Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 573 Domineering Demon Slayer (3800 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun, who was happily transplanting the Frost Spirit Tree, had already noticed this through his spiritual sense.

However, he was not afraid. He raised his hand and waved it, and a fist-sized iron ball flew out of his abdomen.

After a spin, the bead quickly grew to a size of 48 feet.

Over the years, the Ling family has not discovered any water-attributed mineral veins, and the water-attributed spiritual iron purchased by the family was also given to Ling Yunhong by Ling Pengyun, which also made the power of Ling Pengyun's Bi Hai Zhong Yuan Baozhu not increase.

Of course, this was the price Ling Pengyun paid for getting the three-level lower-grade magic weapons Fire Dragon Sword and Fire Dragon Shield in succession.


Ling Pengyun raised his hand and waved it.

The Bi Hai Zhong Yuan Baozhu carried a crushing momentum and immediately turned into a blue light and shadow and directly faced the attacking Whale King.

The two soon collided in the air, with only a bang.

Although the Bihai Heavy Yuan Pearl was knocked away by the Whale King, the Whale King also stopped moving forward.

"This fifth-level Jindan Xuanbing Giant Whale has a good physique and is a good material for refining the Demon Corpse!"

Ling Pengyun muttered.

The two water dragons and the three bear monsters that were thrown away by it earlier also arrived at this moment and entangled it again.

The Bihai Heavy Yuan Pearl that was knocked away also stabilized its body and turned to bombard the Whale King.

Ling Pengyun felt that it was still not safe, so he took out the third-level medium-quality Burning Yuan Magic Lamp and summoned a large amount of Burning Yuan True Fire to sweep towards the Whale King.

Under such a variety of attacks, the Whale King also felt that two fists could not beat four hands. Although he did not fall into a disadvantage, he did not have an advantage either. It was a fifty-fifty situation.

Ling Pengyun took this opportunity to transplant the last dozens of first-level Frost Spirit Trees.

By this time, the Whale King had been using desperate methods for more than a hundred breaths.

Its skyrocketing cultivation also quickly dissipated at this moment.

However, perhaps because the desperate method it used was profound, after it fell into the weak period of the secret method, its strength was still nearly half.

With the help of the third-level middle-grade formation in its hand, it can temporarily survive Ling Pengyun's many attack methods.

"If it weren't for the fact that Madam was about to fall into the weak period of using the method to increase strength, she would be in danger now, and this place is deep in the sea of ​​the Mysterious Ice Giant Whale, and the Mysterious Ice Giant Whale has a third-level middle-grade formation to protect its life. It would take a lot of time to kill this monster, otherwise today would be a good time to kill this monster."

Ling Pengyun looked at the Whale King with a look of pity, muttering to himself.

Then, he put away his attack methods one by one, used the superior Azure Sea Escape Technique, and pasted a third-level middle-grade Gale Talisman on his body, and suddenly burst out with the speed of a fifth or sixth-level Jindan cultivator.

Even if the fifth-level Jindan whale king wanted to chase, he couldn't catch up.

It could only roar at Ling Pengyun helplessly.

At the same time.

Four rays of light flashed above a huge coral group, one chasing and three fleeing.

However, not long after.

The speed of the runner suddenly decreased, and the second-level Jindan aura he exuded also fell back to the first-level Jindan.

The three rays of light chasing behind the runner also took this opportunity to catch up.

Their figures also appeared, and they were the three Xuanbing giant whales in the early Jindan stage.

Then, they each shot out a third-level low-grade magic spear.

The runner had no choice but to stop and take out a large formation to protect himself.

And his figure also appeared.

This person was Yan Siyi.

At this moment, Yan Siyi's pink face was no longer bloody, and became extremely pale.

Her breath also became a little weak.

Apparently, the blood-burning technique she had used had ended, and she had also fallen into the side effects of the blood-burning technique.

"I don't know what's going on with my husband!"

Yan Siyi looked at the trench where the branch of the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan was entrenched, with a little worry in her eyes.

At this moment, a blue light appeared in the direction she was looking at.

The worry in her eyes suddenly dissipated, and an inexplicable light appeared instead.

"It's my husband!"

The blue light was Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun saw that his wife Yan Siyi was in danger, and he roared immediately.

"Who dares to hurt my wife!"

In a rage, he directly summoned the Double Dragon Sea Array, transformed into two water dragons, and summoned the three Jindan Demon Corpses, driving them to kill the three Jindan early stage Xuanbing Giant Whales that attacked Yan Siyi.

This powerful attack came suddenly, and the three Jindan early stage Xuanbing Giant Whales that were attacking Yan Siyi were startled.

The three black ice giant whales were not stupid either. They reluctantly gave up attacking Yan Siyi and fled in all directions.

Ling Pengyun, who came over, saw this and called out to Yan Siyi again.

"Madam, trap the three black ice giant whales in the early stage of the golden elixir."

"The black ice giant whales have extremely strong physiques and are good materials for refining demon corpses."

Yan Siyi, who was far away, gritted her teeth, raised her hand and transferred the few spiritual powers in her body into the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation, urging the eighteen formation flags of this formation to quickly cover the three fleeing black ice giant whales in the early stage of the golden elixir and trap them in the formation.

No matter how the three black ice giant whales attacked the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation, at most they could only sacrifice waves on this formation.

Although the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation was severely damaged when the Yuanying descendant was killed more than ten years ago, after that battle, this formation was repaired by Bailing Zhenren of Bailing Sect.

And in just this moment, the two water dragons and the three red gold bear Minghuo corpses also chased them, and entered the Five Elements Guiyuan Formation, fighting together with the three black ice giant whales.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun used the third-level mid-level Burning Yuan Dharma Lamp, the third-level low-level Bihai Heavy Yuan Orb, and the third-level low-level Fire Dragon Sword to kill them.

The three black ice whales, which were only in the early stage of the Golden Core, were simply unable to resist. In just a few hundred breaths, a black ice whale in the early stage of the Golden Core was killed.

However, by this time, Yan Siyi, who had exhausted her remaining energy, was also unable to maintain the Five Elements Returning Formation.

The Five Elements Returning Formation also collapsed immediately.

Although Ling Pengyun mobilized various attack methods in time to attack the remaining two black ice whales in the early stage of the golden elixir, the third-level golden elixir black ice whale named "Xuan San" suddenly erupted and used the promotion as if to save his life. The method of strength has raised one's cultivation to the fifth level of the Golden Core.

Then, with this cultivation, it knocked away the fire dragon sword, resisted the claw attacks of the three red gold dark fire corpses with a breakthrough, broke through the attack net created by Ling Pengyun, and fled away quickly.

When Ling Pengyun saw this, he sighed helplessly.

"It's a pity that I have now beheaded a giant black ice whale with a first level of golden elixir. I am afraid that its mother clan learned about this through means such as the life card!"

"In this case, it's hard for me to chase the escaping black ice whale with the third level of golden elixir."

After regaining his senses, Ling Pengyun used all his strength to bombard the blocked second-level golden elixir black ice giant whale.

Although this giant black ice whale also used desperate methods to raise its cultivation level to the fourth level of the golden elixir, under Ling Pengyun's full attack, it could not last a hundred breaths and was used by the three red gold dark fire corpses. The claws cut off the head.

"You can get two more demonic corpses in the Golden Core Realm."

"There are not enough materials required to refine the demon corpse. If there are not enough materials, the success rate of refining the corpse will be greatly reduced, and the cultivation level after the demon corpse is refined is difficult to guarantee."

"However, although I don't have the materials to refine the demon corpse, those... demon sects must have it."

Ling Pengyun looked at the two corpses of the early-stage Golden Core Black Ice giant whales, which were dozens of feet in size and had fallen to the seabed on their own. His eyes were full of sparkle, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he waved his hand to put away the bodies of the two black ice giant whales, and gave his wife, Yan Siyi, a third-level low-grade recovery elixir, and then he hugged Yan Siyi and quickly headed outside the black ice sea area. The angry whale rushed to the sea.

But what he didn't know was that it had only been half a day since he left the fighting place.

There were ten golden elixir level black ice giant whales wearing a set of armor made of black ice, and they arrived here following the golden elixir fifth level whale king and Xuan San who had been robbed by Ling Pengyun.

Among the ten black ice whales, the leader of the late stage golden elixir black ice whale stared in the direction of the sea area of ​​​​the human race's angry whales, his eyes full of anger.

"It's really outrageous to kill two Jindan Demon Kings of our clan one after another."

"If we don't control the tempers of those human races, they will still think that we, the Black Ice Giant Whale Clan, can be killed at will."

After saying this, the Xuanbing giant whale in the late stage of Jindan glanced at the fifth-level Jindan whale king and Xuan San who had been robbed of their wealth.

"You two fish are also useless, and your family wealth was robbed by the human golden elixirs on the first and second levels of the two golden elixirs."

"If this matter comes out in the future, I would like to see how much face you still have, facing the other golden elixirs of our clan."

The fifth-level Golden Core Whale King and Xuan San, who had been robbed of their wealth, were immediately embarrassed, but although they had anger in their hearts, they did not show it.

This was all because the late-stage Golden Core Black Ice giant whale in front of them had an extraordinary origin, and was the heir of a Nascent Soul Demon Emperor.

At this moment, the giant black ice whale in the late stage of the Golden Core thought of the delicious meat of the human race. It even couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, and a trace of greed surged into its heart.

Immediately, it said to the other nine golden elixir realm giant whales wearing ice armor beside it.

"Follow me and sneak into the sea of ​​angry whales and kill a wave of humans."

After saying that, it left first. Although the nine giant whales wearing ice armor hesitated, they had no choice but to obey the order because of the Nascent Soul Whale Emperor behind the late-stage Jindan giant whale.

However, in order to avoid accidents, the nine golden elixir realm giant whales with ice armor entrusted the whale king of the fifth level of the golden elixir and the Xuan Sanhui mother clan to inform the Yuanying Demon Emperor of the clan about the matter.

In the next half month, several small islands in the "Angry Whale Sea Area" adjacent to the demon sea under the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect, where he had foundation building forces, and even an island occupied by the Jindan forces were suddenly occupied by Ten-Headed Golden Dan. The black ice whales in the realm were destroyed, and the human race on those islands naturally fell into the category of the only children of the black ice whales.

The impact of this incident was so great that even the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect was alarmed.

In an instant, more than twenty Jindan from the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect rushed to the Angry Whale Sea from all over, searching carefully for the group of Jindan Realm Black Ice Giant Whales that had dived into the Angry Whale Sea and covered the ground.

However, in just a few days, the group of Golden Core Realm Black Ice Giant Whales was discovered by Mu Yuan Immortal Sect Golden Core when they caused a rebellion and destroyed an island.

The more than 20 golden elixirs from the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect also quickly gathered and fought with him.

What is surprising is that among the ten black ice whales in the golden elixir realm, there is one in the late golden elixir realm that possesses the power of projection of the Yuanying Demon Emperor.

The more than 20 Jindan cultivators from the Muyuan Immortal Sect had no time to deal with it, so the demon relied on the power of the Yuanying Demon Emperor's projection to kill five early-stage Jindan cultivators from the Muyuan Immortal Sect, thus breaking the encirclement. Escape alone.

During this period, although the Muyuan Immortal Sect's Jindan tried to stop them, they were blocked by the Jindan Demon King who came to support the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan.

The giant whale in the late Jindan stage also successfully escaped back to the Xuanbing Giant Whale Sea.

As for the other nine Xuanbing Giant Whales in the Jindan realm, they were killed by the Muyuan Immortal Sect's Jindan.

Although the Muyuan Immortal Sect killed nine Jindan Giant Whales in this battle, five of its own Jindans were killed in the battle, which was a heavy loss.

In addition, this time it was the ten Jindan giant whales that broke into the Angry Whale Sea to cause chaos.

Under such circumstances, the Muyuan Immortal Sect still suffered so much loss, which was really embarrassing for the Muyuan Immortal Sect.

At the same time, this incident also made the three Yuanying Zhenjun of the Muyuan Immortal Sect extremely dissatisfied.

A war to retaliate against the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan began.

Countless disciples of the Muyuan Immortal Sect followed the sect's golden elixir and rushed into the Xuanbing Giant Whale Sea. At lightning speed, they successively wiped out several gathering places of golden elixir monsters, beheaded dozens of golden elixir monster kings, and hundreds of thousands of Qi training and foundation building monsters.

At this time, the overlord of the Xuanbing Sea, the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan, also reacted and organized the sea monsters to fight back.

In just a few days, the battle between the Muyuan Immortal Sect and the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan escalated to the Nascent Soul Battle, which was extremely fierce.

Basically, every few days, one or two golden elixir fighters would be killed.

The fighters in the foundation building realm and the Qi training realm suffered countless casualties every day, which was difficult to calculate, at least in the thousands.

And the unknown initiators of this battle, Ling Pengyun and his wife.

At this moment, they were in the courtyard of Ling Pengshan, the Han clan mountain on Guiling Island, eating a farewell banquet and chatting happily.


Thanks: Homeowner Daddy, Cotton Candy zly, Book Friend 20220714005336692, Mad Blade General, Book Friend 20210922194956042, Technician No. 101, caryzhuang, Book Friend 2020222114527749, Public Game Player, Perlu.bc, Book Friend 20230519909, Book Friend 20180421134212267, Flowery Fish Dragon, Above the Clear, Free as the Wind, and Monthly Tickets Under the Starry Sky at Night.

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