Literary Master 1978

Chapter 167 Academic consensus

In the 1980s, things were not as rich as in later generations. Treating guests to dinner was a luxury for most families.

Rice, flour, oil and meat are rationed every month, and no one has extra. Treating guests to a meal means that a considerable portion of the family's food must be allocated to the guests.

Not only that, treating guests to dinner at this time also tests the host's cooking skills and thinking.

There are only so many ingredients, and seasonings are not as abundant and readily available as in later generations. How to match a table of hearty and delicious dishes is a problem for most people.

Lin Chaoyang's craftsmanship was recognized by Wang Zengqi, a gourmet foodie, not to mention the other two. Zhang Dening was so full that he was half-slumped on the sofa with his eyes in a daze, entering a mysterious and mysterious realm.

Wang Zengqi was full of praise for Lin Chaoyang's cooking skills and exchanged some experiences with him about food.

When it comes to food, Wang Zengqi is a wild child. She has a very mixed diet and relies on her own cooking little by little. She is also addicted and can often cook for a whole day just for one dish.

The two talked about today's pig's trotters, and Wang Zengqi taught Lin Chaoyang a dish called Zhenjiang yam trotters.

The method is similar to the bacon method in the South. Salt it and add saltpeter, then put it in a container and press it with stones. When the meat is firm, take it out and cook it, let it dry to remove the moisture, and then you can eat it.

"The pig trotters produced in this way are bright red in color while the fat meat is as white as mutton fat. It is not greasy in the mouth. Add some Zhenjiang mature vinegar and shredded ginger to make it a perfect match."

Lin Chaoyang was so excited by Wang Zengqi's words that he said, "I will make it this way next time. Come over and help me taste it to see if it tastes right."

Zhang Dening, who was in a daze at the side, suddenly said: "Take me one."

"You are everywhere, bring food stamps next time." Lin Chaoyang said angrily.

Zhang Dening wanted to say back to Lin Chaoyang, "I don't even care to come here," but when her words came to her lips, the tip of her tongue recollected the delicious food she had just eaten, and she turned into: "Bring food stamps with you!"

No backbone at all.

Wang Zengqi and the others had a feast at Lin Chaoyang's house, which fully verified that what Li Tuo said was true, and they were reluctant to leave before leaving.

Especially Wang Zengqi, it can be said that she fell in love with Lin Chaoyang at first sight.

Finally, he did not forget to invite: "When you have time, come and sit at home and try the dishes I cook."


Two days later, the Humanities Society's seminar on "Raiko's Summer" was held as scheduled in the conference room at No. 166 Chaonei Street.

The Humanities Society sent a heavyweight lineup, led by editor-in-chief Wei Junyi and "Contemporary" editor-in-chief Qin Chaoyang, as well as "Contemporary" editors Rong Shihui and Zhu Changsheng.

Writers invited Wang Zengqi, Liu Xinwu, Lin Jinlan and Wang Meng. Wang Zengqi and Liu Xinwu were acquaintances of Lin Chaoyang. Wang Meng also met Lin Chaoyang at the National Outstanding Short Story Award Ceremony.

Wang Meng's creative concepts and style have always been relatively fashionable among domestic writers. It is not surprising that he was invited to participate in Lin Chaoyang's work seminar today.

As for critics, the Humanities Society invited Yan Gang, who has always praised Lin Chaoyang's works. His previous review article "Lai Zi's Summer: The Pioneer of Chinese Stream of Consciousness Literature" caused a stir in the literary world once it was published. Extensive discussion.

He creatively proposed the concept of "Chinese-style stream-of-consciousness literature", which was unanimously recognized by critics and academic circles.

In addition to guests from the literary and critical circles, today’s seminar also featured two scholars from universities, one of whom is an acquaintance of Lin Chaoyang.

"Brother Zicheng, I didn't expect you to come today." When Lin Chaoyang saw Hong Zicheng, he came up and held his hand.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a few words, and Wang Zengqi introduced Lin Jinlan to Lin Chaoyang.

This was the first time I met Lin Jinlan and Lin Chaoyang, but I was no stranger to his name. He began writing in the late 1940s, and in his early years he rose to prominence in the literary world with "Spring Thunder" and "Bay Island Girl".

He is good at writing short stories and is hailed as the "Master of Short Stories" by critics. He has become stronger with age since the 1980s. Together with Wang Zengqi, he is known as the "double wall" in the literary world.

Lin Jinlan and Wang Zengqi are good friends who have known each other since the 1950s, and they have an irreversible relationship.

After Wang Zengqi introduced both parties, he did not forget to emphasize to Lin Jinlan: "Chaoyang's cooking skills are outstanding!"

Birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups.

Lin Jinlan can become good friends with Wang Zengqi, so he is naturally very interested in eating.

Hearing Wang Zengqi's words, he smiled broadly, "I'll have to try it if I have the chance."


In an occasion like a work seminar, the kind of greeting just now is indispensable.

After the seminar started, everyone expressed their opinions and spoke freely. Lin Chaoyang sat in the middle, looking upright, but in fact he was in a state of mind.

Holding a work seminar is a kind of affirmation for the writer, and it is a publicity tool for the publishing house or editorial department.

"Raiko's Summer" was first published by "Contemporary" and will be published next month. Publicity is a big reason why the Humanities Society chose to hold a seminar on the work at this time.

It has been nearly seven months since the novel was published in April, and the response it has caused in the domestic literary community has been sensational.

As the saying goes, things must be reversed when they reach their extremes. The long-term suppression of the literary world during the Hum-Bong period has led to a surging trend of ideological emancipation in the domestic literary circle in recent years.

Under the impact of this turbulent trend of ideological liberation, many people embarked on a path of reflection, renewal and reconstruction.

But sometimes too much is as bad as too little. Excessive reflection and pursuit of freedom make some people lose confidence in our own culture, or even to the point of scorning it.

So "worshiping foreign things" has become a fashion.

Although Lin Chaoyang doesn't want to admit it, the sensational impact of "Lai Zi's Summer" in the literary world is indeed closely related to the creative techniques used in this novel.

For the current domestic literary world and literary enthusiasts, stream-of-consciousness literature represents foreign style and fashion.

Lin Chaoyang took the lead in creating such a stream-of-consciousness literary work that is above the standard and has Chinese characteristics. It can be said that it has brought great confidence to some people in the literary world, allowing them to see that Chinese people can also write excellent works of stream-of-consciousness literature.

This is somewhat similar to the athletes who won honors at the beginning of reform and opening up. They not only won honors for the country, but also inspired national confidence.

In addition to the literary world's praise for "Lai Zi's Summer", there is another group that is also full of joy for the birth of this novel, that is, the academic community.

Academic research is different from literary criticism. The academic community is more concerned about the value and significance of the birth of the novel "Lai Zi's Summer" for contemporary Chinese literature.

In the domestic literary world where stream-of-consciousness literature is still in its infancy, the sudden birth of "Lai Zi's Summer", a mature stream-of-consciousness literary work with strong Chinese characteristics, is of great significance to contemporary literature.

Because in the academic community, due to political reasons, there has always been a thick barrier between contemporary Chinese literature and world literature.

The birth of "Lai Zi's Summer" not only represents the emergence of a new genre in contemporary Chinese literature, but also invisibly narrows the distance between contemporary Chinese literature and world literature, which is undoubtedly a huge progress.

At the same time, the academic community has also noticed that influenced by "Lai Zi's Summer", more and more creators have set their sights on the field of stream-of-consciousness literature over this period of time, which has also played a positive role in promoting the development of contemporary literature.

During this period of time, the academic community has reached a consensus that "Lai Zi's Summer" has played an irreplaceable pioneering role in the development of contemporary Chinese literature, especially stream-of-consciousness literature.

Hong Zicheng is a representative of the academic community. He has always admired Lin Chaoyang's talent. Today, he came to attend the work seminar and praised "Lai Zi's Summer" with lavish words.

In fact, it was not only him. The guests present gave this novel a very high evaluation and fully affirmed the literary value and exemplary role of "Lai Zi's Summer".

After the seminar, Lin Chaoyang and Hong Zicheng chatted for a few words. They originally wanted to leave Renwen Press together, but Wei Junyi, the editor-in-chief of Renwen Press, stopped Lin Chaoyang.

Wei Junyi called Lin Chaoyang to the office and also called Li Shuguang to talk briefly about the editing and review of "Lai Zi's Summer".

"Lai Zi's Summer" is Lin Chaoyang's first novel, and its influence is very huge, so Renwen Press also attaches great importance to this novel. The editors, reviewers, proofreaders, and painters are all the most professional people in the press.

At the end of the conversation, Wei Junyi asked Lin Chaoyang, "Has your book "Parental Love" never been published?"


"Do you want to take this opportunity to publish a single volume?"

Renwen Publishing House is going to publish a single volume for "Parental Love", which is of course a good thing, and Lin Chaoyang readily agreed.

Two days later, when it was almost noon, Lin Chaoyang planned to have a meal and then rush to the train station. Lin Erchun and his wife had already left their hometown yesterday and got off the train at five o'clock this afternoon.

Just as he was about to leave the library, he saw Tao Yushu coming towards him, "Why are you here?"

"I'm going with you to pick up my parents."

Tao Yushu's face was red in the wind, and his eyes were bright.

"It's so far back and forth, why are you going."

"My parents finally came to Yanjing, how can I not pick them up?"

Lin Chaoyang couldn't persuade Tao Yushu, and the couple rode their bicycles back to the Overseas Chinese Apartment first, and then took the bus to the train station.

Yanjing Station is one of the top ten buildings in the capital on the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The station building faces south and has a double-eaved four-sided bell pavilion on the top of the stairs at both ends of the hall. In between are transparent glass curtain walls. There are single-eaved corner towers on both wings of the facade, which are magnificent.

When Lin Chaoyang and his wife arrived here, police and soldiers were everywhere in the square in front of the station. The atmosphere was solemn and depressing.

The military and police were strict in the square in front of Yanjing Station, but passengers and ordinary people who were sending and picking up passengers were not worried, because everyone knew that it was safer with this group of comrades.

Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu waited at the exit for more than an hour. As the train was about to arrive, Lin Chaoyang raised his hand to look at his watch from time to time.

"It should be here soon, right?"

"It's almost there, the train should be getting off."

As the flow of people at the exit suddenly surged, Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu kept looking into the station.

Across many unfamiliar faces, Lin Chaoyang saw his father Lin Erchun, who was carrying large and small bags with his mother Zhang Guiqin, struggling to squeeze through the crowd.

Lin Chaoyang hurriedly waved to Tao Yushu, and after a long time, Lin Erchun and his wife finally left the station.

Tao Yushu took the things in Zhang Guiqin's hand kindly and took her arm, "Dad, Mom, you have worked hard all the way."

"What's the hard part? I came here by hard sleeper, but the ticket price is too expensive."

When Lin Erchun mentioned the money he spent on the train tickets, his face was full of pain.

"Why do you feel bad? You didn't spend any money." Lin Chaoyang said.

That day, Lin Chaoyang called home and asked Lin Erchun and his wife to come to Beijing to stay for a while. When the commune leaders learned about this, they specially helped Lin Erchun and his wife to get two hard sleeper tickets.

"Is public money not money?" Lin Erchun said, and then scolded: "You have no sense at all, don't know how to take things?"

Lin Chaoyang took the things and complained: "I told you not to bring things, why are you taking so many things?"

"If you don't bring so many things, it won't be cheap?"

The father and son chattered for a while, and Tao Yushu said: "Hurry up and wait for the train."

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