Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 588: The Fourth Level of Golden Core (3,000 words, please subscribe)

Ling Libing's body also underwent earth-shaking changes with the help of the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi.

When everything was over, Ling Pengyun also woke up Ling Libing.

As soon as Ling Libing woke up, he found that the spiritual energy around him poured into his body of his own accord, and his meridians and consciousness became several times stronger than before.

Even the problems he encountered in the past while specializing in refining demon corpses were easily solved at this moment.

Countless knowledge of refining demon corpses suddenly poured into his mind.

These changes made Ling Libing very excited, and he naturally guessed that this was the "opportunity" given by Ling Pengyun.

"Thank you grandpa for the opportunity. My grandson will definitely remember this great kindness."

Ling Pengyun nodded with satisfaction and waved his hands.

"Make good use of the changes this opportunity has brought to you. I hope this opportunity can help you go further and further on your path with the Demonic Corpse Master."

"However, this kind of opportunity is shocking. You still need to swear an oath with your cultivation not to spread the word about this, and I will place a ban in the sea of ​​consciousness to prevent you from leaking this matter."

Ling Libing naturally understood what he said, and without hesitation, he agreed to the matter and made an oath.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun placed a restriction within his sea of ​​consciousness.

With this special restriction, as long as Ling Libing's cultivation level does not exceed Ling Pengyun, even if he inadvertently talks about today's events in the future, the restriction will explode directly, blowing Ling Libing's head open.

After handling the matter, Ling Pengyun also returned to his quiet room, sat cross-legged on a futon, and took out the remaining body of the black ice giant whale with a layer of golden elixir.

A few years ago, he killed two black ice whales, but three years ago, when he refined the frost whale flag, he used the corpse of a black ice whale at the second level of the Golden Core Realm.

Ling Pengyun looked at the black ice giant whale corpse with a layer of gold elixir in front of him, his eyes shining brightly.

"If we use the method of refining the iron and steel black ice demon corpse to refine the black ice giant whale's corpse into a demon corpse, and then nourish it with the demonic temperature for some time, even if the giant whale's strength will be weakened a bit after becoming a demon corpse, But its combat power is probably not as good as those of the same level of monsters that have their own magic weapons.”

With the idea in mind, he also used the golden elixir first-level black ice giant whale corpse as material, and added the third-level spiritual iron collected over the years into it, and began to refine the "Steel Giant Whale Black Ice Demon Corpse" ".

After half a year.

Ling Pengyun touched the sweat on his forehead and looked at the statue in front of him that was covered with steel, without a trace of life, with eyes full of scarlet murderous aura, with devilish energy all over his body, and with an aura that was about to fall to the realm of foundation building, but it was still stable. At the edge of the first level of the golden elixir, the extremely powerful steel whale Xuanbing Demon Corpse, which was more than thirty feet in size, had a look of joy on its face.

"It's done!"

"It seems that the third-level iron demon corpse can also be refined with the help of adaptive treasure patterns."

"It's just that I don't have much of the third-level precious iron left on my body. Otherwise, I could have recast the three red-gold demonic corpses of the Golden Core Realm on my body."

After finishing speaking, he turned into a ray of light, left the Baisong Mountain, and returned to the boundary of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, an island called "Demon Corpse Island".

The island is filled with demonic energy and the surrounding area is pitch black. Once you enter it, you feel like you have entered a demonic realm.

Ling Pengyun was not surprised by this. As if he had expected it, he rushed directly to the depths of the island, a land like a graveyard.

There are at least thousands of earthen mounds like tombs on this land, and in front of each mound, there is a stone tablet erected here.

However, the words engraved on the stone tablet do not indicate who died in what year.

Instead, "Ling Wanping, a member of the Ling family, buried a Fire Wolf Minghuo corpse in the late stage of Qi training in the second year after the Corpse Hall was established to absorb the demonic energy here, and tried to warm it up to the level of foundation building."


Ling Pengyun looked at the number of bulges in front of him, which was hundreds more than when he came here a few years ago, and his face also lit up with joy.

This land is rich in demonic energy, and it is the place where the Ling family warms and raises demonic corpses. There is a second-level high-grade demonic vein deep under the island.

This demonic vein is the quasi-third-level demonic vein where the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect is stationed. A few years ago, the Ling family spent spiritual stones to invite a third-level low-level formation mage from Qianxing Pavilion, the golden elixir power of the Chen Kingdom next door. The Poisonous Blood Demon Sect was relocated from where it was originally located.

It's just that the formation master's formation level is still slightly lower. As a result, during the process of migrating this demonic vein, the origin of this vein was damaged, causing its quality to decline, and it became an ordinary second-level high-grade one. Demonic veins.

"Based on the bulges of corpses raised here, there are 2,352 demonic corpses buried here and nourished by the demonic air. If we add the demonic corpses in the hands of those tribesmen, I am afraid that now I, the Ling family, have There are three thousand demonic corpses.”

"With the help of this group of demon corpses, my Ling family can barely compare with the ordinary golden elixir forces. Even if we add the four or five thousand spirit beasts that the families on Spirit Beast Island spent a lot of time cultivating, and With all kinds of inheritance, as well as myself, my wife, and Grandpa Yun Hong’s three golden elixirs, our clan’s overall strength and foundation are even several times stronger than the ordinary golden elixir forces.”

"It's not too far away from the established Jindan forces."

"As long as we give our clan more time and recruit more monks, within a hundred years, the combat power of our low-level monks will surely reach the scale of the old Jindan forces."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's face showed a bit of sadness.

"Now, let's see whether Yan State can survive the revenge of the Red Gold Bear Clan, a Yuanying demon clan, in the hundred-year monster beast riot in a few decades."

When the Red Gold Bear Clan counterattacked the Baiyun Mountains, the Jindan of several major forces in Yan State killed the descendants of the Yuanying demon king of the Red Gold Bear Clan together, and the two forces also had a feud because of this.

Unless the forces of Yan State move away from the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, this crisis will be difficult to resolve.

However, there are many mortals under the command of the major forces, and it is a problem to relocate these mortals.

Moreover, it is a problem whether the whole family can find a place to settle down outside after leaving the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, the Jindan forces of Yan State will never easily move their families away from the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World.

After thinking so much, Ling Pengyun only had the idea of ​​accumulating family heritage as soon as possible.

Thinking back, he walked to the depths of this corpse-raising land, a flat land with the most concentrated demonic energy.

On this flat land, there are only three huge bulges that are dozens of feet long.

Buried in these three bulges are the three red gold dark fire corpses in Ling Pengyun's hand.

Ling Pengyun walked to this place, found a larger location, dug a deep pit, and buried the newly refined iron giant whale black ice demon corpse in the pit.

He also used the magic qi nourishment method on it, and then left this place and returned to the cave in Baisong Mountain.

He sat cross-legged on the futon, waved his hand to take out a medicine bottle, and poured out a elixir with a third-level middle-grade aura.

This elixir is the third-level middle-grade fortune purple cloud pill that he lured the "Golden Evil and Earth Evil Brothers" for the Wubianhai Xiuxian World eleven years ago.

"I have been stuck at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core for half a year."

"If I rely on my own strength to slowly grind this bottleneck, it will take at least ten years to break through it, and at most several decades."

"This time is too long for the situation where the monster rebellion is approaching... I can only use this pill in advance."

Ling Pengyun's face showed a slight pain, and he raised his hand to put the Creation Purple Cloud Pill into his mouth. He also closed his eyes and practiced the method to refine the medicinal power of this pill.

This pill is of very high quality. Ling Pengyun originally planned to keep it for use when he reached the sixth level of the Golden Core in the future and encountered the bottleneck of the seventh level of the Golden Core.

After all, compared with the bottleneck of the fourth level of the Golden Core, the bottleneck of the seventh level of the Golden Core is more solid.

With the help of a third-level middle-grade Creation Purple Cloud Pill, he can be much more relaxed in the future.

And Ling Pengyun has been promoted from the second level of the Golden Core to the peak of the third level of the Golden Core in just eleven years.

Thanks to the help of the third-grade middle-grade cultivation pill "Muyuan Pill" given by Taoist Huoyang, and the batch of third-grade cultivation pills worth 50,000 spiritual stones obtained by killing Sima Changguang for the Muyuan Immortal Sect.

At that time, Ling Pengyun got two third-grade low-grade Muyuan Pills, one third-grade middle-grade Muyuan Pill, and the Creation Purple Cloud Pill, and two third-grade high-grade Yimu Injury Pills from Taoist Huoyang.

The two third-grade low-grade Muyuan Pills were given to Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi respectively. Originally, Ling Pengyun planned to give the third-grade middle-grade Muyuan Pill with stronger efficacy to Ling Yunhong, so that Ling Yunhong's cultivation could be improved faster and his success rate in refining pills could be improved.

However, he was rejected by Ling Yunhong. In Ling Yunhong's eyes, Ling Pengyun, who had great opportunities, must have a longer future than him. Now he only wants to help Ling Pengyun reach a higher level and resolve the crisis of the next monster rebellion for the Ling family.

In addition, the three-eyed white fox used a Yimu Huashang Pill when healing.

Eleven years ago, Ling Pengyun swallowed the third-grade middle-grade Muyuan Pill, which increased his spiritual power by decades and directly raised his cultivation level to the third level of Jindan. Now he swallowed the Ziyun Pill of Creation.

As a result, Ling Pengyun only had one third-grade upper-grade Yimu Huashang Pill left.

Three months later.

With the help of the extremely effective Ziyun Pill of Creation, Ling Pengyun successfully broke through to the fourth level of Jindan.

He even reserved 30% of the medicinal power.

In order to avoid waste, Ling Pengyun converted it into spiritual power, which saved him at least nearly ten years of cultivation time.

"Given that I have a third-level cultivation pill and am cultivating in Baisong Mountain, a third-level middle-grade spiritual mountain with rich spiritual energy, I estimate that I can break through to the fifth level of the Golden Core in twenty years at most."

"In this way, I can break through before the next monster rebellion."

"However, the fifth level of the Golden Core is still not enough when facing the Yuanying monster clan."

"I still need to find another opportunity and strive to break through to a higher level in the next thirty-one years."

Ling Pengyun, who successfully broke through, slowly opened his eyes and made plans in his heart.

It has been exactly sixty-one years since the last monster rebellion.


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