Literary Master 1978

Chapter 13 Yenching University Library

On September 1, 1978, Yanyuan, which had been silent for a summer vacation, became lively again. Today was the first day for the 1978 undergraduate students of Yan University, and it was also the first day that Lin Chaoyang became a librarian of Yan University.

Before the start of school, he and Tao Yushu spent four days to complete the household registration and work procedures.

Early in the morning of this day, Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu had breakfast and went out.

Lin Chaoyang went to work in the library, while Tao Yushu went to Yanshi University to study.

According to the division of later generations, Yan University is outside the northwest fourth ring road of Yanjing, while Yanshi University is closer to the city, within the northwest third ring road. The two are about six kilometers apart. It is too far to walk and it is not convenient to take the bus, so Tao Yushu went there by bicycle.

She has a Phoenix brand 26 bicycle, which Tao's father paid half of the money for. Her sister Tao Yumo is very envious of this bicycle.

When the sun rises early in the morning, there is still a little mist in the campus of Yenching University. This campus, which is composed of the "Nine Great Gardens" of the Qing Dynasty, is swaying with vitality in the summer morning.

Tao Yushu was going to Yenching Normal University, and he gave Lin Chaoyang a ride. He got off at Wusi Road between the Literature and History Building and the library.

Looking west, you can see the magnificent new building of Yenching University Library.

The library of Yenching University was first built in 1902 as the library building of the Imperial University of Peking. In 1912, the library building was renamed the Yenching University Library. It has a history of more than 70 years.

The new library that Lin Chaoyang saw was just completed in 1975. It is located in the center of Yenching University, with a construction area of ​​24,813 square meters. If you look down from the sky, the library presents a big "out" shape.

It is the largest library in China with the best building conditions. It is also the only large teaching building built by Yenching University in the 1970s.

It was just after six in the morning, and a long queue had formed at the main entrance of the library.

Lin Chaoyang walked in through the south gate, and walked in briskly. The black floor tiles were solemn and majestic. What caught his eye was a hollow that went up to the roof. The top was made of steel dome and tempered glass. In the early morning, light shone from the dome, and the library suddenly became bright. Yan University called it the Sunshine Hall.

Going further north, it was the front desk of the closed-stack lending office of Yan University Library, which was also Lin Chaoyang's job in the future.

"Teacher Hu, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Lin Chaoyang had a bright smile on his face and greeted the middle-aged woman who was wiping the table.

"Xiao Lin is here! It's not late, it's me who came early." Hu Wenqiong said kindly.

Yesterday, after Lin Chaoyang completed the work procedures, he was arranged by Deputy Director Guo Songnian to the closed-stack lending office.

The so-called closed-stack is naturally relative to the open-stack.

People in later generations have become accustomed to browsing and selecting books freely in bookstores and libraries, but at this time, domestic bookstores and libraries all adopted the closed-shelf method.

Readers have to stand outside the cabinet to buy books in bookstores and tell the salesperson the name of the book; when borrowing books in the library, they have to find the request card of the book they want to borrow first, and give it to the librarian to register and pick up the book. Lin Chaoyang is responsible for this in Yanda Library.

The first, second and sixth floors of the library in the new building of Yanda Library are used to store closed-shelf books. The closed-shelf borrowing office on the first floor is responsible for registering and borrowing books. There are two librarians stationed here every day.

In addition, there are three administrators in the closed-shelf borrowing office, stationed on the first, second and sixth floors, responsible for picking up and delivering books according to the request cards sent.

The positions of the library and the front desk rotate once a week. This week, Hu Wenqiong and Lin Chaoyang are in charge.

Taking and delivering books in the library is not only a physical job, but also requires a thorough understanding of the inventory of the library.

Lin Chaoyang had just come to the library and was not good at this kind of work. He could only work at the front desk first, and was led by other administrators. Therefore, old librarians like Hu Wenqiong were also considered Lin Chaoyang's masters.

"I see that students are already queuing at the door!" Lin Chaoyang's tone was a little amazed.

He also liked to hang out in the library when he was in college before he traveled through time, but the conditions of the university library at that time were much better than now, with air conditioning, wifi, coffee...

He dressed himself up like a dog, with a cup of American coffee on the table, Maugham's "The Moon and Sixpence" or Dazai Osamu's "No Longer Human" in his hands, and the literary smell on him could be smelled from two miles away.

The picture flashed through Lin Chaoyang's mind, and suddenly it felt very long ago, as if it was something from his previous life. Then he smiled, wasn't it from his previous life?

"This is only the first day of school!" Hu Wenqiong said, not knowing whether it was an exclamation or a complaint.

Then she smiled and said to Lin Chaoyang, "You'll get used to it in the future."

Lin Chaoyang nodded.

The library opened at 6:30. Hu Wenqiong used the time before the opening to give Lin Chaoyang some simple business guidance.

At the front desk of the lending office, their most daily work is to accept students' request cards, register them, and then send the request cards to the administrator of the library upstairs. They find the books and send them down, and the front desk will give them to the students.

As far as the work of the front desk is concerned, it is not complicated or tedious. This is also because the library considers Lin Chaoyang's lack of work experience and limited cultural level.

At 6:30, the library opened, and the students who were queuing outside the door rushed in like a tide, squeezing the door frame.

The director Xie Daoyuan, who was standing on the inside of the gate watching the students enter the library, looked distressed and muttered: "Be gentle, be careful!"

The library is open, and a busy day is about to begin.

Within ten minutes, Lin Chaoyang started his work. A tall and thin young man put eight library cards and four library cards on the table.


The young man is not only quick with his hands and feet, but also has good eyesight. If you want to borrow a book these days, in addition to knowing the title of the book, the most important thing is to find the call card.

There are vertical cabinets standing on the wall of the corridor in the Yanda Library. Each cabinet is divided into several small cabinets, with labels classified by subject, content, and language. At first glance, they look like medicine cabinets in a traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy.

Inside the cabinet are cards with book information, which are so-called book request cards, which are equivalent to ID cards for each book.

There are hundreds of small cabinets there. If you enter the library for the first time, you will be confused just by looking at the labels on them.

But the young man in front of me was able to find all the book cards in ten minutes, and he seemed to be helping his brothers in the dormitory bring books.

Four blue plastic-covered library cards were placed on the table. Lin Chaoyang registered them one by one according to Hu Wenqiong's instructions, and then registered the book information.

It took three or four minutes to register the eight books, and he returned the library card to the young man.

"Thank you teacher!"

Not only does the young man have good eyes and nimble hands and feet, but he also has such a sweet mouth. He is indeed a top student at Yanda.

It only took a few minutes for Lin Chaoyang to fall in love with this job. The emotional value of Yan Dajiao was really high.

"The word Xiaolin is well written!"

After all, this was his first practical operation. Hu Wenqiong specially took Lin Chaoyang's registration results to see if there were any errors and omissions, and praised him.

"I haven't practiced the word "goubala", so I just wrote it blindly." Lin Chaoyang said modestly with a smile.

"It's not like you haven't practiced your handwriting."

Lin Chaoyang did practice calligraphy, and he was still the evil Pang Zhonghua, but that was all before time travel. Now that he is a farmer's boy with only a junior high school education, he still has to keep a low profile.

While talking, another student came to borrow books with a library card.

This time Lin Chaoyang registered again, while Hu Wenqiong took the call card he had just received to the elevator behind the front desk and sent the call card upstairs through the elevator.

The whole morning passed quickly, and when it was almost noon, Lin Chaoyang stretched out, and Hu Wenqiong said: "Chaoyang, you go to the big dining room to eat first, and I will come over later."

Lin Chaoyang still wanted Hu Wenqiong to go first, but she waved her hand insistently, and he walked out of the library alone.

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