Literary Master 1978

Chapter 106 What a great Xu Lingjun!

That night, Tao Yushu returned home with several magazines and handed them to Lin Chaoyang like a treasure.

What she brought back was the "Foreign Drama" magazine, which was first published in 1962. At that time, it was still called "Foreign Drama Materials" and was an internal publication of the Drama Association. It was later discontinued due to buzz.

This year has just resumed, and three issues have been published. Tao Yushu and Wu Yingfang and several other classmates picked it up when they went to the post office in Liubukou in the afternoon. One copy cost 76 cents, and three copies cost 2.28 cents.

This magazine, which mainly introduces foreign theater activities, has a rich selection of materials. It not only publishes articles on the research and introduction of foreign theater at home and abroad, but also publishes news on academic exchanges between Chinese and foreign theater circles. It also publishes one or two important current foreign plays in each issue. The drama or TV drama scripts are very helpful to many Chinese people who want to understand and learn foreign dramas.

However, because the magazine was previously published internally and had little influence among the public, it was renamed and reissued publicly, but sales were not ideal.

This is also the reason why Tao Yushu found these magazines at the post office.

"Do you really want me to be a screenwriter?" Lin Chaoyang teased.

"There is no harm in studying. When you write novels, you can also learn from many drama creation techniques and experiences. Generally good writers are good screenwriters, look at Mr. Lao She."

When it comes to studying, Tao Yushu can always tell a lot of truths, but reading more relevant information will really help Lin Chaoyang in writing scripts.

In mid-November, the first draft of the script was finally completed. Tao Yushu read the complete script and was even happier than Lin Chaoyang.

"Chaoyang, even if you don't write novels and just become a screenwriter, you must be a famous screenwriter!"

Tao Yushu's praise certainly reflects the wife's admiration and admiration for her husband, but it is more out of rational judgment.

"As long as you are satisfied." Lin Chaoyang looked at Tao Yushu's smile and felt happy in his heart.

Tao Yushu happily held the script and read it over and over again, trying to read whatever he liked.

She went to school early the next morning carrying the script, eager to show her husband's work to her classmates.

There was a class in the Chinese Department that morning, and it was "Modern Drama Research" taught by Huang Huilin, associate professor in the department.

Finally, when get out of class was over, the students in the class were busy walking out, but Tao Yushu gathered together several key drama players in the class.

"The script is out!"

With just one word, everyone immediately came to her side like ants smelling the honey.

As soon as Tao Yushu took out the script, Wu Yingfang grabbed it first. She quickly shouted: "Don't tear it up!"

Wu Yingfang ignored her concern at all and stared at the script. The script was just an ordinary manuscript paper, but her eyes were immediately attracted when she came into contact with the title of the play on the home page——

"The First Floor in the World".

The title of this drama...

"The title of the play is really impressive!"

The classmates next to her spoke out for Wu Yingfang.

"Yushu, your great writer Lin is really extraordinary! Just based on the title of the play, we can definitely beat Yanda." Classmate Li Luyang said in an exaggerated tone.

His words caused everyone to burst into laughter. Eight drama fanatics gathered around Lin Chaoyang's script before they could read it, chatting constantly.

There was only one copy of the script, and everyone wanted to see it first. They fought for it, which attracted the attention of Huang Huilin who was packing up things on the podium.

"What are you doing?" she asked as she walked off the stage.

"Teacher Huang, it's nothing." Tao Yushu said.

Wu Yingfang spoke quickly, "Teacher Huang, we are going to do a drama. Yushu asked his wife to write a script for us. She just brought the script over today and everyone wants to read it."

Huang Huilin laughed when she heard this. She had heard about the craze caused by Yan university students some time ago. She herself teaches drama literature and is also very concerned about this aspect.

The students even took out the scripts, and their mobility was not ordinary. She said: "We have a set of mimeograph equipment in the office. Just print a few more copies for you guys. Why are you robbing them?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone cheered.

"Let's go, let's go eat first. After eating, I'll print a script for you."

Walking with the students, Huang Huilin felt like she had regained some of her youthful vitality.

Everyone followed her to have dinner first, and then to the office, where they spent an afternoon printing out several scripts.

Now that everyone has the script, everyone no longer fights, and they eagerly started flipping through the script in the office.

When everyone was quiet and reading the script, Huang Huilin asked Tao Yushu: "Yushu, can you lend me a copy of this script?"

Tao Yushu's lover is the writer Xu Lingjun. It is no secret at Yan'an Normal University. Huang Huilin is also very interested in this script written by a well-known writer.

"His script is rough. If you have time, you can give me some advice." Tao Yushu handed over a script.

After finishing the script, Tao Yushu said to everyone: "Okay, okay, the script has been printed out. It's time to get off work soon, so let's not disturb the teacher. Everyone go back and take a good look at the script, and we will discuss it tomorrow."

Everyone was watching in fascination at the moment, but when Tao Yushu shouted, they had no choice but to close the script and leave the office.

Several people parted in front of the building door. Tao Yushu rode his bicycle back to Yanda. The other people looked at each other.

"Are you going to eat?" Wu Yingfang asked.

"I have two steamed buns over there. Just turn on the heater to steam them up. I won't go to the cafeteria." One person picked up the script and returned to the dormitory.

"I'm not going either. Zhenyu, bring me a meal back." Li Luyang also wanted to go back to the dormitory, and handed over the task of bringing meals to a classmate in the dormitory.

He made the first move, and others followed suit.

"Zhenyu, give me a copy."

"Bring me one."

Li Zhenyu had four or five lunch boxes hanging on his body and was about to cry.

If you are anxious to go back and read the script, won't I be anxious?

Wu Yingfang looked at Li Zhenyu with some sympathy, "These people are so bad!"

Li Zhenyu nodded, "Yingfang, you are right."

She glanced at the lunch box on Li Zhenyu's body and said, "Go back and pack them less food so they don't get too full."

After saying this, she clutched the script and left briskly.

Li Zhenyu shook his head helplessly, there was no good person.

It couldn't be any faster anyway, so he simply stopped worrying and walked slowly to the cafeteria to have a full meal. Then he served everyone meals one by one, and then slowly returned to the dormitory.

Just now, they were a small group of eight drama enthusiasts, five men and three women. The boys were scattered on the third floor of the Southwest Building. Li Zhenyu and Li Luyang were in the same dormitory, both living in 322.

After delivering meals to everyone, he returned to the dormitory and placed the lunch box on Li Luyang's bedside.

"Lu Yang, it's time to eat."

At this time, Li Luyang seemed to have devoted all his energy to the script in his hand, without noticing his voice at all.

Li Zhenyu was not surprised by this. In the afternoon, several of them had already previewed the script in the office. He hadn't even finished the first act, but his mind was already firmly attracted. If he hadn't brought everyone food, he would have I really don’t want to go to the cafeteria.

Now that he was finally fine, he took off his shoes, lay down on the bed, picked up the script, and once again entered the ups and downs of the world of the play.


I don't know how long it took, but when Li Zhenyu was intoxicated, a sound suddenly exploded in his ear, waking him up.

He turned around and looked over, only to see Li Luyang sitting up from the bed at some point, his eyes wide open, his face full of excitement, and he patted the bed excitedly.

"'What a dilapidated building, who is the owner and who is the guest; there are only three old houses, and the moon is bright and the wind is suitable at all times'! What a Xu Lingjun!"

His voice was impassioned, and when he was at his most excited, he couldn't help but fall to the ground with his bare feet, holding the script in both hands, his eyes full of piety, and he murmured to himself:

"This is nothing more than this when Lao She is alive! This is nothing more than this when Lao She is still alive..."

Li Zhenyu was taken aback by Li Luyang's performance, but it was understandable. If he hadn't been interrupted by Li Luyang, he would have been immersed in the joys and sorrows of the times portrayed by Xu Lingjun.

He shook his head and was about to continue reading the script, but he didn't expect Li Luyang to come over and grab him because he was not satisfied with what he said.

"Zhenyu, stop reading, let's talk about the script."

Talk about a hammer!

You have finished reading it, but I haven’t finished it yet!

He looked at Li Luyang fiercely, "You are not allowed to speak. If you dare to reveal the last half of a word, you will have no food in the future!"

Li Zhenyu's fierce attitude finally made Li Luyang regain some sense. He mumbled and sat back on the bed and put on his shoes again.

Only then did I see the rice on the bedside. I didn't care whether it was cold or not, so I just grabbed it and stuffed it into my mouth.

While stuffing, he stared at Li Zhenyu, wanting to see when he would finish it so that the two of them could exchange feelings.

Before he finished his meal, he heard the door of the dormitory being rushed open with a bang. Several classmates from before were standing at the door, holding scripts in their hands.

"A masterpiece! A masterpiece!"

The rice grains on Li Luyang's mouth didn't stop him from grinning. As expected, everyone is discerning.

He tossed the lunch box and said, "Yes, this is a well-deserved masterpiece!"

A few people seemed to have caught the secret code of the underground party, and they gathered together all of a sudden, talking loudly about the script, with golden eyes and high spirits.

Li Zhenyu was so disturbed by several people that he couldn't read the script at all. He listened to several people constantly spoiling the content that he had not seen yet, with a look of despair on his face.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have brought food, and you bunch of turtles would starve to death!

Yan Normal University, Engineering 6th Floor, one of the buildings for family members of faculty and staff of the Normal University, is still the Tongzi Building.

Even before dinner was eaten, night had already fallen. By the time Huang Huilin was washing the dishes, it was already dark outside.

She came back from the water room outside with red hands holding the bowl, and put her hands on the heater to warm them. She noticed that her husband was sitting on the bedside attentively reading the script she brought back.

After waiting for a while, she walked over and asked, "How do you see it?"

Her husband Shao Wu is also a teacher at Yan Normal University, and has also published some novels and is quite accomplished in literary creation.

Shao Wu raised his head blankly, "Who wrote this?"

"Written by a family member of a student in the Chinese Department."

"Student's family?" Because of this answer, Shao Wu was stunned again. Why is it related to the student's family?

"Do you remember Tao Yushu?"

Shao Wu immediately thought of the students his wife would talk about from time to time, but what impressed him most was the news his wife brought back some time ago. Tao Yushu's husband turned out to be Xu Lingjun, who wrote "The Wrangler" and "Little Shoes".

"You mean...Xu Lingjun?" Shao Wu asked with surprise on his face.

Huang Huilin nodded and explained, "Didn't students from Yanjing University put on a play a few days ago? It has set off a trend in several universities in Yanjing, and every school has to put on a play."

Shao Wu smiled and asked, "Didn't you say Xu Lingjun is from Yanjing University? If our Yanjing Normal University students ask him to help with a play, wouldn't that help others gain prestige?"

Huang Huilin laughed easily, "One of the thirty-six strategies is called the beauty trap."

The couple teased each other and laughed out loud.

After the joke, Shao Wu said, "I just read one scene of the script. It's very interesting. It feels like "Tea House" to me."

Huang Huilin looked surprised. She knew her husband's character very well. It was rare for her to praise a work so directly.

Moreover, "Tea House", as Mr. Lao She's representative work on the stage of drama, is one of the insurmountable peaks of modern Chinese drama and has long become a classic in the minds of countless readers and audiences.

Shao Wu gave such an evaluation after only watching one scene, which naturally surprised Huang Huilin.

"Such a high evaluation?"

"I just said it's similar. I think his script has a very good beginning, development, turning point and ending. If he can keep this level all the way, it will be really extraordinary!"

Huang Huilin was itching to listen to what her husband said, "Let me take a look first!"

After saying that, he took the script away. Shao Wu looked at his wife, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

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