Literary Master 1978

Chapter 216: When the country prospers, the chess fortune will also prosper

Xie Daoyuan just arranged for someone to communicate with the school and transferred the books from Xinhua Bookstore. There are 50 books in total, half of which are "Lai Zi's Summer" and half of which are "The Death of Van Gogh" from the "Contemporary" special issue.

Xie Daoyuan originally wanted to distribute these books directly to the students, but he was stopped by the old man who was talking to Lin Chaoyang, "How can we do it without signing the author's name in person?"

His proposal won applause from the students, and Lin Chaoyang had no choice but to sit down and sign his name on the title page of each book, and write a blessing by the way.

The students were full of joy when they got the book signed by him.

In less than an hour of communication, they have been deeply attracted by Lin Chaoyang's conversation and are full of interest in his works. Now that the book is in hand, the students can't wait to read it.

After the exchange with the Chinese University of Hong Kong delegation, Lin Chaoyang returned to the library desk. It was almost time to get off work. His return naturally aroused some ridicule.

"Oh, the great writer who went abroad is back!"

"I never expected that Chaoyang would now have an international reputation."

Lin Chaoyang calmly interrupted everyone's banter, "Let me correct you, Xiangjiang is an inseparable part of our motherland. There is something wrong with your statement."

After chatting for a while and dawdling for a few minutes, it was time to get off work. Lin Chaoyang rode his bicycle back to the Overseas Chinese Apartment.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Wu Zuoren and his wife walking in the courtyard supporting each other. He greeted them warmly.

"I haven't seen your father for a long time? When will he come next?" Wu Zuoren asked.

"He can't worry about the land at home. He has to wait until the autumn harvest before he can come."

"It's a good thing for people to have thoughts. It's weird to think about him."

"I will tell him when I write a letter later that you miss him and ask him to come to Yanjing as soon as possible." Lin Chaoyang said with a smile.

Wu Zuoren smiled like a naughty boy and said, "Ask him to bring something. Don't come empty-handed."

"Ask him to bring you a pheasant."

"I can't eat any more meat, so bring some hazelnut mushrooms. The hazelnut mushrooms over there are delicious."

After joking with Wu Zuoren for a while, Lin Chaoyang went upstairs to go home and saw Zhang Dening sitting in the living room again.

"You come very often."

"I don't want to come either. Don't I have to talk about novels with you?"

"What to talk about?"

Zhang Dening said: "The style of your novel has changed a bit. It is not the realism of "Little Shoes", nor the stream of consciousness of "Lai Zi's Summer". It is somewhat similar to "Garland Under the Mountain", but in the story The processing is more extreme.”

"What's the editorial board's opinion?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

"The novel is good. The plot has ups and downs and makes people's hearts beat when reading it. However, the final plot is a bit exaggerated and feels distorted. Is Jiang Nansheng's prototype Wu Qingyuan?"

Lin Chaoyang frowned when he heard this, "Why do you think Jiang Nansheng is Wu Qingyuan?"

"You wrote it yourself! Jiang Nansheng loves chess like his life, and has defeated nine Japanese Go masters in a row. In reality, the only person we can think of is Wu Qingyuan."

Lin Chaoyang shook his head and said: "I also wrote that Jiang Nansheng repeatedly refused the Japanese solicitations! He is a patriot and is fundamentally different from Wu Qingyuan."

"I didn't say that Jiang Nansheng was Wu Qingyuan. What I meant was that this character was based on Wu Qingyuan's experience?"

"No. How could I use Wu Qingyuan's experience when writing about a character like Jiang Nansheng? Don't you think it's awkward?"

"Then the character Jiang Nansheng was completely made up by you? If that's the case, it would be really easy for others to criticize him." Zhang Dening murmured to himself.

"It's not that there is no prototype." Lin Chaoyang said.

Zhang Dening immediately asked: "Is there a prototype? Who is it?"

"This..." Lin Chaoyang hesitated. His prototype had not yet achieved a consecutive victory over 11 Japanese chess masters.

"Is it true? You're not talking nonsense, are you?" Zhang Dening asked suspiciously.

“Does it matter if you have a prototype?”

"Of course it's important. Let me tell you, your last plot is exciting to read, but it's also easy to criticize.

If there is no prototype reference, people will inevitably criticize it as an obscene work.

In fact, I think it's not bad to use Wu Qingyuan as the prototype. There is nothing wrong with applying his record to Jiang Nansheng. "

Lin Chaoyang said impatiently: "Okay, okay, don't keep mentioning Wu Qingyuan, always talking about a Japanese."

Zhang Dening said helplessly: "Aren't I afraid that you will be criticized?"

"It's approved. There are many people criticizing me."

Zhang Dening teased: "You don't have to worry about having too many lice, right? Don't tell me, I read another article criticizing "The Death of Van Gogh" in the past two days."

During this period of time, influenced by the conservative atmosphere, one or two articles criticizing "The Death of Van Gogh" appeared in the literary world from time to time.

"What did you say about me this time?" Lin Chaoyang asked in a relaxed tone.

"Isn't there a scene in your novel that describes Van Gogh's prostitution?"

Lin Chaoyang immediately understood the basis of the other party's criticism, "I wrote it based on the data, okay? Besides, I didn't write about prostitution specifically, it was to create characters!"

Zhang Dening said: "It's all over the line, why do people care about you? They say that your descriptions are too detailed and are harmful to readers, and you are suspected of excusing prostitutes..."

Lin Chaoyang waved his hands completely speechless, "Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore."

Zhang Dening laughed, "I really thought you didn't care, it seems that you don't have the willpower to control yourself!"

"Even a clay man can still get angry, what kind of person is this!"

"Do you want to fight back?"

"I'm afraid you'll make me shit."

"As a great writer, your words are really vulgar."

"Are you okay?"

"I haven't eaten yet!"

Zhang Dening came here today mainly to talk to Lin Chaoyang about some inside stories of novel writing. After a while, she talked about the novel again and asked about the details in the novel.

The characters in Lin Chaoyang's novel do have prototypes, and the reason why he couldn't say it was because the other party had not yet reached the peak state.

In 1984, China and Japan jointly held the first China-Japan Go Challenge Tournament. The challenge tournament was formed by teams of the same number of players from both China and Japan. Each team had a coach and adopted the form of a challenge to decide the final winner.

At that time, there were many strong players in the Japanese Go world, and they had an absolute crushing power against Chinese Go.

In the media predictions before the game, both China's "New Sports" and Japan's "Go Club" magazine conducted surveys, and more than 80% of readers in both countries predicted that Japan would win.

Some people even said that three Japanese players could sweep the Chinese team and that the Chinese team would be successful if they saw Kobayashi Koichi. No one was optimistic about the Chinese team.

In terms of deployment, the Chinese team only had four 9th dan players, and the lowest rank Wang Jianhong was only 6th dan.

The Japanese side had six 9th dan players, and the lineup could be said to be a heavy blow to China.

After the game started, the situation was indeed as expected by the media and most of the audience. Only Kobayashi Koichi, who ranked third from the bottom, became an insurmountable mountain for the Chinese team.

At this time, the Chinese team only had the last 9th dan Nie Weiping. Nie Weiping played as the main player and defeated Kobayashi Koichi under great pressure.

Then he defeated Kato Masao and Fujisawa Hideyuki, who has the title of "Lifelong Go Saint" in Japan, and won the first China-Japan Go Challenge. At the same time, it also achieved a major breakthrough in that Chinese players defeated Japanese top-notch players for the first time.

In the two subsequent China-Japan Go Challenges, Nie Weiping was still invincible, creating a myth of eleven consecutive victories against top Japanese players, and bringing the Chinese team three consecutive victories in the China-Japan Go Challenge.

At the celebration banquet for the three consecutive victories, Nie Weiping officially became the first chess saint in Chinese history.

The seemingly unrealistic nine-game winning streak of Jiang Nansheng, the protagonist of Lin Chaoyang's novel, was inferior to the real reality.

At this stage, Nie Weiping has swept the Chinese chess world, but has not yet won the China-Japan Go Challenge, so Lin Chaoyang can't directly say that he is the prototype of Jiang Nansheng.

Moreover, when Lin Chaoyang was creating the novel and the protagonist Jiang Nansheng, Nie Weiping's experience was only a reference. His novel actually combines elements of several works.

In the creation of the protagonist, he referred to Wang Yisheng, the protagonist in Ah Cheng's short story "The Chess King";

In terms of story structure, he referred to the Kung Fu movie "Ip Man" who fought against the Japanese. Although "Ip Man" is a commercial action film, its story structure is much smoother than that of general film and television and literary works.

In terms of the core of the story, Lin Chaoyang is completely the opposite of "A Game of Chess That Has Not Been Finished", focusing on growth and patriotism.

Jiangnansheng in his novel comes from a privileged family, has a high talent in Go, and has been obsessed with Go since childhood, and has no rivals.

At that time, China was in turmoil, but the Japanese Go world was booming. His father originally wanted to send him to Japan for further studies, but Japan brazenly launched the war of aggression against China, and his further studies became a bubble.

After the outbreak of the war of aggression against China, Jiangnansheng's family fell into poverty and had to make a living by playing Go.

He met Kondo Jiro, the second son of the Honinbo family, who came to China to entertain the troops with the Japanese Go Association. Kondo Jiro was from a Go family and was easily defeated by Jiangnansheng.

Seeing that Jiangnansheng was young and had excellent chess skills, Kondo Jiro wanted to recruit him. Jiangnansheng loved chess as much as his life and longed for a paradise where he could play chess quietly in the troubled times.

He was moved by Kondo Jiro's recruitment. Just when he was about to accept Kondo's recruitment, he met a beggar on the roadside of Chenghuang Temple begging for money from passers-by. A Japanese businessman gave alms to the beggar, but the beggar not only did not accept it, but cursed.

Even the yellow-mouthed beggar knew about the national hatred and family feuds. Jiangnansheng felt ashamed and refused the recruitment of the Kondo family. However, he did not expect that the Japanese businessman would hold a grudge against the beggar for insulting him and called the Japanese gendarmerie to arrest him.

In order to save the beggar, Jiangnansheng could only find Kondo Jiro for help. Kondo Jiro took this opportunity to recruit Jiangnansheng again. In order to save the beggar, Jiangnansheng wanted to accept Kondo Jiro's invitation, but he was harassed by Li Zhuo, a traitor chess player who was a member of the Chess Dao Reporting Association and naturalized in Japan.

In order to save the beggar, Jiangnansheng had to play chess with Li Zhuo. After winning the game with Li Zhuo, Jiangnansheng thought he could save the beggar.

But what awaited him was only the cold body of the beggar. It turned out that he had been killed as early as when the beggar was caught by the gendarmerie. It was just that the Japanese did not kill him on the spot because there were people watching on the street.

Jiangnansheng questioned Kondo Jiro in anger, but whether it was the life of the beggar or the life of the Chinese, in Kondo Jiro's eyes, they were nothing but grass. He recruited Jiangnansheng purely because he saw that he could use him.

Seeing through the Japanese's wolfish ambitions, Jiangnansheng was full of hatred, but he could do nothing.

At this time, in order to create a false image of friendship, the Japanese invaders wanted to hold a Go challenge match to promote the friendship between the two peoples. The Japanese side played the Japanese Go Patriotic Association, and the Chinese side played the Go masters put together by the Japanese.

In the challenge match, those Chinese players lost the game actively or passively, and the Japanese players were overwhelming and showed off their power.

Jiangnansheng loved Go all his life. Seeing all kinds of ugly situations on the chess board, coupled with the stimulation of the beggar being killed, he hated the Japanese in his heart and challenged the Japanese players.

He won all the way and defeated many top masters in the Japanese chess world. The people were delighted. The Japanese were angry and looked at him with admiration. They wanted to recruit him again and advised Jiangnansheng not to challenge again.

But Jiangnansheng had long understood the cruelty and hypocrisy of the Japanese. Since he issued the challenge, he never thought of retreating unscathed.

Jiangnansheng's refusal and the defeat of the two Japanese chess players again completely angered the Japanese. Facing the Japanese's coercion and inducement, Jiangnansheng was not afraid.

He left a sentence: "When the country is prosperous, the chess will be prosperous. China's national fortune has declined to this point because of our weakness. I have no other strengths in my life, and the only thing I can show is my chess skills. I should use this to repay my country."

Lin Chaoyang arranged for Jiangnansheng to be shot and killed by a Japanese officer before he challenged the tenth Japanese national player.

"Ten" is a perfect number. Although it is a pity to let Jiangnansheng fall before Dacheng, it also fits the precarious situation of China at that time.

Jiangnansheng's national integrity and righteousness are the "one" that escaped, which is combined with his nine victories. He can be called the chess saint and spread throughout the world.

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