Literary Master 1978

Chapter 152 Literature Institute

The next day, Lin Chaoyang went to the Foreign Languages ​​College. When he bought the Overseas Chinese Apartment, he agreed to pay the second installment in half a year. Today was the day.

Because of the hot reprint of "The Wreath under the Mountain" during this period, and "Chinese Literature" had just paid the reprint fee for "Lai Zi's Summer", Lin Chaoyang and his wife's savings had exceeded 14,000 yuan, and there was no pressure to take out 3,500 yuan to pay the house.

After collecting the receipt signed by Lin Fugui, Lin Chaoyang casually talked to him about the current private housing transaction market in Yanjing.

The reason why Lin Fugui wanted to sell the house in the Overseas Chinese Apartment was because he was optimistic about the future real estate market in Yanjing and planned to buy several courtyard houses in advance.

In the past six months, he has been paying attention to private housing transactions in Yanjing and found that the number of private housing transactions has increased significantly compared with last year. According to his understanding, many of these sellers are preparing to study abroad.

Before, there was only one channel for studying abroad in our country, which was government-sponsored. The opportunity to study abroad by government was out of reach for most scholars and students.

In 1979, the old man visited the United States, and the government decided to open up channels for Chinese people to study abroad at their own expense. Although the government has not yet issued a clear document, it has been widely spread among the people, and many people are preparing to study abroad at their own expense.

Self-funded study abroad costs a lot of money, and few families can afford it these days. Those who have ancestral property sell their ancestral property, and those who don’t have ancestral property borrow money everywhere. In the next few years, this will become the norm in the circle of self-funded study abroad in the United States.

It is also because of this situation that the private house transactions in Yanjing have become increasingly prosperous since 1980.

After learning about the private house transactions in Yanjing in the past six months with Lin Fugui, Lin Chaoyang said goodbye and left.

Another day, Lin Chaoyang received a call from Xie Jin at work.

Xie Jin had taken a fancy to the novel "The Shepherd" and hoped to adapt the novel into a movie. Lin Chaoyang took the job of screenwriter. In May, he wrote the script and sent it to Xie Jin.

During this period, Xie Jin has not replied to Lin Chaoyang because he was busy with the filming of "Legend of Tianyun Mountain".

Recently, the filming of "Legend of Tianyun Mountain" has been completed and entered the post-production stage. Xie Jin has the time to study the script of "The Shepherd".

He has a high overall evaluation of the script, but because it is a literary script, there are still many things that need to be refined, and they have to meet in person to discuss in detail.

Xie Jin plans to come to Yanjing in September to have a good chat with Lin Chaoyang about the script.

A few days after he made the call, Lin Chaoyang finally received the manuscript fee bill remitted by Shanghai Film Studio.

Just after paying the second house payment, he received another 2,000 yuan. Lin Chaoyang felt that the more money he spent, the more money he spent.

One day in mid-August, Zhu Changsheng came to Lin Chaoyang. He first asked Lin Chaoyang if he had any new works.

Lin Chaoyang replied that he had not. He spent more time reading books recently and had to devote some energy to organizing courseware.

He became a specially-appointed lecturer at Yanshi University. Although it was just an elective course, Lin Chaoyang felt that he should still have some respect, after all, he was teaching and educating people.

When he heard that Lin Chaoyang was going to teach students at Yanshi University, Zhu Changsheng was surprised and said, "Isn't this a coincidence?"

"What's the coincidence?"

It turned out that Zhu Changsheng came today not only to ask if there were any new manuscripts, but also to invite Lin Chaoyang to participate in the lecture of the Literature Institute.

"It's probably in the form of a symposium. The institute wants to find a combination of writers and editors.

We have a young editor Xiao Wangwang Zhaoqian in our Humanities Press, and we want to invite another young writer, so I thought of you."

Lin Chaoyang was not unfamiliar with the name of the Literature Institute. He had heard people mention it at the National Excellent Short Story Award Ceremony in March.

Many of this year's batch of students are writers who won awards this year.

"Will it be a bit embarrassing for me to go there?" Lin Chaoyang said worriedly.

Zhu Changsheng immediately understood what he meant.

"You've thought too much. Although all of you won the award this year, they won because they only won that one article, and you won because you only won this award.

If there is an award for excellent novellas or novels now, you can also win the award, but they are different. Of course, there will definitely be a group of excellent writers among these students in the future, and they may even be as good as you.

The first to achieve is the first, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Exchanging creative experience and feelings is also a learning experience for you."

Zhu Changsheng said this, Lin Chaoyang was embarrassed to refuse, so he agreed.

Two days later, on Friday, Lin Chaoyang rode his bicycle across most of Yanjing City and came to the temporary residence of the Central Literary Institute-D School of Chaoyang District Committee.

The Central Literary Institute resumed school this year and did not have its own school building for the time being, so it could only borrow the house of D School.

D School was originally a quadrangle, and the courtyard was full of bungalows, some of which were original buildings, and some were built later.

Classes started at 8:30 in the morning, and Lin Chaoyang arrived at 8 o'clock.

The Institute of Literature and Art has no classrooms for classes, but uses the canteen of D School. The canteen is still filled with the smell of food. Before class, he greeted Wang Zhaoqian, a young editor from the Humanities Press.

Today is a symposium. Before class, the teachers and students put the tables and chairs in a circle, spread the tablecloth, and even had a nameplate in front of each person. Although the venue conditions are simple, it is full of ritual, which makes people want to be solemn.

It has been nearly five months since the fifth term of the Literature Institute started in April. During this period, the students have heard lectures from many celebrities in the literary world, and the worst of them were lecturers from well-known universities.

The two guests here today are Wang Zhaoqian and Lin Chaoyang.

In the domestic literary world, the Humanities Society is a palace of literature. As the editor of the Humanities Society, Wang Zhaoqian has his own filters, but everyone pays more attention to him because of his work and position.

When facing Lin Chaoyang, the students' eyes were a little different.

Jiang Zilong, Chen Shixu, Ekber...many people present, like Lin Chaoyang, are this year's winners of the National Outstanding Short Story Award.

Among them are some well-known writers of later generations, such as Wang Anyi who wrote "Song of Everlasting Sorrow", Gu Hua who wrote "Furong Town", Jin Ying who became the leader of the Literary and Art Association...

Judging purely from the results, this class of students can be said to be star-studded.

In terms of age alone, Lin Chaoyang was even younger than many students, but no one present could ignore his aura.

"The Wrangler", "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit", "Little Shoes", "Wreaths Under the Mountain", "Parental Love", "Lai Zi's Summer", Lin Chaoyang has not been engaged in literary creation for a long time, and his output is not rich, but each of his works The works are all above the standard and have had a great impact on the literary world and the readership community.

In the past two months alone, the students at the training center have been bombarded with various comments and news about several works such as "Parental Love", "Wreaths Under the Mountain" and "Raiko's Summer".

So even though Lin Chaoyang is young, and even though some people have received awards on the same stage with him, no one dares to underestimate his strength.

The symposium was opened by teacher Tang Yuqiu, who was in charge of teaching the fifth student class, and then she handed the topic to the two guests.

After some humility with Lin Chaoyang, Wang Zhaoqian spoke first.

"The students here today are all published writers, many of whom have won national awards, and are very accomplished in literary creation. I am an editor, and today I will talk to you about writing from the perspective of an editor. This matter..."

Wang Zhaoqian is the editor of the Humanities Society. His professional ability is beyond doubt. He did not show any stage fright when facing dozens of pairs of eyes. He talked for nearly half an hour before ending the topic.

After he finished speaking, Tang Yuqiu summarized and looked at Lin Chaoyang, "Just now Comrade Zhaoqian shared with you some experiences in literary creation and review from the perspective of an editor. Everyone should be familiar with Comrade Chaoyang's works. If you are unfamiliar, welcome Comrade Chaoyang to tell you."

There was a burst of applause in the cafeteria, and the students looked at Lin Chaoyang with anticipation in their eyes.

Lin Chaoyang cleared his throat, with a warm smile on his face, "It's a rare opportunity to communicate with so many colleagues today."

"When I received the invitation from the Literary Institute, I actually had no idea what to talk about. Just now Comrade Zhaoqian talked about some issues about creation from the perspective of an editor, so let me talk about it from the perspective of a writer."

“I have always believed that when we engage in literary creation, the first thing we must understand is what literature is. In a written sense, literature is an art that uses language and words as the medium.

But sometimes I also wonder, what is the original origin of literature?

Maybe one day thousands of years ago, our two naked ancestors with wooden guns were ambushing their prey. One person was very bored and suddenly said to the other person: Let me tell you a story... …”

Lin Chaoyang's voice is calm, neither slow nor slow, and has a kind of charm that makes people unconsciously addictive. The students of the Institute of Literature and Literature were immersed in his narrative without knowing it.

The content of Lin Chaoyang's speech did not pretend to be profound. He used the origin of literature as an introduction to explain the various evolutionary stages of literature in history in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, and then talked about the usefulness of literature.

"The question of whether literature is useful or not has actually been discussed by many people since ancient times. Let me start with my point of view. Literature is useful, and its usefulness lies precisely in its uselessness. I know there must be some people thinking at this moment. You are scolding me for being mysterious and talking nonsense..."

Lin Chaoyang's tone was light and humorous, and the people around him burst into good-natured laughter.

After everyone had finished laughing, he spoke:

"Actually, I think the usefulness of literature lies in its uselessness. I think this truth should not be difficult for everyone to understand. You said that we humans are born in this world, do we have any use?

I think it is nothing more than adding a touch of vitality to the world. There are more negative things, such as launching wars and destroying the ecological environment...

So when it comes to literature, what is its greatest function? Why do people waste time on such useless free activities?

I think the biggest reason is that we need to show ourselves to be animals that are not driven by nature, but to be dignified spirits of all things.

We must show our nobility, surpass nature, and even make up for nature's shortcomings, turning imperfections into perfection.

In this way, we are worthy of calling ourselves the spirits of all things. "

Lin Chaoyang's tone and expression were not serious, but the students present clearly felt a strong aura. This aura did not come from Lin Chaoyang's appearance, but from his rich heart and his Deep thoughts.

Although everyone is engaged in creation, what he just explained is something that most people present have never thought about.

Even if someone has thought about it, they have never thought about it so deeply and thoroughly.

The existence of literature enables people to demonstrate their dignity as the spirit of all things.

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