his wife, which became the last straw that broke Zhang Peilan's back, leading to the final tragedy.

Overnight, his wife and children were all killed, and his family was broken up. Yan Shouzhong could not bear such a huge blow and had mental problems. He was the real mental patient.

After Lin Chaoyang's localization, "Shutter Island" maintained the original style with a very ghostly temperament, and the tense and weird atmosphere permeated the whole book.

At the same time, it injected deeper motivations into the novel, which made people feel cold in their backs and their hearts could not calm down for a long time, lamenting the fickleness and pathetic nature of human nature.

Gao Hongbo's "October" was occupied by Gao Hongshi before he could read it after buying it, and it was not returned to him until two days later.

After these two days, many classmates in the class had finished reading the novel, and everyone was discussing the plot of the novel happily. Not only could he not participate in the topic, but he also had to endure the pain of being spoiled, and resentment was growing in his heart.

After waiting for a long time until the class was over, no one discussed the plot of the novel, and he calmly read the novel.

The seventh term of the Institute of Literature is the editing class. The students are all young editors of major domestic newspapers and magazines. The content of the class is similar to that of the writer class, except that there are more courses in literary theory.

In particular, the analysis of contemporary literature is often the focus of many teachers and the most popular topic discussed by students, because this is everyone's profession, so they are naturally interested and motivated.

The person who teaches the students today is Rong Shihui, the editor of "Contemporary". He is a senior editor of Renwen Press. The "Song of Youth" and "Lin Hai Xue Yuan" that were popular all over the country in the 1950s were edited by him.

Rong Shihui has no rules for teaching. He talks about whatever comes to his mind. Halfway through the class, a student mentioned "Shutter Island" published in the past two days. Rong Shihui discussed it with the students with great interest and forgot about the lecture.

"I think the most successful aspect of Shutter Island is the creation of the overall suspenseful atmosphere of the novel. When I was reading the novel, I felt as if I was caught in a big net, with a breathless tension and constant suspicion of the things around me."

"What you call 'success' refers to the reading experience. From the perspective of an editor, I think the most successful aspect of Shutter Island is the narrative.

Lin Chaoyang successfully deceived the readers' eyes and focus with a non-linear narrative method, and kept the readers' curiosity to the end with a big mystery.

When the answer was finally revealed, we as readers had a sense of sudden enlightenment."

"Narrative is a means and method, and the real excellence of this novel lies in its structure.

The structural framework set by the author in advance determines the direction of the story, and also determines the angle and rhythm of the narrative to a large extent.

And I think the most successful point of Lin Chaoyang in narrative is that he created a kind of "narrative trick", or "narrative trap".

Let us follow the rhythm of his storytelling, but the actual story is completely different from what he showed us.

When we realized this problem, we did not feel any discomfort, but were infected by this sudden reversal and strong emotional hedge. This is the most powerful part of this novel. "

The students are all editors of well-known publications, with outstanding business capabilities. They analyze novels in a logical and eloquent way.

Gao Hongbo was originally immersed in the world of novels, but was disturbed by the increasingly heated discussions. Listening to everyone constantly spoiling the plot of the novel, he only felt a sense of despair.

While everyone was chatting, someone brought up the title of the novel, thinking that given the nature of the novel, it should be called "Ghost Island" more appropriately.

"No, no, no. "Ghost Island" sounds like a third-rate Western novel from hundreds of years ago. I think it could be called "Never Close Eyes."

In the novel, Zhang Peilan died without closing her eyes, and living under strict supervision was more uncomfortable than death. The title "Never Close Eyes" is very appropriate. "

"You can do it. Why don't you call "Never Close Eyes" "Nine Springs with Smiles"? In the novel, the island is a very important image. How could you abandon such an important thing?"

Everyone was arguing and expressing their opinions. At this time, Rong Shihui on the podium knocked on the table. When they heard the sound, everyone became quiet and turned their attention to the podium.

"As for the title of the novel, I see that everyone is discussing it very enthusiastically. Let me give you an idea."

As he spoke, he wrote the word "confinement" with chalk on the blackboard, then turned around and asked, "Who can tell me, what do these two words mean in our Chinese language?"

Listening to his question, someone among the students immediately said: "Confinement means being locked up in a specific place as punishment for making a mistake. This should be a term that only appeared in modern times, right?"

Rong Shihui shook his head slightly, "Except for a small number of imported words, most of the words we use now can find their origins in ancient documents."

"The Book of the Song Dynasty·Biography of the Yiman·Southwestern Yiheluo Chao Kingdom" mentions: The Holy King of Fuyuan will protect you from afar, and he will go back and forth when the market is easy, and he will not be imprisoned.

The word 'confinement' here means a state of restriction, which is basically consistent with our modern usage of 'confinement'.

Of course, what we now understand as 'confinement' has become a more specific punishment measure due to the punishment regulations of the army, prisons and other units. "

Having said this, Rong Shihui paused, clicked on the blackboard, and then said:

"But your explanation is also correct, especially in the novel "Shutter Island", it can be said to be appropriate.

‘Confinement’ corresponds to ‘making a mistake’, and Yan Shouzhong is the one who made the mistake.

His wife and children died because of his betrayal. For him, being trapped on this island was his punishment. "

Rong Shihui's words were like a gleam of light in the darkness, enlightening everyone present and suddenly enlightening them.

"Yes, this is a wonderful statement. This is definitely the author's intention in using the word 'confinement', otherwise who would use such a rare word."

"I think this 'confinement' has another meaning. I understand, I want to understand." Gao Hongshi suddenly shouted.

"What have you figured out?" someone else asked.

"This isolated island has a symbolic meaning, and it may actually symbolize Yan Shuzhong's own mental illness.

It may not exist at all, it is another layer of fantasy in Yan Shu, and he is just punishing himself with this imagination.

Look at the ending..."

Gao Hongshi looked around and happened to find "October" that Gao Hongbo had placed on the table. He grabbed it and turned to a certain page of the magazine.

"Look at the end, Yan Shouzhong fell into fantasy again after a brief period of sobriety. According to this description, everything seems to be a huge conspiracy.

Why does Lin Chaoyang write so openly? I think it is very possible that he left such a space for our imagination. "

The more she talked, the more excited she became. She seemed to have remembered something, and quickly turned to the "Prologue" chapter on the first page of the novel.

"It corresponds. Look at the prologue. The narrator he uses is Xu Lingjun's name.

Is there a person like ‘Xu Lingjun’ in reality?


The novel was fictionalized by Lin Chaoyang, and the 'Shutter Island' was also imagined by Yan Shuzhong, so it must be like this. "

Listening to Gao Hongshi's explanation, the students felt as if they had just woken up from a dream when a mystery was solved. The more they thought about it, the more they realized that what she said made sense.

At the same time, I unconsciously felt a sense of awe for Lin Chaoyang, the novelist.

Writers who use words to construct a world full of treacherous waves and ghostly qualities can be called excellent.

But Lin Chaoyang not only completed such a construction, but also gave this ghost world a powerful underlying logic.

This logic carries the realism spirit of the novel, as well as the extraordinary literary and ideological nature, which suddenly elevates "Shutter Island", a novel that seems to tell a suspenseful story, to the height of art.

"It's raised! It's raised too high!" someone murmured to himself.

Gao Hongshijie exclaimed: "This is called the sublimation of the theme! It's awesome!"

This sentence attracted the approval of everyone, and they were completely conquered by the hidden thoughts and meanings of this novel.

At this moment, they felt as if they were sitting on a ship, looking at the icebergs in the distance. The icebergs were above the sea and looked ordinary.

But only experienced captains know what kind of huge ice peak lies beneath the deep blue sea.

It stands tall and majestic. Although it is hidden under the waves, it shows no less majestic momentum than the mountains on land.

Sunlight occasionally penetrates the water and shines on its crystal clear body, reflecting dreamlike light and shadow, as if it is a giant from another world.

Classic literary works have the charm of being always new and have endless meanings to explore. After today's discussion in class, everyone really discovered the power of the novel "Shutter Island".

In addition to the awe of the author Lin Chaoyang, everyone also had a high awe of the novel itself.

Everyone talked to each other, and they seemed to have witnessed the birth of a classic literary work!

In a corner where no one paid attention, no one cared that Gao Hongbo, who was spoiled to the point of doubting his life, was emitting infinite resentment.

Spoilers die!

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