Literary Master 1978

Chapter 237: Show some style

After listening to Liu Qiong's thoughts, Lin Chaoyang pondered for a moment and said, "The first way of acting is too vulgar. The second way is touching and emotional, which is really good. However, this is a play about the separation of father and son. If it is handled this way, the emotions are a little weak.

In my novel and script, Xu Lingjun rejected his father's idea of ​​taking him abroad, and also let his father Xu Jingyou see his son's firmness, self-determination and confidence in the future.

Therefore, in addition to the sadness of separation, Xu Jingyou's heart should not be so sad. Instead, he feels more relieved to see his son's maturity."

Speaking of this, Lin Chaoyang hesitated. How can he express sadness but not sadness, and let people see the character's relief and affirmation of his son?

Lin Chaoyang is not a professional actor. He has ideas, but he has no ability to put them into practice.

While he was thinking, Liu Qiong was also thinking. He understood what Lin Chaoyang meant. To express this emotion, he certainly couldn't use the previous method.

After a while, Liu Qiong stood up and pointed to Zhu Shimao, saying, "This is the airplane gangway."

Zhu Shimao immediately understood and stood up to cooperate with him. Liu Qiong simulated the scene of Xu Jingyou walking to the gangway.

They were about to part. He turned around and looked at his son in front of him, then slowly stepped back, as if he wanted to imprint his son's appearance in his mind, his eyes full of reluctance and sadness.

Zhu Shimao also looked up at his "father" with deep emotion. At this moment, the feelings of the two people communicated with each other like electricity.

Xie Jin watched the performance of the two and couldn't help clapping and said, "Good!"

Lin Chaoyang said, "Old Liu, add a sentence 'Let me see you again'."

Liu Qiong's eyes lit up when he heard these words and he re-performed.

When they finally parted, Xu Jingyou and his son Xu Lingjun stood by the plane's gangway. He couldn't help but step back to imprint his son's appearance deeply in his mind, and couldn't help but say: "Let me see you again!"

At this moment, Zhu Shimao, who played Xu Lingjun, could no longer control his inner emotions, as if the old man in front of him was really his father who had not seen him for many years. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he couldn't suppress his inner emotions and stepped forward to hold the "father's" hand tightly.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Xie Jin clapped his hands vigorously and said excitedly: "The emotions are there! There are! This is a great treatment, the true feelings are revealed, it is a completely natural reaction of the true feelings, and Shimao added this last action very well!"

In just over 30 seconds of performance, the strong emotional state of the father and son's separation was fully presented, and even Lin Chaoyang couldn't help but applaud.

"Okay, that's the right way to act, the mood is right. The low mood of parting has been lifted up, and this shot is consistent with the mood of Xu Lingjun when he ran back to the land that nurtured him in the sun at the end of the film."

Listening to the two people's praise, Liu Qiong and Zhu Shimao also laughed happily. Liu Qiong said: "Artistic creation really needs to gather ideas from all sides."

The few people talked and laughed, and talked about the performance methods of several scenes in the room. In the evening, Xie Jin took Lin Chaoyang out for a drink before letting him leave.

The official opening day of Yanshi University is one day later than Yanda. This morning, the campus was already busy at dawn.

In September, not only old students will start school, but also new students will enroll.

Early in the morning, many teachers and students were preparing to welcome new students. They set up tables and chairs and hung welcome banners at the school gate and in front of the buildings of various departments.

While everyone was busy, the roar of a motorcycle attracted many people's attention. Looking up, they saw a red motorcycle galloping in the campus, and the figure on it was heroic.

"Motorcycle? You are really rich!"

"Riding a motorcycle in school is too eye-catching, right?"

"I am rich, what's wrong with riding a motorcycle?"

Amid the discussions of passers-by, Tao Yushu rode a motorcycle to the front of the second teaching building.

The front of the second teaching building was very lively in the morning. The classmates had not seen each other for a summer vacation. Today, they were very affectionate when they met. They didn't even go into the building, but stood at the door of the building and chatted affectionately.

Tao Yushu's motorcycle came from a distance, attracting everyone's attention and kept falling on her.

She parked the motorcycle, took off the helmet, and her long hair fell down. There was an indescribable heroic spirit and chic. At this time, everyone recognized that it was Tao Yushu.

"Ah! Yushu, it's you!"

Wu Yingfang walked up to greet Tao Yushu in surprise.


Tao Yushu greeted her old classmate with a bright smile, and then greeted everyone else one by one.

"Yushu, when did you buy a motorcycle?"

Wu Yingfang circled Tao Yushu's motorcycle with great interest. Not only him, but others also came over to look at her and the Yamaha 125 with great interest when they saw Tao Yushu riding a motorcycle.

"Yushu, how much did you buy this motorcycle? It's not cheap, is it?"

"What brand is it? YA~MA~HA, a Japanese brand, right?"


A group of classmates asked questions at once. She felt a little uncomfortable being watched by everyone. She got off the car and walked to the door of the second floor of the teaching building. The group of classmates still commented on her motorcycle with great interest.

"Oh! You are amazing. I haven't seen you for a summer vacation, and you are driving a motorcycle." Wu Yingfang said half enviously and half jokingly.

Tao Yushu said, "It's just a means of transportation."

"Stop talking, stop talking. I can't stand hearing that. I also want a means of transportation like this." Wu Yingfang shouted innocently.

"Tell me the truth, how much did this motorcycle cost?" Wu Yingfang asked again.

A classmate had asked this question just now, but Tao Yushu was embarrassed to answer in public. Now Wu Yingfang asked her alone, so Tao Yushu had to say: "I bought it at the Friendship Store and spent more than 2,600 yuan."

Wu Yingfang counted with her fingers and exclaimed, "Isn't that almost 4,000 yuan?"

"Keep your voice down and don't make a fuss!"

Wu Yingfang said heartlessly: "You all ride a motorcycle to school, are you afraid of my fuss?"

Tao Yushu's expression was a little helpless. Wu Yingfang was right. In today's Yanshi University campus, her motorcycle is indeed too eye-catching.

For their Chinese Department, there are more than 100 students in the 77th grade, and only more than 10 people have bicycles, which is less than one-tenth of the proportion.

This is because many of their students have worked before and have a certain economic strength.

In the following classes, there are even fewer people who have bicycles.

When everyone else didn't even ride a bicycle, she had already ridden a motorcycle.

If we make an analogy, today's bicycles are equivalent to later generations' means of transportation, and Tao Yushu's motorcycle is equivalent to driving a supercar into the campus, so it's self-evident how cool it is.

"Your comrade Chaoyang is really willing to spend money on you!" Wu Yingfang said with envy.

Tao Yushu and she are both students. Although she occasionally publishes some commentary articles to earn some royalties, it is definitely impossible for her to afford such an expensive industrial product as a motorcycle. It must be bought for her by Lin Chaoyang, a writer who can make money.

Listening to Wu Yingfang's words, Tao Yushu smiled and said, "He is not willing to spend money on me, so how can he spend money on you?"

Wu Yingfang said angrily, "Nonsense, I'll tear your mouth apart!"

After the two laughed and joked for a while, the students' enthusiasm for the Yamaha 125 gradually dissipated, and they entered the second floor of the teaching building one after another to prepare for the first class of the new semester.

The next day, Lin Chaoyang was at work, and Li Shuguang suddenly came over.

Lin Chaoyang thought he was here to collect manuscripts, but Li Shuguang said, "Chaoyang, our publishing house plans to publish a collection of novels, and we want to include your "The Shepherd" and "The Little Shoes" in it."

The collection of novels means that there will be royalties again, so Lin Chaoyang is naturally happy to agree, but he is also a little curious about the name of this collection of novels.

After Li Shuguang's explanation, he learned that this collection of novels was planned at the invitation of Yugoslavia, a friendly country, and the collection of short and medium-length novels with relatively large influence in China in recent years. At that time, this collection of novels will be translated and published in Yugoslavia.

"How much is the royalty?" After listening to Li Shuguang's words, Lin Chaoyang asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Three yuan per thousand words."

"Too little?"

"Not a small amount. How many times have you received royalties for these two novels?"

"No matter how much I received, it was written with my hard work. I can give you a little more. How can the royalties you give be so low? It's the same price as the reprinting fee."

Li Shuguang looked at Lin Chaoyang helplessly, "Some of them are even lower than ours, those local publications..."

"Nonsense! Can you compare yourselves with those local publications? After all, it is a state-owned publishing house. You have to show some vision."

Lin Chaoyang tried to brainwash Li Shuguang, but Li Shuguang didn't buy it. "I don't have the final say on royalties. Otherwise, go to the publishing house and discuss it with the leaders."

" Forget it, I don't want this fee, and don't accept the novel. "

Li Shuguang didn't expect Lin Chaoyang to overturn the table when he disagreed with him, so he had to hold him and persuade him: "You have to understand us, this is a task from above, and novel selection is a losing business."

"Have you done enough losing money? Who let you wear the word "people" on your head? You just cheat me, a people, like this?"

Li Shuguang couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Okay, okay, I'm convinced. I'll go back and study the increase in the fee for you. How much do you want? Don't be too outrageous!"

"Eight yuan per thousand words."

"Too high, we are almost reprinting..."

The two of them argued for a long time, and finally Lin Chaoyang agreed to the price of six yuan per thousand words.

After Li Shuguang left, it was almost lunch time, so Lin Chaoyang strolled to the cafeteria. Passing by the poster column at the entrance of the big dining hall, he saw students preparing to eat watching, so he went up to them.

The poster column of Yanda University has always been full of excitement. In the past few years, big-character posters were the exclusive reading material here, but now it has become a place for students to publish poems and various opinions.

Lin Chaoyang approached the poster column and saw the text on it through a few heads.

"The pros and cons of personal heroism from "The Chess Master"".

Unlike the extreme views of articles in "Shanghai Literature", this review focuses on whether the sacrifice of the protagonist Jiangnansheng is worth it.

The author's attitude is very obvious. He believes that Jiangnansheng's actions are completely impulsive. It seems that he sacrificed himself for the country, but in fact it is a reckless act.

Since the publication of "The Chess Master", many review articles on the novel have been published. Lin Chaoyang is not surprised that students in Yanda University have expressed their views on this novel.

He looked around and didn't expect that there were quite a lot of students watching. There were at least 20 or 30 people. Everyone was discussing in front of the poster column.

Someone recognized Lin Chaoyang and shouted boldly, "Comrade Chaoyang, what do you think of this article?"

Others also saw Lin Chaoyang at this time and couldn't help laughing.

Lin Chaoyang said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, well written!"

He then withdrew, not giving the students a chance to play tricks.

After dinner, he went to the Weiming Lake for a walk as usual.

In September, the heat gradually faded, and even the wind became a little cooler, but standing in the sun, the power of the autumn heat should not be underestimated.

Lin Chaoyang followed the willow shade all the way to the bell pavilion and saw a few students there.

Cha Haisheng saw Lin Chaoyang from a distance, waved to him, and Lin Chaoyang walked over.

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