Literary Master 1978

Chapter 120 I can't cure you?

It is only two days before New Year's Day, and the campus of Yanjing University is filled with an atmosphere of intense study, and the final exams are just a few days away.

Even in Yanjing University, where there are academic masters everywhere, it is necessary to review.

In the past half month, Tao Yushu and her team have followed the crew to visit nearly half of the colleges and universities in Yanjing.

"The World's No. 1 Restaurant" has also been enthusiastically sought after by countless students, and watching this drama has become the most fashionable pursuit for students in Yanjing universities this winter.

However, as the end of the semester is approaching, Tao Yushu and her team's tour activities have to be stopped.

Although the suspension of performances has caused dissatisfaction among students in some universities that have not yet been toured, "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" has been performed for more than half a month after all, and it should be said that it has met the viewing needs of many students to a certain extent.

After all, the members of this play are all students, and they can't spend all their time on the tour.

Without the pressure of touring, Tao Yushu has been coming home earlier recently and is absorbed in studying all day long, while Lin Chaoyang slacks off at work every day, occasionally playing chess with Lao Zhu, and occasionally going upstairs to chat with Lao Wu.

That night, Wu Zuxiang took the initiative to talk about "The Best Restaurant in the World" when chatting with Lin Chaoyang. When this drama was performed at Yanda University some time ago, the old man went to watch it.

"Everyone says your script has some flavor of Teahouse. I think it still needs a lot of work."

"That's what others said, I didn't say." Lin Chaoyang didn't have any unconvinced thoughts, but still wanted to hear the specific difference, "Where do you think the difference is?"

"When Lao She wrote Teahouse, he had political motives, but you didn't, that's the difference."

Lin Chaoyang liked to listen to the old man's "storytelling" and immediately asked: "What political motives did Lao She have?"

Wu Zuxiang glanced at his gossipy expression and said contemptuously: "Why are you like a gossiper?"

"What do you mean by gossiper? I paid for it."

Lin Chaoyang's words scared the old man so much that he almost covered his mouth and glanced at the next room with a panicked look.

It vividly interprets what it means to be soft-hearted when you eat someone's food and short-handed when you take someone's money.

"Lao She wrote a lot of plays in the 1940s, but his main achievement was in novels. He returned to Yanjing in 1949, and at that time he was very enthusiastic about the new China.

At that time, he devoted himself to drama creation, and the main reason was that he believed that "with the current cultural level of some working people, reading novels may still be more or less difficult, but watching plays is not so troublesome."

So from 1950 to 1965, he wrote 23 plays. The level of his plays during this period was high and low, and "Tea House" was undoubtedly the peak.

Your "The First Restaurant in the World" obviously borrowed from the structure and narrative tone of "Tea House", but it was neat but lacked details.

Contemporary Writers are generally keen on grand narratives and historical summaries, but this narrative style is often inseparable from political expression.

The wonderful thing about "Teahouse" is that it magnifies the turmoil and changes of the society at that time in subtle ways, and indirectly shows the "big society" in the "small society".

In "The World's No. 1 Restaurant", there are many scenes of Baoha Bureau, police, guards, and detectives, but the portrayal is still superficial. Lu Mengshi's final ending is also attributed to personal emotions, and the momentum is naturally weak.

Tsk tsk, this name is a waste!"

Wu Zuxiang praised "Teahouse" and belittled "The World's No. 1 Restaurant". Every word he said was reasonable, so that Lin Chaoyang couldn't find any faults even if he wanted to refute it.

It's really frustrating to be the party A!

"Don't you have any advantages?"

"Yes, I told you. It's neat.

The characterization is full, the arrangement is exquisite, the historical insight is clear, the cultural characteristics are rich, and the theme is prominent."

After Wu Zuxiang finished speaking, he looked at Lin Chaoyang, "What? You want to surpass Lao She with just one script?"

Lin Chaoyang waved his hands repeatedly, looking guilty, "I didn't say that, don't talk nonsense."

"Is it shameful to want to surpass Lao She?"

The old man looked down on Lin Chaoyang, and Lin Chaoyang said stubbornly, "I This is called being modest and open-minded. "

"It's okay to be modest when there are many people around, but what are you afraid of when there are only two of us?"

Lin Chaoyang thought so, and said openly: "Lao She's scripts are indeed good, but I think he writes novels better. It's a pity that he doesn't write novels. There were not many writers who could write novels in the past."

Wu Zuxiang chuckled, "I always thought you were timid, why are you so arrogant today?"

"We are just chatting, and there are no outsiders." Lin Chaoyang was in high spirits and planned to let himself go today.

"Since the May Fourth Movement, I think Lao She is one of the writers who can write novels, Lu Xun is one, Shen Congwen is one, and Zhao Shuli... half of them!"

Wu Zuxiang has known Lin Chaoyang for more than a year, and finally saw some of the unrestrained and uninhibited qualities of a writer in him, and nodded with a gratified smile.

But just when he was halfway through laughing, he saw Lin Chaoyang glanced at him, "As for your novel... it's not worth mentioning."

"Asshole!" The old man slammed the table, "I can't even count as half, but at least a quarter!"

"A quarter? You really know how to flatter yourself." Lin Chaoyang was so angry that he shook his head and commented on the old man's novel, which made him taste the taste of his previous nonsense.

"Go, go, go!"

After debating with Wu Zuxiang for a while, the old man got angry and was kicked out of the door, but Lin Chaoyang was not angry.

He was angry and proved that he had won the friendly competition. He went home happily humming a little song.

Two days later, the New Year's Day holiday came. Although there were still a few days before the final exam, it was time to relax.

There were many more students skating on Weiming Lake than before, especially the southern students.

Of course, it was this group of people who brought a huge workload to the school hospital.

Since the ice of Weiming Lake was frozen solid, students with plaster casts and bandages on their arms or legs can be seen in the cafeteria every day at noon. Needless to say, they all fell while skating, and most of them were southern students.

It is not difficult to understand that they broke some parts even though they had no talent or skills.

Just after New Year's Day, Zhang Dening came to Yanda and brought two news to Lin Chaoyang.

First, the Publishing Bureau has just issued the "Interim Regulations on Book Remuneration", which raises the remuneration for original manuscripts to 3 to 10 yuan, and for translated manuscripts to 2 to 7 yuan, while also restoring the payment method of "basic remuneration plus remuneration for the number of copies printed".

According to this level, the current remuneration standard is basically the same as before the buzz buzz buzz, but there is still a certain gap compared with the 1950s.

The second news is that the editorial department leader agreed to his request for a price increase and gave "The First Restaurant in the World" a price of nine yuan per thousand words.

"Why only nine yuan? The new regulations set the maximum at ten yuan!" Lin Chaoyang said dissatisfiedly.

"Just be content. The regulations have just been issued. How can they be raised so quickly right away?"

"If I give it to "October", they will definitely be willing to give ten yuan!" Lin Chaoyang muttered.

Zhang Dening said anxiously, "Why October? Can they compare with our Yenching Literature and Art? We are an old magazine that has been published for nearly 30 years."

"What's the use of having a long history? Your royalties are low!"

Zhang Dening was angry and helpless at Lin Chaoyang's criticism, but for the sake of future manuscripts, she could only swallow her anger, "Next time, I'll ask you for ten yuan next time."

"Okay." Lin Chaoyang agreed reluctantly.

Zhang Dening asked Lin Chaoyang again, "Do you really not want to hold a symposium for "Little Shoes"?"

This is the second time that Zhang Dening has come on behalf of Yenching Literature and Art to inquire about holding a symposium for "Little Shoes". The editorial department wanted to hold it after the publication of "The Shepherd", but Lin Chaoyang refused.

After the publication of "Little Shoes", it caused a lot of repercussions in the literary world and was also widely popular among readers.

Not only did the issue of the magazine that published the novel set a new sales record for "Yanjing Literature and Art", but even the sales after the single volume was published were also very gratifying.

Two months after the release of the single volume of "Little Shoes", the total print run has reached 200,000 copies.

It should be said that "Little Shoes" is another work with national influence published by "Yanjing Literature and Art" after "The Horse Herder" and "The Traitor".

After a good work is published, of course it should be well promoted. This is not only good for the author, but also for the magazine.

In July, Zhang Dening came to Lin Chaoyang to mention this matter, but was rejected by Lin Chaoyang.

"Your editorial department is really persistent!"

Lin Chaoyang sighed, and he couldn't help but think of the scene when he went to the People's Art Theater that day. It was just an informal exchange meeting, but it was still solemn and grand. He really couldn't imagine that if "Yanjing Literature and Art" held a symposium, the scene would be noisy with gongs and drums and firecrackers?

He said, "You want me to chat with others, but if you want me to sit there and listen to everyone praising each other seriously, I can't do it."

Zhang Dening said helplessly: "You have a problem with your thinking. How can a good symposium become so bureaucratic in your mouth? It has become a scourge?"

"Holding a symposium is also to unify the evaluation of the works in the literary world, which is conducive to the better dissemination of the works in the future." Zhang Dening persuaded earnestly.

"If you want to do it, you can do it yourself. Why do you have to ask me?"

Lin Chaoyang couldn't resist her soft and hard nagging, and his tone was a little relieved.

"How can an author not attend a symposium? Do you think this is a stratagem? Really, other authors are eager to have their works symposium, but you are just doing hard labor."

"Because the symposium doesn't pay, I have to ask for leave, and if I don't ask for leave, it will take up my personal rest time."

Zhang Dening was angry, "Look at your lack of ability, you only care about money. You are still a writer?"

"Writers have to eat and sleep. I usually have to go to work, and I use my spare time to write. In order to supplement my cultural knowledge, I have to go to school from time to time to take a few classes.

My colleagues around me often cover for me. If I take leave for the symposium now, how will they look at me?

Besides, I wrote two novellas and a drama this year. You don't know how busy I am every day.

Especially when Yushu was doing a drama before, I was writing the script and rehearsing, oh..."

Lin Chaoyang's shameless complaints made Zhang Dening helpless, but when she heard Lin Chaoyang mention Tao Yushu, she had an idea.

"What is your comrade Yushu busy with recently?"

"He's busy with the final exams." Lin Chaoyang replied casually, and then immediately became alert, "Why are you asking this?"

"It's okay, I'm asking."

Zhang Dening's tone was relaxed, but Lin Chaoyang felt something was wrong the more he thought about it.

"What time is it? It's time to go back to work!" He urged Zhang Dening to leave.

"It's okay. I've said hello to Lao Li. I'm out to collect manuscripts today. You don't have to go back."

Lin Chaoyang pointed at her and said, "You blame your magazine for not having much influence. If you keep slacking off, it's strange that your influence can go up."

He changed the subject and said, "Go home and rest if you have nothing to do."

"It's okay to go home. I'll get off work soon. I'll go to your house for dinner."

When Zhang Dening said this, it was obvious to everyone. Lin Chaoyang glared at her, but Zhang Dening was fearless and refused to leave.

When it was time to get off work, Lin Chaoyang was reluctant to leave. Zhang Dening didn't care about him and ran out first.

Lin Chaoyang quickly caught up with her and tried to persuade her earnestly.

"It's dark now. It's dangerous for a female comrade to stay out late!"

"I live with my parents-in-law. If I bring a female comrade home for dinner, how will they look at me?"


After walking for a long time, when they were about to reach Langrun Lake Apartment, Lin Chaoyang gave up and went home with a sullen face.

Tao Yushu had just returned home. When Zhang Dening saw her, he talked about the editorial department's plan to hold a symposium for "Little Shoes" and deliberately exaggerated the two times Lin Chaoyang refused.

"This is a good thing!" Tao Yushu said happily.

Hearing this, Lin Chaoyang looked ashen.

"Really? I said this is a good thing! But this comrade in your family is really stubborn and almost refused to die!"

Zhang Dening's performance at this time was exactly like a three-good student who reported to the teacher.

Tao Yushu smiled and said, "He is just a casual person. Apart from working, writing and reading, he doesn't care about anything else."

"I understand that. But this is a good thing for both him and the work. It's just one day, so we should go there at least."

Listening to Zhang Dening's words, Tao Yushu nodded, "We should go. When do you plan to hold the symposium?"

"Next week, Lao Li wanted to arrange it when we were working on "The Shepherd", but..." Zhang Dening glanced at Lin Chaoyang, with a treacherous look.

Tao Yushu turned his head and looked at Lin Chaoyang, "Chaoyang, you should go there when you are free, it's a good thing."

"Okay." Lin Chaoyang had a harmless smile on his face, without any trace of the impatience he had when he was shirking his responsibilities in the library.

Zhang Dening examined Lin Chaoyang's expression, his face full of pride.

Little guy, can't I cure you?

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