Literary Master 1978

Chapter 24 Short, flat and fast projects

When he couldn't sleep at night, Lin Chaoyang was also reflecting on what actions of his had caused such a big misunderstanding from his wife?

After thinking about it, he could only attribute the reason to his work being too serious and dedicated, and he would always cover for his colleagues. His wife must have thought that he was pursuing advancement.

Poor God, he just wanted to get familiar with people so that he could fish!

Besides, he went to the library whenever he had nothing to do, wasn't it all for building a small treasury?

Being a man is difficult, and being a man without a small treasury is even more difficult, and being a man without a small treasury and living in his father-in-law's house is even more difficult.


It's not easy to be a salted fish!

In the few days after the manuscript was sent out, without the constraints of creation, Lin Chaoyang happily fished.

In the third week of working at the Yanda Library, his position finally moved from the front desk of the closed-shelf lending office to the library on the sixth floor.

When he went upstairs in the morning, Du Rong kindly handed him a gauze mask.

"Take it with you, it will be useful."

The weather has turned a little cold these two days, and Zheng Tongjiang and Tu Mansheng at the lending office began to have red noses and sneezed non-stop.

The ventilation conditions of the library are very general. Because there are too many books on the sixth floor, there is a strong smell of dust in the library all year round. Coupled with the lack of sunlight, it is easy to get allergic rhinitis, an occupational disease.

The two didn't care at first, but when they felt uncomfortable in their noses, they were already infected. Now they have given up, and they are too lazy to wear masks even if the library smells bad.

In the words of Tu Mansheng: Anyway, I have rhinitis, what's the point of wearing it?

This makes sense, but it is only limited to middle-aged people whose lives are bleak. Lin Chaoyang is in his youth, and he can't learn from them to degenerate. He put on a mask and went upstairs.

In addition to taking books, putting books on the bookshelf and doing a good job of borrowing registration, the biggest unstable factor for guarding the sixth-floor library is the elevator that goes on strike at any time.

The library has to use the elevator for borrowing or returning books. If it breaks down, you just have to climb the stairs, and it won't make any noise.

There is good news. The elevator is working fine today.

So Lin Chaoyang's work is very easy. He sits at his workstation. Occasionally, the elevator rings. He takes out the book request form to take or put books in, and then draws a line on the book hanging next to the elevator.

The word "正" is densely drawn on it, which is the books that the six-story library borrows every day.

At lunch time, Lin Chaoyang counted and found that he had borrowed 32 books today.

Taking five to six books each time as an example, he took out books about six times, and it took about six or seven minutes to find a book each time, which is more than half an hour. The rest of the time was all slacking off.

When no one disturbed him, he would just pick up a book on the bookshelf to pass the time.

When serving lunch at noon, Lin Chaoyang hesitated as he touched the money in his pocket. He did not choose the braised pork slices for 20 cents, but chose the Kung Pao Chicken for 15 cents.

He chewed the chicken in his mouth, feeling anxious.

It had been a few days, and the editorial department of Yanjing Literature and Art had not made any movement. The money in his pocket was getting more and more unbearable to spend!

This efficiency is too low!

Lin Chaoyang was still confident in the quality of The Wrangler. Everyone said it was good after reading it. There was no reason why it could not be published. It must be that the editorial department was too inefficient.

However, even though he complained, Lin Chaoyang also understood that it would take an author three months or half a year to publish a work in a magazine these days.

He thought that finding an acquaintance would improve efficiency, but it seemed that he had overestimated the work efficiency of people in the 1970s.

The small treasury was in urgent need of funds, and he felt that he had to open up a second battlefield and could not hang himself on one tree.

And this time he changed his mind and tried submitting to a magazine farther away.

The development of domestic literary journals has been stagnant for a long time. Many well-known journals have been suspended since the 1960s and have not been resumed.

Excluding the journals organized by some regional literary federations or literary associations, Lin Chaoyang did not have many choices for submissions at this time.

After looking around, he chose Shanghai Literature and Art.

Shanghai Literature and Art was founded in 1953. The first editor-in-chief was the highly respected Mr. Ba Jin. It was originally called "Literary Monthly". After being suspended in the 1960s, it was resumed in 1977.

Interestingly, Shanghai Literature and Art was once renamed "Harvest" in 1964.

As early as 1957, Ba Jin and Jin Yi founded and served as editors-in-chief of Harvest. Later, due to various influences, Harvest was suspended in 1960. Therefore, Shanghai Literature and Art is known as "Little Harvest" in the literary world.

At present, Harvest has not been resumed, and it would be good to be on a small "Harvest".

And the implication is good, small gains, small wealth, very consistent with Lin Chaoyang's concept of building a small treasury.

He has no other advantages, just down-to-earth.

Otherwise, how could he walk from the black soil of the northeast to this huge Yanjing City?

With an idea in mind, Lin Chaoyang took action. In the era without computers and the Internet, writing novels is not only a literary creation, but also a physical job.

Most people's shoulders will be sore for a while after writing an 800-word composition. Lin Chaoyang enters the creative state and writes at least 3,000 words a day. At the end of the day, his back and waist are sore, and his fingers are almost worn out.

He is the only one on the sixth floor of the library, so he doesn't need to worry about anything when writing.

After only one day, Lin Chaoyang fell in love with this place.

This librarian position is really tailor-made for him!

Lin Chaoyang's new work is still a short story. After all, it is short. If he writes well, he can submit it in a week or so. If he meets an editor-in-chief with high appreciation level, it may be published in a month.

Such a short, flat and fast project is perfect for Lin Chaoyang, who is currently short of money.

That day, Lin Chaoyang was busy writing a manuscript. When he heard the sound of the elevator arriving, he thought he had another job.

When he arrived at the elevator, he found that it was a small note.

"Chen Jiangong from the Chinese Department of the 77th grade asked you to come to the bell pavilion after get off work to discuss something."

Lin Chaoyang recognized that this should be Du Rong's handwriting. Chen Jiangong wanted to find him. Could it be that there was something going on at "Yenching Literature and Art"?

After work, Lin Chaoyang strolled happily to the west bank of Weiming Lake. The afternoon class had just ended. There were many students walking and reading by the lake. On the way to the bell pavilion, he heard a fierce debate.

Following the sound, he saw that several boys were gathered together to discuss international affairs.

"Vietnam is a small country with wolfish ambitions. It frequently harasses our borders, and the people living on the borders suffer greatly. We must teach them a lesson." A boy said angrily.

"The most important thing for a country is war and sacrifice. Now that the country has just come out of the downturn, the most urgent thing is reform. Talking about war lightly is like pulling the feet out of the quagmire with great difficulty and falling into another quagmire.

We should still rely on diplomatic means, use the United Nations to put pressure on them, and return to the negotiation table to solve the problem."

"It's easy to say. The barbarians fear power but not virtue, not to mention that the United Nations is dominated by the United States and Western countries. They are eager for Vietnam to make trouble for us."


The country is in urgent need of talents, and students from famous schools such as Yanda will definitely play an important role in various fields of the country in the future.

This is not only the idea of ​​some students, but also the consensus of the school, the government and the whole society.

Therefore, many students of Yanda inevitably have some self-requirements of "being bold and powerful, despising the marquis of the past" and "every man has a responsibility for the rise and fall of the world", and these people also take it for granted to participate in politics in depth.


When Lin Chaoyang was daydreaming, he heard a shout from afar, and he hurried towards the bell pavilion.

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