Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 678 Earth Soul Soil (3600 words, please subscribe)

Boundless Sea Immortal Cultivation World.

Among the thirty-six seas of the human race, it is deeper than the mountain sea in the east.

There is an island covering millions of miles and as big as the State of Yan, standing like a giant in the blue sea.

From time to time, you can see a cultivator who has embarked on the path of Taoism, driving a flying magic weapon or riding a flying monster into the island, which makes this place very prosperous.

And this place is the "Mountain Island", the most famous and largest island in the Boundless Sea Immortal Cultivation World. The spiritual veins in the island are particularly rich, with nearly 100,000, and even two of the rare fourth-level spiritual veins in the world.

It is said that the two fourth-level spiritual veins are also rare single earth spiritual veins in the Boundless Sea Immortal Cultivation World.

This treasure land is also the headquarters of the "Mountain Immortal Sect", a well-known old Yuanying sect in the Wubianhai area. This entire mountain island, even the entire mountain sea area, and the vast sea area next door called "Yanqiu" are also the territory of this sect.

It is also worth mentioning that this sect is very suitable for growing earth-related spiritual objects because it controls two fourth-level earth spirit veins. Every year, this sect produces a large number of earth-related spiritual objects.

In addition, among the four Yuanying in this sect, two of them are mainly practicing earth-related exercises, which makes this sect more popular in mainly practicing earth-related exercises.

This sect is also praised by some cultivators in the Wubianhai area as a holy place for "cultivating earth-related exercises".

At the same time.

In the teleportation hall deep in the "Mountain Market" built on a third-level upper-grade spirit vein, the headquarters of the Mountain Immortal Sect, on the southern border of the Mountain Island, a spiritual light suddenly flashed.

When the spiritual light dissipated, a full 500 cultivators appeared in a teleportation room of the teleportation hall.

A foundation-building cultivator from the teleportation hall who had been waiting here for a long time also greeted him with a smile.

He patted the storage bag on his waist, took out exactly 500 books from it, and handed them to the cultivators present using the art of controlling objects. At the same time, he introduced with a smile.

"Welcome all Taoists to the first market under my Mountain Immortal Sect, the Mountain Market."

"And that book records the situation of each store in my Mountain Market, as well as the general situation of the two sea areas of Shanyue and Yanqiu under my Mountain Immortal Sect. The territories of the major forces above the Jindan level and the small markets they opened are also marked on this sea map."

"If the cultivators intend to stay in my mountain sea area, they can also use the books I distribute to have a good time in my Mountain Immortal Sect territory."

"It is also worth mentioning that my sect will be in this Mountain Market in two months. The city will hold a medium-sized auction every thirty years. "

"There will be a lot of good things, even some third-grade high-quality spiritual objects. Fellow Taoists, don't miss this grand event."

"In the book I gave you, there is a picture of the spiritual objects for the medium-sized auction in the near future. You can take a look to see if there are any spiritual objects you like."

"Of course, if any fellow Taoist wants to use the teleportation array arranged by our sect to go to other places, just tell me and give me the spiritual stones."

After saying that, this person stood aside honestly and said nothing.

And the 500 cultivators who had just been teleported here, after hearing what the cultivator in the teleportation hall said, began to look through the book in their hands, and found the picture of the spiritual objects for the auction in the near future and looked at it carefully.

After a while, there were constant exclamations here.

"I didn't expect that the auction held by the Mountain Immortal Sect once every thirty years would be so grand. This time, I really came for the right thing."


The crowd was like this because at this auction held once every thirty years in the Mountain Market, a total of 55,000 spiritual objects would be auctioned.

Among them, 50,000 spiritual objects were normal auction items, and the other 500 were the finale auction items.

However, whether it was normal auction items or finale auction items, they were all relatively superior in the same level. Ordinary quality items would not be recorded on the auction promotional picture unless they were special.

And the spiritual objects of the finale auction items were at least as high as the second-level upper level, and there were also hundreds of spiritual objects that entered the third level.

There were even two rare ordinary golden elixir spiritual objects in the world, and five second-class golden elixir spiritual objects as the finale, but their types were not stated.

In the crowd, a young man with an immortal look and a young female cultivator with an extraordinary temperament and a playful face looked at the golden elixir spiritual objects on the promotional pictures, their eyes flashed with light, and they secretly vowed in their hearts to buy at least one ordinary golden elixir spiritual object.

As for the second-class golden elixir spiritual objects with weaker effects, they did not have too many ideas.

And these two people are Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying.

A month ago, after the two left the secret realm from the small exit of the secret realm in the "Dragon Scale Shark Sea Area" in the demon clan sea area, they passed through the adjacent "Angry Whale Market" teleportation array, passed through the markets opened by several Yuanying major sects, and rented the teleportation arrays of those markets, and then came here.

And the news of the auction of golden elixir spiritual objects here was heard by Wang Ying from the intelligence department of Canglan Bihai Sect.

Although Canglan Bihai Sect is in the secret realm because of the Holy Demon Sect, and the disciples of the sect dare not go out on a large scale, Canglan Bihai Sect has also deployed some forces in the outside world.

The two of them were stunned for a while, then followed the crowd from the Teleportation Hall and left the place, stepping onto the avenue of the Mountain Market.

Perhaps it was because it was right next to the Shanyue Auction held every thirty years. At this time, Shanyuefang City was extremely lively.

The streets that are ten meters wide are all filled with monks.

Shops on both sides of the street also started shouting, promoting the low prices of spiritual items and spiritual items in their stores.

Ling Pengyun listened to some rare first- and second-level spiritual objects that kept coming to his ears, and he became somewhat interested in the shops in the first Dafang City under the Mountain Immortal Sect.

After all, he was not alone. His parents, his only son, and the rest of the Ling clan were all practicing Qi and building foundations.

If he could find some rare first- and second-level spiritual objects, it would be of great help to his parents and others.

Then, he asked Wang Ying.

"Senior sister, I plan to visit this market. Do you plan to come with me?"

When Wang Ying heard about the visit to the market, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she immediately nodded in agreement.

"That's exactly what I meant. This Shanyuefang City is one of the best in the entire Beihuang Immortal Cultivation World, enough to rank among the top five. There are probably a lot of good things in the shops here."

"Junior brother Pengyun, come with me quickly."

After saying that, she took the first step forward with an expectant look on her face and walked along the avenue to the nearest department store named "Shan Yue".

Ling Pengyun smiled and followed closely and entered it.

This Shanyue Department Store is a property of the Shanyue Immortal Sect, and the fact that this store can be placed next to the teleportation hall in the depths of Fang City is enough to show the gold content of this store.

And this store is indeed worthy of its expensive location. Some of the first- and second-order spiritual objects sold in it are of the highest quality among the same levels.

Ling Pengyun then saw many rare things that increase longevity, spiritual materials needed to refine puppets, second-level medium-sized flying boats, and even some spiritual seeds from first-level spiritual trees.

These spiritual objects are all useful to the Ling family, and the price is nothing to Ling Pengyun, a golden elixir cultivator. He spent nearly 10,000 spiritual stones to buy all the first- and second-order spiritual objects he was interested in. down.

Wang Ying also bought some rare second-level five-element elixirs and spiritual fruits, intending to use them for the foundation-building realm spiritual beasts under her command.

She is extremely talented at controlling beasts, and will not be weaker than Ling Zhi, another skill she has mastered.

In addition, her master Master Bishui devoted all his efforts to training her. Most of the spiritual beasts that appeared in the Canglan Bihai Sect with good qualifications and had the blood of the Golden Core Demon King were bought by Master Bishui and given to Wang Ying with their contribution points. .

As a result, Wang Ying mastered seven spiritual beasts with extraordinary potential and at least the qualifications to break through to the foundation building level.

Among them, there are spirit beasts that specialize in the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and there are even two special spirit beasts that specialize in the attributes of thunder and wind.

However, Wang Ying has not been practicing Taoism for a long time, only more than a hundred years. The spiritual beasts under her command are only at the foundation-building level, and the one with the highest cultivation level is the wooden dragon in her hand.

Soon, after Wang Ying finished buying what she wanted, she asked the shop's foundation-building manager with a somewhat boring look.

"Manager, I just heard you shouting, is it true that there are third-level spiritual objects in your shop?"

When the somewhat fat steward heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he secretly thought of a big customer.

The flattering look on his face became even brighter, and he immediately spoke to Wang Ying in detail.

"Of course it's true, senior. My Shanyue Department Store is backed by the Shanyue Immortal Sect, and it has the best business among the department stores opened by the Immortal Sect in various cities. Therefore, my store was bestowed by the Immortal Sect early on. There are three third-level spiritual objects as the treasures of the store."

"Senior, if you want to see those three spiritual objects, please follow me to the third floor!"

Wang Ying said with interest on her face. "Okay, I have to go see you now."

Ling Pengyun, who had just paid a large sum of spiritual stones to a maid at the counter, looked over and interjected when he heard this.

"I am coming too."

The fat steward couldn't help but feel hot in his heart. When the two golden elixir monks went up to the third floor, the probability that they would buy the three store-building treasures was even greater.

If he can succeed by then, the commission he can get from selling a third-level spiritual object is what the entire department store usually earns in several months.

With this thought, he quickly welcomed Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying to the third floor.

The third floor is extremely empty, with only three independent counters made of transparent jade, inside which are placed jade locking boxes of different sizes.

As for the contents of the locking jade box, it is difficult to see clearly.

Moreover, Ling Pengyun also discovered that there was a third-level mid-level third-level formation protecting the third floor. As long as he acted rashly, the formation here might also appear.

At this time, the fat steward had taken out all the jade locking boxes from the three counters one by one.

He also used the art of controlling objects to open them all and handed them to Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying.

Suddenly, a piece of spiritual soil that was only the size of a millstone, with bright flowing light, a golden elixir that exuded the aura of drowned monsters, and an arm-long, khaki-colored spiritual wood appeared in front of Ling Pengyun and the two of them.

"Two seniors, this piece of spiritual soil is the third-level low-grade earth soul soil that has been produced for a hundred years by a fourth-level earth spiritual vein of our Mountain Immortal Sect. This thing weighs ten kilograms and is refined. A good material for defensive magic weapons.”

"In addition, this object contains a large amount of pure earth spirit energy, which can also be used to cultivate spirit plants, enough to accelerate the growth rate and fruiting rate of spirit plants below the third-grade lower grade by 30%, and even increase the probability of those spirit plants breaking through the realm."

"This object is priced at 50,000 spirit stones."

"This golden elixir is the golden elixir of a water-attributed demon king in the early stage of the golden elixir realm. This object is also a good material for refining pills and refining magic tools, and the price is 30,000 spirit stones."

"Although this spiritual wood is incomplete, it was cut down from the main trunk of a third-grade upper-grade Huangxiao tree in our sect by a cultivator of our sect. Its grade is also the third-grade lower grade, and it can barely be used as the main material for refining earth-based magic tools."

"This object is priced at 50,000 spirit stones."

"I wonder if the two seniors have taken a fancy to any spiritual object?"

The fat steward looked at Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying with expectation, and introduced the three spiritual objects to them in detail.

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun, the spirit plant husband, immediately fixed his gaze on the fist-sized and ten-pound Earth Soul Soil, and he felt a little moved.

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