Literary Master 1978

Chapter 165 You are a screenwriter, what do you know about scripts (Monthly ticket plus more)

It took more than half a month for Lin Chaoyang to cooperate with Li Hanxiang to complete the scripts of "Burning the Old Summer Palace" and "Listening Behind the Curtain".

During this period, the two had many arguments over the content of the script. Li Hanxiang was completely tempered by Lin Chaoyang, and Lin Chaoyang also accommodated him and changed many contents of the script.

In the final analysis, both of them are trying to create better scripts.

As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. The two also developed feelings in such quarrels and became sworn friends.

With the script finalized, Lin Chaoyang's work is considered completed, and he may briefly participate in the crew's preparation and shooting stages.

On the day when the script was finalized, Li Hanxiang specially invited Lin Chaoyang to have a meal at Tan's Cuisine on the seventh floor of Yanjing Hotel.

Tan's cuisine originated from the family banquet of Tan Zongjun, a bureaucrat in the late Qing Dynasty. It is one of the most famous official dishes in China. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was invited by Comrade Wu Hao to join the catering system of Yanjing Hotel to receive foreign guests and showcase the broad and profound Chinese food culture.

Li Hanxiang invited guests to dinner, and not only Shi Kuan and Zhao Wei from the co-production company accompanied him, but Ding Qiao, deputy director of the Film Bureau, also came.

The higher authorities attach great importance to Li Hanxiang's filming in the Mainland. Since Li Hanxiang revealed this idea in 1978, government officials have been in frequent contact with Li Hanxiang.

As the deputy director of the Film Bureau, Ding Qiao has always been an important channel for communication between Li Hanxiang and government departments.

He heard that the movie script was finalized today and came here to congratulate Li Hanxiang.

After two years of back and forth, the shooting theme has changed several times, and now the script has finally been finalized, which is indeed something worth celebrating.

During the dinner, Ding Qiao chatted with Li Hanxiang about film investment. The two studios that the Ministry of Culture had previously found for Li Hanxiang were unable to invest in such a large-scale film due to their own reasons. The co-production company would provide part of the investment, but they could only contribute A small, but more important role is matchmaking.

Funding for the film has yet to be resolved, which is always a big issue for both parties involved in the co-production.

"Now that the script has been finalized, I will go to Haojiang after a few days' rest."

Li Hanxiang also wants to solve the investment problem as soon as possible. He has been struggling for two or three years for this movie. It can be said that he has gone through all the hardships. Why doesn't he hope to make the movie as soon as possible?

"Then I would like to wish Director Li all the best for his trip to Haojiang!" Ding Qiao said.

At the end of the dinner, Li Hanxiang grabbed Lin Chaoyang and said seriously: "In the future, when you cooperate with others, you have to control your arrogance. A screenwriter is a screenwriter, how can he be the director's family..."

I wrote the script, and I can’t even say a few sentences?

In front of so many people, Lin Chaoyang could not refute Li Hanxiang, so he could only complain in his heart.

"You are a talented person, but you are too arrogant. Even if you meet a director with a good temper like me..."

Do you have a good temper?

At such an old age, I still don’t have a clear understanding of myself.

Lin Chaoyang saw that Li Hanxiang was getting more and more enthusiastic as he talked, and couldn't help but want to hit him: "You, you were used to making romance movies before. If you want to make orthodox historical movies, you have to change your concept and have a pattern!"

After listening to his words, Li Hanxiang was unhappy, "Why am I out of ideas?"

"You have a plan, and you just focus on the trivial matters of love between men and women? You have a plan, and you specialize in renovating scenes about the secret history of the palace?"

Li Hanxiang was angered by Lin Chaoyang's retort, "You are a screenwriter, what do you know about scripts?"

"I don't understand, do you understand?"


Seeing the two of them quarreling, Ding Qiao immediately wanted to get up to stop them, but was stopped by Shi Kuan.

"It's okay, let them quarrel, it will be over after the quarrel."

During this period of time, he has long been accustomed to the two people's style of getting along with each other. It seems like sparks are hitting the earth, but in fact, one is willing to hit and the other is willing to suffer, and neither slap can make a difference.

The banquet was over, Ding Qiao was about to leave, Lin Chaoyang also checked out of the hotel, and Li Hanxiang sent the two of them downstairs.

After Ding Qiao left, Li Hanxiang looked at Lin Chaoyang, looking back on the relationship he had spent in the previous half month with a slightly melancholy expression.

"Chaoyang, I'll treat you to a drink when I come back next time!"

"You can't drink." Lin Chaoyang said quietly.

Li Hanxiang glared at Lin Chaoyang, you kid is really capable of ruining the scenery. You won't open any pot.

He has heart problems and cannot drink.

"By the way, I think the royalties will be paid to me." Lin Chaoyang added.

Li Hanxiang's good mood was ruined by his two words. His face was full of irritation, and he pushed fiercely: "Let's go! Let's go!"

Lin Chaoyang was pushed by him, but he still reminded him, "Don't forget it!"


Li Hanxiang was really afraid that if he didn't drive this kid away, he would be tempted to take action.

Lin Chaoyang was chased a few steps away by him, then turned around and waved to Li Hanxiang.

"Let's go, Lao Li!"

The anger on Li Hanxiang's face turned into a helpless smile. This guy really makes people love and hate him at the same time!

After returning home and resting for a night, Lin Chaoyang went to work as normal the next day.

After more than half a month, he appeared in the library again, which attracted ridicule from his colleagues in the library department.

Counting this time, this is the second time he has taken a long leave this year. The last time was to revise the script for director Xie Jin.

If he had worked for capitalists in later generations, Lin Chaoyang would have been fired long ago.

It’s just November, the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, and the Yanda campus is experiencing a transition from the beauty of orange and green to the sadness of fallen leaves, adding a bit of a sense of desolation.

The library was as lively as ever. Lin Chaoyang was in the library and would get up from time to time to look for books for the students borrowing books downstairs.

The library was much quieter in the afternoon, and Lin Chaoyang picked up the creation of a new novel that he had stopped before to write a script.

The afternoon passed in a flash, and after work, Lin Chaoyang rode his bicycle to Langrun Lake Apartment. Today is Saturday.

After entering the door, Lin Chaoyang saw Zhu Guangqian sitting there talking and laughing with Tao's father. The old man seemed to be particularly high-spirited today.

After asking around, I found out that he had completed a major project.

Long before the buzzing, Zhu Guangqian had been devoted to translating Western aesthetic classics. Before the buzzing, he was translating the most difficult three-volume "Aesthetics" by Hegel, but he had no choice but to interrupt.

78 years later, without the shackles on his body, he picked up the translation of "Aesthetics" again, until recently he finally completed the translation of this epic work and handed the translation manuscript to Yenching University Press.

At Zhu Guangqian's age, completing the translation of such a work is of course a great thing to celebrate.

Moreover, Lin Chaoyang knew that in the 1980s, a new wave of aesthetics would be set off in the Chinese cultural circle, and Zhu Guangqian, who was in his 80s, was highly respected as a leader in contemporary aesthetics.

During the meal, Tao's father asked when Lin Chaoyang's parents would come to Yenching.

Lin Chaoyang said, "It will take a few days. The old couple are worried about their family, so they have to arrange everything before coming."

Tao's father nodded slightly and said, "Let's get together at that time."


After dinner, Tao's mother took Tao Yumo and told her, "Your brother-in-law's parents will come over in a few days, so don't live there anymore."

Tao Yumo said reluctantly, "I know."

On the way home by bicycle at night, Tao Yushu told Lin Chaoyang that she would invite Zhang Dening to dinner tomorrow.

In the past six months, Tao Yushu has published two review articles in Yenching Literature, and Zhang Dening is her editor.

Because he wanted to treat guests, Lin Chaoyang went out to buy food early the next morning, and did not forget to take Tao Yumo, the little strong man, with him.

Tao Yumo was sleeping soundly in the quilt early in the morning, and was pulled up by Lin Chaoyang, full of resentment.

After buying food, she came back shivering with cold, and kept complaining about the cold weather.

Tao Yushu couldn't help but sneer: "You are so fat, how can you still be cold?"

Listening to her sister's words, Tao Yumo dared not speak out.

She has lived in Lin Chaoyang's house most of the time in the past six months. She lives like a fish in water in the Overseas Chinese Apartment, not to mention the hardware conditions of the house.

Lin Chaoyang and his wife have a small family and a high income. They are never stingy in food. The food standard is much higher than that of the Tao family. The most important thing is that there is no Tao Xiwen brother to compete with her.

The improvement of food conditions has made her weight increase at a visible rate. She was originally a sunny girl full of energy, but in just a few months, she has become "full of energy".

"Sister, why are you like this?"

"What's wrong with me? Did I say the wrong thing about you? Look at how round your face is!"

Tao Yushu was not satisfied with what she said, and she even moved her hands, pinching the flesh on her sister's face, which felt chewy.

"Oh!" Tao Yumo struggled to get rid of her clutches and said angrily: "I won't eat at noon!"

"Okay, if you have the guts, don't eat." Tao Yushu said nonchalantly.

After saying that, Tao Yumo regretted it.

In the morning, she went out with her brother-in-law to buy vegetables, and today's meal was very rich.

If you don't let me eat, I won't eat? I have to eat, Tao Yumo muttered in her heart.

While the guests were not here yet, Lin Chaoyang did the "desk" work, washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, preparing ingredients...

Just when he was busy, the phone at home rang.

Tao Yushu went out to pick someone up, and after a while, she brought the guests into the house.

Unlike expected, there were three people coming.

In addition to Zhang Dening mentioned by Tao Yushu, there are also Zhou Yanru and Wang Zengqi.

Zhang Dening entered the house and saw Lin Chaoyang busy in the kitchen wearing an apron. He teased: "Oh, I didn't realize that the great writer Lin actually has such a skill."

"Why are you pretending? Didn't you tell Yushu yesterday that you wanted to try the food I cooked?"

Zhang Dening laughed and said, "I also heard it from Li Tuo. Look, I specially called Lao Zhou and Lao Wang today. I tell you, our Lao Wang is a foodie, you can't fool us, otherwise you will ruin your own reputation."

Lin Chaoyang didn't take Zhang Dening's threat seriously at all, "What is my reputation?"

"The owner of Xunweizhai! Listen to this name, the tone is really big."

The name "Xunweizhai" was mentioned by him when he was drinking with Li Tuo and Feng Jicai.

Li Tuo has a wide range of friends in the literary circle of Yanjing, and he didn't expect that he really blew the name of "Xunweizhai".

When Lin Chaoyang thought of Li Tuo's character as a "literary socialite", he couldn't help but have a headache. Wouldn't there be more and more friends asking to come to his house for dinner in the future?

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