Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 78 Reminiscing

About ten breaths later, Wu Yan on the third floor glanced at the auction hall and saw that the momentum was almost built up, so he sent a message to "Yang Hua" who was hosting the auction.

Yang Hua, who received the signal, then said loudly.

"This auction is over, please leave in an orderly manner."

Yang Hua drove people away, and the cultivators who participated in the auction left one after another.

Just as Ling Pengyun and others were about to leave, an old man's voice came from the private room on the third floor.

"Chief Ling."

"Xiao Pengyun, come up and see me."

Ling Pengyun smiled when he heard this.


Hearing this, Ling Yunhong looked up and bowed to the private room on the third floor where the voice came from, and then took Ling Penglin and Ling Ru to leave the auction hall first.

Ling Pengyun, led by a maid, went up to a large private room on the third floor.

As soon as he entered the private room, Ling Pengyun saw many familiar faces.

In this private room, there were an old man, a middle-aged couple, a handsome young man, a beautiful woman, and a young man.

"Grandpa, uncle, aunt, cousin Sitong, cousin Siling." Ling Pengyun raised his hands to the crowd, performed the etiquette of the younger generation, and called them one by one. Finally, his eyes stopped at "Wu Yan" whom he had seen from afar when he entered the market earlier.

At this time, the oldest old man in the private room saw Ling Pengyun's eyes on "Wu Yan", and immediately understood, and introduced him to Ling Pengyun.

"Xiaoyun, this is Wu Yan who is about to marry your cousin... my friend."

Ling Pengyun's mind moved slightly when he heard this. Now that Wu Yan and his cousin "Yang Siling" are getting married soon, it is somewhat inappropriate to call Wu Yan, who is in the foundation-building stage, a senior, so he directly called him. "Brother-in-law."

Wu Yan smiled when he heard this call, and said very politely. "I've heard Si Ling say that brother Peng Yun is a handsome man with outstanding talent. Today, I see that it's true. My cousin has such a high level of cultivation at such a young age. Even in my Bai Ling Sect, he is still a famous one."

The old man who just spoke, after hearing this, noticed the strong aura emanating from Ling Peng Yun, and asked with a bit of surprise.

"Xiao Yun, have you broken through the seventh level of Qi training?"

The old man is Ling Peng Yun's grandfather, named Yang Minghua, the fifth elder of the Ping Yun Yang family, with perfect Qi training, and the father of Ling Peng Yun's mother Yang Qiu Yun.

In the private room, the middle-aged couple, named "Yang Qiujiang" and "Zhao Hong'e", are Ling Peng Yun's uncle and aunt.

The beautiful woman and the young man are naturally Yang Si Ling and Yang Si Tong.

"I broke through by chance some time ago." Ling Peng Yun smiled.

"If your mother knew, she would be very happy. A 20-year-old Qi training level 7 is also one of the best among the younger generation in my Yang family. Sitong, learn from your cousin." When Yang Minghua praised Ling Pengyun, he did not forget to scold "Yang Sitong" who had been playful since childhood.

Yang Sitong did not care about his grandfather's scolding, but said with a look of pity. "Cousin, why didn't you tell me such a good thing before, otherwise I wouldn't rush to pay for the meal at Wanfulou."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present laughed out loud.

Except for Wu Yan, the "prospective son-in-law", all the people present were blood relatives, and they talked about everything.

As for Wu Yan, during this period, he did not have any airs of a foundation-building cultivator. He just stood quietly behind Yang Siling and listened to everyone's chat.

During this chat, Ling Pengyun also learned that Yang Siling, who had joined Bailingmen, was able to successfully break through the foundation-building because he relied on Wu Yan's line to obtain a foundation-building pill.

Afterwards, grandpa "Yang Minghua" also vaguely hinted to Ling Pengyun that the Yang family and the Ling family would always be relatives, and asked Ling Pengyun to help bring a letter to Ling Yunhong.

After chatting for several hours in the auction room, the few of them went to Wanfulou for a big meal before parting.

When they parted, the wealthy Jindan descendant Wu Yan also gave Ling Pengyun, the sweet-mouthed little cousin, three superior defensive talismans "Golden Light Talisman" as a gift.

Such actions also made Ling Pengyun secretly guess. "Cousin Sitong is cousin Siling's biological brother, and Wu Yan must be more flattering to him. No wonder cousin Sitong was so generous at the beginning and actually invited me and my tenth sister to Wanfulou for a big meal."

After a moment of distraction, Ling Pengyun took a step.

On the way back to the Lingxiao Treasure Pavilion opened by the family in the Huaishui Market, Ling Pengyun visited the Beast Pavilion opened by the Huxiao Liu family, as well as the larger refining shop and the spiritual shop that sells spiritual objects in the market.

He spent fifty spiritual stones to buy a Liu family-exclusive parrot in the Beast Pavilion.

He spent two hundred and fifty spiritual stones to buy ten spiritual materials for refining green bamboo swords and round iron shields in the Refining Hall.

He spent three hundred and forty-five spiritual stones to buy thirty-five first-level high-quality spiritual fruits. Because the number of purchases was large, it was five spiritual stones cheaper.

After buying these things, although the spiritual stones in his hand dropped rapidly, Ling Pengyun was still quite satisfied in his heart. The purpose of his coming to the Huaishui Market to participate in the Huaishui Small Meeting this time has been fully achieved, and he even gained three extra golden light talismans.

Ling Pengyun, who was in a good mood, immediately found Ling Yunhong on the third floor when he returned to the Treasure Pavilion and handed the letter given by his grandfather "Yang Minghua" to Ling Yunhong.

As for Ling Pengyun and Ling Penglin, they were sent away to entertain the guests from the Treasure Pavilion.

In the living hall on the third floor of Baibao Pavilion, Ling Yunhong finished reading the letter in his hand, and his face was uncertain.

Ling Ruxian, who was standing by, saw Ling Yunhong's expression change and asked.

"What did Yang Minghua say in the letter?"

Ling Yunhong sighed helplessly after hearing this. "Yang Minghua pointed out in the letter that even if the Ling family has become a foundation-building family, they should not forget that they were still vassals of the Yang family decades ago. Every ten years, they still need to marry a Yang woman, or marry a Ling woman into the Yang family, and they still need to pay 500 kilograms of three grades of jade series spiritual rice every year."

"This is too much." Hearing Yang's request, Ling Ruxian's face showed anger rarely.

Ling Yunhong thought for a moment, groaned, and said in a deep voice. "The Yang family is now powerful. With these spiritual objects, it is not too bad to have the Yang family ship on the list. Let's do it this way. The Yang family is not bad. If it were not for the Yang family, our Ling family would have been destroyed long ago. However, the clan still needs to strengthen the training of qualified clan members. It is not a good thing for our Ling family to be controlled by the Yang family all the time."


At noon, after having lunch at Lingxiao Treasure Pavilion, Ling Yunhong, Ling Ruxian, Ling Pengyun, and Ling Penglin, who came to participate in the auction this time, also left the Huaishui Market one after another.

Because it was on the way, everyone took Ling Yunhong's faster fairy crane king.

After Ling Yunhong sent everyone to the garrison one by one, he did not leave directly, but stayed in Qingshi Mountain for half a day, instructing Ling Pengyun to refine two furnaces of round iron shields.

He had already practiced refining, and his own refining rank was also as high as the first-level middle grade, so it was no problem for him to guide Ling Pengyun, a refiner who had just started refining.

This refining guidance did play a big role for Ling Pengyun, and the two furnaces of round iron shields he refined were successful.

At the top of Qingshi Mountain, Ling Pengyun watched Ling Yunhong riding on the fairy crane king leave, and then walked to the six-acre spiritual field on the top of the mountain to look at the situation in the field.

After returning to Qingshi Mountain from Huaishui Market, he refined the weapon under the guidance of Ling Yunhong, and had no time to manage the six-acre spiritual field.

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