Literary Master 1978

Chapter 248 It has that flavor

Li Tuo talked about Lu Yao's visit to Beijing for a while, and made an appointment with Lin Chaoyang to bring Lu Yao to his house the day after tomorrow on the weekend. He also said: "It's been a long time since we last met. I'll invite more people the day after tomorrow."

Lin Chaoyang pretended to be disgusted and said: "You come to eat and drink again, right?"

"We call it beating the local tyrants!"

The two of them were joking. Li Tuo often came to Lin Chaoyang's house empty-handed.

While they were chatting, Tao Yushu brought a bowl of noodle soup.

Li Tuo ran in the cold wind for two hours and hadn't eaten dinner yet. When he came, the family had finished eating, so they could only get some noodles to make do.

Li Tuo took the bowl and picked up the noodles with chopsticks, "Oh, what about the toppings? There are also two poached eggs."

After that, he ate it without hesitation. In less than three or four minutes, a large bowl of noodles and two eggs went into his stomach.

After eating, he patted his stomach and said, "Comfortable!"

After a few minutes of rest, Li Tuo stood up and said, "That's it. I'll call a few more people tomorrow, and I'm leaving first."

"Sit for a while."

"No, the longer I sit, the warmer I get, and the less I want to leave. Besides, I have to go home to watch the women's volleyball game!"

After Li Tuo left, Tao Yushu said, "He is such a warm-hearted person. He is willing to work hard even in the cold weather."

Lin Chaoyang smiled and said, "So he has many friends!"

At around seven o'clock, the couple came to the main room. There are many rooms in the courtyard, but there is only one TV, which is a 9-inch black and white TV that Tao Yushu bought in a department store and placed in the main room where Lin Erchun and his wife live.

An hour and a half passed quickly, and the couple watched the women's volleyball players on TV defeat the powerful Cuban team without any danger.

After the game, Tao Yushu was both happy and worried, "I don't know if we can win the game the day after tomorrow!"

"Whether we win or lose, the Chinese team has made history." Lin Chaoyang said.

"You are really good at speaking in official language."

The cruelty of competitive sports is that one general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of people. Even if you are the second place, no one will remember your name.

If you are not the first place, you are doomed to be a loser.

"This is the line I prepared for the leaders of the Sports Commission. I also prepared a winning line. Do you want to listen to it?"

"What do you say?"

"Thank the country, thank the government..."

Lin Chaoyang solemnly imitated the leader's official language.

"Hahaha! You really don't look like a leader!"

Tao Yushu did not laugh at this official speech, but felt that Lin Chaoyang's image was far from this formal speech image, and he couldn't help but want to laugh.

The couple chatted, washed up and went to bed. Lin Chaoyang took out the manuscript he received in the afternoon and started reading it. Tao Yushu asked curiously, "Where did the manuscript come from?"

"A student from Yanda University? Jiangong asked me to help take a look."

"Just take a look?"

"If you think it's suitable, I will definitely help recommend it."

Tao Yushu joked, "You are a good editor."

She saw that Lin Chaoyang had another manuscript besides the one he was reading, so she picked it up curiously and took a look.

She was reading "Cloud", which Lin Chaoyang read when he was in school. It was a novella of 30,000 to 50,000 words that he only finished hastily before going to bed.

"This manuscript is interesting!" Tao Yushu discussed with Lin Chaoyang after lying down.

"How is it interesting?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

"It has a taste of 'contemporary Jane Eyre'." Tao Yushu concluded.

Lin Chaoyang laughed, "Your evaluation is not low!"

"I'm not talking about the level, but the story."

This novel by Zhang Manling tells the story of the heroine Yifan, who resolutely gave up her childhood sweetheart and first love from a powerful family under the pressure of environment and political persecution, and used the college entrance examination as a springboard to get out of the predicament.

If it is just a story, it is very cliché, just as Tao Yushu said, it does have a bit of the flavor of "Jane Eyre".

At this time, Tao Yushu showed a bit of mischievous smile on his face and said, "I know why you agreed to help recommend this novel!"


"This novel is not only like "Jane Eyre", but also like your "The Shepherd."

Hearing this, Lin Chaoyang couldn't help laughing.

What Tao Yushu said is right, whether it is "Cloud", "Jane Eyre", or "The Shepherd", they are essentially Jack Sue or Mary Sue stories.

The story of "Cloud" is not outstanding, but what is more impressive is the uncompromising personality of its protagonist. Lin Chaoyang guessed that Zhang Manling projected her own shadow on the protagonist.

"You can see through the essence of these three works at once, and you are indeed suitable to be an editor. How about it? Do you want to take this novel to Zhang Dening and others to submit a letter of surrender?"

Tao Yushu immediately saw through his "sinister intentions", "You are really a good person. You took the job yourself, but you let me run errands."

"Hey, Madam, this is wrong! You and I are husband and wife, you have me, I have you, how can we be so estranged?"

Lin Chaoyang's eyes wandered, and his voice was a bit unserious. Tao Yushu immediately noticed something strange, and when a big hand covered her vitals, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.

A night of romance, put it down.

Two days later, on the weekend, Lin Chaoyang and his wife got up early and went to the vegetable market.

In the winter of the 1980s, there were basically no seasonal vegetables in the vegetable markets, and the few vegetables that were available were all shipped from southern provinces, which would take a week or two on the road, so they were extremely precious.

To sum it up, the quantity is small, the price is high and it is not fresh. You should not be picky. It is good enough to buy it.

Moreover, ordinary people cannot afford it. Those with average conditions can just eat some winter storage vegetables. Many families can only afford to sell some green vegetables during the Chinese New Year.

The couple bought a few dishes, fish, meat and eggs before returning home.

There were still a hundred or eighty meters away from the small courtyard, and they saw several figures standing in front of the courtyard gate with things in their hands and gesturing.

When they got closer, they heard the voices of several people.

"I always feel that something is wrong!"

"Yes, I just can't tell."


Lin Chaoyang was familiar with the people standing at the door. They were Feng Jicai, Zheng Wanlong, Zhang Chengzhi and Chen Jiangong.

They stood at the door and looked at each other for a long time, and they didn't even notice that Lin Chaoyang and his wife were approaching.

Lin Chaoyang said, "You all feel something is wrong, right?"

His voice attracted the attention of several people. Seeing that the couple was carrying something in their hands, they hurried over to share the burden.

After saying hello, Feng Jicai said, "Thanks to this couplet, otherwise we wouldn't be able to find your house."

As they talked, several people went into the yard. Chen Jiangong remembered what Lin Chaoyang had just asked and asked, "Chaoyang, what are you talking about?"

Lin Chaoyang walked into the yard first and left a voice, "After hanging this couplet, my yard has become a restaurant!"

Everyone couldn't help but take another look at the couplet after hearing it.

Don't say it, don't say it!

It has a taste!

Several people couldn't help laughing and followed Lin Chaoyang into the yard. This was their first time here. Like elementary school students after school, they scattered around the yard and looked left and right.

"Where is Li Tuo? I only called you, but where is he?" Lin Chaoyang went into the kitchen to put things away and asked several people.

"He and Lu Yao went to bring a friend over." Zheng Wanlong replied. He had taken a fancy to the pomegranate tree in Lin Chaoyang's yard. Touching the bare trunk, he felt like twisting the trunk into a string.

Chen Jiangong and Zhang Chengzhi asked Lin Erchun and his wife about their well-being and talked about the distribution of land to households in the countryside, which touched Comrade Erchun's heartstrings. He spitted saliva and talked nonstop.

Feng Jicai was very quiet. He noticed a painting hanging in Lin Chaoyang's house. He went over to admire it for a long time, and then ran over and asked Lin Chaoyang excitedly: "How do you have a painting by Fu Baoshi?"

"I bought it."

"This one must be two or three hundred?"

Lin Chaoyang thought, do you look down on me or Fu Baoshi?

"About the same."

Feng Jicai sighed, "You are really rich," and ran back to the house to admire the famous paintings.

Looking at the people scattered in the yard, Tao Yushu asked Lin Chaoyang: "Have you noticed that they are a little..."

Lin Chaoyang understood Tao Yushu's idea, "The sheep in our team are in different states when they are raised in the pen and when they are released into the mountains."

Tao Yushu gave him a thumbs up for this accurate description.

After the novelty of the yard wore off, these people finally remembered to go to the kitchen to help Lin Chaoyang and his wife with their work.

When everyone was busy in the kitchen, Li Tuo came with people.

Lin Chaoyang, who heard the noise, came out to greet them, but saw Li Tuo pushing a wheelchair. In the wheelchair was a thin and dark young man with a broad frame, and behind him were Lu Yao and a strange middle-aged man.

"Chaoyang, come on, let me introduce you!"

Li Tuo enthusiastically pulled Lin Chaoyang over and introduced him to the young man in the wheelchair.

"This is Shi Tiesheng, our young writer from Yanjing."

Lin Chaoyang recognized the young man in front of him without Li Tuo's introduction.

Lin Chaoyang's earliest impression of Shi Tiesheng was of course the excerpt of "I and the Altar of Earth" in the textbook. He didn't understand the meaning of the text when he first read it, but he was deeply moved when he read it again in his middle age.

Later, he became popular on Douyin and won the love of countless new generation readers. More than ten years after his death, his life glowed with another kind of brilliance on the Internet.

"Comrade Tiesheng, hello!"

Lin Chaoyang shook hands with Shi Tiesheng and hurriedly greeted him: "Hurry up and come in, come in!"

Li Tuo's group of four, in addition to him and Shi Tiesheng, also included Lu Yao, the reason for this gathering.

The other middle-aged man was Chen Jianyu, deputy director of the Art Research Department of the Film Association. He was originally the editor of "Film Art". Li Tuo has been studying film theory in the past two years and has become a "good wife" for his wife Zhang Nuanxin, so he met Chen Jianyu.

Li Tuo's mobilization ability is not bad. In addition to Lu Yao, he called six people in two days, most of whom live in Yanjing.

Feng Jicai, who lived in Tianjin, was called to Beijing by Li Tuo.

"He said Chaoyang wanted to treat us, and I said I had to come." Feng Jicai pointed at Li Tuo and said, which caused a burst of laughter from the crowd.

"You have to thank Lu Yao. Without him coming to Beijing to revise the manuscript, we would have no reason to ask Chaoyang to treat us." Li Tuo pointed at Lu Yao again.

Lu Yao smiled with his chubby face, and his eyes narrowed into a slit, "If you come to Beijing and don't eat a meal made by Chaoyang, then it's a waste of time, isn't it?"

"That's a good idea! That's a good idea! You should spread it more when you go back, and everyone will come here when they come to Beijing in the future, and we can also have a meal with them."

It's called a meal, but everyone brought some things with them. After all, everyone is not well-off now, and having a meal together is a luxury.

Everyone gathered together to talk and laugh, and Lin Chaoyang asked Lu Yao, "When are you going to publish your novel?"

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