The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Don't even think about leaving here.

Water Style: Thousand Killings Water Flying..."

Seeing this, Bai couldn't give Sasuke a chance, and quickly completed the seals with both hands and shouted.

In an instant, the water vapor above Sasuke quickly condensed into countless water thousand books ready to go...

In desperation, Sasuke had to turn around urgently to avoid the edge!


Seeing this, Kakashi hurriedly dodged to rescue him, but was held back by Zabuza...

"As you said before, your opponent now is me.


Zabuza said fiercely with a ferocious face, and turned the beheading sword in his hand to attack again.

[It seems that before I defeat Zabuza, I have no choice but to trust Sasuke...]

Kakashi's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and the kunai in his hand fought back fiercely.

Inside the magic mirror ice crystal

"Next, you can only defend against my attacks..."

Bai looked at Sasuke who retreated and said calmly.

The body then merged into an ice crystal, and Bai's figure appeared in each ice crystal under the special angle.

"Tsk, you succeeded again...

Then, Sharingan..."

Sasuke looked at the countless ice crystals and spat lightly, his eyes instantly turned scarlet.

He had expected this situation and had prepared for it!

"Is this Uchiha's Sharingan?

It is a pupil technique that can see through all the opponent's attack traces and defend in advance.

I don't know, how are you going to defend against my attack..."

Bai shouted with a cold face and expressionless face, and three ice thousand blades appeared in his hand and shot at high speed.

Almost at the same time

Each Bai in the ice crystal also made the same move, and the fake Senbon was swung out in an instant with no blind spots in 360°.

Mixed between the real and the fake, it was hard to tell the male and female...

[I saw it!!]

At the same time that Bai released the Senbon, Sasuke's pupils shrank and his feet burst out chakra and left the spot.

The next moment

The place where he stood was covered with dense Senbon, which was a matter of life and death.

"Not bad...

Then I'm going to get serious next!"

Looking at the pair of scarlet single magatama, Bai said without any surprise, the insight of the Sharingan is indeed not simple.

[Serious? ?

Just now was not his limit speed!!]

Sasuke's pupils shrank when he heard it, and he thought it was not good, and his body was tense and ready.

Although he saw the traces of Bai's movement before, it was not so clear...

The insight of the single magatama Sharingan is still a little lacking!!

"It's started..."

Bai sneered, and the Senbon in his hand shot out again...

And it was quickly shuttled through the mirrors and shot out from all angles, like a storm...

Sasuke's eyes widened and he activated his Sharingan, quickly dodging and starting to make hand seals.

It's not his style to just take a beating...

"Puff puff puff..."

Caught off guard, just when Sasuke was about to complete the hand seal, he was accidentally pierced by three Senbon.

At the same time, his fire escape ninjutsu was interrupted!

"Is your speed only this level?

Then I'm sorry, your existence ends here..."

Looking at Sasuke who was panting after pulling out the Senbon, Bai grabbed two ice Senbon again and said harshly.

[Damn, a single Magatama Sharingan can no longer completely capture all the Senbon.

There's no other way...

Although this consumes a bit of chakra, it's the only way to break through the blockade alone!

Quick fight, quick decision...]

Sasuke's eyes flickered and he made up his mind, purple-blue chakra airflow bursting out of his body...

"Silent killing technique!

Impossible, how can you know Zabuza-sama's unmanned killing technique!!"

Seeing the familiar ninjutsu, Bai's face suddenly changed and he exclaimed.

As Zabuza's student and subordinate, how could Bai not recognize what this was...

At the same time

Kakashi and Zabuza, who were fighting outside, stopped their actions at the same time and were shocked on the spot.

Sasuke, how can you know the unmanned killing technique of Kirigakure? ?

"This kind of ninjutsu that uses chakra techniques to enhance the body, I can practice it myself...

Today you will know what Uchiha is!

What is a genius!!"

Sasuke pretended to be disdainful and pretentious, vowing to establish the name of genius in one fell swoop!

With these bonus skills, he can't possibly not use them...

So, there is no need to hide at all.

It's not obtained by dishonorable means, what is there to be afraid of?

Do you want to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger and be abused like a hedgehog? ?

Sorry, Sasuke is not masochistic...

Genius, no reason is needed! !

"Is this the real genius..."

Hearing the confidence in Sasuke's words, Bai Ren couldn't help but

He muttered to himself in shock.

Kakashi and Zabuza outside were the same...

"Then let me see how much faster you can go...

You blasphemed Mr. Zabuza."

Haku's face turned cold, and his figure quickly shuttled through the ice crystals, and the Senbon in his hand violently attacked...

Swish, swish, swish...

In an instant, the Senbon, which was faster than before, attacked Sasuke from all angles.


Sasuke's speed at this time was not much slower than Haku, and with the help of the Sharingan.

He was unscathed in the gaps between the Senbon in the hail of bullets...

"Use the reflection of the mirror to create an invisible virtual attack...

But the real attack still has only one entity!

Sorry, I have seen through your ninjutsu..."

Sasuke quickly followed Haku and dodged, and his hands quickly completed the seal.

‘Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique…’

In an instant, after Bai escaped into an ice crystal, Sasuke opened his mouth and spurted out a great fireball.

The next moment

The super-high temperature great fireball hit the ice crystal, and the intersection of ice and fire caused a burst of water vapor to rise…

But, the ice crystal did not melt.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you!

At present, it seems that my ice crystal is stronger…”

Bai’s figure appeared on another ice crystal in an instant and spoke calmly, secretly surprised by Sasuke’s reaction speed.

“So what?

The essence of ninja fighting is deception!

Who said I want to use fire style to open a gap…”

Sasuke raised the corner of his mouth and laughed playfully, and the ice crystal behind him exploded with a bang…

“Detonating Talisman!!


Seeing this, Bai’s face changed. He didn’t expect Sasuke to open a gap in this way.


Sasuke didn’t want to give Bai a chance to condense the ice crystal again, and rushed towards the gap with a smile.

As long as he gets out, he can completely defeat Bai with the speed of silent killing.

Without the assistance of the magic mirror ice crystal, Bai's speed is not as terrifying as it is now!

"Don't try to escape..."

Seeing this emergency outbreak, Bai waved out the Senbon to stop it while bursting chakra to condense ice crystals.

But facing Sasuke's speed is useless!

He can only watch Sasuke successfully break through...

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Just when Sasuke's front half broke through the blockade, three kunai finished characters came in an instant.

This sudden scene made Sasuke's face change, and he urgently kicked the half-condensed ice crystal and retreated to dodge.


How could it be Sasuke??

I clearly saw the figure of that guy..."

Outside the magic mirror ice crystal, Naruto's screams and shouts followed...

Sasuke's mouth twitched...

After all the calculations, how could he forget Naruto's carelessness! !

"Sorry, it seems that luck is still on my side..."

Bai took the opportunity to restore the ice crystal and said coldly, making Sasuke's face dark instantly...

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