Literary Master 1978

Chapter 117: Playing Dirty

Tao Yucheng was closest to the door. He went over to open the door and exclaimed "Ouch!"

"Who's coming?"

Tao Yushu looked towards the door and saw two familiar faces.

For the Tao family who often watch dramas, the faces of these two people are very familiar. They are the "Shopkeeper Wang" and "Second Master Qin" of Renyi.

Lan Tianye had a smile on his face, "Hello, comrade, we are looking for Comrade Lin Chaoyang."

"Come in quickly, come in quickly!"

Tao Yucheng enthusiastically let the two people into the room, turned to Chaoyang and shouted: "Chaoyang, Teacher Lan and Teacher Yu are looking for you."

Lan Tianye and Su Zhi met Lin Chaoyang, exchanged a few words with smiles on their faces, praised "The Best Building in the World", and then explained their purpose of coming.

"A few days ago, Jiangong came to my house in the middle of the night..."

Chen Jiangong ran to Lan Tianye's house in the middle of the night and recommended "The First Floor in the World" to him. They originally agreed that the two of them would go to Yan Normal University to watch the show the next day, but there were too many students from other schools going that day and they didn't watch the play. become.

In the next two days, he originally wanted to write a letter of introduction before going to Yan'an Normal University, but he had rehearsal duties, so he went too late. He entered the school with the letter of introduction, but did not squeeze into the auditorium.

In the past few days, the auditorium of Yan Normal University has been full before 5 pm every day. There is no room for standing, let alone sitting. The school leader led Lan Tianye and couldn't find a seat even if he wanted to go in.

In desperation, the school leaders had no choice but to ask Lan Tianye to wait for the art performance on the 9th.

Lan Tianye was extremely depressed after not being able to squeeze into the Yan Normal University Auditorium for three consecutive days. He could not figure out how a student drama could have such great charm.

But the more this happened, the more curious he became about "The First Floor in the World" and the higher his expectations became.

Returning to Renyi, he found Su Zhi, who was not only the mainstay on Renyi's drama stage, but also the first vice president of Renyi.

Although Mr. Cao Yu has been the dean of Renyi in recent years, he has a heavy workload and is in poor health. Therefore, many large and small affairs of Renyi in recent years have been handled by the deputy dean.

After Lan Tianye told Su Zhi about the situation of "The First Floor in the World", he also became interested.

These days, college students are highly valued by the country and have spared no effort in cultivating their humanistic qualities. Major colleges and universities in Yanjing alone have organized students to watch drama performances at the People's Art Theater countless times.

So I know that the drama aesthetics of this group of college students are recognized. It must be extraordinary that "The First Floor in the World" can cause such a huge response and hot effect in the university circles of Yanjing after only a few days of performance.

After communicating with Lan Tianye, the two decided that they could not miss the artistic performance on the 9th no matter what.

So early this morning, the two rushed to the Yanjing Municipal Government Auditorium. After waiting for a day, they finally saw the true face of Lushan in "The First Floor in the World" in the afternoon.

Because of their romantic encounter a few days ago, Lan Tianye and Su Zhi's appetites had been whetted, and they were both senior actors on the drama stage, so they calmed down and tried their best to calm down before watching the show. Keep a normal mind.

But the two of them never expected that the excellence of "The First Floor in the World" far exceeded their imagination.

At the end of the performance, the audience burst into warm applause, which lasted for a long time. Both of them also made their slaps red. It was a compliment to the actors on the stage, and it was also a tribute to the script "The First Floor in the World" itself. Most definitely.

The two of them couldn't even wait for the art performance to end, so Zhi said to Lan Tianye, "Hurry up and find Lin Chaoyang. We at Humanities and Art want this script!"

They couldn't wait to get up and leave the auditorium.

When Chen Jiangong recommended "The First Floor in the World" to Lan Tianye before, he did not tell him about the relationship between Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu. Lan Tianye only knew that Lin Chaoyang worked at Yanda.

So after the two of them came out of the auditorium, they ran directly to Yanda. They first found the school, and then were taken to the library of Lin Chaoyang's workplace, only to find that Lin Chaoyang had already got off work, and finally found their home.

The two came out early, but after all the twists and turns, they fell behind Tao Yucheng and Tao Yushu.

After chatting about the ins and outs of the matter, Zhi Zhi said to Lin Chaoyang sincerely: "Comrade Chaoyang, the "The First Floor in the World" you created is exactly the most needed and scarce script in our art world. I sincerely ask you to Leave this script to us, Renyi.”

After So Zhi finished speaking, Lin Chaoyang looked thoughtful.

Lan Tianye thought he was worried about the fact that the script had been handed over to Yan Normal University.

"Comrade Chaoyang, it would be a pity if such an excellent script as "The First Floor in the World" is only used to perform for students.

If you feel that it is difficult to explain to Yan Normal University, we at Renyi can come forward to communicate.

"The First Floor in the World" can be seen by more audiences through the stage of human art. I think the teachers and students of Yanshi Normal University will also be very happy. "

Lan Tianye tried to persuade him a few words, but Lin Chaoyang remained calm. His attitude immediately made Su Zhi and Lan Tianye not sure what to do.

Just when the two were at a loss, Lin Chaoyang finally spoke.

“If my script can be favored by Renyi, I will naturally be happy.

I wrote "The First Floor in the World" because my classmates, Yushu and others, wanted to create a drama. The students want to do a drama and don’t have any funds, so I volunteer to help..."

When Lin Chaoyang said this, Lan Tianye seemed to be thinking about something, but Su Zhi had already understood it in his heart. He took the initiative to say: "Comrade Chaoyang, our People's Art Theater is a professional theater. We charge admission for every performance. Actors have wages and subsidies, and screenwriters also have royalties and performance shares."

Lin Chaoyang nodded. That's right. He had to take the initiative to talk about money. How damaging to the temperament of a scholar!

He laughed and said: "To be honest with you, I have always been a loyal audience of our People's Art Theater. It is a great honor for me that "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" can be on the stage of the People's Art Theater."

Looking at Lin Chaoyang's smile, Su Zhi and Lan Tianye also laughed. Su Zhi said: "The World's No. 1 Restaurant is the best script I have seen in recent years. Being able to put it on the stage of our People's Art Theater is not only a blessing for our People's Art Theater, but also a benefit for the audience."

While talking and laughing, Lin Chaoyang and Su Zhi reached a consensus.

So Zhi started to ask Lin Chaoyang about the cause and process of creating "The Best Restaurant in the World". After chatting for more than an hour, So Zhi asked Lin Chaoyang for a script.

Today's communication was just a preliminary consensus. The People's Art Theatre is the highest temple of Chinese drama. It is not enough to simply say a few words to bring the drama "The Best Restaurant in the World" to the screen.

He had to take this script back to the academy and pass the review of the Art Committee before the project of this play could be officially confirmed.

After Zhi and Lan Tianye left, Tao Yushu still couldn't believe it.

"Chaoyang, did you give the script of "The Best Restaurant in the World" to the People's Art Theatre?"

Lin Chaoyang misunderstood her meaning, "I heard that the remuneration of the People's Art Theatre is not high, but I didn't think about making money when writing this script."

Tao Yushu looked at him speechlessly. Is that what I mean?

Tao Yucheng, who had not spoken much since Lan Tianye and Yu Shizhi entered the door, finally spoke now, with envy in his eyes: "Chaoyang, this is the People's Art Theater!"

Tao Yucheng studied drama literature in college, and now teaches at the Central Academy of Drama. The People's Art Theater is the highest temple of drama for him. He dreams that one day his script can be performed on the stage of the People's Art Theater.

Unexpectedly, this wish has come true in his brother-in-law.

Tao Yucheng pulled Lin Chaoyang to look left and right, and was amazed. Now he has passed the stage of "fearing his brother driving a Land Rover" and is completely impressed by Lin Chaoyang's creative talent.

"Chaoyang, Chaoyang, you can write novels in "People's Literature" and write scripts in the People's Art Theater. How many surprises do you have waiting for us?"

Lin Chaoyang smiled and said: "Brother, it's exaggerated. It's also a fluke that "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" was favored by the People's Art Theater."

"I also want to have this kind of luck." Tao Yucheng said unwillingly.

At this time, Tao's father laughed and said, "It's a happy thing that Chaoyang's script was favored by the People's Art Theater. Yucheng, go buy some vegetables and cook two more dishes tonight."

"Okay!" Tao Yucheng responded and was about to go out, "Mom, give me some money to buy vegetables."

Tao's mother glared at him, your father asked you to buy vegetables, you ask me for money?

"Brother!" Tao Yushu called Tao Yucheng and took the initiative to hand over the money. At the same time, when his eyes met with Tao's mother, he inadvertently revealed a proud and boastful look.

Tao Yucheng noticed his sister's little action, smiled secretly, took the money and said, "I'm going to buy vegetables."

That night, because of the sudden arrival of Shi Zhi and Lan Tianye, the Tao family had dinner a little late, but it was very rich.

Lin Chaoyang got fame and fortune, but it was his mother-in-law who worked hard.

Two days later, Yan Normal University really fulfilled their promise. "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" began to perform in major universities in Yanjing, and the first stop was Yan University.

The news was posted on the most eye-catching poster board in the center of the campus, which immediately attracted Yan University students to tell each other on campus and immediately became the focus of Yan University students.

On the day of the performance, before the door opened, the entrance of the auditorium was crowded with students, replicating the scene in front of the auditorium of Yanshi University.

"The World's No. 1 Restaurant" was performed twice in Yan University, and both were full. Then it was moved to Shuimu, but this caused dissatisfaction among Yan University students.

The Yan University auditorium can only accommodate 2,000 people at a time, including sitting and standing. Even if there is no duplication of personnel, only 4,000 people watched the performance for two days. However, there are more than 10,000 teachers and students in Yan University. How can those students who have not had time to watch the show be willing?

When Yan University students learned that "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" would move to Shuimu next door the next day, they ran to the outside of Yannan Garden that night to make a fuss.

Yannan Garden not only houses many senior professors of Yan University, but also school leaders. Students ran to the school leaders' homes in the middle of the night to ask for coordination to have "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" perform more times.

The school leaders could only agree helplessly, after all, it was their own child.

It stands to reason that the school leaders of Yan University should come forward to coordinate, and Yan Normal University should give face, but this disrupted the performance plan of "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" in various universities in Yanjing.

Originally, the school leaders of Yan Normal University planned to support students to use the time before the winter vacation to visit various universities in Yanjing, but now it seems that the one month before the winter vacation is not enough to fill the gap.

Yan University, Shuimu, Forestry University, Agricultural University, University of Science and Technology... If all of them follow the schedule of Yan University, it will take more than a month for the universities in the northwest of Yanjing alone.

There is no way to perform it, there is no way to perform it.

Not to mention that the winter vacation is coming soon, even the student actors can't hold on.

They are all amateur actors who can hold up after performing for several days in a row. Not to mention these students, even the veteran actors from Renyi can't perform at the intensity of two or three months.

The objective conditions are here, and there is nothing that the leaders of Yan University can do about it.

But considering that Lin Chaoyang, the screenwriter of "The First Floor in the World", was Lord Yan, the leaders of Yan Normal University decided to stage an additional show at Yan University.

After the news came out, the students at YSU were overjoyed. Although they regretted not having more performances, it was an extra performance after all, and it was better to have something to watch than nothing.

The students from Yan University watched the drama happily, but the students in Shuimu next door were not happy.

The performance plan of "The First Floor in the World" was communicated in advance. Yanda and Shuimu were separated by a wall. After Yanda finished the performance, it was Mizuki. As a result, Yanda had to do a special extra performance.

If Yan Da watches one more day, they will have to wait one more day. Isn't this bullying an honest person?

Because of the extra performance on this day, the Shuimu students secretly cursed Master Yan for being a rogue. There is another reason why the two schools dislike each other.

Then some students from Shuimu went to other schools to spread rumors, saying that YSU students had a special liking for "The First Floor in the World" and asked YSU to perform 10 more performances.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused public outrage among students from several surrounding universities.

This Yan Da is too domineering!

Some students from other schools who were filled with indignation went directly to the big poster at Yanda and started a "pen war" to denounce Mr. Yan's domineering behavior.

The large poster board of Yanda has always been an important place for students to exchange information. Every lunch and dinner time, there are a large number of students paying attention.

A denunciation article from a student from another school suddenly appeared here, and the YSU students were confused.

Is there another encore of "The First Floor in the World"? How come they don't know? Didn't Mizuki act well next door?

The students asked each other, but no one heard about the additional performances. After further inquiries, they found out that there was a statement that "Yanda requested 10 additional performances."

"Isn't this a rumor?"

The students of Yan University were furious. They knew where this rumor came from without even thinking about it.

It's just a drama. What you guys are doing next door is really dirty!

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